The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1955, Image 1

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Number 33: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
If Aggies Should Win Crown,
Cotton Bowl Could Be In Jam
AND SHE SINGS, TOO—If the football game with Baylor Saturday doesn’t draw a crowd,
then Dorothy Kae, singer with Buddy Morrow and his Orchestra, should create one of
•her own. Dorothy will appear at the concert Saturday evening and at the All-College
Dance that night after the big game. Morrow’s Orchestra will play for the dance, which
will be held in Sbisa Hall, starting at 9 p.m.
Saturday’s Dance Features
Buddy Morrow Orchestra
News of the World
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Dulles disclosed
yesterday the United States and Red China have begun
formal discussions of their Far East disputes. Dulles also
revealed the Chinese Communists, in ambassadorial talks
under way at Geneva since Aug. 1, have formally raised for
the first time their proposal that he meet personally with
Red China’s Premier Chou En-lai.
★ ★ ★
UNITED NATIONS—Britain split yesterday with
the United States over a hot contest between Yugoslavia
and the Philippines for a seat on the U.N. Security
Council. The British spread the word through U.N.
delegations they will support Yugoslavia when the
Assembly convenes today to resume balloting. The
United States served equally definite notice it will con
tinue to support the Philippines to the end.
★ ★ ★
HOUSTON—A customs officer said yesterday several
Texans who jumped bonds on narcotics charges have turned
up as police officers in Mexico. Bernard J. McLeaish, cus
toms inspector at Brownsville, told a Senate Judiciary sub
committee a narcotics violator became police chief at Ciudad
Victoria, another an assistant chief at Matamoros and a
third as a police officer in Reynosa.
★ ★ ★
PARIS—Premier Edgar Faure’s government won a
vote of confidence last night 308-254 on its program for
restoring peace and beginning political reforms in
Algeria. The National Assembly’s vote, coming little
more than a week before the four power foreign min
isters convene at Geneva, saved the life of the French
government at a critical moment in international affairs.
AP Report Reveals
4 No Arrangements’
DALLAS <A>)—If Texas A&M
wins the Southwest Conference
football championship, something
it is in a position to do, the Cotton
Bowl will be in a jam.
In Student Center
The first all-college dance of the
year, featuring - Buddy Morx - ow
and his Orchestra, will be held in
*ftewly redecorated Sbisa Hall from
9-12 p.m. Saturday night. A con
cert will be held in Guion at 7:15;
admission is 75 cents.
Morrow will come with his $10,-
‘‘lOO insured trombone and pretty
Dorothy Kae as featured vocalist.
It is said he keeps a constant
watch on his horn while playing
an engagement.
Morrow was born in New Haven,
Conn, in 1919 and received his
first trombone at the age of 12.
When he was 13, he played junior
and senior high school dances in
his home town, and at the age of
15, was featured with the Yale
He accepted a scholarship to the
Juilliard School of Music, during
which time Paul Whiteman offered
kirn a job with his band. Morrow
joined Whiteman but later left to
play with the late Eddie Duchin
for a short period. Artie Shaw
was the next to sign Morrow for
a featured role with his band.
After spending time with the
army, Morrow signed an RCA Vic
tor recording contract and chang
ed his style to a strictly accented
ensemble dance beat as a back
ground for his trombone.
Turkey Shoot Day
Planned By Panel
Committees for planning the tur
key shoot sponsored by the Range
and Forestry Club were appointed
recently. The members also de
cided to make the shoot an annual
The shoot will be held Nov. 15
from 2 to 8 p.m. at the Kyle Field
range. All R&F Club members
have tickets, which cost 75c. Prof
its are used to send the grass judg
ing team to the national competi
tion in Denver, Colo.
Making up the Rules Committee
are Bob Sims, Martin May, Paul
Larson, John Specht and Fritz
Landers. The Advertising Com
mittee is made up of Jack Murrell,
John Buck, Don Duncan, Hartley
Duncan, Benjamin Franklin and
Pete Nessmith.
Morrow’s big break came in 1952
when he was appearing at the Steel
Pier in Atlantic City. George A.
Hamid Sr., owner of the Pier, came
back from vacation and heard the
band performing - . He called Mor
row’s booking office the next day
and booked him a return engage
ment during the summer of 1952,
a year ahead.
The concert and dance will round
out the weekend festivities of the
A&M-Baylor football game here
this Saturday.
The dance will be semi-formal
and tickets are $2 stag or drag.
Tickets may be purchased in the
Office of Student Activities from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except for the
noon hour.
Students Can Take
Draft Test Nov. 17
Town Hall
Has Chorale
At 8 Tonight
Choral singing and orchestra
music will be featured tonight
at White Coliseum, as the
Town Hall series presents
Robert Shaw and his hosf of
musicians and singers.
The show starts at 8, with
doors open at 7, and tickets
are on sale at the Student Ac
tivities Office in Goodwin
Hall. For those not holding
the Town Hall season tickets,
prices are $1 for individual
student tickets, $2 for non
students — both general ad
mission seats; for reserve
seats, students, $1.50 and for
non-students, $2.50.
All students who are registered
for the draft are eligible to take
the Selective Service College Qual
ification Test to be given Nov. 17
in the Memorial Student Center.
Applications must be submitted
no later than Nov. 1, to b<? eligible
to take the test. Application blanks
may be secured from the Housing
Office, Room 100, Goodwin Hall.
Anyone who meets the require
ments is eligible to take the tests
whether he is enrolled in ROTC or
a civilian student. To be eligible
to apply for Selective Service tests
a student must intend to request
deferment as a student, be satis
factorily pursuing a full-time
course of instruction, and must not
previously have taken the qualifi
cation test.
Present standards for deferment
as an undergraduate student are
Extension Service
Holding Conference
STAY OFF THE GRASS—Three unidentified students are
shown treading across the main drill field heading for the
Memorial Student Center. With a little more effort and
10 steps more, these students could have used the newly
constructed sidewalks and saved some of that grass the
college is trying so hard to grow. With winter coming on,
the grass needs no extra tromping to help it die out. Thurs
day drills on the field are no help either.
Employees of 17 subject-matter
departments and 3 regulatory ser
vices in the Texas Agricultural Ex
periment Station and of 44 field
research units over Texas will hold
their annual conference in the Me
morial Student Center today
through Friday.
Under the general chairmanship
of Dr. Homer T. Blackhurst, the
conference program consists mostly
of a series of group discussions.
These include the publication of
research results, fiscal procedures,
cotton production, livestock pro
duction, irrigation, plant and
animal genetics, agronomy, fruits
and vegetables, range and forestry,
animal diseases, dairy and poultry
science and insect control.
Tours include the Statistical
Laboratory where the significance
of research findings is determined
by analytical means, and exhibit of
belt-type hoppers.
Featured addresses will be made
by Sherman E. Johnson, director of
farm and land management re
search, USD A, on economic pers
pectives of agricultural research;
T. R. Wood, director of Du Font’s
Stine Laboratory, on agricultural
chemicals in animal medicine and
nutrition; and D. E. Wolf, manager
of the agricultural chemical section
of Du Font’s Graselli Chemical De
Station Director R. D. Lewis will
sum up the past year’s efforts and
lay the groundwork for the Sta
tion’s 27 main research programs
for the coming year.
The annual banquet will be held
this evening, with Monk Vance as
master of ceremonies.
Pre-conference meetings sched
uled yesterday included a ferti
lizer recommendation conference
under the leadership of M. K.
Thornton and an economic cc
ference with Dixie Southern
either a satisfactory score, 70 or
above, on the test, or specified
rank among the members of a stu
dent’s class.
Students accepted for and in at
tendance at a graduate school after
July 1, 1951, and before Jan. 1,
1955, satisfy the standards if they
ranked among the upper one-half
of their senior class, or made a
score of 75 or better on the test.
Graduate students admitted after
Jan. 1, 1955, must have ranked
among the upper one-fourth of
their senior class, or make a score
of 80 or better on the test.
Sigma Xi Awards
Grant to Dillon
Dr. L. S. Dillon, assistant pro
fessor of biology and internation
ally known specialist on beetles,
has been awarded a research grant
by the Society of the Sigma Xi.
The award was made to support
the preparation of a supplement on
the Family Cerambycidae (wood
boring beetles) for the Catalogue
Coleopterorum. Dr. Dillon has
spent many years of research on
this group of beetles of consider
able economic importance and has
described many new species from
all parts of the world.
Health Report
Influenza and strept throat were
the leading diseases in the College
Station-Bryan area for the week
ending Oct. 15, with 13 cases of
each reported. Gonorrhea was next
with 10 cases.
This is not just because A&M
couldn’t play in the Cotton Bowl
in view of its 2-year probation for
violating recruiting rules. Added is
the fact that the conference hasn’t
even made arrangements to pick a
team to play in the New Year’s
Day game should such a thing
come about.
When the conference passed the
probationary penalty on the Ag
gies last May it decreed that they
could not appear in a post-season
contest, which ruled out the Cotton
Bowl. But it wasn’t decided which
team would play in the Cotton
Bowl under those circumstances.
The assumption has been that
the second-place finisher would get
the spot. But no specific rule was
Wouldn’t Withdraw
The conference got into a corner
two years ago when it came down
to the final games with Baylor hav
ing a chance to tie Texas for the
title. The conference had been op
erating under precedent whereby
a team that tied for the title but
lost to the other in regular season
play withdrew its claims. Baylor,
however, indicated it wouldn’t
withdraw even though it had lost
to Texas.
Rice beat Baylor and tied Texas
for the title itself with the latter
withdrawing its Cotton Bowl
claims. But it made the conference
realize there should be some hard,
fast rules. So it was decided that
if there were co-champions, the
one that beat the other would get
the Cotton Bowl bid.
Texas A&M, upsetter of favored
Texas Christian University last
Saturday, plays Baylor, another
team unbeaten in conference com
petition, at College Station Satur
day. Then comes Arkansas at
Fayetteville, Southern Methodist
at Dallas, Rice at Houston and
Texas at College Station.
Tau Beta Pi
A&M Chapter of Tau Beta Pi
will meet tomorrow at 7:15 p.m. in
the Civil Engineering lecture room
to elect new members, announced
Gerald Broesche, president.
F riday,
T omorrow;
Weather Today
Forecast is clear and continued
cool. Temperature at 10:30 a.m.
was 75 degrees. Yesterday’s high
was 79 degrees with a low of 48
A&M’s cowboys join forces with
other college students from all
parts of the state for the All-Ag
gie Rodeo here tomorrow, Friday
and Saturday nights.
More than 75 are expected to
take part in the three-show rodeo
which will begin promptly at 8
each night. Added to the fun will
be contestants drawn from college
faculty. Several professors from
A&M’s Animal Husbandry Depart
ment will compete in a section still
shrouded in mystery. “Profes
sors’ competition” is all that rodeo
superintendent James Dickey, jun
ior from Bay City, will tell about
that part of the show. Dickey
claims that no one will want to
miss this event.
Another new entertainment for
this year’s show is the intramural
pig scramble, in which representa
tives from each group competing
in campus intramurals will try for
points to add to their year’s total
by chasing, catching and toting
back to the finish line a half-grown
Then there’ll be the usual rodeo
events—with a difference. This
year’s stock is not the regular ro
deo circle stock that has been seen
year after year; it will be all new
blood from a ranch near LaGrange,
Dickey said.
Events will be bareback bronc
riding, wild bull riding, steer
wrestling, ribbon and tie-down rop
ing and a girls’ barrel race. Tro
phy buckles will be awarded to
winners of each event for the show.
Clowns, funny but in the arena
for a purpose, will be students Roy
Hudson of Bryan and Jimmy Dee
Ford of San Antonio.
Proceeds from ticket sales will
be used by the Saddle & Sirjoin
Club, sponsors of the rodeo, to help
pay the expenses of student judg
ing teams which compete in na
tional shows all over the Midwest,
said Ken Killion of Alpine, presi
dent of the Club and overall co
ordinator for the rodeo.
Tickets are available for all
three shows from members of the
Saddle & Sirlion Club and at the
Student Activities Office on the
second floor of Goodwin Hall. Cost
is 50 cents to students and $1 to
adults for pre-rodeo tickets; tick
ets at the gate will cost students
60 cents. Wesley Smith of Marshall
is in charge of ticket sales. Corps
sophomores and freshmen will be
excused from C. Q. to attend the
rodeo, according to Col Joe Davis,
G T \ / cr
ESPIRIT DE CORPS—Civilian students living in Milner
have decided to start drawing signs each week showing
that not only Corps students have the spirit but so do
Non-Regs. Here, the Corps student is pulling one direction
and the civilian student is pulling the opposite way, in a
joint effort to tear the Baylor Bear in half. This is the
first civilian dormitory to let a sign over the side.