The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 17, 1955, Image 5
Baptist Students Head List In Religious Preference Thursday, November 17, 1955 The demoninational preference of the 6,837 students at A&M was an nounced recently by J. Gordon Gay, executive secretary of the YMCA. Of the total enrollment, 256 did not turn in their cards. The denominational preference follows: Baptist, 1,936; Methodist, 1,632; Catholic, 869; Presbyterian, 479; Church of Christ, 344; Epis copal, 316; Lutheran, 257; Christ ian, 249; Protestant no preference, 320; Jewish, 58. Christian Science, 29; Evangeli cal and Reformed, 23; Assembly of God, 20; Nazarene, 10; Latter Day Saints, 12; Congregational, 6; Czech Moravian, 11; Pentecostal, 3; Evangelical and United Breth ren, 2; State Church of Norway, Reformed Church of America, Re formed, Friends, and Christodel- phian, one each. AGGIES - -HURRY and register for the free portable DRAWING NOVEMBER 22 No strings, no box tops^—your name on card and drop in sealed container Bryan Business Machine Co. 429 S. Main in Bryan bonfi re specie FATIGUES— Pants Shirts Caps (popup and regulation) Loupot’s Trade with Lou — he’s right with you. J. E. LOUPOT, Class ’32 Usm - s SUBSCRIBE TODAY DURING THE BARGAIN DAYS SPECIAL RATES! fQoo-d o*t full-yeon. 'U-dj-'Lcniptio+iA, /uf. mail only!} y/ Latest State, National and World news v/ Complete Oil news A/ Comprehensive Grain, Financ ial news, markets and Chuck Wagon Gossip Timely Editorials Popular Top Notch Comic Strips v/ Local, State and National Sports coverage -wCulb i y/ Complete Classified section %/ Latest Weather reports Woman's Page y/ "Parade" the exciting pictur* magazine Texas Ranch and Farm y/ Complete Radio and Television schedules Printed in large clean typn Take advantage of this big bargain offer! One full year Daily and Sunday, $13.95 saving $4.05 on the regular price! Mail the coupon below sending your remittance for either $13.95 Daily and Sunday, or $12.60 Daily without Sunday, for one full year. If more convenient, see your local hometown agent. Send today! SAVE $405 CITY. STATE. Fort Worth Star -Telegram LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TEXAS OVER 230,000 DAILY AND SUNDAY AMON CARTER, JR., President ci vorileS By Mrs. John C. Calhoun Ruth Calhoun, a graduate of Pennsylvania State College with a language major, is the wife of the new Dean of the School of En gineering. The Calhouns have lived at State College, Pa., where Dean Calhoun completed work for his Ph.D. degree, at the Univer sity of Oklahoma, and at Pennsylvania State University. They moved to College Station with their four children—John, Emily, Mary Beth and Ruth Ellen — in September and reside at 1106 Ashburn St. PUMPKIN CHIFFON PIE This modern version of one of the traditional Thanksgiving des serts was contributed to Heritage Recipes by Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower. The book was compiled by the Woman’s Club of State College, Pa. 3 beaten egg yolks 14 t. nutmeg % cup brown sugar 1 envelope Knox gelatine 114 cups cooked pumpkin * 14 cup cold water 14 cup milk 3 stiffly beaten egg whites 14 t. salt 14 cup granulated sugar 1 t. cinnamon Combine egg yolks, brown sugar, pumpkin, milk, salt, and spices. Cook in double boiler until thick, stirring constantly. Soak gelatine in cold water and stir into hot mixture. Chill until partly set. Beat egg whites, add granulated sugar, and beat stiff. Fold into gelatin mixture. Pour into pie shell and chill until set. Top with whipped cream. Makes one large 10 inch pie or eight individual pies. QUICK BAKED-BEAN CASSEROLE 1 cup sliced onions 1 T. prepared mustard 2 T. salad oil 2 peeled tomatoes 4 cups canned baked beans 1 t. salt 3-oz. can deviled ham 2 t. brown sugar 2 small cans Vienna Sausage Saute onions in hot fat until tender. Combine salad oil, beans, and deviled ham. Arrange half in two quart casserole. Place half of onions and tomatoes, sliced, over beans; sprinkle with half the salt and sugar. Repeat, using rest of ingredients. Arrange Viennd saus ages on top. Cover, bake 30 minutes at 400 degrees. Then uncover and bake 5 or 10 minutes longer. PINEAPPLE SALAD DRESSING ^4 cup butter % cup pineapple juice X A cup sugar 2 egg yolks 1 T. cornstarch V& t. salt 1 T. lemon juice 14 pint whipping cream 2 T. orange juice Melt butter in top of double boiler. Add sugar, mixed with corn starch, and all fruit juices. Add slightly beaten egg yolks and cook un til mixture thickens. Remove from heat ht once; add salt and cool. When cold, pour slowly into cream which has been whipped. Good with dessert fruit salad. DATE PINWHEEL COOKIES These cookies are wonderful at Thanksgiving and Christmas; the recipe makes approximately five dozen. 214 cups chopped pitted dates 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup granulated sugar 3 egg’s, well beaten 1 cup water 4 cups sifted, all-purpose flour 1 cup chopped nutmeats 14 t. salt 1 cup shortening 14 t. baking soda Combine dates, granulated sugar and water and cook over low heat until thick—about ten minutes. Add nut meats and cool for the date filling. Cream shortening and add brown sugar gradually. Add beaten eggs and beat mixture well. Add remaining ingredients (sifted to gether) and mix well. Chill thoroughly. Divide dough into two parts and roll out separately into rectangles a little less than 14 inch thick. Spread each with date filling and form into two long rolls. Chill thor oughly; cut with shai-p knife into 14 inch slices. Bake at 400 de grees for 10 - 12 minutes. What’s Cooking (Continued from Page 2) ing. Williamson County A&M Club will meet in room 3B of the MSC. Pasadena Hometown Club will meet in room 306 of the Academic Building. Dallas Hometown Club will meet in room 105 of the Biological Sci ences Building. Houston Hometown Club will meet in room 107 in the Biological Sciences Building. Ellis County Club will meet in room 326 of the Academic Build ing. Rusk County Club will meet in the Academic Building. Permian Basin Club will meet in the YMCA. Red River Valley Club will meet in room 207 of the Academic Build ing. San Angelo Hometown Club will meet in the Agricultural Building to discuss club business. Lufkin-Angelina County Club will meet in the YMCA. Greenville Hometown Club will meet in Dormitory 2—-room 124. (See WHAT’S COOKING, Page 6) Electrical Engineers Civil Engineers Mechanical Engineers Accounting And Finance Majors LOOKING FOR A CAREER WITH A FAST-GROWING ELECTRIC COMPANY? Texas Electric Service Company, one of the largest utility companies in Texas, (but not so large that an ambitious young man wouldn’t be noticed) offers numerous opportunities for college graduates. Representatives of the company will be glad to give you more details about the type of job opportunities in this rapidly growing electric utility firm. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE TEXAS ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY WILL BE AT THE PLACE MENT OFFICE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, NO VEMBER 17 AND 18. ARRANGE WITH THE PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR AN INTERVIEW. Bowling Tourney .A. and Bridge Wives Win Business Wives and Bridge Club bowled the, winning games in the third game of the Bowling tourna ment Tuesday in the Student Cen ter. Mechanical Engineering Wives won by forfeit. Business Wives won both high series and high game for the night while Bill Crawford of Business Wives also took both honors for the individual series and game. Erma Ingram of Business Wives still holds high game for the sea son having won this honor in the first two sets of games bowled this season. Business Wives defeated Geology Wives, who had been winners in previous games while Bridge Club won over Dames Club. Preparations are being made with John Geiger, manager of the bowling alley, for the trophies which will be awarded. The defi nite type of trophy or number has not been set as yet. The fourth set of games will be played in two weeks at the Center as the series draws to a close. The last games will be played Dec. 13 unless there are conflicts. The bowling tournament is spon sored by the newly formed Aggie Wives Council. It takes TWO to fill the bill . .'. or fashion a Christian home TWO by TWO The class for Aggie Couples First Baptist Church College Station IT’S Mexican Dishes SPECIALS—Thursday thnr Sunday MEXICAN DINNER, ONLY 45c CHAPULTEPEC — A LA CARTE — Enchiladas (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) Beef Tacos Beef Enchiladas . . Tostados\ Chile Con Questo . Tamales - Chile . . Guacamole - Salad FREE! Crispy Tostaditas with Each Order. Your Host, TONY MANRIQUEZ Do DL READING PUBLIC We take pleasure in announcing that we. are now carrying in open stock the principal, titles in the DOVER PAPERBACK REPRINTS. This series covers a wide range of subject matter but is heaviest on higher Mathematics and Physics, Philosophy, Religion and Psychol ogy* are also covered. WE INVITE your inspection of this Series. We believe you will like them and we know you will be pleasantly surprised at the low prices. THE EXCHANGE STORE ‘Serving Texas Aggies” GROCERIES Lucky Leaf—No. 2 Cans SLICED APPLES . . . 2 cans 49c Lucky Leaf—Quart APPLE JUICE 25c Kim bell’s—303 Cans PITTED PIE CHERRIES . . 49c Libby’s—303 Cans PUMPKIN . . . .2 cans 27c Ocean Spray—16 Oz. Cans CRANBERRY SAUCE . 2 cans 41c Mrs. Tucker’s—3 Lb. Can SHORTENING . . . .75c Nabisco—8 Oz. Pkg. RITZ CRACKERS 20c FROZEN FOODS Pictsweet—6 Oz. Can ORANGE JUICE . . . . . Pictsweet CHICKEN, TURKEY or BEEF POT PIES .... Pictsweet BABY LIMAS FORD HOOK LIMAS . PRODUCE 176 Size Florida ORANGES . . TOKAY GRAPES CRANBERRIES . CUCUMBERS . , . . doz. 35c . . Ib. 10c . . Ib. 20c . 2 lbs. 17c * GROCERIES ^ Niblets Whole Kernel GOLDEN CORN . . Green Giant—303 Cans GREEN PEAS . . Nelda—No. 1 Cans TOMATOES .. Libby’s—-No. 2 Cans PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 cans 31c , 2 cans 41c 3 Cans 25c 2 cans 27c Libby’s Asparagus Style WHOLE GREEN BEANS . can 35c Libby’s—No. 2 x /i Can SLICED PEACHES Folger’s COFFEE . . . . . . 33c . Pound 89c MARKET — PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS RIB CHOPS .... SHORT RIBS . . Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST T I vrm Ts Dairy Brand TV I E N E R S . . Dock r’s Tall Korn 3L2CED BACON . A r m ou r’s—All -Pork SAUSAGE . . . .: . Ib. 59c . lb. 69c . lb. 59c . lb. 29c . lb. 39c . lb. 49c . lb. 43c Roll 35c SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — NOV. 17 -18 - 19 FOOD MARKET CHARLIE'S NORTH GATE WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION