The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1955, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Page 2
Men and Mud: Mess
In a land of sidewalks, it’s only natural that students
will not walk on them when it rains. Or to look at some of
these walks, students are on them only after wading across
a muddy lot.
Maybe, to get everybody, we might include faculty too,
for some of them are probably too lazy to walk around instead
of across—if the going doesn't look TOO muddy.
The best example of what happens when sidewalks are
neglected is the sidewalk between the Mechanical Engineering
Building and the Academic Building. The mud is inches
thick on the concrete during muddy weather.
True, some mud is going to get on the sidewalks during
such weather as we had for the last few days. But no reason
exists for the quantity that collects now.
In the particular example mentioned above the crossing
is a natural one for students coming from the eastern areas
of the campus—and for persons coming from the parking
area behind the College Exchange Store.
Maybe it would be a good place to put a sidewalk. It
carries a lot of traffic, which does not harm as long as the
weather is pretty. 'But rain brings mud and the mud does
not stop the traffic.
The place is not a beauty spot; trampled mud just does
n’t show much appeal. How about another sidewalk ?
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ICSiCit ? T
THE WISE OLD OWL—The wise old owl is portrayed in
this sign drawn up by students in Leggett Hall. Most
civilian dormitories have drawn signs for the past few
weeks and most of them have been pretty good.
r icing le
Served from
11 until 2
Soup or Juice — 2 Vegetables
Meat — Coffee or Tea — Dessert
Triangle Banquet Room
— By Reservation Only —
The Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion f
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu
dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the
summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during
examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication
are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday
during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va
cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im
mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are
$3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00
per month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
Entered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
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Room 207 Goodwin Hall.
Ralph Cole Managing Editor
Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor
Don Shepard, Jim Bovver News Editor
Welton Jones City Editor
Barbara Paiere Woman’s Editor
Jim Neighbors, David McReynolds, Joe Tindel Staff Writers
Barry Hart Sports Staff
Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent
Tom Syler Circulation Manager
James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez Photographers
At Other Schools
UT Burns Candles;
Try To Hex TCU
Battalion Managing Editor
University of Texas
The University of Texas has their red candles glowing
in an attempt to hex Texas Christian University in their get
together in Austin Saturday.
The hex might have something to do with UT winning,
but we doubt it. But, records don’t lie.
In 1941, the Longhorns hadn’t won a football game
against A&M on Kyle Field in 18 years when someone
brought out the red candles and Texas won 23-0.
In 1950, SMU was rated the top team in the nation on
AP polls when someone brought out the red candles and
Texas won 23-20.
In 1953, Baylor was rated the’third team in the nation
and their backfield was labeled as the greatest in SWC his
tory when someone brought out the red candles and Texas
won 21-20.
This information was gathered from the Daily Texan.
Just how many times the candles were brought but and
burned, and Texas lost was not disclosed. We wonder.
Other things happening around 40-acres include an ugly
man contest. A headline in the Daily Texan says that “Dirty
Red” is winning. There were a bunch of write-in votes in
the election and if it continues for any length of time, prob
ably all of the student body will be there somewhere.
Irresistible Lovers
An Aggie-ex had an article in the Daily Texan explain
ing some of the misnomers that A&M receives. The story
wa*5 written by Van Hetherly, who spent four falls, five
springs and three summers here, says that “over the years,
the feeling has grown that all Aggies are irresistible lovers.
This is not entirely true. A&M is a large institution. With
thousands of men annually assembling within the narrow
confines of College Station, it is inevitable, that a few mis
fits will turn up.”
He also attacks the misnomer of “Institute on the Muddy
Brazos.” He says the Brazos is not very muddy and that
A&M isn’t even located on the Brazos River.
Rice Institute
Down at Rice, some unofficial
visitors paid their respects to Wil
liam Rice’s statue by dumping a
bucket of yellow paint over it last
Wednesday night, according to the
Rice Thresher. The Thresher also
said they painted AGGIES and
TAMC on the floor of the Sally
port, across Lovett Hall, and in
front of the Chemistry Building.
Extra campus protection was pro
vided for Rice’s homecoming week
The Thresher didn’t have too
much to say about football.
Texas Christian University
TCU students, like all students,
have always wanted to learn a way
to polish apples with their profes
sors. Now, on the second Thurs
day of each month, students and
faculty get together for an apple
polishing session. These sessions
are held in the Student Center Ball
room, where sing-songs can be
held with the professors. (If a
student can’t sing I guess he
Texas State College For Women
TSCW’s hockey team won over
Oklahoma A&M 12-1 last Satui-
day. No, the A&M team was made
up of girls too.
Seniors at our sister school held
an open house Wednesday for the
poor fish. All of the seniors on the
campus served on some committee.
They served punch while others
played background music on the
piano. (I wonder how that would
work here.)
North Texas State College
It seems that two Eagle co-eds
got locked in a ladies rest room of
the Union Building on the North
Texas campus the other day. Shir
ley Burgess, associate editor of
The Campus Chat, North Texas
newspaper rescued the poor girls
who “weren’t very embarrassed!”
The story didn’t say how they got
themselves locked in.
“Old Army” has gone out on the
North Texas campus. Instead of
initiating their members in the
Old Army method, they instead
are required to wear suits every
Monday, or wear a red rose in
their lapel every Monday, or wear
a black derby six days a week.
A board and a knife constitute
the starting place for some frater
nity pledges. They whittle a board
and carry it until the end of their
pledgeship to symbolize the idea
that no “physical harm” will come
to them at any time during their
pledgeship. WOW—
Veterinarians Visit
Nine veterinarians from over the
state were in College Station re
cently to participate in a one-day
short course in Clinical Laboratory
This intensified course consisted
of indications, demonstrations and
applications of some of the routine
clinical tests used in examination
of blood and urine.
Dean W. W. Armistead of the
School of Veterinary Medicine, said
the field of veterinary medicine is
advancing so rapidly that courses
of.this type are necessary for the
busy practitioners of the state, so
they can keep up with new ideas
and methods.
Job Interviews
(Continued from Page 1)
CO. will meet with geology and
geological engineering majors Mon
day night at 7:30 in the Social
Room of the MSC to make up in
terview schedules.
FOLEY’S of Houston will inter
view majors in marketing, business
administration, accounting, econom
ics, and agricultural economics for
openings in Accounting, Buying,
Traffic Management, and Personnel
SCHOOL DISTRICT will interview
majors in mathematics, education,
biology and chemistry for positions
available in January or next Sep
tember to teach mathematics and
science in junior and senior high
terview petroleum engineering ma
jors for the West Texas, South
Texas and Louisiana Divisions.
AMERICA will interview electrical,
mechanical and industrial engineer
ing, physics majors for Design, De
velopment and Manufacturing en
of the
Nof if we eon help it! Yet if there should be a
“forgotten generation”— a generation of Ameri
can children denied the education they deserve
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A good education for every child is an Amer
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plans that worked, write: Better Schools, 2
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The Battalion
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