V Page 6 THE BATTALION Social Whirl Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Me morial Student Center. Hostesses will be Francis Brummerhop and Tyleen Wales for the regulars and Pat Smith and Nona Myrick for the intermediates. Libby Holman in the regulars won first prize of a. pair of nylon golves while Patty MacAlexander won second prize of sachets. Low prize of perfumed bath puffs went to Augusta Sasser. Dixie Evans won high in the in termediates of a ceramic trivot while Sylvia Teague was awarded second place high of a hamburger press. ★ A Aggie Wives Council will not meet Monday, announced Gardner Osborn, president. The next meet ing will be November 14. ★ ★ Petroleum Engineering Wives Club will see a film entitled “Oil” at their meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mon day. Wanda Weiland and Ann Kinney will be hostesses for the meeting which will be held in the YMCA. ★ ★ Mechanical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 i nthe YM CA Chapel Monday night. Gene T. King, of the animal hus bandry department will lecture on “Meat Cuts.” ★ ★ Business Wives Club will meet Monday instead of Nov. 14, at 7:30 in the YMCA. Mrs. R. M. Stevenson will give a talk illustrated by a film on “How to Be A Gracious Hostess.” Sponsors for the fall semester are Mines. Herb Thompson, R. L. Elkins, W. E. Moeller, R. P. Wood and T. W. Leland. ★ ★ Electrical Engineering Wives Club will hold a' “white elephant” party at their meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in the MSC social room. Members will bring a gift which will be sold for 25 cents to mem bers. Club will meet at 7:30 in the YM bers. Money will go toward a fund for meal tickets for underprivileg ed children in area schools. ★ ★ Geology Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the Geology Building for an important business meeting. By laws of the constitution will be brought to vote. ★ ★ Dames Club will hold a business meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the YMCA. After the meeting mem bers will play bridge and canasta. ★ ★ Family Study Group, a College Station women’s group, will meet Tuesday. Interested persons may contact Mrs. Lewis Davis, 4-9801. Purpose of the club is to enable members to understand problems that arise in family. ★ ★ Architect Wives Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the social room of the Memorial Student Center. Allan T. Kraft, of Kraft Furniture Co., will speak on “How to Buy Furniture.” ★ ★ Civil Engineering Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Memorial Student Center for a business meeting. The club is holding a cake bake Friday and Saturday at Safeway Food Market. Members will sell cakes for $1 and $1.50 at a booth in the store. ★ ★ Agriculture Education Wives Club will meet at 7:30 Tuesday in the Ag Engineering Building. Loretta Hedrick is president of the club. Assisting her are Laura Slaten, vice president and Louise McCoy, secretary-treasurer. Thursday, November 3, 1955 SPECIALS TSiiirs. - Fri. - Sat. Nov. 3-4-5 Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. . . . Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS NEW STORE HOURS Orris Ridgecrest STORE Sundays — 8a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon., Tue., Wed.—7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thur., Fri., Sat.—7 a.m. - 9 p.m. BIG FOOD VALUES AT OUR DEL MONT ROUND- Grab your coat and get your hat . . . and travel on down the wildest, Money-Saving jamboree you’ve ever wit nessed. ORR’s employees have gone to the extreme to make this event the talk of the town. SWIFT PREMIUM FANCY FAT DEE MONTE TITNA Chunk 1 Ull/\ Style—Can 29c Del Monfe Nutritious FULLY DRESSED (NO FEET) LB.— FRESH OYSTERS—13 Oz. Jar . . ,69c RATH’S FULLY COOKED mmm iiice € Dairy BACON Brand HORMEL SAUSAGE PORK ROAST •, 49c PICNIC HAMS GOLD SEAL 2 “.99c STEAK Swift Pound Veal—Pound Lean Pound 39« POT ROAST “I 39c 46-0. Cans for DEL MONTE—No. 303 Cans ( FRUIT COCKTAIL-(Can 25c) . . . 4 cans for 99c DEL MONTE WHOLE UNPEELED—No. 2'/ 2 Cans APRICOTS—(Can 35c) 3 cans for 99c DEL MONTE . . . “garden fresh flavor” — No. 2 Cans TOMATO JUICE-(2 cans 25c) . . . 8 cans for 99c DEL MONTE PRUNE JUICE quart bottle 33c Del Monte Green Lima BEANS 4 Cam For No. 303 Del Monte Cut Green BEANS 5 No. 303 Cans For 99c Gulf Stream Frozen Breaded SHRIMP Package Pasco Fresh Frozen 49c ORANGE JUICE 6 Oz. Cans 29c Del Monte Whole Green BEANS ....4 Cans For No. 303 TOMATO SAUCE 13^99 S U N G O L D 0LE0 2 Lbs. 33 c Del Monte Sliced BEETS 6 Del Monte Golden Cream Style CORN 6 Cans tor Del Monte Whole Kernel CORN 6 Del Monte New POTATOES 8 No. 303 Del Monte “Garden Fresh" 99c SPINACH Del Monte Halves, Bartlett 99c PEARS No. 303 OO-* Cans for * #W 12 ° z QQ*» Cans for » » No. 303 Del Monte Crushed PINEAPPLE 4 No. 2 Cans for 99c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE (C an 27 c> DEL MONTE — (20c CAN) SOLID PACK TOMATOES 5 ^ 99c 46 Oz. Cans 99c Cans for DEL MONTE Sunshine—7 J4 Oz. HYDROX COOKIES . 23c CATSUP DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN PEAS 2 bo«: 39c 5 cl 99c DEL MONTE PEACHES 3 N can? 89c Pink, Yellow or White KLEENEX Cream Oil Hair Tonic WILDROOT .... 4 Boxes of 53c Size for FREE! 30c Size Bottle When You Buy S SHAMPOO .... 60c J~ 49c Cello TEXAS WHITE FRESH CARROTS - FLORIDA AVOCADOS Fresh Each - 9c Grapefruit ta.5« IDAHO RED DELICIOUS V.V APPLES Lb ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER iTIjljt^MARKETS F0LGER S COFFEE 89c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10 ,179c Fresh Dozen 39c I BEST IN BRYAN 200 E. 24™ ST. /.• --u-Q •”*: * , 3516 TEXAS AVE