a Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, January 4, 1956 Floeck, Garcia Lead Way, CHS Mauls Hearne 51-31 Sparked by Norman Floeck and Manuel Garcia, A&M Consolidat ed’s Tigers smashed the Heame Eagles, 51-31, last night on the Tigers’ court, avenging an early- season, 33-43 loss to the Eagles in Heame. The Tiger “B” team lost to Hearne, 21-34, in the opener. Floeck meshed 24 points for the evening, 18 in the first half, to take scoring honors with Garcia in the runner-up spot with 15. The re mainder of the Tiger team could score but 12 points. Both Floeck and Garcia were all-district per formers last season. 50 convenient/ so comfortable. DALLAS 40 ™ ins - LUBBOCK 4 hrs. 25 mins. LOS ANGELES* “ J'Vm Connecting Airline Call Contim**t€d ati VI 6-4789 Continental MjMWJEJS The Tigers will be host at the ninth annual Kiwanis-A&M Consol idated high school basketball tour nament which begins Friday after noon at the Tiger gym. Eight teams will vie for the title with the Tigers meeting Hemp- stead in the first round. BOX SCORE CHS (51) fg ft pf tp Floeck . .. .... 7 10 4 24 Garcia . - .... 6 3 1 15 Perryman . I 4 3 6 Hickman . .... 1 2 4 4 Potts . 1 0 0 2 Hall . ...... .... 0 0 2 0 Totals . . . . 16 19 14 51 HEARNE (31) fg ft pf tp Beglia . .. 3 3 5 9 Moss . .... . 4 1 5 9 Hill . ..... .... 1 0 3 2 Elements 1 0 1 2 Crowder . 0 0 3 0 Rasco . .... 1 0 0 2 1. A. Prusley 0 B. Prusley . 2 Totals 12 Halftime: 29-10. 7 17 31 Basketball (Continued from Page 3) Houston Kittens, 73-08. Gonzalo Diago, set-shooting deadeye from Santurce, Puerto Rico, furnished the spark that drove the Fish past the Kittens in a terrific fourth period that fomid A&M behind by 10 points with but 12 minutes to play. Diago dropped in 14 of his 17 points during that time, 10 of them on free throws. Neil Swisher, the only Texan on the starting lineup, lead the first- year Aggie scorers with 18 points to push his season’s total to 34, tops among the Fish squad. Coach Ken Loeffler will start Diago and Jim McNichol at for wards, Swishei; and Alex Roberts, Pawtucket, Rhode Island product who is second among Fish scorers with 28 points, at the guards and 6-6 Stu Heller at center. MISSILE AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENTS • NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION • DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA ’MURAL STANDINGS CIVILIAN Teams ’ Pts. Leggett Hall - - - 310 Milner Hall 140 Mitchell Hall 130 Walton Hall 115 Puryear Hall . 70 Dorm 16 50 College View 50 Day Students 40 Law Hall . 40 CORPS (Class A) Squadron 17 . * ... 250 B-Engineers . ... 245 A-Engineers . 235 Squadron 7 230 D-Field . 225 B-Tnfantry . 221 A-Transpoi-tation 220 B-AAA 220 Squadron 11 220 CORPS (Class B) B-Engineers 315 Squadron 12 300 B-Field . . 297% B-Tnfantry 290 C-Infantry . .....* 285 D-Infantry . ... 285 Squadron 17 ... 285 A-Armor . 280 Squadron 24 275 Fislier Scores TD Leggett Wins 6-0 Dale Fisher intercepted a long aerial thrown by Law Hall’s Don Wesch and shook loose to score the lone touchdown in Leggett Halls’ 6-0 win in a tight defensive battle in Civilian football yester day. Clayton Mohle, outstanding Leg gett passer, spelled the difference in the game’s offense. Mohle gained valuable yardage several times on a pass or run option. The Leggett ground game was spear headed by the fine running of half back Creighton Maynard. Mitchell Hall galloped to a 13-6 win over Puryear with most of the scoring honors going to Clayton Wilcox who passed for both Mitchell touchdowns. The first score came on Wilcox’s short pass to Junior Haley. The second tally came when Wilcox hit Bunk Chris tie who scampered 30 yards to pay dirt. Samuel Wachel rang up Pur- year’s lone tally. Maroon Band eked out a one penetration win over A-AAA in the day’s most evenly matched game. Neither team managed to cross the double-stripe. Quarterback C. J. San Filippo directed the Band’s hard running ground game. Halfbacks Kenneth George and Fermen Le Pori did most of the ground damage for the Band. John Polk was outstanding for A-AAA, heading a fine aerial attack. In Class B Basketball Sqd. 2 edged Sqd. 23, 18-16 and Sqd. 7 dumped A-TC, 22-18. Jah Means a?rd Bill Hill defeated Vic P6na and Rene Vela, 6-1, in Class B Tennis to lead C-Armor in a 2-0 decision over D-Inf. Harry Candler and Humbert Gonzalez completed the C-Armor win by downing Bob Perez and James De ment, 6-4. Florida State University basket-v ball coach Bud Kennedy has 8 re- \ turning lettermen for his 1955-56 cage squad. ROPED IN BY WASHDAY WOES? LET US SET YOU FREE! Thanks to our quick efficient service, your laundry is done in a jigtime. engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... r & North American Missile and Control Departments Representative Will Be Here Jan. 5 You’ll learn first hand about the advantages and opportunities in choosing a career with a future at North American. Here engineers and scientists are now discovering new frontiers in four exciting new fields: ELECTRO-MECHANICAL Missile Guidance Systems Fire and Flight Control Systems Computers, Recorders ROCKET PROPULSION High Thrust Engines Propellants Pumps SUPERSONIC AIRFRAMES Structures Thermal Barriers Vibrations and Flutter NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Research Reactors Medical Reactors Power Generation Reactors Contact your placement office today. Make an appointment to see North American representative, Mr. D. C. Harpole on Jan. 5. Interviewing hours 9 A.M.—5 P.M. Or write, Engineering Personnel, Missile and Control Equipment Depts. 91-20COL, North American Aviation, Downey, California ENGINEERING AHEAD FOR A BETTER TOMORROW ORTH MERICAN jPiVIATION, INC. Satis/t/ hbursel/'with a Milder. Better-Tasting smoke- packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accu-Ray The more perfectly packed your- cigarette, the more pleasure it gives . . . and Accu-Ray packs Chesterfield far more perfectly. To the touch ... to the taste, an Accu-Ray Chesterfield satis fies the most . . . burns more evenly, smokes much smoother. Firm and pleasing to the lips . . . mild yet deeply satisfying to the taste — Chesterfield alone is pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray. CHESTERFIELD MILD, YET THEY (£ Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. LI’L ABNER By AI Capp