The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 45: Volume 55
Cold Weather Hits Aggies
As Winter Front Moves In
News of the World
GENEVA — Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
^ stunned the Big Four conference last night with a thunderous
demand for Communist dominance in a United Germany.
Molotov’s sweeping rejection of any plan to unify Germany
hy free elections in the foreseeable future and his blunt de-
'mand that all Germany follow the Communist course of the
East German regime demolished Western hopes of concilli-
ation, built up by his Moscow remark last night that he was
bringing back “better baggage” to Geneva.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—The Civil Service Commission yes
terday claimed “inherent power” under the Constitution
and the law to withhold information from Congress, the
press and the public.
★ ★ ★
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—The Philippines and Yugo
slavia fought to another draw yesterday in the longest run
of ballots ever recorded in a contest for a U.N. Security Coun
cil seat. When the 21st ballot showed no decision or even
a prospect of a break, the U.N. Assembly postponed voting
for two weeks.
' ★ ★ ★
JERUSALEM—Israel offered last night to support
United Nations proposals for restoring a cease-fire on
the Egyptian-Israeli frontier if the measures upheld Is
rael rights and position in the tense El Auga Nizana area.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—American Airlines announced yester
day the purchase of 30 Boeing jet transports and said it
would establish the nation’s first transcontinental jet service
June 15, 1959.
★ ★ ★
CAIRO—Egypt said yesterday it had been forced
to turn to the Communist bloc for weapons because of an
American policy of “postponement and promises.”
I.E. Major, Demarrais,
"Gets Williams Scholarship
The Edward Williams Industrial
* Vocational Education Scholarship
lias been awarded, to Gordon R.
Demarrais of Oradell, N.J. He is
li junior majoring in industrial ed
The scholarship was made avail
able by Mrs. E. L. Williams, widow
of the late E. L. Williams, for
many years head of the Industrial
Education Department at A&M.
Williams had been connected
With the college since 1925. He
died in June, 1954, just after retir
ing as vice-director of the Engi
neering Extension Seiwice.
He had pioneered in the estab
lishment of vocational teacher
training, and was the leader of the
ti'aining courses for Texas indus
trial and municipal workers. His
work was widely known thi'oughout
the nation and he was acclaimed as
the leader in this field.
Williams took an active interest
in the welfare of students, aiding
many in obtaining a college educa
’ IT’S COLD OUTSIDE—The weather outside is frightful,
but professors won’t take such an excuse as that. Thus
the freezing Aggies, in this case portrayed by senior Dave
f Kerry, have to trudge off to classes. Korry, geological-
petroleum engineering major from Beaumont, is com
manding officer of the First Group Staff.
Mercury, Snow Fall
Over Most of Texas
A&M students and other residents of the College Sta-
tion-Bryan area dragged out their winter overcoats, sweaters,
gloves and other heavy clothing as an unusual early Novem
ber cold front moved in yesterday with cold, drizzling rain
and some sleet and snow.
Some automobile owners are beginning to worry and
put anti-freeze in their cars, as it looks as if the winter weath
er is here to stay—for a day or two at least. The Weather
Bureau forecast a cold 30 to 37 degrees for today. Yester
day the mercury hit 37 degrees at 11 a.m. The high was 57
at 12:30 a.m.
It was “not fit weather for man nor beast” as our Bat-
♦talion photographer tried to
illustrate with a picture of a
frozen Aggie and a shivering
dog. Our canine friends were
intelligent however, and none
were to be found out in the weather
(not even Rev.).
A&M wasn’t the only wintry
place in the state yestei’day, as
snow was the eailiest on 1'ecord at
San Antonio, Kerrville, Junction
and New Braunfels. Snow started
as light flurries in the Panhandle
Monday afternoon. By yesterday
there was a wintry look about
fields and lawns from the Panhan
dle south to Junction, Cotulla and
Uvalde and from Waco, Austin and
San Antonio west to the Big Bend
Country and the Davis Mountains.
Sleet also fell in Houston.
The ground was covered with
snow from Austin west to Fred
ericksburg and Kerrville. Hutto
had two inches of snow on the
ground. Highways in Williamson
County were becoming slick and
Snow mixed with sleet, fell at
Waco, Temple, Belton, Killeen,
Chilton, Eddy, Moody, McGregor,
Lorena and Marlin. The heaviest
snow reported was seven inches
measured at the base of Chisos
Mountain in the Big Bend Na
tional Park in far West Texas.
Skies cleared dui’ing the day in
the Texas Panhandle and across
Noi-th Central and Northeast Tex-
Elects Barlow
For Chairman
Robert C. Barlow, senior
aeronautical engineering ma
jor, was elected chairman of
the Inter-Council Committee
yesterday at the first meeting
of the council.
Other officers are Vice-chairman
and Reporter, Billy F. Shackel
ford, industrial engineering major
and Secretary-Treasurer, David Y.
Fawcett, range and forestry major.
Both are seniors.
The council discussed the possi
bility of tui’ning over the sponsor
ship of the Aggie Follies to the
Department of Student Activities.
Since the proceeds of the Follies
are divided between the student
councils of the Schools of Agricul
ture, Arts and Sciences, Engineer
ing, and Vetei’inary Medicine, the
matter was turned over for fur
ther study to Richard E. Gentry,
John M. Kelly and Kenneth G. Kil-
The Inter-Council Committee
serves as a coordinating group be
tween the four student councils and
as a sponsoring group for the
Texas A&M College Open House
Red Cross Chapter
To Receive $2,000
(Ed. Note: This is the eighth
in a series of articles on the
agencies which will benefit from
your contribution to the A&M
College - College Station Com
munity Chest-Red Cross Drive.)
The Brazos County Chapter of
the American Red Cross will re
ceive $2,000 of the Chest’s $12,100
goal this year.
“The biggest service of the local
chapter now is home service to
active servicemen and their fami
lies and to veterans whose first
claim with the Veteran’s Admin
istration is still being processed,”
Longly Elected
By Kiwanis Club
J. B. Longly was elected second
vice president of the College Sta
tion Kiwanis Club in a special
run-off election held at the club
meeting in the MSC yesterday.
Luther Jones, chairman of the
Underprivileged Children Commit
tee, introduced the speaker, Arthur
McKnight, publicity dii’ector for
the Texas Society for Crippled
Children. McKnight spoke on the
problems of crippled children and
showed a film entitled “A Day in
the Life of a Cerebral Palsied
Ducats Go Fast
For Rice Tilt
Only 400 date tickets are left for
the Aggie-Rice Institute game this
Saturday night according to the
Athletic Business office.
There will be enough student
tickets to serve the demands the
Battalion was assured yesterday.
Tickets will go off sale this after
noon at 5 p.m.
- ■ ■ .
TRAIL BLAZERS—In keeping a Band tradition that the Band gets the first log for
the bonfire, six Band Fish show that they have already found the cutting area and have
marked the way for the mass cutting operation due to begin Monday. The pole for the
center of the bonfire will be raised that morning with outfits signs also going up around
the north and west edges of the bonfire area Monday. Reservation stakes for signs may
be put up this week.
Accident Prevention
Committee History Told
says Mrs. Ada Locke, executive
The Brazos County Chapter
takes care of servicemen in the
county, but Brazos County men
are cared for also by chapters all
over the world. There is a Red
Cross director at every base, both
at home and overseas.
On all big installations, the Red
Cross operates a “Red Cross
House” to accommodate the de
pendents of the sick or injured men
in the hospital, and expectant
Educational classes, such as
Home Nursing, Mother-Infant
Care, First Aid, and Water Safety,
are given by volunteer instructors,
using Red Cross equipment,
throughout the year.
Brazos County has 98 people in
the disaster program, prepared to
take over with the Civil Defense
in the event of disaster.
During the past year 1,511 per
sons received a service,' some of
long duration.
(This series will continue tomor
row with a summary of the activi
ties of the Salvation Army.)
Student-Prof Coffee
To Be Held Today
A student-professor coffee will
be held in the Assembly room of
the Memorial Student Center from
4:30 to 5 p.m. today.
David Heggs, acting secretary
of the MSC House committee said
the coffee was an attempt to bet
ter student-professor relation
ships. It will give students a chance
to meet instructors outside the
classroom and discuss problems on
a more informal basis, he said. •
Coffee and cookies will be served
and the program will be on an
informal basis.
The College Accident Prevention
Committee heard the details of how
the Committee began and what it
has attempted to do since its be
ginning in September, 1952 at its
second meeting of the year yester
Also presented at the meeting
were ideas on the possible appoint
ment of a safety engineer for the
college, what functions such a per
son would have in his duties, and
what needs face the Committee at
present toward building a sound
safety program at A&M.
Bennie A. Zinn, head of the Stu
dent Affairs Department and for
mer chairman of the Committee,
said that the group was started
with the hope of doing everything
possible to remove any hazards
found, find out what causes haz
ards, enlist the cooperation of all
college departments in stressing
accident prevention, and speak
about such a program for the col
Only about a third of the depart
ments at that time allowed the
Committee to come in and discuss
accident prevention, he said. Forms
were provided for reporting acci
dents to students or staff mem
bers, but most departments didn’t
Job- Calls
The following job interviews
will be held at the Placement Of
Thursday and Friday
IN CALIFORNIA will interview as
follows: Naval Air Missile Test
Station, Point Mugu, Calif, for me
chanical, electrical, aeronautical
engineering and physics; Naval
Ordnance Laboratory at Corona,
Calif, for electrical and mechanical
engineers, physics and mathemat
ics majors.
COMPANY will interview mechan
ical, electi-ical, industrial, civil en
gineers, mathematics and physics
recruiting for the entire company,
but most openings are in the De
troit area. They will interview
majors in the following subjects;
agricultural, civil, electrical, in
dustrial and mechanical engineers
and business administration.
Thursday Only
COMPANY will interview interest
ed students in the following major
courses of study; mechanical, chem
ical, industrial, civil and electrical
engineering, business administra
tion, physics and chemistry.
hold interviews for the following
majors interested in design: me
chanical, electrical, civil and chem
ical engineering.
PANY will interview accounting
majors for positions as assistants
in public accounting firms.
PANY will interview petroleum,
civil, mechanical and chemical en
gineering majors.
send them in, he added.
The departments were also en
couraged to include various phases
of safety in their classes; but,
while some did, most of them did-
Traffic was emphasized the first
year, and the Committee helped in
getting some warning signs. Some
have been changed in location and
others added, according to where
traffic surveys have indicated the
biggest need.
Last year Zinn divided the cam
pus into zones, and assigned a
committeeman for each zone. This
man reported all types of hazards
to the group. The Academic Coun
cil also approved having- one man
from each college department in
charge of reporting hazards. About
50 per cent ojj these men did the
job, Zinn said, and about half of
these did a very fine job:
Typical hazards pointed out by
Zinn included low-hanging limbs,
loose railings, faulty steps, loose
plaster, loose bricks, uncovered
manholes, broken coke bottles, faul
ty insulation, playing too near dor
mitories or on concrete sidewalks,
bicycle riding on wrong side of
street or on one-way streets the
wrong way or without lights at
night, and others.
Many hazards have been remov
ed, he said, but others remain. The
Building & College Utilities De
partment has been very coopera
tive in removing or fixing many
hazards, Zinn added.
John W. Hill, director of Work
man’s Compensation, who was
present at the meeting to give ad
ditional views on the causes of
campus accidents and also on the
possibility of a safety engineer for
A&M, explained that by a Sys
tem Administration Order all of
the Committee’s recommendations
must go through the president of
the college. A copy of the recom
mendations is also sent to the Sys
tem Accident Prevention Commit
tee, headed by Hill.
Hill discussed the status of a
safety engineer, pointing out that
(See ACCIDENT, Page 4)
A&M Chapter AGC
Hears Contractors
H. H. Lockhart and Hugh W.
Powers, Houston contractors, led
a discussion at the meeting of the
A&M student chapter of the Asso
ciated General Contractors o f
American last week.
Topics discussed were; “What is
expected of a graduate in the field
of construction?” and “What are
the functions of the AGC.”
Lockhart and Powers invited the
A&M chapter to attend a field trip
to Houston Dec. 12 and 13 as
guests of the Houston chapter.
The student chapter is made up
of third, fourth and fifth year stu
dents in architectural-construction
University Students
Have New Spirit
Battalion Managing Editor
It seems that the University of
Texas will be trying to out yell
A&M students come Thanksgiving
Day and the annual kill or get
killed clash between the Longhorns
and the Aggies.
“They have received 10,000 meg
aphones for their students to use
against the Aggie custom of yell
ing from the naked mouth. Besides
the megaphones, they have a big-
tom-tom and mammouth stadium
lights so their boys can see who
they are playing.
According to the Daily Texan,
“now the University can claim the
distinction of having the only stu
dent body possessing 10,000 meg
aphones which made Memorial
Stadium sound like a hugh clap of
thunder echoing on and on during
Saturday’s Baylor-UT game.”
Harley Clark, head cheerleader,
and Speed Carroll, Rally Commit
tee chairman, got the idea of using
megaphones when they visited New
York last summer. They were giv
en the megaphones as an advertis
ing scheme.
The Daily Texan said Bevo paw
ed the ground at the first boo, po
licemen outside the gates couldn’t
hear the football game over their
radios, fans on the opposite side
of the student body jumped as the
first organized shriek issued from
the megaphones, and boys selling
cokes used the imported sounders
to advertise their wares.
(All we have to say is they’ll
need something to out-yell this stu
dent body come Turkey Day.)
Weather Today
tf V s
Continued cloudy with occasional
light rain is forecasted for this
area. Temperature climbed to 58
degrees yesterday and dropped to
43 degrees in the early hours this
morning. Readings at 10:30 a.m.
showed a rise to 48 degrees.