The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1955, Image 5

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l&M Rodeo Team
Joes To McNeese
Tuesday, November 22, 1955
Six Rodeo Team members will
(represent A&M at the McNeeese
3taPfe College National Intercolleg - -
(ate Rodeo in December.
The members will be A. G. Oil re
)f Houston, Rodney Butler of Sul
phur, La., Curtis Burlin of Bryan,
Billy Steele of Streetman, James
)ickey of Bay City and Wayne
(Ward of San Antonio.
These six members were elected
tor the rodeo by members of the
jRodeo Club. To qualify for the
team members must be able to per-
Iform in the arena and have an ac
ceptable grade point ratio.
The A&M team won first place
(n the season’s opening NIRA
rodeo at Sam Houston State Col
lege earlier this fall.
See Joe Faulk ’32 for
Auto Parts
Seat Covers
214 N. Bryan 2-1669
Page 5
STICKING IT UP—Shown here are a group of freshmen and sophomores pushing a log
onto the stack by means of sticks. Some logs were stacked in this manner, but most
of them were moved by means of a winch truck. The bonfire is larger around at the
bottom this year than it was last year but it is not quite as tall. It is scheduled to
burn tomorrow night.
-Immediate Delivery-
We have a new shipment of pants
cloth. Ask the men who have bought
trousers from us.
L O U P O T ’ S
Trade with Lou—he’s right with you
Football Telecasts
Takes Preparation
A lot of work has to be done
to get ready for a national telecast
of a football game. Most of the
preliminary work for the two tele
casts from Kyle Field this year
were done weeks before the re
gional broadcast of the Baylor
game here Oct. 22.
Thursday is the big one, NBC-
TV’s “Game of the Day,” the first
of its kind from Kyle Field. Foot
ball fans in every corner of the
nation will get to see the tradition
al Turkey Day game between the
Aggies and the Longhorns from
the University of Texas.
Earlier this year technicians of
the Southwestern Bell Telephone
Company installed transmitter
equipment atop the stadium press
box, ‘and a portable microwave ra
dio relay tower was readied at lola,
about 20 miles away. The project
was carried on by Southwestern
Bell, in cooperation with the
Southwestern States Telephone
Company which operates the Col
lege Station and Bryan telephone
The big job is to supply a tem
porary link between here and Mad-
isonville, the closest point on the
Bell System nationwide television
network. To. do this, the signal
produced by the TV cameras and
equipment is delivered to a trans
mitter atop the press box, with
the transmitter directed at lola.
There, a 150-foot portable tower
has a receiver to pick up the signal
f#>m Kyle Field and a transmitter
to send it on to Madisonville.
(Continued from Page 2)
ask you old Army!
Do we say and continue to say,
that we have the greatest school
in the world, and yet let this in
competence rule in the most im
portant place on the campus—the
hospital ?
Those vital fifteen minutes could
mean that boy’s life . . . and then
we would express our regrets and
keep telling each other that some
thing should be done to improve
our “hospital.”
The life of that sophomore is in
the hands of good doctors and God
Almighty now, and all we can do
for him is to pray for his recovery.
But will this malicious incompet
ence continue until another acci
dent like this occurs and we are
heart-sick again with the grief of
one of our fellow Aggies being in
jured or dying because of ineffi
cient care ? Is this . . . “True to
each other as Aggies can be?”
Let’s put that fighting Texas
Aggie Spirit behind a drive to re
move or improve that so-called
J. P. Greenwalt, ’58
At Madisonville the signal is
picked up on a receiver located on
a 50-foot platform and is delivered
to the coaxial cable at a “repeater”
(or amplifier) station in east Mad
From that city the signal is sent
to Chicago via Dallas, Oklahoma
City and St. Louis for transmission
to all television stations on the
NBC-TV network. It goes across
the country by coaxial cable or ra
dio relay, or both, and is delivered
to the apparatus panels of the
various TV stations. It is moni
tored along the way to make sure
the quality stays good, and at
some points, the program may be
switched so that stations in var
ious cities are fed from a single
To insure an uninterrupted tele
cast of the game, the company is
providing two complete and sep
arate but similar paths for the tele
vision signal to take.
Humble Service Station
‘Where Service
Is First”
Job Hook Offered to Srs.
Engineering seniors at A&M
can get a free directory on major
companies looking for young engi
The new book is the “Engineer’s
Job Directory.” In 88 pages, it
lists the requirements of 236 major
companies. Special selections are
devoted to show the opportunities
for undergraduates, professors, and
instructors looking for summer
A special Engineering and Scien
tific Job Index lists the companies
seeking engineers for specific clas
sifications. The index provides 66
different fields in concise f rm.
Copies of EJB may be obtained
through the Placement Office or
by writing directly to the publish
er, Decision, Inc., 481 First Na
tional Bank Bldg., Cincinnati 2,
Served from
11 until 2
Soup or Juice — 2 Vegetables
Meat — Coffee or Tea — Dessert
Triangle Banquet Room
3, JL
We take pleasure in announcing that we are
now carrying in open stock the principal titles in
This series covers a wide range of subject
matter but is heaviest on higher Mathematics
and Physics, Philosophy, Religion and Psychol
ogy are-also covered.
WE INVITE your inspection of this Series.
We believe you will like them and we know you
will be pleasantly surprised at the low prices.
CHS Holidays
The holiday schedule for the
A&M Consolidated Schools has
been released by Dr. L. S. Rich
ardson, superintendent. School will
close for Thanksgiving after Wed
nesday afternoon classes and will
reopen Monday morning.
Why you get a more
practical suit in a
The fabrics are the choice pieces
selected from the offerings of
America’s greatest woolen mills.
The patterns and colors have been
selected with taste and care and
each is classic in itself.
Those skilled Rochester tailors of
Michaels-Stern have done an out
standing job of needling these
fabrics into really handsome suits.
And the price is, by comparison
with other suits, so attractive that
you must see these soon.
Tailored in Rochester by
A MUM C or sage
To Fit Every Pocketbook For The Thanksgiving Game