The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 02, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 57: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
NEW OFFICES—Student Publications at A&M will move into new offices sometime
after the first of the year. The offices are to be in the basement of the YMCA. Shown
are two employees of the college working in the part of the basement that will be the main
news room of The Battalion. Other offices which will be relocated in the YMCA are
Student Activities, Student Affairs, and the dean of Student Personnel Services.
At Cotton Bowl
All College Departments Plan
Annual Open House Tuesday
Young Elected For Escort
Wayne Young, senior eleetn'cal
engineering major from Dallas,
was nameed by the Student Senate
last night as Aggie Sweetheart
escort to the Cotton Bowl game
Jan. 2.
At the same time, four students
from A&M will be attending the
Dieeting of the Southwest Confer-
mce Sportsmanship Committee in
Dallas. These students are treated
with dances, banquets and tickets
to the Cotton Bowl game.
Students attending from A&M
are the Student Senate president,
an athletic representative, head
1 #
College Station Has
Perfect S-D Day
College Station had no accidents
or deaths during Safe Driving Day
yesterday, according to city au
thorities. The day was proclaim
ed by Mayor Ernest Langford, in
accordance with the observance
throughout the nation.
„ bD — Safe-Driving Day moved
through its ebbing hours last
night with a mounting traffic toll
that exceeded the death figure on
.the first S-D Day a year ago.
The National Safety Council
listed an official death toll of 58.
Figures were kept for the period
from midnight Wednesday to mid
night Thursday local time.
Adm. H. B. Miller, director of
the President’s Committee for
Traffic Safety, said it was a sharp
disappointment to learn the S-D
toll Thursday surpassed that of
. S-D Day last year, when 51 per
sons were killed in traffic mis
haps. Texas had two killed.
yell leader and editor of The Bat
talion, or their representatives.
Other business during the Senate
session included reports from var
ious committees. The Hospital
Committee gave their repoi*t as
their general feeling was that “Dr.
Marsh is doing an admirable job
with the facilities he has to work
Joe Blair, civilian senator’, said
improvement could be instituted in
the medical, physical, public rela
tions and financial areas of the
One Senator said several stu
dents had' contacted him in regards
to the physical education. Tees col
lected at the beginning of this se
mester. He said lockers were not
issued until mid-semester and stu-
Weather Today
A slight increase in temperature
is expected with no precipitation
for the College Station area. Yes
terday’s high was 46 degrees; low,
42 degrees. Temperature at 10:30
a.m. was 47 degrees.
dents had to use their own equip
ment during this time. A special
committee was formed to look into
the matter and try to get some
of the money refunded.
In other business, the Senate was
informed of the disappeai’ance of
too many milk botties from the
mess halls. It was reported that
the mess hall will have to stop
serving two bottles of milk at night
if they keep disappearing. The
matter was referred to the Mess
Committee for further action.
A&M Professors
Attend Meeting
Morris J. Garber and Melvin S.
Brooks of the Genetics and Agi’i-
cultural Economics & Sociology
Departments, respectively, attend
ed the annual meeting of the Col
lege Classroom Teachers Associa
tion in San Antonio last Friday.
Dr. Garber is president of the A&M
Chapter and Di\ Brooks is presi
dent of the state organization and
presided over the sessions.
Sarran Fund
To Be Handled
By Committee
A Welfare Fund Committee,
headed by Wayne Young - , has
been formed to handle the
James E. Sarran collections.
“The group has not had an
official meeting as yet but the
emergency of the serious accident
involving Sarran brought about
the need of immediate action on
the part of the Committee acting
in behalf of the Student Senate,”
Young said.
Part of the Committee met with
college officials and Student Sen
ate members Wednesday afternoon
to discuss the handling of the Sar
ran Fund. It was decided that the
fund should be used to pay all ex
penses not covered by insurance.
The Committee will decide what to
do with any money left over at a
later date.
More than $3,700 has been col
lected so far, but a large per cent
of this sum has been spent for sev
eral large hospital bills, Young
J. Gordon Gay, secretary of the
YMCA, said he would still accept
any contributions offered for the
Talent Show Entry
Forms Available
All students planning to take
part in the Aggie Talent Show
are asked, to fill out forms to en
able the MSC to print programs
for the show.
These forms are available in the
Directorate office in the MSC and
must be completed by 5 p.m. today.
The following information is
Name or names of individuals
pel-forming in the act.
Hometowns of the individuals.
The name of the act that will be
used on the program.
What each act will do.
The two numbers and the en
core to be done by the act.
Scholarships, Aid Fund
To Avoid
Start at 7
TH Conflict
The 1955 Freshman Open House
will he held throughout the De
partments of the College Tuesday
night at 7 announced C. H. Rans-
dell, acting dean of Basic Division.
This Open House has become an
annual affair when, on a set date,
the departments of the various
schools of the College, together
with their technical societies and
clubs, invite the freshmen to meet
with them and meet the members
of the organization, the staff of
the departments, and get an “in
side look” at the department in
which he is majoring.
“These meetings allow the new
student on the campus to align
MSC Leaders
Attend Meeting
In Fayetteville
Sixteen members of the Me
morial Student Center Direc
torate left for Fayetteville,
Ark., today to attend the Re
gional Student Union Confer
Wayne Stark, advisor for the
group, accompanied the students
to the conference, which will have
20 schools from five states. The
role of the Student Union on the
campus will be discussed by the
gi’oup and speeches on the student
union movement will be presented.
Those from A&M making the
trip are Herbert W. Whitney, MSC
president; Richard M. Wall, Floyd
Hardiman, Don McGinty, Frank
Vaden, Richard McGown, Fleming
Smith, Robert Bacher, Paul Ross,
Charles Skillman, Don Turbe-
ville, Rudy Hernandez, Kit Kit-
trell, Hugh Wharton, Frank dag
gers and David Brothers.
The conference ends tomorrow.
Bowl Provides Programs
Battalion News Editor
More than just entertainment is
derived from the 12th Man Bowl
football game each year.
The bowl is the sole source of
income for two beneficial programs
—the 12th Man Scholarship and the
Student Aid Fund.
Income from the Bowl game is
divided between the two programs
according to the financial status of
each. In the past, most of the
money has gone to the fund.
The fund is controlled by the
Student Aid Committee, a sub-com
mittee of the Student Life Commit
tee, with J. Gordon Gay as chair
It is designed primarily to help
students in time of emergency.
Some of the uses in the past have
been helping students pay for med
ical expenses for them or their
families, artificial limbs or hospital
bills. This in turn enabled stu
dents to stay in school.
Money from the Fund is lent on
a loan basis with the borrower
having the privilege of determin
ing when he will repay the loan.
Most of the time it comes back
within a year but longer terms are
not uncommon. No interest is
UP, UP, UP—Taking advantage of the workout rooms
which have been opened to students in the new addition of
White Coliseum is Guy Fernandez, senior dairy husbandry
major from Lima, Peru. The locker room and workout
rooms are open from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday; 8-5:30 Saturday; and 1-5:30 p.m. Sundays.
Loupot To Sponsor
New Sign Contest
Loupot’s Trading Post at
the North Gate is sponsoring
a sign contest for the 12th
Man Bowl football game Dec.
Five silver dollars wall be
given for the winning sign
supporting the Maroon Team
and also the White Team.
“This is one way of return
ing some money to tetoe. stu
dents, but it is mostly for the
honor, v Loilpot said.
Limit for the amount that can
be borrowed is $300. If the bor
rower needs more, his problem is
taken before the Student Life Com
This has been done only once and
the loan was granted. Last year,
$1,600 was loaned out by the Aid
The 12th Man Scholarship, also
entirely dependent on the Bowl pro
ceeds, is used to help a student
attend A&M who would otherwise
be unable to.
Money for the scholarship is
turned over to the Opportunity
Awards Scholarship Committee. It
is handled on the same basis as
other scholarships with need, schol
astic ability and attitude as pri
mary considerations.
Film Group Show
Features O’Henry
The MSC Film Society will pre
sent five selected O’Henry stor
ies entitled “O’Henry’s Full
House” this evening at 7:30 in
the MSC Ballroom.
The continuity for the film is
written by John Steinbeck and fea
tures such stars as Charles Laugh
ton, Marilyn Monroe, Richard
Widmark, Jean Peters and Oscar
The O’Henry stories incorpora
ted into the film are “The Cap
and the Anthem,” “The Carion
Call,” “The Last Leaf,” “The Ran
som of Red Chief” and “The Gift
of the Magi.”
Season tickets are good for this
performance and single admission
tickets of 25 cents each may be
purchased at the door.
Bankers to Be Here
For Conference
More than 150 working bank
ers from all parts of Texas are
expected to be here Dec. 4-6 for
the annual Texas Farm and Ranch
Credit School for Commercial
Charles N. Shepardson, agricul
tural member of the Board of
Governors for the Federal Reserve
System and former dean of the
School of Agriculture, will be a
feature speaker dui’ing the con
ference, according to Dr. Tyrus R.
Timm, conference chairman.
Bankers attending the school
will hear specialists review recent
developments and projects in an
effort to see what is ahead for
agriculture in 1956.
himself professionally with the or
ganization in which he has chosen
to major”, said Ransdell. “It is a
wonderful opportunity for the
freshman to feel and to become
a part of his major course of
study,” he added.
At these meetings there is no
class distinction observed and the
freshman is made to feel “at
home.” It is only with the help
and cooperation of this year’s
freshmen that the clubs and so
cieties can function in the coming-
“The freshmen are urged by
the heads of their departments to
take this opportunity to attend the
meeting of his department and
join in* with the activity and var
ious functions of the organiza
tions,” Ransdell said.
This year the meetings will
start at 7 p.m. to allow the stu
dents to get out in time to attend
the Philharmonic Piano Quartet,
which is appearing at Town Hall
the same night.
Through the cooperation of the
Office of Student Activities the
Town Hall program will not begin
until 8:30 p.m.
A schedule of the meeting places
will be posted on all outfit bulle
tin boards and in the departments.
General curricula students, those
not yet decided on a major course
of study, are urged to attend the
meeting of the club or society that
interests him most.
A complete schedule of all meet
ings for Tuesday night follows:
Agricultural Economics and So
ciology will meet in room 312 of
(See OPEN HOUSE, Page 2)
Negro’s Condition
‘Fair’ After Crash
Alex Warren, negro resident of
College Station, was reported in
“fair condition” yesterday at St.
Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan follow
ing injuries received Wednesday
in a collision that occurred about
12 noon at the intersection of
Church and Boyett streets in Col
lege Station.
Driver of the other car, James
P. Blackstone, junior geological
engineering student from Little
Rock, Ark., was reported to have
escaped from the accident without
Warren was driving a 1955
Chevrolet and Blackstone a 1955
Mercury when the accident oc
curred. Both automobiles were
badly damaged, according to M.
H. Luedke, investigating College
Station police officer.
Investigation of the collision is
still under way.
Aged Woman
Left Homeless
As Fire Hits
An aged colored woman was
left with only the clothes on
her back after a fire destroy
ed her home about 5:45 p.m.
Wednesday evening.
Miss Katie Johnson had left her
home to go to a near-by store to
purchase a bag of chicken feed
when a neighbor phoned the store
to inform her that the house was
on fire.
The house, a frame three-room
sti’ucture, on East Edwards St.,
south of College Station, was com
pletely destroyed before fire trucks
from College Station arrived. It
was covered by a $500 insurance
The flames, whipped by a strong
wind, took all the possessions of
the aged woman and destroyed the
house completely. None of the
household goods were insured.
Investigating officers from Col
lege Station said they could find
no immediate cause of the fire yes
terday. Miss Johnson said she
had left no fires on in the house
when she left for the store. There
were two butane outlets in the
house used for the cookstove and
the icebox. A wood-burning stove
was used for heating purposes.
At present Miss Johnson is stay
ing with neighbors who have fur
nished her with a small amount of
Three Local Men
Among Scientists
Three local men are in Houston
attending the Eleventh Southwest
Regional Meeting of the American
Chemical Society.
Dr. Carl M. Lyman, Dr. W. R.
Carmichael, and Dr. Frederick W.
Jensen are among some 1,200 sci
entists attending the Houston
Dr. Lyman is serving as co-
chairman of a symposium on phy-
sologically active substances. Dr.
Carmichael is the author of a pa
per entitled “The Preparation of
High School Students for College,”
which will be presented at a sym
posium on current trends in edu
cation, and Dr. Jensen is serving
as co-chairman of the symposium
on current trends in education at
the meeting.
Jensen is head of the Chemistry
Department at A&M, Carmichael
is superintendent of Bryan High
School and Lyman is head of the
Biochemistry and Nutrition De
partment at A&M.
RECOGNIZE THIS?—Not many people would recognize the water purifier unit for the
college, which is being repaired and rebuilt. The unit is located near splinter village,
across the street from the A&M Press which may be seen through the beams. Cold
weather for swimming, should one make a misstep.