The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 20, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 78: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
JOIN THE FIGHT—Miss Ann Fleming, senior at A&M Consolidated High School, shows
the right way to get into the battle with polio. The March of Dimes Drive, sponsored by
the local organization of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, will continue
until Jan. 31. Tonight, between the hours of 7 and 8, the Mothers of College Station and
P>ryan will make their annual March on Polio, stopping at every home at which the porch
light is burning. The large sign pictured is in the MSC, and has “Join The March Of
Dimes” spelled out in slots for dimes.
Schools Are Source
Morgan Speaks on Leaders
237 Receive Degrees Tonight
At 6:30 Ceremonies in Guion
Officers ’ Commissioning,
Baccalaureate Held Today
Commencement will be held tonight for 237 graduates
of A&M, with exercises starting at 6 :30 in Guion Hall. A&M
Chancellor Dr. M. T. Harrington will deliver the commence
ment address.
The procession for the service will form at 6:15 on* the
first floor of White Coliseum. Roll will be checked.
Officers’ commissions were presented this afternoon to
56 Army and 26 Air Force A&M graduating students in
ceremonies held in Guion Hall. Commissions were for the
U.S. Army Reserve and U.S. Air Force Reserve, as second
Maj. Gen. David H. McClure, deputy commander, Fourth
♦Army, USA, delivered the
principal address and present
ed the commissions. The oath
of office was administered by
Maj. Charles H. Brown of the
Military Science Department at
Dr. David H. Mcmgan, president
of the College-, was in Houston yes
terday to deliver a speech, “Lead
ership for Democracy,” to the
Houston Rotary Club at their noon
“As we face the remainder of the
20th Century, we realize that this
country will need competent leader
ship to an extent and a degree as
never before,” Dr. Morgan told the
“The cry throughout the country
in every field of endeavor is for
potential leaders . . . The som'ce of
these leaders? Naturally, from the
source which produced the leaders
that advanced our country to its
present position — our educational
system which, while patterned
originally after the European sys
tem, made a radical break about a
Ducats for Harlem
Show to Go On Sale
Tickets for the Harlem Magic
ians, who will appear in White
Coliseum Feb. 11, will go on sale
in the Office of Student Activities,
Second floor of Goodwin Hall, next
Wednesday. Tickets for this show,
which is sponsored by Student Ac
tivities, are $1.25 general admis
sion and $2 and $2.50 reserve. The
game features . Goose Tatum and
Marques Haynes.
century ago with the formation of
the land-grant colleges and univer
sities—a liberal, practical education
with military training available for
the sons and daughters of the in
dustrial classes.”
Describing the responsibility of
the A&M Corps as a program for
leadei'ship training, he said, “The
boy becomes conscious of his pei'-
sonal appearance so that neatness
MSC Art Show
Winners Named
The winners of the Winter Art
Show sponsored by the Memorial
Student Center Art Group have
been announced by Mrs. Ralph Ter
ry, Ait Director of the MSC.
The winners were Katy Plain
with an oil painting titled, “Bore
dom” in the student, faculty and
staff division and Mrs. Dwight
Clark with a watercolor titled
Preston Bolton, judge of the
show, judged 143 entries of Art
Group members and juried and
hung 63 of these.' He said that
this made the show a quality in
stead of quantity one.
The paintings are on display in
the main lounge of the MSC. Some
of the paintings are for sale and
have their prices on them.
and bearing become an ingrained
part of his personality. He learns
to meet people ... to make ac
quaintances readily that lead to
lasting frienship. He leams to
lead by first learning to follow.
“The ultimate goal ... is the
mature personality with self-disci
pline in control,” Dr. Morgan said.
“The time, effort and money are
well repaid by the end product—
a leader who is thoroughly and
soundly educated in his field—who
is not afraid of work and who can
work with others—who can carry
out orders and give ’ orders—who
will accept responsibility—a well-
rounded individual ready to take his
place in the world.”
Dr. Morgan has another speech
in Houston, this one Tuesday at
the Torch Club. He also will
speak to the Bryan Chamber of
Commerce Jan. 31.
Weather Today
Mothers March
On Polio
At 7 Tonight
The annual Mother’s March
on Polio will be held between
7 and 8 tonight in College Sta
tion and Bryan in connection
with the 1956 March of
“Last year the Mother’s Mar-ch
collected around $1,200,” said Capt.
Walter M. Heritage, chairman of
the Brazos County drive. “We
expect it to be one of our main
events again this year.”
The City of College Station has
been divided into three zones for
the Mother’s March. In each of
the zones, about 20 mothers will
participate, stopping at all houses
that have porch lights burning.
Groups of teen-age boys will
help with the soliciting in the pro
ject house and College View hous
ing developments. Collections also
will be taken in drive-in the
aters and movie houses.
Area chairmen for the March
are Mrs. Henry Rakoff, College
Hills; Mr. and Mrs. John Gieger,
Southside; Mrs. W. S. Edmonds,
North Gate area; and W. A. Tar-
row, colored section.
The 1956 drive, which will end
Jan. 1, has already collected more
than $3,500, not counting collec
tion boxes scattered about the city
and campus.
High scattered clouds with no
change in weather conditions is
the forecast for College Station.
Yesterday’s high of 47 degrees
dropped to 30 degrees early this
morning. Temperature at 10:30
a.m. was 42 degrees.
“Flying Kadets”
Study Navigation
The Texas A&M “Flying Ka-
dets” began a new navigation
course at their regular meeting
last Monday night.
James C. Stewart, with the Civil
Aeronautics Administration at
Easterwood Airport, spoke to the
group on the importance of pilot
Navigation is the first of sev
eral subjects the club plans to
study in its ground school.
The CAA will supervise the
course and training films will be
furnished by the A&M Air Science
Department to aid in instruction.
All club members are urged to
take part in this course, and all
others interested are invited to at
A&M Judging Teams
Receive Top Honors
WHO’S GOT THE BALL?—Five basketball players hold
the ball on top of a pyramid of arms and hands during last
night’s game in White Coliseum. A&M dropped the Sam
Houston Bearkats 75-46 in a non-conference battle. Rec
ognizable Aggies in the picture are John Fortenberry (50)
and Bill Brophy (far right).
A&M’s Wool Judging Team cop
ped second place in the National
Western Livestock Show at Denver,
Colo, and the Livestock Judging
Team took seventh place in the
Senior Collegiate Contest with first
in the Hereford bull carload lot
at the same show.
Benny E. Fichte was second high
individual in the over-all livestock
judging contest and placed fourth
in horses. Jim L. Renick was sixth
in hogs and J. C. Gregory placed
seventh in sheep judging.
Other team members are Robert
N. Hancock, Pat Garner and W. R.
Barnes. J. W. Gossett, of the Ani
mal Husbandry Department, is
team coach.
J. M. Auld, member of the wool
judging team, took thiixl high in
This was the first time an A&M
wool team ever competed in the
Denver show. Seven points sep
arated A&M and the first place
Other team members are Jimmy
Carpenter, who placed eighth high
individual, Glynn R. Chandler and
Cecil Skaggs.
Col. D. P. Anderson, professor
of military science and tactics, in
troduced Gen. McClure, following
the singing of “The Spirit of Ag-
Cadet Col. Larry B. Kennedy
called the Corps to attention and
Corps Chaplain Robert H. Scott
gave the invocation and benedic
tion. The audience joined in sing
ing “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Baccalaureate services was held
for the graduates this morning in
Guion, with Dr. Robert T. Kahn,
Rabbi Congregation Emanu El,
Houston, delivering the sermon. He
was presented by Dr. David H.
Morgan, president of the College.
Dr. Kahn asked, “What can one
man do?”, posing the question to
the graduating class.
“Obviously,” Dr. Kahn said “he
must be a man—a good man, a
strong man.
“Bad men cannot make good de
“Weak men cannot face stiamg
“Only men of dignity, character,
righteousness and good will can do
anything at all.
“If a man would be effective
in this world, he must be effective
first of all within his heart, his
home, his business, his community.”
“What can one man do?”, Dr.
Kahn asked. “He can recognize the
power of an individual; he can do
what comes to hand to do, but
above all he can join with other
men to do what no man can do
alone. He can associate with men
who share his ideals and work to
gether with them for their achieve
He added, “These baccalaureate
services this morning and com
mencement this evening, mark for
most of you the end of your educa
tion and the beginning of mature
and responsible living.
“You come to God . . . and you
say to Him, ‘Lord, here I am I
with my brain well-trained. Bless
me and make me of use.’ ”
News of the World
CAIRO, Egypt—Newly independent Sudan became the
ninth member of the Arab League yesterday. A special
session of the League Council voted unanimously to accept
the Sudanese. The other eight members of the league are
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria
and Yemen.
WASHINGTON—Congressional approval of a global
military construction program of $2,012,283,000 was
asked yesterday by the Defense Department. Part of
the cost of new military housing projects over-seas would
be met by the sale abroad of 150 million dollars of surplus
farm products.
★ ★ ★
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—The U.N. Security Council
yesterday unanimously condemned Israel for the Sea of
Galilee raid on a Syrian outpost Dec. 11. The Council warned
that further such raids would be met with sterner measures
to maintain the uneasy armistices in the Holy Land. It was
the fourth time in two years that the Council had censured
Israel for a major violation of Israel’s borders with the Arab
states. The Arabs have not been censured by Council de
cision but Israel has complained against hundreds of alleged
border crossings by Arabs.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—The House Armed Services Com
mittee yesterday approved a 1 (4-billion-dolIar shipbuild
ing bill described as a historic bridge to the atomic navy
of the future. “The approval of this bill is a historic
event,” Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) said before the unani
mous vote. “It lets us see the day, not far distant, when
the American Navy will be propelled by nuclear power.”
'k ★ ★
LEWISBURG, W. Va.—Negro and white students began
attending classes together in Greenbrier County schools yes
terday with no incidents reported. When the school board
attempted integration in Greenbrier County in the fall of
1954, there were public demonstrations.
Senators Approve
Proposed Fee Hike
The Student Senate, last night,
went on i-ecord as approving a pro
posed $5 hike in the student health
fee per semester.
The higher fee, according to Dr.
Robert M. Kamm, dean of Student
Personnel Services, would allow
the college to hire needed medical
personnel to help take care of stu
dent demands.
Beard Growers
Get Pictures Late
Civilian juniors and freshmen
who are growing beards for the
Civilian Weekend and have not
had their pictures made for the
Aggieland can get their pictures
taken after the contest is over.
Students may schedule pictures
after the contest by going to the
Aggieland Studio, paying $2 and
making an appointment. The $2
must be paid before the end of
the semester in order to get your
picture in the yearbook. This
deadline applies to corps juniors
and freshmen also.
The College Hospital has had an
increasing deficit for the past five
years. Without increased revenue,
this deficit will continue to grow
each year, Dean Kamm said.
A&M has charged essentially
the same medical fee since first
opening its doors in 1876. In that
year, the fee was $5 per semester.
Today, it is $5.50 for the fall se
mester and $5 for the spring se
mester. Increased prices in sal
aries and medical supplies have
caused the large deficits.
In comparison, Stanford Univer
sity charges $20.48 per semester
while Cornell University charges
$18 per semester.
Final decision in the matter lies
with the Board of Directors of the
A&M College System, which will
meet in the near future.
Kamm’s recommendations t o
the Boai’d will be that $10 a se
mester be charged, that all full
time students, whether they re
side on the campus or not, pay
the fee and that if it were approv
ed, extra charges, if any, be kept
at a minimum.
Film To Be Shown
Viva Zapata will be presented
in the Memorial Student Center
ballroom tonight at 7:30 by the
MSC Film Society. The film will
star Marlon Brando, Jean Peters
and Anthony Quinn. Season tick
ets are good for this performance
and individual admission tickets
will be on sale at the door for 25
cents each.
LOST SOMETHING?—The entire Sam Houston State Collegre basketball team is gather
ed around two Aggie cagemen waiting for the ball to come down. Getting an early leap
for the victorious Farmers is forward Bill Brophy (44). Teammates John Fortenberry
(50) looks on . A&M won the game 75-46.