The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 05, 1956, Image 3
c Thursday, January 5, 1956 THE BATTALION Page 3 Battal ion C tassifieds WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word 10 p«r word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale 3,000 CFM evaporative cooler with pump. Used one summer. VI 6-4502. 69t4 1954 Ford Custom fordor sedan, low mileage. Will take trade-in. John Shanks, Hart C-7. 68tf Cushman motor scooter, $75. Phone VI 6-5684. 68t5 For Rent Furnished apartment, 305 Tauber St. Call TA 3-2964 daytime. VI 6-7147 at night. 69t3 Lost Black cocker spaniel in vicinity of campus. Answers to “Poochie”. Keward. Phone, daytime. VI 6-4617; after 5, VI 6-5483. 68t3 Wanted Part time radio service man. Call Sosolik’s Radio and TV. TA 2-1941. 713 South Main St. across from railroad tower. 68t3 PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1041 BRYAN • ENGINEERING ANIJ ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • HI. UE LINE PRINTS » Bl.UE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS CUSTOM TAILORING SALE The Slaxatorium 110 Main — N. Gate Sport Coats Custom Tailored to your , measurei Work Wanted Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Pets Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Bayard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. VI 6-5535. 75tf Special Notice Want to watch children during day and live two blocks from Col lege View Apartments. Phone VI 6-6502. 68t3 Will keep working mother's child as T playmate for my daughter. Reasonable rates. Phone VI 6-6492. 68t3 DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication. —Director / ALL DEPARTMENTS: The Official directory of offices, staff and students are ready for distribution now at 75c each. You may get your copy now at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 34tf 1953 PONTIAC 4 dr. ful ly equipped, very clean, low mileage . . . $1195 1954 PLYMOUTH Belve dere, Powerflite, radio, heater, extra • clean $1425 1950 CHEVROLET, ra dio, heater, one car own er, excellent con dition $395 ROY HENRY PONTIAC CO. Hearne, Texas In Tiger Gym Kiwanis Tourney To Open Friday By MAURICE OLIAN CHS Sports Correspondent Coach Larry Hayes’ Tigers face rugged competition from seven teams in the 10th annual Kiwanis Club-A&M Consolidated basketball tourney after dominating the field for the past three years. The tournament opens tomorrow at 1 p.m. with Cypress-Fairbanks meeting Somerville in the Tiger Gym. CHS begins tourney play against Hempstead tomorrow night at 7:30. Tickets for the entire tournament are $1 for adults and 50 cents for students (including Aggies). In dividual game tickets are 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for stu dents. Eight teams are entered in the two - day tournament, including Somerville, Navasota, Cypress- Fairbanks, Bellville, Allen Acad emy high school, Kincaid (Hous ton), Hempstead and CHS. Ten games are scheduled, six VARSITY BOX BAYLOR (70) fg ft pf tp Raines, f 13 2 5 Mallett, f . 1113 White, g 7 7 5 21 Estes, c ... 8 4 5 20 Connally, g 4 10 9 Franklin, g 112 2 Kelley, g . 2 0 2 4 Barnes, f 3 0 0 6 Totals .... 27 16 18 70 A&M (90) fg ft pf tp Brophy, f — 7 2 3 16 Mehaffey, f . 6 4 2 16 Hutto, g 9 2 1 20 Harvey, g 4 2 2 10 Connally, c .. 7 6 4 20 Henry, g 2 0 14 Harrod, g 0 0 0 0 Fortenberry, g 0 4 0 4 Sutherlin, g 0 0 0 0 Totals .... 35 20 13 90 Halftime score: Baylor 36, A&M 30. Officials: Hamilton and For rester. food thats fops m -A- GROCERIES Libby’s—14 Oz. Bottles—Tomato CATSUP 2 bottles 37c Libby’s—No. 254 Can PEACH HALVES 33c Libby’s—Chunk Style—No. 2 Can PINEAPPLE 29c Libby’s French Cut—No. 2 Can GREEN BEANS 25c Libbys—Cream Style—303 Cans GOLDEN CORN ... 2 cans 29c Libby’s—Sliced—303 Cans RED BEETS 2 cans 29c Libby’s Asparagus Style GREEN BEANS .... can 35c ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ Pictsweet SLICED PEACHES Pkg. SLICED STRAWBERRIES . . 27c 6 Oz. Can ORANGE JUICE 15c PEAS & CARROTS Pkg. MIXED VEGETABLES ... 18c * PRODUCE * California LETTUCE . . . .2 heads 15c California CELERY stalk 10c 176 Size Texas ORANGES . . . . doz. 35c 80 Size—Ruby Red GRAPEFRUIT .... each 5c ^ GROCERIES ^ Maryland Club COFFEE-— Pound Can . . 89c Lucky Leaf APPLE JUICE ... a quarts 49c Lucky Leaf—No. 2 Cans SLICED APPLES . . . 2 cans 45c Trellis Brand—303 Cans GREEN PEAS .... 2 cans 27c Armour’s Star—Without Beans—16 Oz. Can CHILI 29c Armour’s—12 Oz. Can T R E E T . . 37c Nabisco Premium SALTINE CRACKERS . . 1 lb. 25c ★ MARKET — PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Meaty SHORT RIBS Ib. Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . .lb. ROUND STEAK . . . . .lb. VEAL CHOPS • • • • Sliced or Piece LARGE BOLOGNA . lb. . lb. Armour’s Star WIENERS lb. Armour’s Star SLICED BACON . lb. ★ 33c 39c 69c 59c 39c 47c 49c CHARLIES FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — JAN. 5-6-7 tomorrow, with the championship contest set for 8:30 p.m. Saturday. The consolation title game begins Saturday night at 7. Other games Friday are Bell- ville-Navasota at 2:30, Kincaid-Al len Academy high school at 4. The losers of the first two games play at 6 and the winners of the first two games at 9. Semi-final games will begin at 1 and 2:30 p.m. Sat urday. Last year Somerville halted Con solidated’s two-year reign of the tourney when it defeated Tomball for the title. CHS captured the consolation trophy by beating Fair- field. The Tigers come into Friday’s game with a record of 3-4 so far this season. They defeated Hearne 51-31 last Tuesday night in their last outing. C-Armor Beats Corps Staff 8-0 Leroy Campbell snared a second half aerial from Dale Elmore and galloped for C-Armor’s lone talley in their 8-0 football victory over the Corps Staff. Campbell’s jaunt climaxed a ser ies of runs by Bob Moore and Ed Dardganian. Hank Menefe, Corps Staff quarterback, dropped the ball behind his own goal to award two additional points to C-Armor. Mike Reyes sparked an aroused C-Infantry to a 12-0 win over Sqd. 3 in another class A game. Reyes made a beautiful 45-yard punt re turn and a 20-yard scamper on a fake and run play for both Infan try scores. Don Lacy was the Sqd. 3 standout amassing most of their ground yardage with his shifty running style. Ben Dickerson look ed good as quarterback for the Air Force. Other football victories went to A-Engineers, A-Signal, and A- Ordnance. Class B basketball wins were chalked up by Sqd. 12, A-FA, D- Infantry, and B-Engineers. Watch for Details of Our MID-WINTER CLEARANCE in the Tuesday, January 10 Battalion SALE WILL START AT 8 A.M. JANUARY 11 Complete Clearance of Winter Sport Clothing THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” READY, AIM, FIRE—Ken Hutto (11), sophomore guard for the Aggies, was deadly on the long shots last night, racking up 20 points. Unable to defend against his shot are Baylor’s Louis Estes (24), Jerry Mallett (19) and Albert White (12). RUSSIA and the IRON CURTAIN Countries can be in YOUR summer travel plans for 1956 SCANDINAVIA — RUSSIA (4 weeks)—BUCHAREST BUDAPEST — VIENNA — MUNICH PARIS — LONDON All inclusive: $1930.00 Write: For detailed information Ken Steinbeck Georgetown University Washington, D. C. ' DYERS'FUR STORAGE MATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate LAST CHANCE - - - to repurchase books and supplies sold us between Thanksgiving and Christmas. NO INTEREST . . . NO CARRYING CHARGES, ... if picked up this week. Remember, when you trade with Lou, he’s right with you ... . LOUPOT’S TRADING POST LUCKY DROODLES ! REAL COOL! WHAT’S THIS? For solution, see paragraph below. CAUTION-SLIPPERY DROODLE ABOVE. But if you like your fun on the run, it should be easy. The title: Bobsled team enjoying better-tasting Luckies. Luckies taste better, you know, because they’re made of fine tobacco that’s TOASTED to taste better. So light up a Lucky. You can bank on this: You’ll say Luckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! DJ.iOODL.ES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price TOASTfX •fo fas™' / CIGARETTES COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER LUCKIES! Luckies lead all other brands, regular or king size, among 36,075 college students ques tioned coast to coast. The number-one reason: Luckies taste better. BARBELL FOR 97-LB. WEAKLING Nelson Barden JJ. of New Hampshire KNOCK-KNEED FLY Sanford Zinn Indiana U. LUCKIES TASK BETTER - Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother! ©A. T. Co. PRODUCT OF iMERICA’S UE AD 1N G MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES