The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 25, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 36: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
CLOSE CALL—Baylor quarterback Bobby Jones barely gets his pass away before being
clobbered by an unidentified Aggie lineman. At right is Dennis Goehring (No. 62).
Who’s Who Nominations
Now Open For This Year
Nominations for this year’s
Who’s Who are now being accep
ted and will continue through Oct.
Nominations for members of the
Corps of Cadets may be turned in
to battalion and group command
ers, who will turn them over to
Barry Kennedy, co-chaiimian of
the Who’s Who Selection Commit
tee of the Student Life Committee.
Senate Vacancies
Op en For Filings
Filings for vacancies in the stu
dent senate are now open. Appli
cations may be obtained in the
student activities office on the sec
ond floor of Goodwin Hall. 1
The positions open are tor one
senator from the civilian section
of Hart Hall, Bizzell Hall, the ci
vilian section of Dorm 16 and one
senator for the senior class.
Candidates must have attended
A&M for two previous semesters,
have a one point grade point ra
tio, live in the dorm or area he
represents and be willing to serve
ftie remainder of this school year.
Filing for the positions will close
Oct. 29 and the election will be
held Wednesday, Nov. 2. Ballot
boxes will be located in the lounge
of Hart Hall, the first floor of Biz
zell, the first floor of dorm 16
and the senior class box will be
placed in the hall of the Student
Center near the Post Office en
trance. Voting will last from 1 to
5:30 p.m. on election day.
TV Film Executive
To Speak Tonight
1 Bob Gray, in charge of the news
film operation of KPRC-TV, Hous
ton, will speak in the A&M Jour
nalism Department tonight after
yell practice.
A former newspaper reporter,
photographer, radio newsman and
free-lancer, Gray will speak on
“Dough in TV News.”
All students interested in the
news aspect of television are en
couraged to attend.
* The program is sponsored by the
A&M chapter of Sigma, Delta Chi.
Weather Today
Forecast for this area is clear
after a cold spell late last night of
39 degrees. Yesterday’s high
*was 71 degrees with a reading of
66 degrees at 10 a.m. today.
For civilian candidates, nomina
tions can be turned in to ramp
representatives and Civilian Stu
dent Council members.
There will not be a box for nom
inations in the Memorial Student
Center this year as there was last
Candidates must have at least
a 1.5 grade point ratio. The Reg
istrars Office will be the final au
thority as to classification and
grade ratio. The number selected,
according to SLC rules, is not to
exceed one per cent of the total
classified juniors and seniors en
rolled this semester. Students shall
be chosen on the basis of popular
ity, leadership and participation in
Students should turn in the en
tire first and last names and the
middle initial, i.e., no “nicknames.”
The Who’s Who winners will be
selected from approved nominees
by the Student Life Committee at
its Dec. 12 meeting.
Members of the Who’s Who Se
lection Committee are as follows:
UN’s Importance
Told at Observance
Speaking at the tenth birthday
celebration of the United Nations,
held Friday night in the YMCA,
Dr. J. H. Bass of the History De
partment spoke on the importance
of the accomplishments of the Uni
ted Nations, explaining its role as
a mediator in inter-national dis
turbances such as the trouble over
oil in Iran.
About 50 students, faculty mem
bers and wives attended the party
held by the A&M United Nations
Club. Refreshments were served
to those attending.
On exhibit were clothing, uten
sils and other collections from var
ious countries around the world.
Dr. C. C. Doak, sponsor, showed
slides of how the UN was born,
starting with the League of Na
tions in 1919, its failure, the birth
of the UN after the second World
War, and its present membership
of 60 nations.
The next meeting of the UN
Club will be Nov. 4.
Fall Military Day
To Be Held Nov. 5
The second annual Fall Military
Day will be held .here Nov. 5, the
day of the A&M-SMU football
Starting the events off will be
a speech by Carter Burgess, as
sistant secretary of defense for
manpower and personnel, at a reg
ularly scheduled Great Issues pro
gram. The speech will be held in
the Memorial Student Center Nov.
4, at 7:30 p.m.
Military Day begins the follow
ing day with a tour of the campus
for visiting digmitaries. Larry
Kennedy, Corps commandex*, will
be in charge of the tour. Then, at
1:30 p.m., a i-eview will be held
on the main drill field, in front of
the Center. Several practice re
views will be held before the Sat
urday review.
Militai’y: Lai'i’y Kennedy, chair
man; Glenn Buell, Allen Greer,
Dick Howard, B. A. (Scotty) Par
ham, David Parnell and Frank Pat
Civilian: Hugh Lanktree, chair
man; Ray Carx-oll, Bill Fullerton,
and Gerald Van Hoosier.
Meats Team
Places Fourth
At Kansas City
A&M’s Senior Meat Judg
ing Team, coached by G. T.
King, placed fourth in the
American Royal Intercolle
giate Meats Judging Contest
held in Kansas City last week.
The team scored 2,681 points out
of a possible 3,020. The winning
team came from Tennessee, with a
total scox-e of 2,751.
The team had two practice work
outs in Oklahoma City on the way
to the judging contest. Oklahoma
A&M and Texas Tech held prac
tice sessions with A&M students.
The gi’oup was entertained with a
banquet at the Wish-Bone in Kan
sas City, along with the livestock
and wool teams.
“This is one of the nicest group
of students I have ever worked
with,” King said, “And, I think
they did an exceptionally good job,
considering the handicap they were
woi'king under as compared to
some of the other teams.”
Ken Killion, member of the
team, placed eleventh high individ
ual in the contest with a score of
903 out of a possible 1,040 points.
He was also fifth high individual
in lamb judging and fourth high
in poi-k judging.
Members of the team are Kil
lion, J. A. Loftis and RobexT W.
Scholarship Given
Geology Senior
Dougles Dean Mounce, senior
geological engineering major, has
been awarded a $750 scholarship
in the field of geology by the So-
cony Mobil Oil Company, Inc.
Mounce’s grade point ratio in
all courses is 2.58 and in geology
and petroleum is 2.8. He has eax - n-
ed 85 per cent of his education
costs. He served two years in the
army and is a' gi’aduate of Sunset
High School in Dallas.
In his junior year he was award
ed the George P. Mitchell award
for being one of the thx-ee out
standing juniors in the geology de
ASCE Awarded
An Award of Merit was present
ed to the A&M student chapter of
the American' Society of Civil En-
gnieers, at a meeting of the Texas
section of the ASCE held recently
in Fort Worth. The award is pre
sented annually to one of seven
student chapters in Texas whose
overall activities are judged the
most outstanding.
SCONA Delegate Applications
Must Be Turned In By Oct. 31
News of the World
SAIGON, South Viet Nam—The Vietminh Communists
apparently have failed in their widely advertised campaign to
infiltrate South Viet Nam. This fact emerges from Sunday’s
referendum in which five million Vietnamese voted to oust
Chief of State Baco Dai and name anti-Communist Premier
Ngo Dinh Diem to the post. Diem will proclaim free Viet
Nam a Republic Wednesday and become its first president.
If returns from the balloting are any criterion, it will be one
of the most solidly anti-Communist republics in Asia.
★ ★ ★
SAN FRANCISCO—The strongest earthquake in
the San Francisco Bay area in several years gave the
region a few after-shocks yesterday and left a scattering
of minor damage. Masonry cracks showed up in several
buildings. Many plate glass windows were broken.
Stocks on grocery shelves were shaken into jumbling
★ ★ ★
SAARBRUECKEN, Saar—Victorious German parties in
the Saar yesterday called on the Western European Union to
supervise a new governmental election in this little border
territory to replace Premier Johannes Hoffman. West Ger
man Vice Chancellor Franz Bluecher—describing the Saar
landers’ plebiscite against Europeanization as “a victory of
reason”—led the Bonn Cabinet inproposing new French-
German negotiations on the fate of the long-disputed border
coal basin.
★ ★ ★
PARIS—The Western Big Three hammered out de
tails yesterday of a joint program to ease world tension.
They will submit it to the Soviet Union later this week
at Geneva.
"A" 'Ik
ROME—The Texan who founded the Church of Christ
in Italy and fought seven years for its continued existence
left for home yesterday. Cline R. Paden of Lubbock said
Italy had refused to extend his permit to stay here.
Cadets To Be Given
Office Oath Today
The oath of office will be ad
ministered to 478 cadet officers, in
services scheduled for White Col
iseum this evening.
The entix-e Corps of Cadets will
assemble in the coliseum for the
program which features Dr. David
H. Morgan, president of the col
lege, as the main speaker.
The oath will be administered
by Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, assist
ant commandant. It reads as fol
“I (Name) having been appoint
ed (Rank) in the cox-ps of cadets,
Agricultural and Mechanical Col
lege of Texas, College Station,
Texas, do solemnly swear that I
will support and defend the laws
of the State of Texas, the college
Special Police
Have Trouble
With Traffic
More than 40 special student
policemen battled traffic on the
campus Saturday afternoon.
They had to reroute traffic
ai’ound the campus because Hous
ton St. was blocked off for con
struction. The temporary police
men put up a valiant fight, but
even so, many cars parked on side
walks, lawns, and other spots def
initely not for the use of cars.
Many of the drivers found a
place to “park” their cars and left
before patrolman could stop them.
One policeman was dix-ecting
traffic on Lubbock Street, in front
of Kyle Field, and trying to keep
cax-s from parking on the strip of
grass between lanes when he was
involved in an accident. While
getting things straightened out,
cars filled up the middle of the
street. Lo and behold, no di’ivers
could be found.
Even with all the troubles there
were on Saturday afternoon, the
parking was “genei'ally fair,” said
Fred Hickman, Campus Security
regulations of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and
that I will bear true faith and al
legiance to the same; that I will
not participate in, condone, nor
tolerate physical or mental hazing,
nor the use of any instrument
upon a cadet’s body for any rea
son whatsoever; that I take this
obligation freely, without any
mental reservation or purpose of
evasion; and that I will well and
faithfully dischai'ge the duties of
the office upon which I am about
to enter; so help me God.”
Reveille Fund
Needs Student Help
Boxes will be placed outside all
mess halls during the noon and
supper meals tomorrow to take up
any contributions students may
have to help send Reveille to Ar
According to Sam Netterville,
keeper of the mascot, it will take
about $35.16 to send her to Ai'kan-
sas and bring her back on an air
plane from Dallas.
Money left over from the col
lections will be placed in Reveille’s
food fund.
Rescue School
In Progress
This Week
Fourteen Conference
Leaders Announced
A&M junior and senior students interested in being an
official delegate to the Student Conference on National Af
fairs, to be held here Dec. 14-17, should pick up applications
at the office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences, room 107, Aca
demic Building. The applications must be returned to the
dean, Dr. Walter H. Delaplane, by 12 noon Oct. 31.
The selection of two delegates from A&,M will be based
upon the student’s interest in and knowledge of national and
international problems, readings and studies of these affairs,
and the reason for the student wanting to attend the meet
Interviews with possible delegates will be held Nov. 2,
♦3 and 4 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
each day. On the selection
Committee,, headed by Dr.
Delaplane, are Dr. Alfred F.
Chalk, Economics Depart-
rneixt; Dr. Lee J. Mai’tin, English
Department; Dx\ R. L. Skrabanek,
Agi'icultural Economics and Sociol
ogy; and Dr. Paul J. Woods, His
tory Depai'tment.
The A&M delegates, along with
two top students from 50 leading
colleges and universities of the
South and Southwest, will pax'tici-
pate in the conference, listening to
addresses by men active in nation
al affairs 'from the governments
of this and other countries, and en
gaging in panel discussions led by
these experts on the pi’oblems in
Theme for this meeting, the first
of its kind in the Southwest, is
“The Role of the United States in
World Affairs.” The conference
has a $12,000 budget, the money
being raised entirely by A&M stu
dents from some of the state’s
foundations, industries and busi
ness men.
Eight round-table chairmen for
SCONA have already accepted in
vitations to be hei*e for the meet
ings in the Memorial Student Cen
ter. They are Dr. Walter Pi'escott
Webb, History Department, Uni
versity of Texas; Dr. Hardin
Craig, librarian and professor of
histox-y, Rice Institute; Dr. Lewis
Hanke, director, Institute of Latin
American Studies, UT; Dean W. H.
Delaplane, School of Ai’ts & Sci
ences, A&M; Col. Edwin Leland,
Air War College; Col. Richard Stil-
well, Army War College; Col. John
Frisbee, U. S. Air Force Academy;
and Dr. John Claunch, Southern
Methodist Univex-sity.
Panel members for the Dec. 15
panel sessions are Thruston Mor
ton, Assistant Secretary of State
for Legislation; Col. G. A. Lin
coln, U. S. Militai'y Academy; Hon.
Omar Bui’leson, Texas Congi’ess-
man; and George McGhee, foxrner
Assistant Secretary of State. Col.
Thomas L. Ci-ystal, U. S. Air Foi'ce
Academy, has tentatively accepted.
Eight men have been contacted
to serve as round-table advisors.
One, Dr. Clanton W. Williams, vice-
pi'esident of Academic Affairs,
University of Houston, has accept
ed so fax', and the SCONA Commit
tee is anticipating replies from the
(See SCONA, Page 2)
The fifth Texas Rescue
Training School, designed to
train Texas “minutemen” how
to perform rescue operations
in the event of enemy air
attack or natural disaster, is be
ing held this week on the A&M
The school, the fifth to be held
since its beginning last February,
will instract representatives of
cities throughout the state and
they will retuxm to their homes to
form local rescue teams.
The school is conducted by the
firemen training department of the
Engineei'ing Extension Service of
A&M under the sponsorship of the
Office of Civil Defense and Dis
aster Relief at Austin.
The student instructors will be
principally drawn from local fire
and police departments, x’epresen-
tatives of local civil defense organ
izations and the state highway de-
paifment. These men will foxan
the nuclei of rescue teams in their
home towns.
They will be taught, in realistic
drills, the correct usage of special
rescue equipment and how to coor
dinate their activities with those
of other defense and disaster units
in other towns.
H. R. Brayton, director of the
firemen’s training department of
the Extension Service, and dii'ector
of Rescue Training for the state,
will head the school.
Leland To Direct
Discussion Forum
Tom W. Leland, dean of Business
Administration here, will direct one
of the discussions at the annual
discussion foi’um of the Dallas
Chapter of the National Associa
tion of Cost Accountants Friday
at the Meh’ose Hotel in Dallas.
Leland is a member of the Hous
ton Chapter of National Cost Ac
countants as well as many other
Air Force Times
The “Air Foi’ce Times” is now
available for students in the Cush
ing Memorial Library, according
to Lt. Col. William J. Hall, air
force opexataons officei\ The
“Army Times” has been available,
to army students for some time.
AGGIE TOUCHDOWN!—Battering-ram fullback Jack Pardee, the Christoval Crusher,
dives into the Baylor end zone for the Aggies’ last TD in Saturday’s fracas. Baylor’s en
tire forward wall was blocked down except for Dugan Pearce (No. 61) on this play.