The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 06, 1956, Image 1
Number 70: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1956 Price 5 Cents CAMPAGNE MUSIC—Alice Lon, the “Champagne Lady” with Lawrence Welk’s Orches tra breaks forth into song at the Town Hall bonus attraction last night in White Colis eum. An enthusiastic crowd of about 5,000 enjoyed the show, which was called by the Student Activities office as probably one of the biggest attractions here in a long time. The orchestra leader himself is giving a few directions, at the left. Active Duly Status Army Releases New Deal All army graduates, completing four years ROTC, will receive com missions again this year, accord ing to military authorities. A new active duty status, which goes into effect after May first of this year, allows any student graduating after this time to have a “choice” of either staying in Hie army for a six months training period or for the regular two years. One Year Delay A one year delay may be grant ed before the student is called to active duty. Graduating seniors receive their orders before being commissioned. This is the fii’st time the officer-to-be learns his date of active duty and the amount of time he will have to spend in the army. The six months deal consists of three months basic school and three months active duty. Upon completion of this six months training, the officer will be placed in the ready reserves for seven AIME To Meet Here Jan. 9-10 The American Institute of Min ing and Metalurgieal Engineers will hold a short course in the Me morial Student Center, Jan. 9-10. The meeting is Sponsored by the Petroleum Engineering Depart- ment. Registration will be held in the Serpentine Lounge on the second floor of the MSC from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 9. Registration fee will be $5 per person. Meetings will be held in the MSC Ballroom. A banquet will be held Monday, Jan. 9, at 7 p.rii: in the Assembly Room of the MSC. Tick ets may be purchased at the reg istration desk for $2.50 each. and one-half years. While in the reserves, an officer must attend a minimum of two meetings a month and summer camp with his unit. After serving two years active duty, the young officer would re- Exec. Course To Open I lere 1 fas Top Men Dillon Anderson, assistant to President Eisenhower, and William McChesney Martin Jr., chairman of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, will serve as members of the “visiting faculty” for the 4th annual Executive Development Course sponsored by A&M Col lege, Jan. 29 through Feb. 3 8. More than 30 leaders of South western business and industry will serve as “visiting faculty” for this year’s three-weeks training course at College Station. They will lecture on all phases of the Southwest’s rapidly - expanding economy and problems encountered in this fast expansion. The visi ting professors have been chosen on the basis of their successful ca reers in Southwestern business and industry. Students at the course will be ex ecutives of Texas and Southwest business and industry, nominated by their companies and approved by the course’s Steering Commit tee. They will participate in three weeks of case studies and lectures on subjects ranging from adminis trative practices to employee se lection. main in the ready reserve for three years and then be placed on the standby reserve list where he would be only a name on a reserve control group and would not have to attend .meetings or summer camp. Upon completion of military du ties, an officer must take an ac tive interest to retain his commis sion. This may be done in several ways. One would be to remain in a ready reserve unit and build up longevity and rank until retire ment. Another method for an officer to retain a commission is to take ex tension courses from his branch school. A minimum of 27 credit hours a year must be attained from this school. Extension course les sons range from two to six credits each. An officer can be ordered to ac tive duty if he fails to reach the required number of credits or at tend ready reserve meetings. There is also a possibility that the com mission can be revoked and he would be ordered to active duty as a private, much in the same man ner as a draftee. According to the Army Times, more than half of the ROTC grad uates coming to activei duty dur ing the next six mohths will be re leased to the ready reserve after training. The other half will serve two year tours of active duty. WASHINGTON, —(A>)_- Presi dent Eisenhower laid before Con gress yesterday a massive “pro gram for the Republic” that con templates a balanced budget, a token payment on the national debt, but no tax cuts now. In language paralleling that of some leaders of both parties in Congress, Eisenhower s p o k e against lowering taxes at the ex pense of “fiscal integrity” and a balanced budget; against “going further into debt to gave ourselves a tax cut at the expense of our children.” He forecast that government in come will match outgo by mid year, and said he would propose a continued balance for the year fol lowing. Many Republicans and some Democrats applauded that, but the reaction to the message in general was the usual melange of plaudits and digs, keyed pretty much to party allegiances in this election-year Congress. The presidental report encom- nassed recommendations — some new. some old. most of them ad vertised in advance — for a step- ned-up, “many-sided attack” on fhe farm problem, for highway, school, housing, health and disas ter relief programs. It urged immigration legisla tion, aid for chronically depressed communities, labor law changes, an atom-powered commercial ship. Aggie Players Have New Play Jan. 16,17,18 The Aggie Players will pre sent “The Importance of Be ing Earnest” in the round in the Memorial Student Center ballroom Jan. 16, 17 and 18. This Oscar Wilde comedy prom ises to be the most experimental theater in the histoi'y of the Ag gie Players. Rehearsals have been underway three and a half months. Vic Wiening of the English De partment is directing the play and will take the part of Algernon Mon- crief. C. K. Esten, faculty advisor to the Players, is assistant direc tor. Other members of the cast are Mary Tanguy, Judy Henry, Ken neth George, Chris Pavelka, Don Fisher, Gene Logan, Hugh Lank- tree and Pete Justice. Entre’ act cast will include Don Powell, Con nie Eckard, Jerry Neighbors and Clint White. Lester Cochran is stage manager. The Aggie Players, with a grow ing membership corresponding to an increasing public response to its dramatic efforts, are in the midst of their most ambitious sea son. A drama with deep religious sig nificance, “The Family Portrait,” is scheduled for pre-Easter presen tation. It is the story of the fam ily life of Christ, showing the re actions of his mother and brothers to his ministry. Over the Mother’s Day weekend in May the Players will again have charge of the traditional Aggie Follies. The Players have also been invit ed to whip up a one-act play for the Texas Folklore Society which will be having its convention here in April. Grapefruit Study Planned in Future Dr. H. B. Sorenson, fruit and vegetable marketing specialist with the Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, and Dr. A. H. Krezdorn of the Department of Horticulture have planned a study of a grapefruit’s life from the time it leaves the tree until it reaches the dining table. A new state law requiring the branding of grapefruit by state of origin makes the first step of study possible. Once each month the team visits several retail outlets and wholesalers, where they buy representative samples of grape fruit on display. These samples are analyzed for quality by the Hortn- culture Department. The second step will be to select a typical example of fruit in the orchard, then follow it’s mai-keting process, to see what causes changes in quality and condition. water and power projects, equal pay for equal work for women, and an investigation to determine whether Negroes are being de prived of their right to vote and are being “subjected to unwar ranted economic pressures.” With Russia’s leaders following “tactics of retreat and zigzag” and still unwilling “to create the in dispensable conditions for a se cure and lasting- peace,” Eisenhow er proposed “constant improve ment” of America’s defenses and those of the free world. He backed this up with a bid for limited authority to make long-- er-term foreign aid commitments, a request for a substantial boost in funds to spread understanding of America through the U. S. In formation Agency, and a promise to keep up the pressure against the “vast wrongs” of a divided Germany, the “bondage of millions elsewhere, and the exclusion of Japan from United Nations mem bership.” The 8,500-word document was plunked down in Senate and House and read to the legislators while the President continued recupera ting from a September heart at tack at Key West, Fla. Nowhere in it was there a defi nite clue as to how long Eisen hower proposes to stay around to give stewardship to his program— the biggest political puzzle of a politically-minded Congress. ANNOUNCEMENTS READY—Taylor Gillam, senior civil engineering major from Athens, Tex., is shown receiving his graduation announcements from Doris Bahlmann, of the Student Activities Department. Students who did not order announcements can place their name on a list for any extras. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily ex cept Saturday when it is closed at noon. News of the World Famed USD A Agronomist With TAES Dies at Home Funeral Tomorrow at 10 In CS Presbyterian Church Fish Election For Officers By JOE TINDEL Battalion Staff Writer The man who saved an estimated 25,000,000 people in the world from death and starvation by the development of rust-resistant Hope Wheat died in his sleep shortly after 8 a.m. yesterday at his home, 500 Ayrshire, College Station. Edgar S. McFadden, 64, USDA agronomist for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station since 1935, suffered a heart attack in October, remained in the hospital until November and has been bedridden in his home since. McFadden, called the “Burkank of the Wheat Field” be cause of his work, was given international recognition on Dec. 28, 1955, through receipt of the John Scott medal award ed by the American Association of the Advancement of Christmas Seal Drive Closes With $5,011 The 1 9 5 5 Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Sale has been closed with total receipts of $5,011.07, according to Mrs. A. V. Moore, chairman of the sale. “The mail receipts compared favorably with last year’s mail re ceipts,” said Mrs. Moore, “how ever we will miss contributions from the College Station Commun-' ity Chest this year.” The board of directors for the College Station Chest voted not to include the TB association this year, as many residents did not understand that they obtained the Christmas seals mailed to them free, through their donation to the Community Chest. A&M students contributed $542.- 80 to the drive. $146.25 of this came from college apartments, and the remaining $396.55 came from dormitory students. “Many students have mailed con tributions since they i-etm-ned to school,” Mrs. Moore said, “and we want to stress that we will accept contributions that were forgotten in the rush before the holidays.” Eighty-two per cent of the funds raised in the drive will remain in Brazos County to aid in the local association’s work, and 18 per cent will go to the state and national associations to support their work. Projects of the Brazos County Tuberculosis Association include the annual x-ray survey, year ’round case-finding, various edu cational projects, free literature and films on TB, work for better hospitals and adequate care for pgtients. The National TB As sociation supervises research grants. Weather Today CLEAR Clear winds diminishing after dark is the forecast for College Station. Yesterday’s high was 76°, low, 57°. . Tempei-ature at 10:30 a.m. was 65 degrees. Science. The award, along with a $1,000 cash award, was presented on the basis of orig ination and development of the first rust-resistant wheat. Tt was the first time the John Scott award had been given to an American Southwest scientist in addition to being the first time that it was given on purely biological invention. He first began his work on rust- resistant wheat in 1915, while he was a student at South Dakota Agricultural College. He conduc ted experiments in the back yard of his boarding house. At this time stem and leaf 1’ust were the scoui’ge of the Dakota wheatland. Bread wheat was particularly sus ceptible. McFadden experimented with cross-bi’eeding hard kernel Edgar S. McFadden pi-imitive wheat, which was im mune to rust but used only for livestock feed, and the bi'ead wheat which fed the country. After long work he finally obtained a stalk of the new cross and from this stalk he furnished the seed that was to feed the world. The new wheat was named Hope wheat, for it raised the hopes of the world. By developing this wheat, Mc Fadden saved American farmers $400,000,000 during the w r ar. McFadden came to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in 1935. He had graduated from South Dakota Agricultural College with B.S. and D.S.C. degrees. He has led the battle against grain (See McFADDEN, Page 4) Next Tuesday The run-off for freshmen class officers will be held Tuesday fronj 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. in the MSC voting booth. Twenty-five candidates will 1 vie for positions nine including two candidates for the election com mission. Fred Hunter, Robert E. Arevalos and John G. Thomas are the can didates for class ’59 president. Vice-presidential aspirants are Len Layne, Thomas A. Adams and Ted F. Lange. Joseph E. Minor, Bill A. Myers and George K. Garner will be in the run-off for recording secre tary. Social secretary nominees are Charles H. Robison, Robert Lassi ter and Donnie R. Duplissey. William R. Markillie, Gary W. Hipps and Richard C. Vaughn are candidates for treasurer. Parliamentarian candidates in clude James E. Fallin, Robert M. Peevey and John R. Johnson. Ronald Stallings, Charles Mes ser and Harry C. Russell are can didates for reporter. Sergeant-at-arms position will be decided between Ben Trotter and Janies P. Smith. As Samuey Martinez and Rob ert P. Ratcliff tied for last place on - the election commission they must be voted on to decide that position. Pet E Department Adds Professor Robert B. Bossier has been named a professor of petroleum engineering here. He will devote his principal attention to petroleum engineeidng courses in valuation and secondary recovery, said Rob- ei't M. Whiting, head of tlie de partment. “We have been seeking a man of Bossier’s calibre for several years,” Whiting said, “and feel that his influence will be felt in both the classroom and research laboratory.” In 1954 he was named director of the Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association, Bradford, Penn., which is a research organization directed to pi’olonging the life of oil fields by improving recovery methods. New Dog License Dog license can now be pur chased in the City Hall if the ani mal has ben vaccinated for rabies, according to Ran Boswell, city manager. Cost of the license is $1. Police will begin enforcing the license ordinance at the end of this month. THE CHAIR STANDS—Byran A. Parham, Student Senate president is shown presiding over the Senate session held last night in the Memorial Student Center. Committee re ports were the main discussion of the meeting which lasted less than an hour. Jim Rowland, far left and seated, is Senate recording secretary.