The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 58: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
News of the World
ALGIERS — French security bad been suffering from throat
troops fired on a crowded native
market place near the Tunisian
border Sunday and at least 40
Algeriafis were killed. The death
toll across French Noi-th Africa
was at least 69. At least 40 were
injured. In addition to the bloody
scene on the market square of the
town of Lamy, French authorities
said that 24 Algerians died else-
> where Sunday as a result of rebel
★ ★ ★
WOODFORD, England — Sir
Winston Churchill has called
the Asiatic tour of the Soviet
leaders a surprising spectacle
and suggested that the British
government weigh carefully
whether to let them repeat it
here. Soviet Premier Bulganin
and Communist parly chief
Khrushchev are due to visit Brit
ain in April.
★ ★ ★
DENVER—A Moscow-trained
former Communist said yesterday
in the federal trial of Maurice E.
Travis, 45, that the Communist
Party uses “labor unions as a rev
olutionary transmission belt to ac
complish their revolutionary aims.”
Travis, West Coast representative
of the Internation Union of Mine,
. Mill and Smelter Workers, is
charged with falsely denying mem
bership in the Communist Pai’ty in
1951-52 on non-communist affida
vits filed with the National Labor
Relations Board. Conviction on the
charge carries a maximum penalty
of 20 years in prison and a $40,000
cancer for years, strangled his
wipe yesterday and then tele
phoned a Houston relative to tell
what he had done and say he
was going to kill himself. By the
time someone reached the home
of the 44-year-old juke box deal
er he had killed himself with an
automatic rifle. The body of
Mrs. Webb, 31, was found in the
it + +
WA SHINGTON—Sen. Mansfield
(D-Mont) said yesterday if the
Eisenhower administration sacri
fices security for economy in its
new military budget it may lead
to the end of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization. Mansfield, a
Senate Foreign Relations commit
teeman, said he hopes President Ei
senhower will join with British
Prime Minister' Anthony Eden at
their January conference here in
action aimed at “strengthening the
Westei’n Alliance.”
Freshman Open House
To Start At 7 Tonight
Piano Quartet
To Be Featured
On Town Hall
The Philharmonic Piano
Quartet, Town Hall’s fifth at
traction of the year, will be
presented tonig'ht at 8:BO in
White Coliseum.
The Quartet consists of two
women and two men, who in their
own right are piano virtuosos.
They are Gisela Richter, Moreland
Kortkamp, Emmet Yokes and Her
bert Rogers.
All four pianists studied at New
York’s Julliard School of Music and
have given successful individual
concerts. In addition to their re
citals, they have played at New
York’s Lewisohn Stadium, Denver’s
Red Rocks and the Roxy Theatre
in New York.
Moritz Bombard is the official 1
musical arranger for the Quartet
and at present is director of the
Kentucky Opera Association in
Louisville, Ky., and of a success
ful TV opera series there.
Doors will open at 7:30 and ad
mission will be by Town Hall sea
son tickets or individual tickets.
General admission is $1 for stu
dents and $2 for non-students. Re
serve seats, which will be sold only
at the door, are $1.50 for students
and $2.50 for non-students.
General admission tickets may be
purchased in the Office of Student
Activities until 5 this afternoon.
Lions Will Sell
Christmas Trees
Using the proceeds for charity
purposes, the College Station Lions
Club will start selling Christmas
trees Thursday.
The trees will be sold either at
East Gate or the circle until 9
p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays
and until 7 p.m. on week days.
They will be sold until Christmas
The proceeds from the sale will
be used by the Lions Club for the
Boy Scouts,, underprivileged chil
dren and other charitable groups.
All Lions Club members will help
in the sale of the trees with Dr.
Leland C. Grumbles in charge.
Also to be sold will be table
decorations, artificial snow, fire
proofing compounds and other
items along that line.
The Lions Club has also dis
cussed offers by several units in
tbe Corps to give Christmas par
ties for underprivileged children.
J. J. Skrivanek has been put in
charge of making the necessary ar
ART AT A&M—Looking over one of the 75 pieces in the
Feldman Collection of Texas Art is Mrs. Bob Bell, PBX op
erator in the Memorial Student Center. The collection,
which went on display late in November, will remain in
the Center until the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Bell is the
wife of Bob Bell, senior farm management major from
Ike Defin es Role
Of Union Members
Two Students Win
Medals at Meet
John Wilson, Dallas senior, and
Bill Heard, Houston junior, were
awarded gold medals for superior
speaking and debating in the For
ensic Progression at the East Cen
tral State Forensic Meet at Ada,
Okla., last week. Wilson’s award
was in the senior division, while
Heard’s was in the junior division.
Dave Bowers, Alice senior woti
a certificate of excellence in the
senior division, and Ray Finch,
junior from Bay City took a
“good” in the junior division.
In Debate, two teams, one of
Wilson and Bowers and the other
consisting of Finch and Heard
won three out of four for a rat
ing of excellent in their respective
Debate coach Lee J. Martin of
the English Department made the
trip with the squad.
NEW YORK—(A 5 )—President Ei- I
senhower said yesterday labor |
unions have a legitimate interest
in politics but should be sure they
“accurately reflect” wishes of their
members before taking sides.
Eisenhower addressed the found
ing convention of the merged AFL-
CIO by telephone from his Gettys
burg, Pa., farm, where he is i'e-
cuperating from illness.
His voice came through cleai’ly
and distinctly to the 1,400 delegates
in the 71st Regiment Armory on
Park Avenue.
They cheered when AFL-CTO
President George Meany, from the
hall, introduced the President. They
arose and gave another burst of
applause at the end of the speech.
The President’s reference to ac
curately reflecting the view of the
7’ank and file came at a time when
there is speculation as to what
role the new 16-million-member or
ganization will play in the 1956
presidential election.
Both the AFL and the CTO en
dorsed Adlai Stevenson., the Demo
cratic candidate, in his 1952 cam
paign against Eisenhower.
Weather Today
Continued clear anH warmer is
the forecast for College Station
area. Yesterday’s high of 60 de
grees dropped to 36 degrees early
this morning. Temperature at
10:30 read 51 degrees.
Horticulture Show
Will Be Tomorrow
The Horticulture Society, in con
junction with the Horticulture De
partment, will hold its annual show
from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. tomorrow
in the lobby of the Agriculture
The Horticulture show origi
nated in 1920 and is the oldest ac
tivity of its kind at A&M. It
consists of displays of various
horticultural products ranging
from pecans to citrus. Students
and department members will be
on duty all day to answer ques
The purpose of the show is to
give horticulture students exper
ience in making and collecting ex
hibits of various horticulture pro
Grapefruits will be on sale at
the show. Proceeds will be used
to send members of the Horticul
ture Society on an annual inspec
tion trip, and for other club activ
Eisenhower told the unionists,
“The roads you travel, the schools
your children attend, the taxes you
pay, the standards of integrity in
government, the conduct of the
public business is your business as
“And while all of you, as to the
public business, have a common
goal—a stronger and better Amer
ica—your views as to the best
means of reaching that goal vary
widely—just as they do in any
other group of American citizens.
“So in your new national organi
zation, as well as in your many
constituent organizations, you
have a great opportunity of making
your meetings the world’s most
effective exhibit of democratic
The President appeared to be
defining, his administration’s view
of labor’s position in the political
Sen. Barry Goldwater said Sun
day the AFL-CTO “has no right”
to endorse a presidential nominee.
Some other Republicans have ac
cused union leaders of trying to
raise a slush fund to gain control
of a political pai’ty.
Walter Reuther, president of the
old CIO, commented:
“The President’s addi’ess refutes
completely the Goldwater line be
cause obviously it indicated he be
lieves these members of organized
labor have a right to participate
in shaping political decisions of our
“I think the President doesn’t
believe that this is the beginning
of a labor monopoly or he would
not have dignified it by giving an
But both Meany and Reuther in
speeches before the President’s ad
dress indicated labor will be active
Meats Team
Places Fourth
In IMJ Contest
The Senior Meats Judging
Team, coached by Gene King
of the Animal Husbandry De
partment, placed fourth in
the overall contest ranking at
the Intercollegiate Meats Judging
Contest in Chicago, Ill., Nov. 29.
Iowa State was first, Wisconsin,
second and Ohio State, third.
Classes and A&M placings were
beef judging, third; beef grading,
first; lamb grading, tenth; and
pork judging, sixth.
J. A. Loftis, team member,
placed fourth in beef grading, fifth
in lamb judging and eleventh in the
overall contest. Ken Killion placed
first in beef grading, fifth in pork
judging and twelfth in the overall
contest. Other team members are
Robert W. Caldwell and J. M. Lebo,
“This is the best group of boys
I have ever worked with,” King
said. “I was very proud that they
beat Oklahoma A&M, which had
been a consistant winner in the
contest over the last few years.”
The team competed with 22 other
teams from all sections of the
United States and Canada. The
contest consisted of two beef car
cass classes, one beef rib class, one
beef chuck class, two pork carcass
classes, one fresh ham class, two
lamb carcass classes, twenty beef
carcasses to gi*ade to one-third of
grade by USD A specifications,
and ten lamb carcasses for" grading
to one-thii'd of a graeje.
‘Mel Lebo, team alternate, was
just as important as anyone on the
team and he insured the team’s
success,” King said, “He would
have done equally as well had he
been in the contest.”
Town Hall Set at fi:30
To Allow Plenty of Time
All departments of the college will hold their annual
Freshman Open House tonight at 7 so new students can meet
the members of the organization, the staff of the depart
ments, and get an “inside look” at the department in which
they are majoring.
There is no class distinction observed at these meetings
and the freshman is made to feel “at home.” It is only with
the help and cooperation of this year’s freshmen that the
club and societies can function in coming years.
“These meetings allow the new student on the campus
to align himself professionally with the organization in which
he h$s chosen to major,” said C. H. Ransdell, acting dean
of the Basic Division.
DECK THE HALLS . . . with decorations is the song that
the inhabitants of dormitories at A&M are now singing.
And doing the singing, and working, for the Maroon Band
on the first floor of dormitory 11 are, left to right, Bill
Evans, sophomore; Charley Voelter, junior; James Gas
ton and Willett Stallworth, both sophomores; and Gay
Cloud, junior.
Filings To Cl ose
Filings for freshman class offi
cers close tomorrow afternoon at
5 p.m.
About 100 freshmen had filed in
the office of Student Activities on
Monday. Ten seniors have filed
for the position on the Student
Elections will be held Wednes
day, Dec. 14. in the Memorial Stu
dent Center.
Alabama Ag
Should Buy
'56 License
Dum de dum dum, Tuesday,
Dec. 6, City of College Sta
Name unknown but the lic
ense plate is as follows: A&M
license, 17693; Alabama lic
ence, 677.
The charge is not serious
yet. But Bryan police called
The Battalion yesterday for
help in reminding the owner
of the car bearing the above
out-of-state plates that the
license expired Nov. 15.
They added that the student
please get it renewed because
doing so may save him a fine
later on. The Department of
Public Safety keeps an eye out
for expired out-of-state lic
ense tags.
The police also warned all
motorists with Mississippi lic
ense that these expired Oct.
31, and like the Alabama tags
must be replaced by 1956
Picture Schedule
For Clubs Opens
Clubs may now begin schedul
ing pictures for the 1956 Aggie-
land, according to Kurt Nauck,
editor. Appointment should b e
made at the Office of Student
Publications, second floor of Good
win Hall.
Pictures will be made beginning
today with a deadline date to be
announced later, he said.
Club rates are $50 per page and
$30 per half page. Club rosters
are requested at the time appoint
ments are made, but not required.
Before the picture will be put in
the book this roster must be turn
ed in.
The payment of the $50 or $30
must be made at time of schedul
ing pictures, Nauck said.
“Freshmen are urged by the
heads of their departments to
take this opportunity to at
tend the meeting of their de
partments and join in with the
activity and various functions of
the organizations,” Ransdell said.
Through the cooperation of the
Office of Student Activities,
Town hall will not begin until
8:30, giving each student time to
visit in his major department.
A complete schedule of all meet
ings for tonight follows:
Agricultural Economics and So
ciology will meet in room 312 of
the Agricultural Building.
Agricultural Education will meet
in room 307 of the Agricultural
Engineering Building.
Agricultural Engineering will
meet in room 200 of the Agricul
tural Engineering Building.
Agronomy Department will meet
in room 105 of the Agronomy
Animal Husbandry will meet in
the lecture room of the Animal
Husbandry Building.
Dairy Husbandry will board a
bus at 4 p.m. by the Agriculture
Building for a tour of the farm
and return in a group for eve
ning meal in Duncan Hall. At 7
the group will board a hus for a
visit to the creamery.
Floriculture will meet in the
Floriculture Building.
Poulti’y Husbandry will meet in
room 311 of the Agriculture Build
Range and Forestry will meet
in the seminar room on the second
floor of the Agricultural Engi-
neei’ing Building.
Wildlife Management will meet
on the third floor, rear, of the
Agricultural Engineering Build
Entomology Department will
meet in room 105 of the Biological
Sciences Building.
Horticultui'e Department will
meet in room 103 of the Agricul
ture Building.
Biology Depai’tment will meet
in room 113 of the Biological Sci
ences Building.
Business Administration will
meet in the chemistry lecture room
of the Chemistry Building.
Chemistry Department will meet
in room 113 of the Chemistry
Economics Depai’tment will meet
in room 129 of the Academic Build
(See OPEN HOUSE, Page 6)
Talent Show
Op ens Friday
In Guion Hall
The fourth annual Aggie
Talent Show will be presented
in Guion Hall Friday night at
8 by the MSC Music Group.
This year’s show is hailed
as “the best yet” by Dick Mc-
Gowen, chairman of the Group and
no admittance will be charged. All
12 of the acts are well-planned and
range from singers to comedians,
he added.
“Winner of the Show will be an
nounced immediately after the
show and- will represent A&M at
the Intercollegiate, Talent Show to
be held here in April,” McGowen
Master of Ceremonies for the
show will be Walter (Buddy)
Black, senior from Maryland, and
the Group is hoping for five judges
to pick the winner from the acts.
So far only two judges have been
announced and they are C. K. Esten
of the English department and
Charles Williams, editor of The En
The progress for the evening is
tentatively planned to, include Ed
ward Bulkhead, a singer; a Saxo
phone Trio consisting of C. J.
Sanfilippo, Alfred Cbrdes and Rog
er Alexander; a Spoons’ Player,
Don Demming; guitar player and
singer, John Montgomery; Jimmy
Patterson on the piano; singers
Sam Tayloe, Jim Gatlin, John Har
dy, Rufe Brewton and Roger Poole.
A comedy act with Charles and
Boyd Smith; the Aggie Ramblers;
pantomime singer Joe Ector; Paul
Rosenthel, comedian; Lynn Pixley,
guitar player and singer; and Mar
tin Adams, singer.
Persons taking part in the show
are urged to attend the rehearsal in
the MSC Ballroom Wednesday
night at 7:30.
MECHANICAL AGE—A ditch digger is shown digging the ditch for a new sewer line
to connect with the Bryan sewer line. The new line, part of the new sewage develop
ment, will handle sewage from the north end of College Station. Contract work is being
done by Texala Construction Co. of Houston.