The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1955, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION Tuesday, December 6, 1955 9 Church Students Trophy Committee Attend Conference * ^ Meets Tomorrow Nine A&M students attended the Fall Southern Regional Confer ence of the Presbyterian Student Association of Texas Saturday and Sunday. Students attending the confer ence, which was held on the Baylor University campus in Waco, were Murray Milner, chairman for the Southern Region, Frank Clark, Stewart Coffman, Ewen Hail, John Richard Billingsley, W. J. God frey, Jr., Kilho Park, A1 Culber son, and Nathaniel Foote. The theme of the conference this year was “The Christian Student Confronts the World Revolution,” presented by the main speaker for the occasion, the Rev. Mr. Thom Hunter of the University of Tex as. The Rev. Mr. Charles Work man, A&M Minister to Students, was one of the discussion leaders. Open House (Continued from Page 1) Team captains of the Aggie Council Bowling Team will meet at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday in the Letters LAST DAY “To Catch a Thief” with CARY GRANT Plus “Son of Paleface” with BOR HOPE (Continued from Page 2) Also, while observing the spac ing in the parking lot it was the same thing over again, only worse. I’m sure you and most all of us have seen this and are aware of it all. I don’t know about the other parking lots, but Hart Hall’s lot could be marked by paint for uni form spacing between cars and save some of that money going to the K.K.’s (Campus Security) in tickets which amounts to an aver age of $.‘50 a day now, I understand. Paint isn’t that high, yet! George A. Owens, ’55 (Ed. Note: The marking with paint might not be a bad idea. Too much space is wasted be tween cars, and more could be gotten in. Another thing about that particular parking lot that could be improved is the drivers of certain cars who insist on “digging out” everytime they leave. The lot is small, but it is in good shape at present.) Bowling Alley of the Memorial Student Center, according to Betty Rae Chinnock, chairman of the Trophy Awards. John Geiger, manager of the Bowling Alley, will meet with the girls at this time to help them decide on appropriate trophys and awards. Since it will take approximately two weeks to have the trophies delivered, the presentation will probably take place in January. The captains will decide wheth er the trophies will go to the teams or to individuals. Thei'e has been some discussion as to the pre sentation of a trophy to the girl who has improved the most over the bowling season. Directors Approve A&M Promotions The Board of Directors of the A&M System approved confirma tion of promotions at Texas A. and M. College, Texas Agricultural Ex periment Station, Texas Agricul tural Extension Service, Texas En gineering Extension Service and Texas Forest Service. GIFTS for the Men Browning or Remington Guns —- Waders and Rubber Boots Decoys and Game Calls Golf Clubs, Bags & Accessories Fishing Equipment Sunbeam Drillmaster Shells STUDENT CO-OP No. Gate 4-4114 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Dne day 2<t per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale Three gas space heaters, excel lent condition, one nearly new big Dearborn. Lot for $35. One nearly new water air conditioner worth $155. Will take $75. 303 Walton Drive, 4-7322. M. E. Rudolph. 58t3 Slightly used ’54 model Reming ton typewriter. Call 4-8778 before 5:30 p.m. 57t5 Wanted Name and date of application oi all married veterans on waiting list for College View Apartments Confidential. Write Box X.X., c/o Battalion. 58t8 Deer Hunters wanted, deer hunt ing by the day in heart of deer territory—one mile north of Nor- mangee Lake—for further inform ation call 3-4436. 58t2 Texas A&M College: Agriculture, Murray A. Brown to instructor. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station: Horticulture, Alfred H. Krezdom, Hubert C. Mohr, both to associate professors; Rural Home Research, Jo Anne Bannister to technician; Veterinary Medicine, Paul W. Lukens to instructor; Sub station No. 15, Weslaco, Paul H. Smyth to field assistant. Texas Agricultural Extension Service: V. W. Cranfill to associate county agricultural agent, Wanda Greenhill to county home demon stration agent, Samuel Mann, Jr., J. T. Mobly, W. M. Moore, Jr., James S. Norman, E. N. Tibbets, J. E. Wakefield, all to county agri cultural agents, Gerald M. York to assistant state 4-H Club leader. Texas Engineering Extension Service: H. D. Smith to acting chief. Texas Forest Service: District No. 2, Henderson, Bertis L. Watson to crewleader; District No. 5, Kir- byville, Lewis Williams to senior crewleader. Education and Psychology will meet in room 103 of the Academic Building. English Department will meet room 315 of the Academic Building. History Department will meet m room 207 of the Academic Building. Journalism Department will meet in Building “J” in the shacks. Mathematics Department will meet in room 223 of the Academic Building. Modern Languages Department will meet in room 119 of the Aca demic Building. Oceanography Department will meet in room 307 of Goodwin Hall. Physical Education Department will meet in room 214 of White Coliseum. Physics Department will meet in room 320 in the Physics Build ing. ENGINEERING Aeronautical Engineering will meet on the first floor of the new Engineering Building. Architecture will meet on the fourth floor of Academic Building. Chemical Engineering will meet in room 104 of the Petroleum Building. Civil Engineering will meet in room 11 of the Civil Engineering Building. Electrical Engineering will meet in room 301 of the Electrical En gineering Building. Geology Department will meet on the first floor of the Petroleum Building. Industrial Education will meet in room 108 of the Mechanical En gineering Shops. Mechanical Engineering will meet in the back part of the Ma chine Shop in the Mechanical En gineering Shops. Industrial Engineering will meet in room 207 of the new Engineer ing Building. Petroleum Engineering will meet room 140 of the Petroleum Building. VETERINARY MEDICINE Veterinary Medicine will meet in room 12 of the Veterinary Hos pital. ggjgg ■ II Social Whirl Band Wives Club will hold their Christmas party tonight at 7:30 in the Mother’s Club Lounge of the YMCA. Coffee, cake and hot chocolate will be served. Presents will be exchanged between coup- Lucille Prior was elected presi dent of the newly formed Indus trial Education Wives Club recent ly. Assisting her are Darlene Pitt man, vice president; Francis Frummerhop, secretary; Mary Newman, treasurer; Ouida Capps, council representative; Jan Kuy kendall, parliamentarian; Reba ; ViJ I Tubbs, reporter; Camille Sipe, re freshment chairman; Shirley Mc- Ilhenny, membership chairman. SOIL TESTING DEMONSTRATION—Serior Graciano An- tunez Vergara, director general of the Department of Ag riculture and Livestock for Paraguay, right, watches close ly as Mrs. Ann Perryman, secretary, and former laboratory technician in the Soils Testing Lab at A&M, shows how its done. Watching over Mrs. Perryman’s shoulder are Ed uardo Fleitas of Asuncion, Paraguay, studying systematic and economic entomology at the college for five months, and D. W. Williams, vice-chancellor for agriculture. Newcomer’s Club will have a tea at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Frank G. Anderson, 501 Fairview. Mrs. Phil Cutchin is Job Calls BELL SYSTEM will interview aeronautical, electrical, industrial and mechanical engineers, indus trial education, industrial techno logy, business administration, phy sics, accounting and mathematics majors for Bell Labs., Sandia, Western Electric, Southwestern Bell and AT&T. THE CROSSET CO. will inter view January and June graduates in mechanical, chemical and elec trical engineering, chemistry, and business administration. THE ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AME1RICA will interview Jan uary graduates in mechanical and electrical engineering interested in production work in smelting aluminum. REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK OF DALLAS will interview Janu ary graduates in business admin istration, finance and accounting who are interested in banking as a career. Ch u rcli Briefs Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church A joint meeting of the Brother hood and Women’s Missionary So ciety will meet tonight at 7:30 at the church. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Holy Communion will be held at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow at the church followed by breakfast. Canterbury Association will follow the 7:15 p.m. services Wednesday night. Work Wanted Neat, accurate typist would like to type for you in my home near campus. Phone 4-4643. 54t5 1950 Buick Special $650. Victor adding machine with subtraction, $85. Good condition, ohone 4-7021, 204 College View St., Bi'yan. 57t2 Christmas joy for your little boy —used model Railroad equipment, call 4-8166, 614 Welsh, College. 57t5 Stacked all channel TV anterma mast lead in guy wire, $17.50— 4-7979, 413 Montclair, College 56t4 Typing wanted to do in my Home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. after 5 p.m. lOOtf Lost Two spiral lecture notebooks. Agronomy 418 and Agriculture Ed ucation 431, Wednesday, November 23, S. D. Hervey, Puryear 3-A. 57t2 Special Notice 1951 Oldsmobile “98” 4-dom*. Al most new motor with good Royal Master tires. Good condition. $650. Dorm 12, Room 405. 55t4 For Rent The Vezey home 4-4934. furnished. 57t2 Furnished apartment with gar age—1024 Foster. Mrs. O. F. Al len, phone SUnset 9960, Ft. Worth. 54tf DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf Installment Fees Fourth installment fees are now payable at the Fiscal Office. The payment for the period up to Jan. 28 is $56.85. Fees must be paid before Dec. 18. SHAFFER’S ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS We guarantee that your child will be happy in our nursery school. Ages through 4. Music, art, games, meals. 24 hour service. Phone 4-9761. 9tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Pets Students: Board your dogs at jpecial low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south >f College. 6-4121. 75tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE 2-1941 BRYAN RED BLUSH GRAPEFRUIT For an unusual and wel come Christmas gift, give a box of Texas Red Blush Grapefruit. Wrapped indi vidually in Diphenyl paper wrappers and packed in pasteboard cartons ready for shipment. Size 80 fruit —40 fruit per box, $3.25. Come by and pick up your box at the Horticulture Show, Main Lobby, Agri culture Building, Wednes day, Dec. 7. 57t2 Official notices must be brought, mailed. >r telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, 4-5324. hours 8 - 12, 1-5. dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding pubUca- tlon.—Director. ALL DEPARTMENTS: The Official directory of offices, staff and students are ready for distribution now at 76c each. You may get your copy now at the Office of Student Publications. 207 Goodwin Hall. 84tf • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAiy, TEXAS Dr. Carlton Ri Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER An all expense paid week-end for two (2) at the Shamrock Hilton with each new 1956 Pon tiac Strato-Streak purchase dur ing the month of December. ROY HENRY PONTIAC CO. Hearne, Texas SHEAFFERS SNORKEL PEN on .»7?5 Quality plus economy! All the most wanted Sheaffer features . . . clean filling . . . smooth-writing 14K gold point. Come in today! SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE N. Gate College Station Liggett & Mvers Tobacco Co.