The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 18, 1955, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION Friday, November 18, 1955 Monday At Austin i— Tracksters For SWC Shoot Crown A&M’s undefeated cross country team looks toward Austin Monday and its battle with Texas, SMU and Arkansas for the Southwest Conference crown. Th£ Aggies have swept through five meets so far this season, downing each of their SWC opponents at least once. Rice, TCU and Baylor do not send full teams to the confer ence meet, but may send a 4 runner or two each. A year ago the A&M har riers were at this same stage of the game, undefeated in all pre-conference meets, but Texas edged the Aggies by two points as Verlon Westmoreland, who hadn’t placed below second all year, be came ill and finished tenth. “We ai'e as good this year as last,” said head track coach Frank Andei'son, “and barring injuries or sickness, should win.” Team Captain Bill Cocke, senior letterman from Lake Charles, Loui siana, has paced A&M as he fin ished first in every meet but one— that against Arkansas, the only team to push the Aggies, where he placed second. In the season opener A&M scored a one-sided victory over Oklahoma and Texas, 28-44-48, with Cocke and Bob Boles taking the first two places. One week later Cocke again led his mates past the University of thrifty TIFFAfiYS are handsome, too Tiffany Worsteds represent one of the greatest value suits on the market today because these crisp and-sturdy fabrics are noted for their ability to stand up under the pressure of your hardest wear. Add to that a beautiful job of color and pattern styling for Fall and you have a great, great suit. Tailored in Rochester by MICHAELS-STERN ! $62.50 Conway & Co. 103 N. Main Bryan Texas as A&M captured an easy verdict. Cocke ran second for the only time against Arkansas in Fayette ville, but the Aggies won their closest margin, 24-31, on the Razor- back hills. Boles took a close third behind Cocke with Ed Blake, Carl Wilmsen and Don Carver finishing fifth, sixth and seventh. “Arkansas has a good team,” said Coach Anderson. “Our score against them shows better than the actual race because our boys just beat theirs by a matter of feet.” Against the SMU harriers the Aggies swept the first five places for the minimum 15 points. Cocke and Boles again finished one-two with Wilmsen, Blake and Carver behind them. Last week Cocke and Boles tied for first in Austin as A&M downed the Texas Longhorns, 17-42. Fi- dell Rul, a junior letterman who had been injured, captured fifth followed by Wilmsen and Blake, sixth and seventh. “We’ve done better up to this time than we ever have,” said coach Anderson. “We’ve *von by larger margins than any other year, but, then, the SWC is weaker than ever before, too.” A&M will be in for a strong fight from Arkansas and Texas, with the home ground favoring the Long horns. SMU is not in contention for the title, but one or two of their runners could take enough points to keep the Aggies out. “Texas will give us a good battle and has improved tremendously. Much more than we have,” said Anderson. BILL COCKE has led the Aggie cross country team through an undefeated season so far. The senior distance man is captain of the team, and has placed first in all but one meet this year. Jr. College Press Meeting Set Here Twelve schools will be repre sented by 125 students here Mon day and Tuesday when the third annual Texas Junior College As sociation’s press conference meets in the Memorial Student Center. This conference, was started by the junior colleges so they could help each other solve the problems of publishing newspapers and year books at their schools. Panels made up of and conduc ted by students from the 12 schools will discuss some problems that are present in the schools this year. Pat Taggart, president of the Texas Daily Newspaper Associa tion, will the representa tives at a banquet which will be held in conjunction with the con ference Monday night. Roy Craig and Tom Murray are the other guest speakers scheduled to talk at the conference. Craig is the editor and publisher of the “Stanford American” while Mur ray, from the Taylor Publishing Company of Dallas, is one of the top men in yearbook publication. He has worked with the Aggieland in past years. The feature of the conference will be a showing of the Missouri prize-winning photographs taken by professional newspapermen. The 76 pictures which cover such sub jects as sports and disaster will be Fencers To Hold Tournament Here Fencers from all over the state will participate in the first A&M Open Invitational Fencing Meet Saturday afternoon in DeWare Field House at 2:00 p.m. There will be competition in foil, epee, and sabre. A three weapon trophy will be given to the high individual of the meet. This will be the first coippetition of the year for the Aggie fencers. CARGILLS SKATING RINK One Mile N.E. of Bryan on Madisonville Highway COMPLETELY REMODELED NEW SHOE SKATES — O P E N — Monday thru Friday—7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday Afternoon—2 until 4 (Children 3/2 pi’ice — 25c & 50c) Saturday Night—7 ’til 9 and 9 ’til 11 Sunday Afternoon — 2 ’til 4 PRICES: 75c WITH SHOE SKATES 50c WITH CLAMP SKATES News of the World By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nltw YORK—-AEG Commission er Thomas E. Murray proposed last night that the United States ex plode an H-bomb before the eyes of world leaders as “a declaration of American power” and to spur the quest for peace. Murray said that such a spectacle at the Pacific proving grounds would be a “show of force, a declaration of American power and a demonstration of the strategy of deterrence.” ) ★ ★ ★ TEHRAN, Iran—An attacker shot and slightly wounded Pre mier Hussein Ala, 72, in the shah mosque in central Tehran today. ★ ★ ★ BUENOS AIRES — Argentina’s Freeman Awards Now Available The 1956 Freeman Fellowship, a fund for study or research in hy draulics, has been announced by David W. R. Morgan, president of the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers. The ASME and the American Society of Civil Engineers are joint administrators of the fund. The Award Committee makes awards through these societies in alternate years. This year the award could reach $3,000 depending on- the need claimed in the application. Bowl Game (Continued from Page 1) White Team Four players each from Law, Puryear and Walton Halls and dor mitory 16; eight from College View; four from project houses and day students; and 25, one man from each cadet unit, from the First and Second Wings. Fifty Four Girls Fifty-four girls, making up the Wharton Junior College girl’s drill team, will participate in half-time activities with the WCJC Band. The band is made up of 25 girls and 13 boys. The drill team arid band will be guests at the review, scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Alpha Zeta Meets Alpha Zeta will meet at 7:30 Monday night in room 203 of the Agricultural Building for a pre liminary initiation meeting. new provisional government an nounced last night the deposed leaders of the General Confedera tion of Labor CGT have called off the -nationwide general shrike. Aimed at strengthening the hand of labor chiefs who became power ful under ex-President Juan D. Peron, the walkout backfired, seal ing their doom and heightening the influence and prestige of the new government. on exhibit in the Serpentine Lounge of the MS C. J. Paul Savage, senior journal ism major from Dallas, will be the co-ordinator for the conference. The conference is co-sponsored by the Journalism Department and the A&M Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, profesisonal journalism fra ternity. The junior colleges that will be represented are Howard County Junior College, Wharton County Junior College, Laredo Junior Col lege, Navarro Junior College, Amarillo Junior College, Tyler Junior College, Odessa Junior Col lege, Arlington State, Tarleton State, Blinn College, Kilgore Col lege, and LeTourneau Technologi cal Institute. Students Needed To Direct Traffic Approximately 25 students are needed to direct ti’affic during the A&M-University of Texas football game next Thursday, according to Fred Hickman, chief of Campus Security. “We expect a larger crowd than usual this weekend and we will have quite a problem on our hands,” said Hickman. “In order to facilitate the movement of traf fic and avoid unnecessary jams after the game, we are asking all students to leave their cars in as signed paiking areas,” he added. Any student interested in work ing next week should contact the Campus Security Office in Good win Hall as soon as possible. Stu dents will be paid $1 per hour for their services and may start to work at 10 a.m. Thursday. U. S. fire losses $2,400,000 a day. are about • v Ar. A-' ijjfft/ w.wwiBsiwim- ammm ICOMlNG FRIDAY, AND HIS ORCHESTRA m j@U***l RESERVATIONS ’ uNt EM-2688 Off Cenfrol Exprcstwoy GREENS —Immediate Delivery— We have a new shipment of pants cloth. Ask the men who have bought trousers from us. L O U P O T ’ S Trade with Lou—he’s right with you QUICK! CAR WASH inside-Outside AUTO "BEAUTY TREATMENT" REVOLUTIONARY NEW MACHINERY • CAR WASHES WHILE YOU WAIT • ENGINE STEAM CLEANED Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m.—6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. Sunday Closed WASHING, CLEANING, SIMON1Z1NG - $12.50 1216 Texas Ave. Ph. 2-8655 A MUM C or sage To Fit Every Pocketbook For The Thanksgiving Game AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP NEXT TO CAMPUS THEATRE NORTH GATE