The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1956, Image 1

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The Battalion
Number 75: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
The Brazos County March of
Dimes is “exceeding all expecta
tions in collections so far this
year,” according to Capt. Walter
M. Heritage, chairman of the
“We have collected $3,100 in the
latest totals,” said Capt. Heritage.
“The figures show that $600 was
collected by coin cards through the
mail; $500 from the teen-age pea
nut sale held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturday; $420 from the March of
Dimes square dance Saturday
night; and $361 at the A&M-U.T.
basketball game Friday night aft
er an appeal to the spectators to
hit a blanket in the middle of the
floor with their contributions. The
contribution will be given in the
name of Thomas W. Taylor, Aggie
senior now in Breckem-idge Hospi
tal with polio. Similar appeals at
two high school games netted $33.
The KORA March of Dimes radio
talkathon gained $1,251 by 5 p.m.
Sunday, after being on the air con
stantly since 8 p.m. Saturday.
Five cadet units contributed $25
Sunday afternoon on the talkathon.
They were Squadron 18, Squadron
16, Squadron 17, Consolidated band
and A-AAA.
Symphony Meeting
Planned Tonight
All those interested in becom
ing a part of a Little Symphony
Orchestra are urged by Bill Turn
er, A&M music director, to meet
in the Music Hall tonight at 7:30.
Stressing - that the orchestra is
to be a community organization,
Tuimei* said that all instrumenta
lists of Bryan, College Station,
Bryan Air Force Base and A&M
College are invited to join the
All prospective symphony mem
bers are asked to bring - their own
instruments to the first meeting.
Some college owned instruments
will be available. They include
double basses, cellos, French horns
and percussion pieces.
Last year, the symphony mem
bers, playing strictly for their own
entertainment, numbered about 20.
A spring concei’t is planned for
this year’s symphony, Turner said.
Next main event in the 1956
March of Dimes will be the Moth
ers’ March on Polio, to be held be
tween 7 and 8 p.m. Friday night.
The City of College Station has
been divided into three zones for
the Mothers’ March. In each of the
zones, approximately 20 mothers
will participate, stopping at all
houses that have porch lights burn
Groups of teen-age boys will
help with the soliciting in the proj
ect house and College View hous
ing developments. Collections also
will be taken in local drive-in the
aters and movie houses.
“Last year, the Mothers’ March
collected around $1,200,” Capt.
Heritage said. “We expect it to be
one of our main events again this
Area chairmen for the March ai'e
Mrs. Henry Rakoff, College Hills;
Mr. and Mrs. John Gieger, South-
side; Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, North
Gate area and W. A. Tarrow, col
ored section.
MAKING THEM LAUGH—“Coach of the Year,” Hugh
(Duffy) Daugherty of Michigan State, draws laughter
from his audience at the annual banquet Saturday night
honoring football and cross country athletes. At the ban
quet fullback Jack Pardee was named the most outstand
ing football player on the A&M squad and received the
A. M. Waldrop Award. Lloyd Hale received the Bert Plaff
Award for the best Mocker, and Don Watson was given the
Herb Smith award for being the best “little man” on the
team. A&M assistant coaches received checks from the
Former Students Association.
Players ’ Finest Yet
‘Earnest’ Scores Here
Col. Sauer Asks
For Student Help
Col. E. F. Sauer of the Student
Labor and Loans Office has made
<m appeal inviting - all students who
ju - e attending A&M either on gifts
or scholarships to come by his
He said that the purpose is to
enable him to make a list of all
individual and groups who are
helmng send students to A&M.
Uniform Turn-In
Starts Immediately
Students who will not be taking
ROTC during the spring semester
may begin turning in their uni
forms to the Militar'y Property
Warehouse immediately, according
to the Commandant’s Office.
All students must remain in uni
form until Jan. 28 except graduat
ing seniors who must remain in uni
form until Saturday.
By Conard Thomas
Battalion Feature Writer
“The Importance of Being
Earnest”, Oscar Wilde’s sparkling
comedy played to a packed house
last night in the ballroom of the
Memorial Student Center. The Ag
gie Players out-did even their fin
est efforts of the past with their
unique interpretation of the classic
Radical set designs, make-up and
a mobile were added to the al
ready top - flight acting of the
Players to result in one of the
outstanding comedies ever present
ed by the group.
Led by the performance of Vic
Wiening - , who is also directing the
play, the story centers around the
humorous situation of a man hav
ing two names; Jack in the country
and Earnest in toyvn.
Four charming young ladies,
Mary Tanguy, Judy Henry, Chris
Pavelka and Gene Logan made their
debut with the Players last night.
They all turned in sparkling pei - -
formances with Chris Pavelka
especially effective as a “young-
gentlewoman about town.”
“Earnest” was the Players’ first
Weather Today
Clubs May File
For MSC Rooms
Applications for meeting rooms
of student organizations and clubs
for next semester will be taken be
ginning at 8 a.m. Friday until all
of the rooms are filled. The appli
cations can be filled in the Social
and Education Department of the
Memorial Student Center, and will
be accepted primarily on a first
come, first serve basis.
If a club or organization used the
MSC as a meeting place this semes
ter, there is not much chance they
will he able to meet thei - e again
next semestei’.
“We try to let as many clubs as
possible have a chance to use the
rooms and the only way we can
do this is to alternate the organi
zations,” said Mrs. Ann Keel, So
cial Director of the Student Center.
Board man Chosen
F.F.A. President
Nathan Boardman has been
elected president of the A&M
Collegiate F. F. A. Chapter for
the coming semester.
Other officers who will serve
with him are Emil Papcek, vice-
president; Leonard Berger, secre-
taiy; Dave Wilkinson, treasurer;
Ed Klinoski, reporter; Ken
Schroeder, sentinel; Rex Ander
son, student advisor with Dr.
Jarrell Gray and O. M. Holt as
faculty advisors.
Also at the meeting, Buddy
Remmers, agricultm - al education
major from Shiner, was chosen
as outstanding senior agricul
ture student for the past semes
Possible light showers, freezing
drizzle, and remaining cloudy
the forecast for College Station
with a gradual diop in tempera
ture. Readings this morning were
43 degrees at 10:30. Yesterday’s
high of 57 degi’ees dropped to 38
degrees last night.
Florists To Meet
A short course for commercial
florists will be held on the campus
Saturday through Monday. A. F.
DeWerth of the Floriculture and
Landscape Ai’chitectuie Depai't-
ment is chairman of the conference
which will be held in # the Serpentine
Lounge of the Memorial Student
Aggie Senior
Still Listed
As Critical
At last report, Thomas W.
Taylor, Aggie Senior, was
still listed in critical con
He was taken to Brecken-
ridge Hospital last Wednes
day with paralytic and bul
bar polio. His case of polio is
the first this year in Brazos
Although he is not expect
ed to be able to finish this
semester, his last; he will be
given his degree as a result
of a vote by the Academic
attempt at really experimental
theater. It proved to be a wonder
ful success. Their next production
will bear little resemblance to the
production methods employed in
The play included a unique me
thod of set changing requiring the
services of four non-speaking
butlers. A three set show has pro
blems when presented “in the
round”, but the silent butlers took
care of that situation.
Others of the cast included Don
Fisher, Hug - h Lanktree, Ken
George, Pete Justice, Clint White,
Don Powell, Connie Eckard and
Jerry Neighbors.
The play will continue tonight
and tomorrow night in the ball
room. Curtain time is at eight.
Tickets are 50 and 75 cents.
“Family Portrait”, a religious
play about the life of Jesus Christ,
will be presented March 23-27, an
appropriate date near Easter.
However, I can not give too strong
a recommendation for “The Im
portance of Being Earnest.”
Group Begins Survey
On Campus Accidents
Book Barrels
To Be Put Out
At the request of a foreign
welfare organization, the Asia
Foundation, the Welfare Com
mittee of the A&M Student
Senate is initiating a collec
tion of unwanted or unused text
These books are to be sent to
students in Asia who live in
countries having no free press or
educational literatui’e.
Barrels, into which students are
requested to put their unwanted
books, will be set out around the
campus tomorrow and will re
main for a least two weeks. Lo
cations will be at the Exchange
Store, Loupot’s Trading Post and
the Student Co-op Store.
The Asia Foundation is a non
political, non-profit organization
which believes that the peace and
progress that the peoples of Asia
are the very things that our
country has long stood for, ac
cording to literature provided by
the Foundation. The organizers
say that they believe “in the right
of the people of Asia to fashion
their own destinies free from
foreign domination or subversion.”
Wayne Young, chairman of the
Senate Welfai’e Committee, has
urged the enthusiastic support of
the project by students. The Com
mittee is composed of Young, Bill
Midgett, Ed Stinnett, Jon Hagler,
Dayton Moses and Charlie Saxe.
‘Thank You’
A letter to the A&M stu
dent body has been received
from the mother and step
father of Jan Broderick, Ag
gie senior who was killed
Dec. 30. It is as follows:
“Thank you for your kind
ness and sympathy at a time
when it was deeply appre
ciated. Your flowers were
so beautiful. Thank you
for them and your kind
Howard and Jean Gee
College Station Adds
75 Acres To Limits
Jan. Graduates
Can Get Refunds
Seniors who live in College doi - -
mitories and who plan to graduate
at the Friday commencement ex
ercises can pick up refunds this
week for board, room rent and
laundry at the Cashier’s window of
the Fiscal Department in the new
Administration Building.
Graduating seniors, who eat at
the dining hall with meal cards,
can pick up their refunds for board
at the Dining Hall Office in the
basement of Sbisa Hall.
Grass Judgers
To Enter Contest
The A&M grass judging team,
sponsored by the Range and For - -
estry Club, will enter the National
Gi’ass Judging Contest in Denver,
Colo., Saturday.
Team members are Fritz Lan-
dei - s, Bob Carpenter, David Faucet,
Ronnie Gardnei - and Don Husk.
Money for the trip was obtained
from a turkey shoot held last year.
The City of College Station
added 75 acres and about 60
people to its boundaries at the
regular City Council meeting last
night, annexing - all of Woodland
Estates and Woodland Acres not
already in the city limits. The
entire area is northeast of high
way 6, in Colleg-e Hills.
In other action, the Council
voted to build its own power
plant for the new sewage pro
cessing plant. The plant is 40
per cent finished and the line, 95
per cent. Both are expected to
be finished and in use by April 1.
The land north of Sulpher
Springs Rd. on Highway 6 to the
tourist court on the right side of
the road was re-zoned into bus
iness, 1st class. \
The Council instructed City
Manager Ran Boswell to investi
gate the purchase of a radar
traffic unit for the city, and the
A&M colleg - e to erect street
lights on the boundaries of the
college and the city.
Boswell told the Council that
an ordinance similar to College
Station ordinance 212, ititerant
vendors, had been declared un
constitutional by the State Su
preme Court. Arrangements were
made to draw up a new ordinance
that would help regulate non
resident salesman and require
them to register before being
allowed to operate in the city.
Accident, Cause Forms
Will Go To All Students
A survey is being- made by the Colleg-e Accident Preven
tion Committee in an effort to build up files on accidents that
occur to students while on the campus. The survey will cover
the period beginning- with Sept. 9, 1955—the start of this
school year.
Records of accidents, hazards and causes are very incom
plete at present and the Committee felt that it would be bet
ter to gather information about past accidents than to ac
cumulate the needed data through future accidents. It is
hoped that the causes of many accidents can be discovered
and possibly removed without having to have new accidents
before these causes are found.
The survey reads: “If you
have, since Sept. 9, 1955, re
ceived an injury on the cam
pus of A&M College which re
quired medical attention at a
hospital (College or other) or a
physician (College or other,)
please answer these questions:
“1. Place on campus that acci
dent occurred. 2. Specific activity
engaged in at time of injury. 3.
Nature and extent of injury. 4. De
tailed description of accident (in
clude approximate time and also
equipment, if any involved) 5.
What suggestions do you have that
would prevent recurrance of this
type of accident.”
The information will not go on
official file of th£ college, but will
be kept for records of the Accident
Prevention Committee.
Distribution of the survey forms
will be handled through the Com
mandant’s office and thi - ough the
office of W. G. Breazeale, civilian
student counselor. The forms will
be given out either tonight or to
morrow night in civilian dorms
and probably tomorrow in the
Corps. Civilian Council members
will put the forms into the hands
of floor and ramp representatives
and housemasters. In the Corps
10 forms will be made available to
first sergeants of each squadron
or company for distribution as
needed. -
For any students who do not get
the forms and who have’a campus
accident to report, a supply of the
forms will be available in the Of
fice of Student Publications, sec
ond floor of Goodwin Hall. The
forms picked up in this office
should be returned there, and will
be passed on to Herman B. Segrest,
chairman of the Accident Preven
tion Committee, for tabulation with
the other forms.
Segrest urges all students to fill
out the forms, as it is the only way
that records of campus accidents
this year can be established.
Five Campus
Agencies Get
SLC Money
The Student Life Commit
tee was in the money-distrib
uting business yesterday as
money was given to three
groups of its regular funds
and profits from the 12th Man
Bowl game were distributed to the
two agencies participating.
The Committee had $3,974.74 as
a balance, with three requests for
money amounting to $4,200. The
A&M Rodeo Club had requested
$1,500 and received $972; in
tramurals asked for and got
$1,200; and Recreation & Enter
tainment (Student Activities)
asked for and received $1,500,
which will be used to buy a piano
for Sbisa Hall for use at all dances
held there. The rest of the balance,
$302.74, was kept in reserve by the
Total net profits from the 12th
Man Bowl were $1,222.19—with
gross at $1,645.40 and expenses
being $423.21. The Committee gave
$500 for the 12th Man Scholarship
fund and the rest, $722.19, was put
into the Student Aid Fund, which
is administred by a subcommittee
headed by J. Gordon Gay, YMCA
This fund has lent out $1,200
this year and has about $1,550 on
balance. It is for emergency use by
students, and is not a regular loan
fund for ordinary purposes.
SLC chairman Joe Sorrels se
lected an 11-man Sub-committee
on Constitution and By-Laws, which
is to evaluate the SLC and its
place in student affairs.
Selected were Dr. Carl Landiss,
R. O. Murray, C. G. (Spike) White,
J. W. Stark, W. L. Penberthy, Ray
Carroll, David Parnell, Larry Ken
nedy, Bill Fullerton, Byron A.
Parham and Gerald Van Hoosier.
The group is to report at the
March 19 meeting of the SLC.
Civilian Council President John
Jones also was to be invited to sit
in on the meetings.
Riggs To Conduct
John K. Riggs, professor' of
Animal Husbandry, will conduct a
five-day short course on beef cat
tle at Palestine Jan. 23-27. Ander
son County Agent W. T. LaRue is
in charge of arrangements for the
Iffi! up 1
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Graduating seniors should
check the bulletin board in the
Registrar’s Office to see if
their name appears on the list
of candidates for degrees who
have completed all academic
requirements for a degree.
The list will be in place by 8
a. m. Thursday.
History Professor
Home After Illness
Dr. A1 B. Nelson, associate
history professor, is expected to
return home today from a Hous
ton hospital where he was taken
Thursday with an illness diag
nosed as a blood clot near his
Although he is allowed to re
turn to his home at 221 Hereford
in College Station, he will be
bed - ridden fox - approximately
three weeks.
■ :
ROLL OLT THE BARREL- Jon Hagler, sophomore in C Field Artillery from La Grange,
looks over one ot the barrels which will be placed around the campus by the Welfare
Comrmttee of the Student Senate for the collection of unwanted text books. The books
will be sent to Asian countries by the Asia Foundation