The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Kumber 40: Volume 55
Muj. Gen. Matthew K. Deichelmann
To Be Here Saturday
Fall Military Day
Co mmunity Ch estDrive
Opens; Goal $12,100
The A&M College-College Sta
tion Community Chest-Red Cross
Drive got underway today as con
tribution forms were distributed
to all departments of the College.
The goal is $12,100.
A representative in each depart
ment will be responsible for col
lecting the forms and returning
them to the committee for his par
ticular zone.
The campus has been divided
into seven zones, with a solicita
tion committee for each. ' Other
committees will be responsible for
collection in business houses, A&M
Consolidated Schools, Lincoln
School and both white and colored
residential areas.
Door-to-door solicitors will visit
houses in residential areas where
the occupants have not been cov
ered by one of the above categories.
Bryan Air Force Base personnel
will not be contacted, since they
contribute to their own Base fund.
The solicitation committee for
the business houses include C. W.
Price, Luther Jones, Edward
Madeley, Leonard Mousner, John
L. Bearrie, and R. A. Houze. Mrs.
R. L. Elkins, Les Richardson, and
Taylor Riedel make up the com-
mitee for the A&M Consolidated
Schools. W. S. Tarrow is respon
sible for Lincoln School solicita
Mmes. W. M. Heritage, W. S.
Edmonds, F. R. Brison, W. W. Arm-
istead, A. Kahan, Bill Whittington,
R. A. Gilchrist, W. B. Dozier, R.
O. Ried, Gordon Gay, M„ V. Krenit-
sky, George Mountney, Gerald
Thomas, Dick Baldouf, K. Dixon,
F. W. Hensel Jr., Truman Jones,
Dan Scoates, Marion Pugh, C.
Ketch, San Cleland, E. C. Klipple,
Spike White, Fred Weich, Tray
Wakefield, Ray Rogers, and Rob
ert Andrews are members of ^he
white residential soliciation com
mittee. W. S. Tarrow and Eddie
Chew comprise the Negro residen
tial solicitation committee.
In the College zones, C. A. Roe-
ber and Charles Haas are in Zone
I; Dick Hervey and Carl Landiss
in Zone II, S. E. Brown and E. E.
Ivy in Zone III, R. A. Houze and
M. V. Krenitsky in Zone IV, Bob
Reed, H. G. Thompson in Zone V,
R. E. Patterson and J. W. Hill in
Zone VI, and John H. Milliff and
Carl Tishler in Zone VII.
“Any club. College department,
or other group desiring a speaker
on this year’s Chest may get one
by contacting our office,” said Rob-
ert A. Houze, chairman of the
The Chest’s address in Box 1643,
College Station, and the telephone
is 4-5224.
Mrs. J. W. Barger’s Consoli
dated School art classes have been
busy for the past week making pos
ters for the drive. They will be
distributed throughout the College
and local business houses.
Fall Military Day
Price Five Cents
Maj. Gen. Gabriel P. Dissoway
To Be Here Saturday
ACSS Staffer To Be Here
FTAF Head To Be Here
Maj. Gen. Matthew K. Deichel-
mann, born in Binghamton, N. Y.
in 1905, was graduated fi’om the
United States Military Academy
at West Point in 1927. He was
commissioned a second lieutenant
in the Coast Artillery.
He took basic flying training for
one year and then became a bat
tery officer at Fort Monroe, Va.
Later, he joined the 60th Coast
Artillery in the Philippine Islands.
Upon returning to the United
States in 1932, an'd the completion
of the battery officers course, he
Was named commanding officer of
the Forestry Camp and Civilian
Conservation Corps company at
Dyer, Tenn.
Besides serving in the Philippines,
Gen. Deichelmann has served in
1,200 Directories
Sold So Far
Approximately 1,200 student di
rectories have been sold so far this
t Year.
The Office of Student Publica
tions reported that there are no
exact figures on how many direc
tories have been sold due to the
fact that there are various people
who are selling them and no re
port has been made. They may be
purchased for 75 cents at the Pub
lications Office in Goodwin Hall.
the Panama Canal Zone, European
Theater, and has had numerous
operations throughout the United
In August, 1941, Gen Deichel
mann was transferred to the Carib
bean Air Force where he was as
sistant operations officer. In De
cember of that year, he was made
anti-aircraft officer and then ex
ecutive officer of the 26 Fighter
Fish Drill Team
Has 530 Try Out
The largest group of freshmen
to ever try out for the Fish Drill
Team met yesterday at 5 p.m. on
the drill field for preliminary elim
The group of 520 men were elim
inated to 100 after they were
judged for their general appear
ance, posture, execution of com
mands and general military bear
Next week, the ones who were
chosen will drill with rifles and
will be eliminated at that time to
pick the final team. ,
The final team will -have 45
members. The main marching
team will have 36 members while
the others will be the commander)
the guidon bearers and the alter
He returned to the US in Oc
tober of ’42 to become head of the
Anti-Aircraft and Airdrome De
fense Section of the AAF School
of Applied Tactics at Orlando, Flor
In February, 1945, Gen Deichel
mann went to the European The
ater of Operations to become op
erations officer of the IX Air De
fense Command. He was later ap
pointed chief of staff of the IX
Air Defense Command and the fol-
lowmg year assumed command of
that organization.
In August, 1947, he was named
deputy commandant of the Air
Command and Staff School. His
transfer to the air force came in
September, 1947.
Consolidated Has
High Attendance
Daily attendance for the first
six weeks of the 1955-56 school
year at A&M Consolidated was up
142 students over the average for
the 1954-55 year in the white
schools. Lincoln School had a drop
of six students per day.
The Elementary school’s daily
attendance of 492.6 pupils repre
sented 98.1 per cent of total ele
mentary school enrollment. Jun
ior high daily attendance was 400.1
or 98.05 per cent. The senior high
school, which usually has the
highest percentage of attendance,
had a daily average of 217.46 or
96.97 per cent. Lincoln’s percent
age was 96 per cent of an average
enrollment of 322.
College Station
Clean-Up Drive
Opens Today
College Station’s fall clean
up drive got underway this
morning as city trucks trav
eled the alleys of the residen
tial areas south of the college.
Residents were asked to check
their houses, garages and yards for
any trash that may have accumu
The program is being sponsored
by the Chamber of Commerce and
Development Association in co-op
eration with the city. A spring
clean-up campaign is tentatively
scheduled for May.
Wednesday, city trucks will cov
er the residential areas east of
Highway 6 and North Gate resi
dential section will be canvassed
“If necessary, crews will go out
again Friday to pick-up anything
left over,” said Ran Boswell, city
Boswell urges residents to place
their trash near the street to make
the pick-up easier. He said that
the clean-up crews would take
away all trash they could get on
the ti-uck.
The program was instituted by
the Public Health Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce with Walter
Manning as chairman. The an
nouncement was made that all pub
lic hazai’ds repoi’ted to the city
during the campaign will be inves
Maj. Gen. Gabriel P. Dissosway,
commander Flying Training Air
Force, will be another top-flight
dignitary to visit the campus this
Gen. Dissosway was graduated
from West Point and commission
ed a second lieutenant in the Field
Artillery in 1933. He entered the
Air Force Flying schools in San
Antonio in 1935 and was trans
ferred to the air force.
Since that time, he has held ma
jor air training assignments. He
was named to his FTAF post from
a position as director of training
in the office of the deputy chief
Student Senate
Voting Tomorrow
The election to fill the vacancies
in the Student Senate will be held
tomorrow in the Memorial Stu
dent Center.
On the ballot for Senior Class
senator are Robert C. Barlow, Rob
ert A. Lee, E. Jennings Bunn, John
D. Cunningham, Samuel Curtis,
Dick Durbin, Roy (Connie) Eck-
ard, David Fawcett, Avery McKin
ney, William P. Nourie, and Char
les D. Stringer.
Running for Hart Hall senator
are Joe W. Tindel, Wynne W.
Snoots, Edward J. Psenick, Jerry
T. Neighbors, and Richard T. Craw
Stanley H. Rosenthal is running
for Bizzell Hall senator, and Ron
ald C. Francis for Dorm 16.
Civilian students will vote from
7 to 9 p.m.
of staff for personnel at air force
headquarters in Washington.
As chief executive of the FTAF,
Gen. Dissosway supervises the
training of young pilots and aerial
observers at 23 bases over the
United States.
Flying Training Air Force is
one of the three components of Air
Training Command which decen-
ti’alized in mid 1951 to cope with
Spare Bowling
To Help Drive
A spare tournament for the
mutual benefit of the winners
and the local Community
Chest Drive will be held Nov.
5- 6 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the
Memorial Student Center bowling
The tournament will be run in
two divisions; the Men’s Division
—regardless of average—and the
Women’s Division — also open to
any bowler.
, The entry fee is $1.50 per per
son, and is divided as follows:
bowling expenses, 50 cents; prize
fund, 50 cents; and Community
Chest, 50 cents.
Three cash prizes will be award
ed in each division. First will be
50 per cent of the total prize fund;
second, 30 per cent; third, 20 per
cent. All ties will be pi'o-rated ac
As many entries as possible may
be submitted at $1.50 per entry.
Blanks must be filled out and re
turned to the bowling alley main
desk by 6 p.m. Nov. 5. Not more
than one prize will be awarded to
any one individual.
Each bowler will roll one ball
at each of 30 different spares, no
splits. The spares in the order
in which they will appear ai'e as
follows: 5, 6-10, 1-2-4, 5-8,4,
3-6-10, 2-5, 3-5-6-S, 1-2-4-7, 10, 7,
6- 9, 1-3-6, 5-9, 6, 2-4-7, 3-5, 2-4-5-S,
1- 3-6-10, 2, 4-7, 3, 3-5-6, 1-3-9, 8,
2- 4-5, 2-8, 9, 1-2-8, and 3-9.
Test Application
Deadline Tonight
Tonight is the last time that stu
dents can apply for the Selective
Service College Qualification Test
to be given Nov. 17 at the Memor
ial Student Center. Blanks can be
picked up at the Housing Office in
Goodwin Hall. They must be mail
ed by midnight tonight.
Any man is permitted to take
the test once, including those cur
rently enrolled in college, civilian
or military. A grade of 70 or bet
ter should qualify the examinee to
apply through his local draft board
for an academic deferment. The
board still has final say, however.
Additional information can be
had from F. E. McFarland, Basic
Division, Aggieland Inn Building,
or Allan Madeley, Housing Office.
the rapid expansion of the air
Gen. Dissosway, while opera
tions officer of the 312 Fighter
Wing, was shot down over China.
He bailed out and was missing in
action for a month in enemy terri
tory. Friendly Chinese and a
makeshift air strip were his route
of escape to friendly lines.
He was later made commander
of the 311 Fighter Group and then
became air liaison officer for the
third Amphibious Marine Coi’ps in
Tiensin, China.
Before the far east, Gen. Dis
sosway served 18 months in the
Panama Canal Zone as commander
of a fighter group and later as
deputy commander of the 26 Fight
er Command.
When he returned to the U. S.
in 1946, he became assistant com
mander of Barksdale air force base
and then entered the Air War Col
lege and was gi'aduated in 1948.
Gen. Dissosway has been awai’d-
ed the Legion of Merit, the Bronze
Star and the Air Medal. Foreign
decorations include the Cloud and
Banner and the Glorious Tripod
of China, and the Military Medal
and Older of the Southern Cross
of Brazil.
‘Wrong Addresses’
No Longerllandled
The Post Office no longer has a
The Post Office has quit putting
addresses on mail which arrives
improperly addi-essed. Heretofore,
a register had been maintained but
this is no longer done.
All mail sent to a student and
addressed “A&M College” will
either be picked up at the North
Station General Delivery window,
or sent to the Housing Office for
correct address. The addresses
will be placed on the envelopes in
the Housing Office and the mail
returned to the Post Office.
This will result in considerable
delay. If there is no mail address
available, the mail will be held at
the PO for 10 days and returned
to the sender or placed in the dead
letter files.
To avoid delay or not getting
mail, students should notify all
writers of their correct mail ad
Faculty Meeting
Dr. David H. Morgan, president
of the College, has announced a
general faculty meeting for 4:30
p.m. Nov. 22 in Guion Hall.
Weather Today
Mostly cloudy today with fresh
Southerly winds. Temperature at
10:30 a.m. was 82 degrees. Last
night’s low only dropped to 70 de
grees after a high yesterday of 85
News of the World
BEAUVALLON, France—Deposed Sultan Mohammed
jBen Youssef, 41, returned to France from a two-year Mada-
\g-ascar exile yesterday and entered political talks that could
•return him to his turbulent Moroccan throne within three
weeks. The French government view is now held to be that
Moroccan opposition to the Sultan has ceased to exist.
★ ★ ★
LONDON—Princess Margaret told the world last
night she has renounced her hope of marrying divorced
Peter Townsend. She spoke like a girl with a broken
heart who has put duty ahead of love.
★ ★ ★
* JERUSALEM—An Israeli military spokesman said yes
terday Israeli forces repelled an Egyptian foray into Israeli
o territory east of Gaza. It was the latest in a series of border
“ violation charged that have raised fears of another Palestine
war and sparked appeals for peace from the United Nations,
‘i Britain sent representations to Israel and Egypt yesterday
„ adding its voice to the U. N. pleas.
'At ^
WASHINGTON—The Senate Antitrust and Monop
oly subcommittee yesterday announced a full scale study
of General Motors. This study of the world’s largest
manufacturer will be a part of the subcommittee’s look
at concentration in the automotive industry.
★ ★ ★
AUSTIN—Austin will suffer along with other Central
Texas cities if the army cuts in half the number of regularly
stationed troops at big Fort Hood, the Austin Chamber of
Commerce said yesterday. President Jack C. Adams said
such a move will primarily harm the city’s wholesale and milk
and produce corncerns and will create definite drops in re-
> tail sales.
"A - "A - "A"
ST. LOUIS—The Independent Petroleum Assn, of
America was told yesterday by its leaders that the gov-
* ernment, if sustained in its present course, will have the
power to determine the price provisions and terms of all
natural gas sales and contracts.
TRICK OR TREAT?—Out for a Halloween treat are five of College Station’s younger
set. In the usual order, from the skeleton to the “puddy kat,” are Dickey Hervey, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hervey; Sally Stark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Stark;
Judy Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rogers; Jean Ballinger, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Ballinger; and Andy Watson, son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. G. H. Watson.