The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 15, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 64: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
Elections Carry Heavy Vote
Bunn Elected To Senate;
23 Freshmen In Run-Off
Voting 1 in the freshman class election yesterday ran high
with 23 students getting into the run-offs to be held Jan. 10.
Voting was not quite as heavy in the senior Student
Senate election and there will be no run-off for that position.
More than 200 seniors turned out to cast their vote in the
^election held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday in the Memor
ial Student Center.
E. J. Bunn was elected to the Student Senate position,
.representing the senior class. He received 46 votes. Other
candidates and their votes are as follows:
Kerry Burleson, 26; James H. Cook, 2; Sam Curtis, 10;
Donald Dierschke, 24; Ken George, 32; Joe Hlavinka, 8;
“♦■Buford Miller, 12; Ronnie
Parker, 14; Don Powell, 8;
and Roy Woodle. 28.
Freshmen President
Three freshmen will be in
the run-off for class president.
These are Fred Hunter, 72 votes;
Robert B. Arevalos, 69; and John
G. Thomas, 62.
Other candidates and the amount
of votes are as follows:
Thomas H. Miller, 3.2; Jerry Wil
son, 13; Robert L. Williams, 12;
Jack N. McCrary, 21; Dennis P.
McBride, 40; John H. Turner, 29;
John O. Teague, 33; Jesse Hai’-
grove, 4; Harold Goolsbee Jr., 58;
David H. Goldberg, 11; Darwin T.
Strickland, 27.
Marion F. Stone, 42; R. D. Stew
art, 16; Joseph E. Smith, 7; Billy
R. Smith, 12; Delmar A. Deterling,
26; Robert W. Singer, 33; Don Co
wick, 9; L. D. Cloud, 13; Richard
J. Raitt, 18; Robert R. Powers, 2;
James E. Popejoy, 22; James S.
Bethel, 20; Neill A. Perry, 28;
Gary Pepper, 28; and John H.
Partridge, 26.
Len Layne, Thomas A. Adams
and Ted F. Lange will be the candi
dates in the run-off election. Their
votes were 62, 57 and 56 respective
ly. Other names and amount of
votes are as follows:
Stephen D. Myers, 38; Emmett
W. Muenker, 19; Travis E. Madole,
21; Ben F. Yount, 20; James A.
Willbem, 6; C. Rex Weaver, 23;
Duncan N. Watwood, 27; Holton
D. Vincent, 10; James L. Knighton,
6; Robert Houseman, 28; Ralph
Hornik, 16; Melbern Glasscock, 17;
Rod D. Stepp, 37; Davis Ford, 24;
William G. Sparks, 39; Gid B.
Smith, 14; James M. Doss, 13;
Roland Dommert, 11.
John Smallwood Jr., 18; Ray
mond L. Darrow, 28; Jay R. Ro
land, 34; Don S. Cornwall, 27;
Sandy W. Collins Jr., 36; Mike
Brawner, 13; James P. Bivona, 48;
(See ELECTION, Page 2)
Kiwanis Club
Needs Toys
For Christmas
Christmas is coming and
the toy bag for underprivi
leged children in College Sta
tion is not yet full. The local
"Kiwanis Club annually makes
a toy drive, and this year’s is
drawing to a close.
“About the only thing lacking
is enough toys,” said Luther Jones,
chairman for the toy drives. “We
have repaired all that we have re
ceived,” he said, “but we need
more toys of all kinds.”
Members of the club have been
holding work nights at the A&M
Consolidated shop to repair toys.
Two more are scheduled before
Christmas, tonight at 7:30 and
Monday night at the same time.
The drive will close Dec. 21, and
the toys will be distributed on that
date, Jones said.
. “We had rather not announce
the names of the four families
chosen to receive the presents,”
he said. “This way it will be more
“ of a surprise.”
Girl Scout Troop 211, under the
supervision of Mrs. Sid Loveless,
has cooperated by making clothes
for the dolls, the CHS home eco
nomics classes have . contributed
five fully-clothed dolls, and J. W.
Thornton, local business man, has
donated several pocket-knives.
Toys can be taken to the shop
for repairs and distribution to the
underprivileged children.
Power Plant Gets
New Switchboard
The installation of a new switch
board at the A&M power plant
will enable a planned increase in
power soon, according to J. K.
Walker, Building and College Util
ities superintendent.
The switchboard will tie in with
Bryan so that either College Sta
tion or Bryan may obtain extra
power from each other in an
emergency. Walker expects all
the new equipment to be ready by
the end of next spring.
Fees Due Now
Final installment fees for
the semester are due in the
Fiscal Office by Dec. 17. The
total fees are $56.85 and must
be paid before the Christmas
holidays start. The next in
stallment is payable on regis
tration in February.
t' ;
, 'F f F
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TOP-LEVEL CONFERENCE—Two delegates to the Stu
dent Conference on National Affairs from Southwest Tex
as State Teachers College discuss plans and problems with
Bob Bacher, A&M senior and chairman of the Transporta
tion Committee. The delegates are Jim Pappas and Mary
Delegates Hear
Fleming Speak
“I believe great problems are
being solved for better and for
worse and will be so solved, some
of them in the remainder of my
lifetime, and more of them during
the lives of those who now are
undergraduates,” Lamar Fleming
Jr., chairman of the Board of An
derson, Clayton & Co., said yes-
teiday in a speech to delegates of
the first Student Conference on
National Affairs now in session
“1 envy the younger generation
for the great opportunity it will
have for good and for what I ex
pect will be the greatest adventure
in man’s experience to date,” he
“The place of the United States
in decisions and adventure is great
er than ever before because the
rapid growth of our economic pow
er, while the economies of the other
principal nations were being de
pleted by war upon their own soils,
has created a situation in which
civilization can look nowhere for
leadership except to us,” he said.
“The responsibility is made
greater by a menace to civiliza
tion that has spawned in the frus
tration and misery of peoples
whom war and destitution had de
prived of faith and hope. False
prophets sold them the age-long
fallacy that their relief lay in
taking away from others and in a
general sharing of everything as
common propei'ty.
“It has not taken long for ex
perience tp prove that common
property isi State property, and
that the actual beneficial owners
of State property are the men
who run the State. The end re
sult of what is falsely called Com
munism is that those who can
grasp the position of rulers own
everything, including the rest of
Greetings Given
To Every Student
Dear Aggies:
As we approach the Holiday
Season, we of the faculty and staff
extend to you Christmas Greetings
and Best Wishes for 1956.
We wish for you safe journeys
to and from your homes. May your
vacations be pleasant as you once
again experience the warmth of
family ties, renew old friendships,
and sing together the familiar car
In particular, as we celebrate
the birth of Jesus, the Saviour,
may the lives of each of you be
enriched, and may the message of
“Peace on earth, good will among
men” be realized in its fullest
Sincerely yours,
Student Personnel Services
No Money In Music
At A&M College
This will probably be the
next sign found on the “want
ed board” in the Academic
Before applying for the job,
however, it might be wise to
inquii'e about the possibilities.
Because there is evidently
something very discouraging
to musicians on the campus.
So far on the “for sale
board” are three clarinets, one
trombone, one Spanish guitar
and one banjo.
Maybe the groups of stu
dent Chiistmas carolers are
driving the musicians away.
Weather Today
Following the cold front that fi
nally reached College Station are
clear skies which will mean colder
weather through Saturday. Tem
perature at 10:30 a.m. was 41 de
grees. Yesterday’s hhgh of 65 de
grees dropped to 39 degrees last
the people. The beautiful name of
Communism turns out to be a
misnomer for totalitarian despo
“It wall be the awesome respon
sibility,” Fleming said, “of the
younger men who will have the
guardianship of Human Destiny
in the years ahead to dissolve this
dragon with the solvents of wis
dom and virtue, which we pray will
be the outcome, or else to van
quish him. That responsibility
will be not just to their genera
tion but to all generations to come.
The degree of success of our
adventure will depend to a very
great extent upon the number of
countries that will be attracted
(See FLEMING, Page 5)
COEDS REGISTER—Two representatives from SMU to the Student Conference on Na
tional Affairs complete the final registration for the conference which is being held in the
Memorial Student Center through Saturday morning. Sophomore Don Ellidge watches
carefully as the two SMU girls, Mary Adele Patterson, on the left, and Ann Weaver,
sign up.
Fifteen States and Mexico
SCONA Draws 110 Delegates
Battalion Managing Editor
“One of my principal objectives
is to see tolerance and patience for
those who conduct our foreign
policy, regardless of which admin
istration they represent”, Geo. C.
McGhee, former assistant seci*e-
tary of State told more than 100
delegates gathered on the campus
for the first Student Conference
on National Affairs yesterday.
“We should welcome construc
tive debate on foreign policy is
sues—including debate by political
leaders of both parties—indeed this
is necessai'y in a democracy,” he
Delegates to the conference, the
first of its kind in the Southwest,
represent 44 colleges from 15
states and Mexico. Lamar Flem
ing, Jr., chairman of the Board of
Anderson Clayton, & Co. Inc., spoke
at the first meeting held at 3 p.m.
“America occupies a unique po
sition in the world, resulting Hom
our unique background. We are
deeply influenced by the fact that
we wei'e a colony for 169 years,
between the establishment of
Jamestown, Virginia, and the Dec
laration of Independence.
“We have done well in the
world and we perhaps give our
selves more credit than is due to
the policies that have guided us—
Freedom from European entangle
ment, manifest destiny, freedom of
the seas, and the open door, just
to name a few. The apparent suc
cess of one of our classic policies—
Holiday Message
From President
To every student and his
family from the faculty and
staff of A&M College, “Best
Wishes for Joyous Christmas
Season!” • May the true and
real significance of this very
special period return you safe
ly and refresh with renewed
energy and determination to
develop yourself so that you
can be of greater service to
your fellow men.
President of the College
The Monroe Doctrine—which ser
ved as a warning to European na
tions to stay out of this hemis
phere, has perhaps given us too
much confidence that problems can
be solved by such simple state
ments of policy.
“Those who guide the destiny of
this country in its relations with
the rest of the world steer a diffi
cult and unchartered course. In
recent years I have traveled
through most of the free world
and talked with the peoples and
leaders of these countries. It is
true that one finds a great com
munity of interest in the free
world centering around the broad
concepts of freedom and dignity
of the individual, and security,
which all free people seek.
“One thing we need to learn is
how to live with conflicts when
they do not lend themselves to an
immediate military solution. The
Turks, for example, have lived
alongside Russia for approximately
700 years. In many of the 13
major wars fought between these
two countries, Turkey was defeat
ed, although never over-run nor
completely conquered. Turkey to
day knows that Russia could at
any time marshal overwhelming
military force at her border. Until
two years ago, when Turkey join
ed NATO, she enjoyed no perman-
(See McGEE, Page 2)
Corps Will Honor
SCONA Delegates
SCONA delegates will partici
pate in the annual Christmas din
ner tonight as guests of the Cadet
Each squadron and company will
have five delegates as their guests
for the dinner.
Menu for the occasion is roast
turkey, dressing, giblet gravy,
cranberry sauce, candied yams,
green peas, relish tray, fresh fruit
bowl, rolls and butter, fruit cake,
coffee and milk.
The SCONA delegates were en
tertained with a reception and a
smorgasbord last night. A ban
quet in the Student Center is plan
ned for Friday night followed by
a reception.
Town Hall Bonus, Jan. 5
‘Champagne Music’ Due For A&M
Fun, excitement, novelties, so
phisticated rhythm, comedy, heart
stirring - classics and sensational
songs woven into gay and spectac
ular entertainment that should
please young - and old alike are in
store as a bonus attraction for the
Town Hall series.
All this and more are featimes
of the “Champagne Music” of
Lawrence Welk and His Celebrated
Orchestra to be presented by Town
Hall on Jan. 5 at 8 p.m.
People all over the nation have
enjoyed the lightness and bubbling
flow of the music of his orchestra.
Because of this quality his music
was labeled “Champagne Music.”
Lawrence Welk has established
new attendance records and broken
return-engagement records at many
of America’s finest hotels, the
aters and ballrooms. He has ap
peared in pictures for Paramount
and Universal; been heard over
all major networks; and made
more than 300 recordings, many
of which were smash hits. He is
also heard continuously overseas
through the facilities of the Arm
ed Forces Radio Service.
Besides this, Lawrence Welk is
an outstanding TV hit. Countless
people are flocking to the Aragon
Ballroom in Santa Monica, Cal. to
see his hour long TV show.
The feature attraction of the
show is Alice Lon, vocalist and
formerly of Kilgore, Tex. Alice
began singing before she was six.
She rapidly climbed from- singing
over the local radio station to the
Breakfast Club and finally the
Welk Orchestra as the “Cham
pagne Lady.”
She made a great impression,
not only with Welk, but with the
public as the fan mail showed.
All this has established Law
rence Welk and his “Champagne
Music” as one of the outstanding
attractions in show business.
Tickets for the show will be on
sale at the Depai’tment of Student
Activities Jan. 3, 4, and 5, and
will be on sale at the gate. Stu
dent season tickets may be used
for the show. General admission
tickets for students are $1, for
non-students, $2. Reserved seat
tickets are $1.50 for students and
$2.50 for non-students.
‘The Champagne Lady,” Alice Lon
Appears Here With Lawrence Welk Jan. 5
RV’s To Attend
Mardi Gras Again
The Ross Volunteer Company
has been invited to attend the
Mardi Gras, in New Orleans this
year, to serve as an honor guard
to King Rex in the Rex Parade
Feb. 14.
While in New Orleans members
of the company will be guests of
the New Orleans A&M Club for a
luncheon at Arnauds Restaurant
Feb. 13. There will be tours of the
city, including the historic French
Quarters, arranged for the men.
All members of the company will
be given free tickets to the Rex
Ball which will be the night of
Feb. 14.
The RV’s have made this trip to
New Orleans for the past eight
Members of the company will
leave College Station on Feb. 11
and return Feb. 15. The company
will be housed at Camp Leroy
Johnson during their stay in New