The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1955, Image 1

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The Battalion
Number 41: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
SIXTEEN TONS—Three city employees make like the currently popular song, “Sixteen
Tons” as they pick up trash during the College Station Clean-Up Drive which ends Fri
day. From left to right they are David Washington, Walter McGruder, and Philip Tol
Academic Council Approves
JSew Appeals Committee
Corps Group Protests Charge
The Academic Council approved
several items at its regular meet
ing last week; these included a new
Appeal Committee to which a stu
dent who has been suspended or
dismissed for disciplinary reasons
can appeal for a review of his
The Dean of Student Personnel
Services will serve as chairman of
this body. Five other members of
the Committee, chosen from the
general faculty- and staff, will be
uppointed by the president on the
Phy sics Club Plans
Navy Film Movie
Films on the flight of the Sea
Dart, the Navy’s version of the
F-102, and the geographical beau
ties of San Diego, Cal., will be
shown and discussed at a special
meeting of the A&M Physics So
ciety at 7 p.m. tomorrow in room
320, Physics Building.
R. S. Campbell, on the campus
to interview January graduates
for Convair of San Diego, will con
duct the showing and discussing
of the films.
A film on the Navy’s Pogo Stick
Ivill be shown if it can be obtain
The meeting will be open to all
interested, but the Physics Society
especially invites June graduates
in mathematics, electrical, mechan
ical, aeronautical and civil engi
neering interested in working for
Convair in San Diego.
recommendation of the Executive
Committee for one year terms.
This paragraph, in approximate
form, replaces paragraph 46 of
College Regulations.
Another action was the discon
tinuation of the following regula
tion concerning transfer of credits:
“A student who fails a course in
any subject at this college and la
ter takes such course or subsequent
courses in the same subject at
another college may be required
to pass validating examinations in
such course or courses before these
will be accepted for transfer credit
toward degree requirements.”
Effective Sept. 1, 1956 will be the
following program for student
health services: A Stude.nt Health
Services Board consisting of five
members of the faculty, three stu
dents, and the superintendent of
the Hospital ex-officio will be set
up. The dean of Student Personnel
Services will be ex officion chair
man of the Boai'd and the other
four faculty members are to be ap
pointed annually by the president
on the recommendation of the Ex
ecutive Committee. The three stu
dent members are to include both
military and civilian students, and
are to be elected by the Student
Senate in the spring preceding
their terms of office.
The Board is to concern itself
with all matters related to the stu
dent health services on the cam
pus, to make recommendations for
the improvement of these services
as deemed desirable, and are to
have power to act for the Council
within the framework of estab
lished power. .
LaMotte To Head “F ^ u,ed 0ut
CS Kiwanis Club
, Woodard Elected
Mitchell (Bubba)) Woodard, sen-
( ior business major, was elected
president of the Anderson County
A&M club last night at an organ
izational meeting. Other officers
elected were Bob Moore, vice-pres
ident; Dave McReynolds, secretary-
treasurer; Ben Gary Woolverton,
reporter; Robert Turner, sergeant
at arms; John Sandhop and Ho
well Crittenden, social co-chair-
Charles LaMotte, biology profes
sor, was elected president of the
College Station Kiwanis Club for
the coming year in elections held
Other officers include W. E.
Briles, first vice-president; and
Bob Longshore, Bardin Nelson,
Taylor Riedel, and Charles Taylor
for the board of directors posts
open this year.
In election of the second vice-
president, J. B. Longley and Bob
Shrode tied. Run-off election will
be held at the next regular meet
ing, Tuesday, Nov. 8.
For the regular program, K. A.
Manning spoke on the activities of
the College Station Recreation
James Bui'nis Koyms, freshman
geology major from Pasadena, died
at the swimming pool this morning.
He was pulled from the pool still
breathing about 11:30. Efforts to
revive him failed. Further details
were not immediately available.
The “T” will not be formed
again this year, according to Paul
Holladay, head yell leader. Due to
the practice reviews scheduled for
this week, the Corps would not
have time to practice for the form
ing of the “T”, he said. This is
the third straight year that the
“T” has not been formed by the
student body.
Hearing Held On Charges
For Space in Aggieland
Conflicting opinions, held sway at yesterday’s meeting
of the Student Publications Board as a three-man delegation
from the Corps met with the Board members to protest the
new space rate charges for the Aggieland.
The furor revolved around a move by the Publications
Board during the summer which provided for space charges
for all campus organizations which have dues, charge admis
sions or have an appropriate other source of income. The
new ruling especially affects ROTC units, civilian dorms and
intercollegiate sports. The action was taken following the'
completion of a 100-school survey on the procedure followed
by other schools in charging for space in yearbooks.
Survey returns from 26
schools comparable in size to
A&M showed that 13 charge
civilian dorms, 13 charge
Corps units, and seven charge
At yesterday’s discussion between
the Board and the Corps delegation,
headed by Corps Commander Lar
ry Kennedy, William Holloway and
Harold Sellers, the issue revolved
around the justification of such a
charge for Corps units. Kennedy
presented two notes, one signed by
Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant,
and the other signed by himself
and several of his top staff men,
expressing the feeling that the
charge was unjustified and ex
pressing their disapproval of the
At the opening of the meeting
Ross Strader, director of Student
Publications, presented, in mimeo
graphed form with an oral explana
tion, some facts about the Aggie
land and about the new charging
Because in the past only 99 clubs
and organizations were paying for
space, the Board, to make the
charges more consistent, installed
the new rule by a unanimous deci
sion. At the same time the old
rates were reduced from $55 to $50
per page and from $35 to $30 per
half page. To avoid putting an
unfair share of the • cost on the
Athletic Department, Strader said,
a multiple page rate was provided.
This rate is $50 each for the first
two pages, $45 each for the next
four pages, and $30 each for each
additional page.
Board as to why the Corps of Ca
dets could not get this “package
deal,” which would allow some re
duction in cost. Strader answered
that the Athletic Department, if
they go along with the new
charges, will get their section as
(See AGGIELAND, Page 2)
12th Man Bowl
Decision Split
On Who Plays
The 12th Man Bowl Com
mittee handed a split decision
to the Student Life Commit
tee yesterday on the issue of
who will play in this year’s
12th Man Bowl Game.
The committee met in the office
of C. G. (Spike) White, of the Stu
dent Activities Department, to de
cide the handling of this year’s
battle and immediately ran into a
snag. Two motions were passed
with little debate but when the
problem of deciding whether or not
the Army would play the Air
Force, as in previous years, or
whether the Corps would play the
Civilians the meeting was dead
After a heated debate between
civilian and the Corps students, a
vote of 4-4 was taken. The Com
mittee voted to place the recom
mendation before the SLC as it
The date and time and length of
the quarters was decided and the
game will be played on Kyle Field
Dec. 15 at 3 p.m. Quarters will
be eight minutes.
The meeting was presided over
by Glenn Buell, chairman, and the
following committeemen were pres
Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, military
affairs; Charley Richey, coaches;
Doug Von Gonten, operations; Cy
Johnston, military tickets; Hugh
Lanktree, civilian tickets; Don
Groves, concessions; Barney Welch,
teams; Barlow (Bones) Irwin, fa
cilities; and Ralph Cole, publicity.
News of the World
ATHENS, Greece—Police fired on anti-British demon
strators during a pitched battle in the city of Patras yes
terday. At least 80 civilians and 40 policemen were reported
injured. The U. S. Information Center was attacked and
damaged slightly. The riots, described as Greece’s most ser
ious outbreak so far over the Cyprus issue, raged for five
hours before they were quelled by reinforced police and ar
mored crews. Fifty persons were reported arrested.
★ ★ ★
CAIRO — An Egyptian spokesman accused Israel
yesterday of provocative actions along the tense Israeli-
Arab border. He denied Egypt ever was an aggressor,
but said it was always ready to defend its sovereignty
when attacked.
★ ★ ★
GENEVA—Russia has sought to assure uneasy Israel
she will not be hurt by the flow of Red arms to Egypt, diplo
matic informants reported last night. Foreign Minister V.
M. Molotov, at the same time, was said to have refused to
block the sale of Czechoslovak war goods to the Jewish state’s
longtime enemy. He served notice of this in talks with U. S.
Secretary of State Dulles, British Foreign Secretary Harold
MacMillan and Premier Moshe Sharett of Israel.
★ ★ ★
JERUSALEM — An Israeli army spokesman said
three Arab members of an Egyptian-trained suicide
squad were killed yesterday in an exchange of fire with
an Israeli army unit 19 miles east of the southern section
of the Gaza strip.
Youth Committee
Started This Year
Job Calls
terview ME, EE, and IE majors
for field engineering, application
engineering, production engineer
ing and design engineering.
of Dallas will interview Geological,
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BIZZELL VIGALANTES—Stepping into the act this
that A&M is going to tame the Mustang from Southern
Methodist University this Saturday at Kyle Field. The
wind played havoc with the sign for a while, but it’s still up._
Student Senate
Election Today
Student Senate vacancies are be
ing filled today by an election in
the Memorial Student Center.
On the ballot for Senior Class
senator are Robert C. Barlow, Rob
ert A. Lee, E. Jennings Bunn, John
D. Cunningham, Samual Curtis,
Dick Durbin, Roy (Connie) Ec-
kard, David Fawcett, Avery Mc
Kinney, William P. Nourie and
Charles D. Stringer.
Running for Hart Hall senator
are Joe W. Tindel, Wynne W.
Snoots, Edward J. Psenick, Jerry
T. Neighbors and Richard T. Craw
Stanley H. Rosenthal is running
for Bizzell Hall senator, and Ron
ald C. Francis for Dorm 16.
Corps students vote from 1 un
til 5 p.m.
Civilian students will vote from
7 to 9 p.m. in their dorms.
Movie Today
A movie on the Sea Dart air
plane will be shown at 5:15 this
afternoon in rooms 2 A, 2B of
the Memorial Student Center. The
movie is being brought to the cam
pus by R. S. Campbell of the San
Diego Division of Convair, who
will be here tomorrow through
Friday for job inteiwiews with
aero’s, ME’s, EE’s and CE’s.
Petroleum, Chemical, Mechanical
and Geological Engineering majors
for positions in Core analysis de
partment, reservoir fluid division,
research and development depart
ment and sales departments.
will interview ME, CE, EE, math
ematics, physics and aeronautical
engineering majors for various
CONVAIR of San Diego, Calif,
will interview majors in Aeronau
tical, ME, CE, EE, mathematics
and physics for various openings.
PANY is interested in majors in
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering,
and mechanical engineering.
Weather Today
A cold front is expected this aft
ernoon with a sharp temperature
drop. Continued cloudy with strong
dusty wind. Temperature at 10:30
a.m. was 79 degrees. Yesterday’s
high of 88 degrees dropped to 71
degrees last night.
(Ed. Note: This is the fifth
in a series of articles on the
agencies which will benefit
from your contribution to the
A&M College-College Station
Community Chest-Red Cross
drive which began Monday.)
Not quite a year ago, Vic Eh-
lers was hired by Brazos County
for a unique experiment. His title
was to be Brazos County Youth
Counselor and Probation Officer.
The experiment was to prove if a
program combining the two ser
vices was practical.
Today Ehlers and his depart
ment can point with pride to the
past six month’s work. On Feb.
1, 1955, the Brazos County Youth
Development Committee became a
formal organization.
In.the last six months, 47 chil
dren have received direct or indi
rect help, 14 direct counseling
cases, nine consultations and 24
probation cases. Most of the coun
seling cases were directed to the
Committee by schools, but several
came of their own accord.
Most of the probation cases were
referred by law enforcement offi
cers since most of them were burg
The Committee retains the ser
vices of a practicing psychiatrist
and a clinical psychologist one day
out of each month for needed con
The Committee was unable to get
their request for funds to the city
council in time to have it included
in the College Station budget for
this year, so they asked the Chest
for the entire $600 needed from
College Station.
The Chest alloted them $300 and
recommended that they apply to
the City Council for the remaining
$300 to be included in the next
(This series will continue Thurs
day with a summary of the activ
ities of the Boy Scouts.)
Fall Military Day
ATC Head Will Be Here
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Myers, born
in Mannington, W. Va., entered the
Virginia Military Institute in 1918
and received an appointment the
following year to West Point,
where he became a member of the
varsity football team. He was
graduated in 1923 and commission
ed a second lieutenant in the reg
ular army.
He entered flying school at
Brooks Field in the same year, and
was awarded his wings at Kelly
Field a year later. His first as
signment as a pilot was at Brooks
where he served as an instructor
until 1929, when he was transfer
red to the Philippine Islands.
There, he was squadron officer of
a bombardment outfit.
Following various duty assign
ments, he entered the Air Corps
Tactical school at Maxwell Field,
Ala., in 1937. Upon completion of
the course, Gen. Myers was assign
ed to Miller Field in New York
as an instructor with the New
York State National Guard.
Shortly before Pearl Harbor,
Gen. Myers was transferred to
Randolph Field and appointed as
sistant chief of staff of the Fly
ing Division. Later he was chief
of plans and training section of
the Central Flying Training Com
mand, and in December of 1943, he
was placed in charge of the 77th
Flying Tiaining Wing at Foster
Field, Texas.
A year later, he was assigned
to the 12th Air Force in Italy,
where he was chief of staff and
commanding general of the the
ater air force.
In 1945, he became chief of staff
of the 334th Flying Training Wing
at Randolph Field and was made
commanding general in ’46. Later
that year, he was redesignated the
Flying Division of Air Training
Command and in ’47 took addition
al duties as chief of staff of the
Flying Division.
In July, 1954, following various
assignments all over the world,
he was appointed commander, Air
Training Command, with head-
quartex-s at Scott Air Foi’ce Base,
He has been awarded the Legion
of Merit with one Oak Leaf Clus
ter, Bi'onze Star Medal, Air Medal
and French Legion of Honoi\ He
is also x-ated a Command Pilot,
Combat Observer and Aircx-aft Ob
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Myers
To Be Here Saturday