The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1955, Image 5
BILL BROPHY, senior from Havertown, Pa., is second in scoring on the Aggie basketball team with 56 points. He’s averaged 11 points a game so far this year. May your Christmas be as warm as an old friend’s greetingsf^ V Mr. and Mrs. “Lou” BIST WISHES If we just wish you, simply ^ and sincerely, the old, yet always new wish, you'll understand that we're wishing you * With all our heart, a very * - Merry Christmas ! • ' * I “ - i McCall’s Humble Service Station East Gate The Passing Scene by Irwin Caplan Freshmen Play at 6:30 Wednesday, December 14, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 5 A&M Entertains Cougar Five Tonight After disposing of two straight opponents with sur prising ease, agile A&M sets its traps for the University of H o u s t o n’s offense-minded Cougars tonight in White Coliseum. The Aggie Fish grapple Hous ton’s Kittens in the evening’s open er at 6:30. Varsity action gets un derway at 8. KORA will broad cast the contest with Mike Misto- vich doing the play-by-play. Tick ets are $1 for general admission and $1.50 for reserved seats. A glance at the Cadet’s record so far this season shows a steadily improving attack that at present overshadows their lack of height. A&M opened with a low-scoring, 43-48, loss to Tulsa, and then drop ped two games in turn to Vander bilt and Memphis State, 69-79 and 71-84. Since returning home the Aggie hoopsters have beaten LSU’s Ti gers 73-59 and Tulane 85-66. A&M’s efforts against Tulane rep resent the second highest score ever run up by an Aggie basketball team. The record high was set last year in a 86-84 win over Pep- pe«rdine. The Aggies moved into a third place tie with Texas in Southwest Conference season standings today by virtue of Phillips’ victory over the Longhorns last night. Both have 2-3 won-lost slates. Houston comes into tonight’s game an overwhelming favorite, having lost only one game this sea son. The Cougars were rated 12th in the nation before Valparaiso’s upset win at the Birmingham Tour nament last week, 84-80. Paced by 7-1 Don Boldebuck, the By Edging A-Armor B-Engirt eers Cop Fish Grid Title "There’s still nothing wrong with the old reflexes. Notice the neat way I avoided that joker in the car back there?" By JOE DAN BOYD Intramural Writer Jim Vester’s aerial pi’owess headed a powerful B-Engineer football attack yesterday as the Engineers rolled over A-Armor 6-0 for the freshman championship. Vester’s decisive pass came mid way in the first half when he con nected with Calvin Brummett, who shook loose for a 30-yard jaunt and the winning TD. Vester’s kick for the extra point was low. In the Class A basketball quar terfinals Ronald Moates scoi’ed 20 points and led A-Composite to a 37-26 victory over A-Engineers. Jim Adams scored eight points for A-Composite to tie A-Engineer’s Dick Sorrells and Wes Henderson for second high scoring honoi’S. Joe Schiraldi scored 15 points to lead A-Athletics to a narrow 32-31 victory over Sqd. 11 in an overtime Class A basketball game. A-Infantry eked out a/i 7-6 deci sion over C-Field in thxj feature game of upperclassman football. Sqd. 17 defeated C-AAA 18-6 and Sqd. 7 downed Sqd. 20, 6-0. Larry Carter and Ben Marshall blanked Jerry Tice and John Rey nolds 6-0 in freshman tennis to head their A-Engineer victory over Sqd. 6. Joe Artola and John Jef- feries wrapped up the decision by edging Henry Gritter and Tommy Brown. Sqd. 6’s Tommy Lassiter and George Human defeated A1 Browning and Ed Baker in the third match. In other games A-Chemical wal loped the Maroon Band, 3-0; Sqd. 7 beat C-Armor, 2-1; and Sqd. 3 edged Sqd. 2, 2-1. Upperclassman horseshoe victo ries were chalked up by: D-FA; B-AAA; Sqd. 13, A-AAA; B-In- fantry; and Sqd. 22. ’MURAL STANDINGS All Sports CIVILIANS Teams Pts. 1. Leggett Hall ...230 2. Milner Hall ... 80 3. Mitchell Hall ... 70 4. Walton Hall CORPS (Class A) ... 65 1. B-Engineers ...185 Squadron 17 ...185 2. Squadron 7 ...180 3. A-Engineers ...175 4. D-Field ...170 5. Maroon Band CORPS (Class B) ...165 1. B-Field ...247 y 2 2. B-Infantry ...240 Squadron 12 ...240 3. B-Engineers ...235 4. C-Infantry .* ...225 D-Infantry ...225 5. A-Transportation ...220 For his the sportshirf that's so soft... it's actually habit-forming WILLIAM TELL hy Pamper him wit.h this cozy, warm, washable wool-blendeJ 1 flannel shirt ... he'll love to loaf in its smart, Italian Tempo collar . . . soft-rolling, one-piece and convertible. Will no* shrink out of fit. S-M-ML-L / $1 l 95 long sfeev*^ a .11]. OaGUop &G. MENS CLOTHINO SINCE 189* BRYAN - TEXAS Cougars have averaged almost 90 points a game, hitting their high for the year against potent TCU. The Cougars slaughtered the Frog gies, 101-58. According to the ex perts, the Houston Cats should win the Missouri Valley championship going away. Houston boasts 3-1 season record. “We’re improving all right,” says crafty Ken Loeffler, the inimitable Aggie coach, “but we’ve still, got a long way to go. We’re going to give these other conference teams a good game anyway.” Sophomore F r i t z i e Connally bucketed 14 points against Tulane to take the lead in individual scor ing on the Aggie squad with 69 points. Second in rebounds, Con- nally’s 6-3 height is deceiving. He can jump higher than anyone on dirisinuis At this season of good cheer we wish to ex press our sincere ap preciation of the cor dial relations existing between us and to extend best wishes for a Merry Christmas. A&M Photo Shop No. Gate 4-8844 the team. Senior Bill Brophy dunked 15 points Monday night to place him second in team scoring with 56. Brophy, 6-3, was A&M’s top point maker last year with 336. George (Spider) Mehaffey, who has been handicapped in the past two games with a Charley horse, still managed to score 14 points in the Tulane game to rank him third in Aggie scoring with 53 markers. George gets a crack at his home town school tonight. He graduated from St. Thomas high school in Houston. A&M suffered its worst defeat in history last year at the hands of the Cougar’s, 107-66. This will be the second start of the season for the Aggie Fish, who dropped their opener to Allen Academy last week, 72-75. Alex Roberts, 6-2, Pawtucket, R.I. prod uct was the leading scorer in the game against Allen. Roberts dumped eight field goals and seven free throws for a total of 23. The only Texan in the starting freshmen lineup, Victoria’s Neil Swisher, scored 16 points in the season opener and was outstanding on defense. Stew Heller, 6-6 Pennsylvanian, hit the basket for 12 points and controlled the back- boards most of the night. G o n z a 1 o Diago, two-handed sharpshooter from Santurce, Puerto Rico, wound up with 10 points. Diago hits from all parts of the court on his set shots and appeal’s headed for great things at A&M. Tonight’s games will be the last home appearance of the Aggies before their Southwest Conference bpener with Baylor Jan. 4. ‘‘It pays to kno,w your STATE FARM AGENT! 27V2% dividends have been returned to Texas policyholders by State Farm Mutual, the “Careful Driver Insurance Company," For top notch protection call U. M. ALEXANDER *10 215 S. Main Ph. 3-3616 Bryan ^^bere is a special uiarmtb of feeling and a deep sense of friendliness in tixs greeting at fo> bristmas tune and in all tbe good uusbes it brmgs. EXCHANGE STORE ‘‘Serving Texas Aggies”