The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 04, 1955, Image 1

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    Welcome Visitors, Football Fans To A&M College
The Battalion
Number 43: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Football, Military Fill Weekend Slate
Paul Kilday,
Colonel Callish
Will Be Here
Paul Kilday, Democrat from
San Antonio, and Col. Nor
man L. Callish, commander of |
Ellington Air Force Base, will
be two of A&M’s distinguished |
guests attending Fall Military Day |
ceremonies here tomorrow.
Kilday was graduated from
Georgetown University, Washing
ton D. C. in 1922. He has been
elected to Congress for eight con
secutive terms.
Col. Callish was commissioned
a second lieutenant in 1935. He
spent two years at Luke Field,
Hawaii, as a pilot of B-12 and
Keystone bombers.
« After attending B-29 schools, he
was assigned as group commander
in the 313th Bombardment Wing e( j to the Pentagon in the office gin tonight when Carter L. Bur-
on Tinian. D f the Directorate of Personnel, as gess, assistant secretary of defense
In May, 1947, he was assigned as Chief of the Enlisted Assignment for manpower and personnel, de-
a student at the Armed Forces Division. livers his address for the Great
Staff College. Later, he was call- Military Day activities will be- Issues Series.
Military Guests
To Arrive Today
Battalion Managing Editor
Six generals will be among the military dignitaries on
the campus this weekend for the observance of A&M’s second
annual Fall Military Day tomorrow. The Ross Volunteers
will provide an honor guard for the guests who are expected
to arrive here late this evening.
Activities will kick-off tonight at 8, when the Great
Issues Series present Carter L. Burgess, assistant secretary
of defense for manpower and personnel, speaking on “The
American Defense Program” in the Memorial Student Center.
A reception will be held immediately following the address in
the ballroom of the Center.
Burgess will be a guest of honor at the Military Day
activities tomorrow. A 1 o n gf
Ags Battle
T omorr o w
Paul Kilday and Col. Norman Callish
To Be Here Tomorrow
Senate Recommends
Dismiss School Painters
The Student Senate last night
: passed a resolution which recom
mends that any student caught
painting or defacing the campus
of any other school be indefinitely
suspended from A&M.
An amendment to the motion
lidded that this penalty be extend
ed to include not only actual dam
age to a school’s campus but also
any action which might be con
trary to peaceful relationship with
the other schools.
In other actions, the Senate
gave the Civilian Student Council
the responsibility of settling the
^seating problems that have arisen
in the civilian section of Kyle
The Senate added to the motion
that the solution should carry over
to next year since any action tak
en will only apply to the A&M-TU
game this yeaV.
Dave Parnell said the main com
plaint was that some of the civilian
students found sections closed to
them even though they had seats
Parnell said students should not
depend on seats being saved, for
as soon as the section looks full,
it is closed to prevent confusion
and over-crowding.
He explained that this ruling
Clean Up Drive
Comes To A Close
The College Station Clean-Up
Drive, sponsored jointly by the
College Station Chamber of Com
merce and the City of College Sta
tion, will close this afternoon when
trucks make a final pick-up and
clean-up tour of all sections of the
“No health hazards were report
ed, and we are, on the whole, very
pleased with the drive,” said Ran
Boswell, College Station City Man
Trucks will pick up all kinds of
trash today, as long as it is piled
in front of residences. Citizens are
urged to take this opportunity to
clean up the city for the holiday
Chest Drive
Helps Support
Girl Scouts
(Ed., note: This is the seventh
in a series of articles on the
agencies that will benefit from
your donation to the A&M Col
lege-College Station Community
Chest-Red Cross Drive.)
Weather Today
Clear to paifly cloudy and a
little warmer is the forecast for
today. Yesterday’s high of 63 de-
1 grees dropped to a near-freezing
35 degrees last night. Temperature
at 10:30 a.m. was 57 degrees.
The Bryan-College Station Girl
Scout Area Council will receive
$1,700 of the $12,100 goal of the
1955 Community Chest Drive.
At present there are 47 active
Gh’l Scout troops in the College
Station-Bryan area aiding the rec
reation of appt’oximately 700 girls
and 176 adults. Ten of these are
Brownie troops, and the remainder
are Senior Girl Scouts. Ten troops
are in College Station, with some
300 girls participating.
Funds from the Chest drive will
help pay professional workers,
keep up the Girl Scout Littlehouse,
provide leadership training courses,
and help supply awards and other
materials needed in the program.
Last summer, 212 girls received
camping experience at Bastrop
State Park, Normangee Lake, and
other established camps. The re
mainder attended day camp at Ki-
wanis park or the Girls Scout Lit
“Money made from the annual
Girl Scout Cookie Sale is kept by
the individual girl to apply toward
her camp expenses,” said Mrs. Loyd
Keel, president of the Bryan-Col
lege Station Area Council. “Funds
for the local administration come
entirely from the Community
Chest, Bi'yan’s United Fund drive,
Calendar sales, gifts and the girls
weekly dues.”
(This series will continue Tues
day, with a review of the Activities
of the Red Cross in Brazos Coun
was based this way because the
civilian students had voted to have
the seats on a first-come, first-
serve basis instead of reserved
Parnell requested that Corps
sophomores and freshmen have
their dates meet them in their sec
tions instead of near the ramps.
Students meeting their dates near
the ramps and then going to the
sections causes too much confus
He added that Corps seniors
who come to the game in civilian
clothes will not be allowed to sit
in the Corps sections since there is
no definite way of determining if
they are in the corps or are civil
As an idea for obtaining more
money for student government use,
Senate President B. A. (Scotty)
Parham brought up the sugges
tion of getting money from the
ever-growing traffic fine fund, in
which there is supposed to be more
than $1,400.
Parham appointed a committee
which is to investigate the possi
bility of obtaining some of the
traffic money.
Baylor Has
Last Laugh
Over Sips
Baylor’s Pancho again dis
appeared from the bear pen in
Waco, only to turn up at the
University of Texas in Aus
According to the Daily Tex
an, “A sardine-eating bear cub
was in growling seclusion late
Wednesday following his ear
lier abduction by four UT stu
The bear cub was lured
away from the campus with a
can of sardines. Texas stu
dents stood guard over the
bear, which was located at a
gargage within five blocks of
the campus.
Now, the bear has been re
turned, but Bevo VI is miss
ing. The half-ton steer was
reported missing about the
same time Pancho was return
ed to the Baylor campus.
Texas students are now
searching for their mascot and
have warned that the animal
is dangerous.
with Burgess will be a host
of other military dignitaries
and congressmen.
tary dignitaries and guests will be
given a guided tour of the campus,
headed by Larry Kennedy, Corps
commander. The tour will be fol
lowed by a luncheon attended by
top cadet officers on the campus
and their dates.
Then, at 1:30 p.m. the entire
Corps of Cadets will participate in
a review on the main drill field, in
front of the Center. A march-in
will be held for the A&M-SMU
football game in Kyle Field. The
Corps will fall out at 6:30 and will
move onto the track at 6:55 p.m.
Order of march is Corps Staff,
Band, first regiment, second regi
ment, first wing, second wing.
SIX GENERALS, which will be
among military dignitaries on the
campus, are Lt. Gen. Charles T.
Myers, commander Air Training
Command; Maj. Gen. Matthew K.
Deichelmann, commandant of Air
Force ROTC at the Air University;
Maj. Gen. Gabriel P. Dissosway,
commander Flying Training Air
Force; Lt. Gen. John H. Collier,
commanding general of the Fourth
Army; Maj. Gen. Mark McClui’e,
deputy commander of the Fourth
Army; and Brig. Gen. Robert M.
Ives, Houston Headquarters, 36th
Infantry Division, Texas National
Other dignitaries who will be
here for the activities include Olin
E. Teague, Democrat from College
Station; Carter L. Burgess, head of
all ROTC units; Paul Kilday, Con
gressman from San Antonio; Col.
Norman L. Callish, commander at
Ellington Air Force Base.
An honor guard from the Ross
Volunteers will meet dignitaries
and escort them to the campus this
vide entertainment for the floor
show at Rue Pinalle tonight in the
Recretation Room of the Center.
Featured on the show will be
Mary Lou Ramsey, singer; Roy
Bokey and Martiele May, dance
team; Tom Fisher and Mary Gib
son, novelty singers; and a sister
team, Philia and Merille Smith,
fire baton twirlers.
Tickets are 75 cents each and
may be purchased in the Bowling
Alley area of the Center
Also on the agenda for tonight
is the annual Air Force Ball,
gigantic fireworks show will be
held in conjunction with the ball.
The $600 display has been pur
chased from Alpha Enterprises
Inc., of Houston. It is to be di
vided into two shows, one at the
dance and the other after midnight
yell practice.
THE BALL WILL begin at 8:30
p.m. in Sbisa Hall and will feature
the music of the Aggieland Or
chestra. Theme for the dance is
an “Air Force Base in Morocco
(See WEEKEND, Page 2)
News of the World
GENEVA—The Western powers
accused Russia last night of violat
ing the “spirit of Geneva” by re
fusing to. offer any plan for the
unification of Germany by free
elections. U. S. Secretary of State
Great Issues
Tonight Has
Carter Burgess
A Great Issues’ Extra, fea
turing Carter L. Burgess, As
sistant Secretary of State for
Manpower, personnel and Re
serve, will be held at *8 tonight
in the ballroom of the Memorial
Student Centei’. Admission is free.
The subject of Burgess’ address
will be “The American Defense
Program.” He has had consider
able experience in the field of de
fense, both in the Airny and with
the government.
During the war, he rose to the
rank of a colonel, serving on the
staffs of various headquarters in
Europe and North Africa. He also
was special assistant to the secre
tary of state in charge of adminis
tration, and was deputy executive
secretary of the International Sec
retariat at the United Nations
Conference in 1945.
Burgess has been consultant to
the president on White House staff
organization and on Cabinet and
staff organization. Other consult
ant woi’k he has done was for the
Senate Armed Services Committee
on Title IV of the National Defense
Act and for the under-secretary of
State on fiscal organization.
A reception will be held in his
honor immediately following -his
talk in the ballroom of the MSC.
Battalion Sports Editor
A cantankerous SMU Mustang tries to pitch the Aggies
out of the driver’s seat in the Southwest Conference football
derby tomorrow night at 8 in the 38th meeting between the
two schools.
A&M goes into the Kyle Field clash with a league leading
2-0-1 record, while the ponderous Ponies hold down the third
position with one win and one loss. The Cadets hold a slight
edge in the SMU series, dating back to 1916, with 17 wins and
15 losses. Five contests have ended in a draw.
“We’re in pretty good condition—physically,” said
Coach Paul (Bear) Bryant after yesterday’s practice ses
sion, “Yes, over-all, I guess we’re in about as good condition
as we’ve been all year.”
Three players, starting left
tackle Charles Krueger, end
Bobby Marks and fullback
Roddy Osborne, have been
hampered with injuries this week,
but all are expected to see action
against the Mustangs.
Only probable change in tomor
row night’s starting line-up will be
at quarterback. Jimmy Wright,
who’s seventh among SWC passers,
will start in place of Donnie Grant.
Other backfield starters are half
backs John Crow and Loyd Taylor
and fullback Jack Pardee.
ON PAPER the Aggies and Mus
tangs appear about even, with a
slight edge going to SMU. The
Ponies have averaged 309.8 yards
on offense and given up 211 yards
on defense. A&M has picked up
302.3 yards on the attack and al
lowed opponents 214.
SMU hag a more balanced attack
than the Cadets, having rushed for
208 yards and passed for 101..
A&M’s strong point so far has
been its relentless ground play, and
it ranks second only to TCU with
an average of 255 yards per game.
The massive Mustangs have
thrown up the best barrier against
rushing in the conference, having
given up only 116 yards overland.
A&M is tops in pass defending,
and second in rushing defense.
Penalties have hurt the Aggies this
season, and they’re way out in
fi-ont in that department with 558
yards on rule violations.
“I DON’T know whether we’ve
got a chance or not,” Bryant said
worriedly, “but we believe we
There are about 10,000 tickets
left for the A&M-SMU game ac
cording to Pat Dial of the Athletic
There are 4,000 in the south
bleachers and about 6,000 in the
concrete stands. Of these most
are in the north end zone he add
The game definitely will not be
John Foster Dulles, British Foreign
Secretary Harold Macmillan, and
French Foreign Minister Antoine
Pinay reproached Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov for his op
position to giving the Germans
free choice of their destiny. Mo
lotov sharply challenged the West’s
ideas on German unification.
★ ★ ★
States yesterday prodded Israel
and the Arab states to hold high-
level peace talks instead of try
ing to fight out their “explosive”
border dispute. State Depart
ment press officer Lincoln White
said such talks “would be wel
★ ★ ★
Civil Liberties Union said yester
day abuses of secrecy in the gov
ernment increased during the Tru
man and Eisenhower administra
tions, and were “never so rampant
as now.” The group’s study gave
special attention to President Ei
senhower’s directive barring cer
tain testimony in. the Army-Mc-
Carthy hearings last year.
Holladay Pleads
For Bonfire Help
Paul Holladay, head yell lead
er, has made a plea for trucks to
be used for the hauling of logs
for A&M’s annual bonfire sched
uled to burn Nov. 23.
He also said anyone wanting
to donate their trees to be cut
for the bonfire should contact
him as soon as possible. One of
fer was made, but the logs would
have to be hauled through (he
city of Bryan.
Holladay lives in dormitory 12,
room 118. The phone number is
Wildlife Fellowship
Forms Due Soon
Application forms for National
Wildlife Federation Fellowships
for 1955-56, must be submitted be
fore Dec. 31, Dr. Ide P. Trotter,
dean of the graduate school, an
nounced today.
OFF WE GO—ALMOST—Bob Hamm, instructor at Easterwood Field serving as an in
structor for the new Agricultural Pilot School at A&M, and a student tighten their seat
belts as they prepare for an orientation flight. Students will take concentrated courses
in brush control, insect control, aircraft maintenance and other subjects of interest from
a technical point of view during the mornings, and will fly during the afternoons. The
school is sponsored by the A&M College System with cooperation from the Civil Aero
nautics Administration, the Texas Aerial Applicators Association and other interested