The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 19, 1956, Image 2
?i \c ?ai >gii spi f t llej vs? ■ s; ev. riui ] odi aid b Sti: R. ad :pe un we r e vas f 1 ► t : tc the rov' ?d > Ki b« iy be ra IPT T' ptii re ial : Js VTr. d I eet Mr L’S. ts. rs. rs. id 1 Orn tic Ga da 6-t te: ba lo Jc m V Page 2 The Battalion THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1956 Graduation Again Time to extend congratulations to the mid-term gradu ates who will shortly be leaving this institution. No need to tell them what to expect in life outside of college. We don’t know, ourselves; and, besides, some men are going to tell them just a little about it tomorrow at the services in Guion Hall. As the old saying goes, “It’s been a long trailand as another says, “Nothing that is worth anything comes for nothing.” What will be of value to these men in the outside world will soon become apparent to them; it will have to, for most of them will then be out on their own. So we’ll leave them to their respective fortunes and wish them the best. And add one more note of appreciation for their example. For the graduates have once again proved that finishing college can be accomplished. Sometimes, those of us still here have doubts; but we have 241 examples of proof to dis pell our fears. File That Form Don’t forget to fill out the accident report form if you (A&M students) have had any accidents requiring medical attention at a hospital or by a physician since Sept. 9, 1955. This form is very important, in that by it the College Accident Prevention Committee hopes to build up a record of accidents and causes for this semester. For the convenience of any student who does not get a form and who has an accident to report, a copy of the form can be found on this page. They also are available at the Office of Student Publications in Goodwin Hall. Rmpcyt K L. t O fcA ja, c. D i 4 K M, o * * * V U <V -t 7» Candidates, Degrees Completed The following is a completed list of the candidates for degrees at tomorrow’s ceremonies. The list began in yesterday’s Battalion. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Physical Education Joseph Edwin Hardgrove, El- wood Kettler, Charles Kyle Kil- lough, Sidney Joseph Theriot. Science Biology Basden L. Priddy, Jon Jefferson Walker. Chemistry Bud Harry Craig. Oceanography Ray Edward Stratton. Physics Fiank Jerome Musil. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Aeronautical Engineering Charles Albert Anderson, Robin Key Ransone, Charles Carroll Rich ie. Architectural Construction David Lee Anderson, Barton El lison, Roy Albert Pixley, Jr., Joe Edward Schero, Frank Rogers Yak- el. Chemical Engineering Herman Reese Brown, John Paul Daly, David Morris Florence, Wil liam Harris Rowland, Jr. Civil Engineering David Arle Bass, Donald David Bowne, Richard Ray Bryan, Julian Stepehen Bryant, James Aimold Bush, John Lacy Buxton, James Hoyt Childres, Phillip Frank Dunn Jr., Carl Arthur Felker. Johnny Ayala Flores, Paulino Garza, Jr., George Taylor Gilliam, James William Graul, Jr., Ronald Newell Hayes, Bernard Joseph Hermes, James Henry Hughes, John Patterson Lester, Jr. Joseph Raymond Murillo, Eugene Wesley Palmer, Oscar Wilfred Seth, Eugene Wesley Sikes, Arm ando Ruben Uribe, Codie Shaffer Wells, Walter Thomas Williams, Jr. El ect rical Engineer in g Raymond Daniel Broussard, Wil liam Morgan Drum, Joe Mehr Nor man. Geological Engineering Jack Williams Bessellieu, Jr., Zelwood William Falcone, Dale Bring me a $6.00 BOOK you don't need and get a $6.00 BOOK you need for only . . . <>.v LOUPOT The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered aa second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con- gresa of March 3. 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by N ational Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all .news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse - Sports Editor Don Shepard, Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds .News Editors Welton Jones City Editor Barbara Paigre Woman’s Editor Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor Jackson Fisher, Joel Evanda Pase- man, Joseph Andrew Stovall. Geology Eugene Ray Andrew's, Gerald Joseph Gondran, Harold Walton Herndon, Jr., Alan Jake May. Industrial Education Ronald L. Averitte, Edward Lor en Bailey, Law^rence Ervin Brock man, Jr., Robert Earl Burns, Ver non W. Christie, Jr., Alfred Moore Cook, Jr;, Ernest Walter Davis, Joe Frank Dillard. William Ruhlen Durrill, Franklin Dale Fichte, John Max Hooks, John THURSDAY — FRIDAY WALT DISNEY’S “JLady and the Tramp” — Plus “Flame of Araby” with MAUREEN O’HARA THRU SATURDAY “APACHE WOMAN” Lloyd Bridges TODAY thru SATURDAY WARNER BROS. THE Court-Martial ’BihyMitchelp STARRIfNiO OnemaScOPE! * Warnercoi-OF? cIrlesBICKFORD RalphBEIiAlvJ ROgSIEIGER ELIZABETHMTIT--Y FRIPAY NITE PREY. 20th CENTURY-FOX presents TOIVI EWELL SHE-WISE BE NORTHS co starring RITA MORENO — color by deluxe ^ CiNemaScoPE: tn the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND TODAY thru SATURDAY “Trail of tSse Lonesome Pine** Everette Huff, Lawrence Allen Ingram, Jerry Don Johnson, James Maxwell McCurley, Jr., Glen Roger Pfeil, William Lee Powell, Stanley Wayne Randolph, William Win field Scott, Jr. Industrial Engineering David Stuart Billingsley, Grady Eugene Durham, Jr., William Rich ard Heaton, Robert Allen Larson, Benjamin Lewis Stieg. Mechanical Engineering Earl Melvin Buys, Robert Lea Cloud, James Leonard DeMars, Robert Lee Gardner, Donald Leon ard Grant, David Lorenz Gruller, (See CANDIDATES, Page 5) H /i a t "s Cooking 7:00 Fort Worth and Dallas Home town Clubs; 203 Academic; im portant that all freshmen and sophomores attend. 7:15 El Paso Hometown Club; third floor. Academic; complete plans for showing “Wo Are the Aggies” at mid-term. Guadalupe Valley Hometown Club; C.E. Bldg.; important bus iness regal-ding High School Day. 7:30 San Angelo-West Texas Home town; Ag Bldg.; important bus iness. Hunt County Hometown; YM GA. Permian Basin Club; YMCA; Agieland picture; High School Day program and party plans. Denton-Wise Counties Home town Club; room 226 Academic. Bell County Club; 2C MSC; dis- A merry-go-round made in 1850 is still in use at Watch Hill, R.I. It was originally turned by a draft horse but is now mechanized. cuss Aggieland picture. Texarkana Four States Home town; 203 Academic; important that all freshmen and sophomores attend. Davy Crockett A&M Club; 308 Academic. Abilene Hometown; 3C MSC. Waco-McLennan; 301 Goodwin; Duchess; selection of Cotton nancial report. Amarillo A&M Club; YMCA; dis cuss scholarship and High School Day; refreshments. Madison County Hometown Club; 3B MSC; film will be shown. Hidalgo-Starr County; 207 new Engineering Bldg. The Western STEAKS — CHICKEN — SEA FOOD LUNCH SERVED 11:00 A.M. — 2:00 P.M. OPEN 24 HRS. HWY. 6 SOUTH CIRCLE THRU FRIDAY “To Catch a r rhLef” Cary Grant & Grace Kelly ALSO Conquest of Space’’ THURSDAY & FRIDAY EXPOSING SECRET LIVES! x RICHARD WIDMARK LAUREN BACALL CHARLES BOYER V GLORIA GRAHAME LILLIAN GISH ,n - "the COBWEB . ' AND INTRODUCING ' JOHN KERR iSNlEMi A & M COLLEGE OF TEXAS ACCIDENT PREVENTION COMMITTEE SERVEY This survey is being- made in an effort to locate hazards and to determine the caus es of accidents on the A&M College campus. If you have, since September 9, 1955, received an injury on the campus of A & M College which required medical attention at a hospital or by a physician, please answer these questions: 1. Place on campus that accident occurred 2. Specific activity engaged in at time of injury 3. Nature and extent of injury. 4. Detailed description of accident (include) approximate time and also equipment, if any involved) : 5. What suggestions do you have that would prevent recurrance of this type of acci dent? Student’s Name * LFL ABNER By A! Capp P O G O By Walt Kelly HOW COME l'P3£ izo oupge IN TEN y£AR6? TWg WAV you ^ WANTS-TO SUM TWSCAtgNBAR, <5*J\WYO'<&lP \Z aiOYUnA\S/£ A A POQeOHB^f V0‘J m MINUTE" i.gT'5 , SUN VO' <3!VS THAT CAUgMPAC A QUICK CHECK f AN/WAVYOl 3VtwSAUPIT05?$.) WANTS, SUT 1Z TIMES JO 0V JINS IT'pgACS UIKg YOU MO/yG//r £i<5WT"IN THAT CASS IN FIFTY VtMe AAOZg VO gg GOO YgAe-S OLOS2 "-AN'IN A HUN'pgSO VO CNZZ 1200' COUNTIN' WHAT I SOT A'OfV- MV f=£2l£N0g WOUU? OF ALU RAgggPOM / ~WIHAT T vawe&POGQ- / HEWOUUOOF MAPg &&QO& CAWIPATgiBUT ( gggAA UIKg H£^ 3SC0MS A JUNK