The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1955, Image 1

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The Battalion
Number 31: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
YELL FRESHMEN—Pictured from left to right are Mary Beth Hagler, Ann Hite, Claire
Rogers and Anne Fleming, Consolidated High School cheerleaders for this year. These
four girls coordinate the efforts of students with that of the Consolidated football team.
Blair C hosen Civilian Cliaplain;
Ivaui in Discusses CSC Needs
Haven’t Left Yet?
Kicks Off
Trip Fun
Battalion City Editor
If any students are still here to
read this, here’s about what to ex
pect for the year’s first Corps
Trip to Fort Worth this weekend.
Tonight out at our sister school,
Texas State College for Women,
the Tessies have a dance planned.
It will be held in the Union Build
ing from 8 p.m. until time for
Poetry Day Exhibit
Will Be On Display
Displays observing Poetry Day includes publication of student
tomorrow may be seen on the third
floor of the Academic Building and
in the Library. The state-wide
sponsored by the
for the Promotion
observance is
Texas Council
>f Poetry.
The special day is now observed
throughout the nation, but Texas
was the first state to observe the
day. State Senate Resolution 260,
officially designating Oct. 15 as
Texas Poetry Day, states: “Poetry
strengthens the sympathies, lifts
the imagination, and fosters spir
itual values and creative qutilities
in mankind. . /’
. Poetic .activity at Texas . AAM”
A&M Will Host
Farmers Today
% Texas A&M will play host to
day to a group of farmers and
agents from Bastrop, Caldwell and
Travis counties, according to Ben
£. Cook, assistant to the dean of
Cook will serve as leader during
a tour to see subjects of interest
to the visitors. These include: field
crops, pastures, soil testing, insect
control, beef cattle and swine
the Upland Farms Section of the
A&M Plantation. On the River
Farms section, they will see cross
bred beef cattle, irrigated cotton
and various types of farm equip
News of the World
poetry in the annual collection of
student writing, MSS. 1, MSS. 2
and the forthcoming MSS. 3. Stu
dent poets have been encouraged
to submit poems for the publica
tion, which will be edited this year
by John O. Kirkpatrick, senior
from San Antonio. The Commen
tator magazine, publication of the
School of Arts and Sciences under
the student publications program,
also publishes student poetry.
Charles L. Hurley, instructor in
the English Department, is a pub
lishing poet and a member of the
Texas Poetry Society.
The’' Society is a ‘state-wld^^of-'
ganization, incorporating in 1922
and having chapters in many towns
and cities in the state. The group
is directly responsible for Poetry
day, and many prizes are offered
each year for the best poems pub
lished in the state.
Martin Shockley, professor at
North Texas State College, Denton,
is president of the TPS, which has
its headquarters in Dallas.
Jet Bridge Club
To Play Sunday
The Bryan Jets Duplicate Bridge
Club will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday
in the Memorial Student Center.
The club, originally started by
the Air Force officers, was once
private but is now open to the
Master points will be awarded to
the players. Refreshments will be
Can ’’t Buy
Beer at That
Age, Either
Storrs, Conn.—(A 1 )—There’s
a new policy for men students
at the University of Connecti
cut—no cussin’.
Gordon S. Reid, assistant di
rector of student personnel in
charge of men’s affairs, has
announced that any student
under 21 reported to the Of
fice of Men’s Affairs for the
use of profane or vulgar lang
uage will be suspended.
The announcement was made
in the Connecticut Daily Cam
pus, student paper.
UNITED NATIONS—The Soviet Union declared yes
terday attempts by the United States to keep Communist
Poland from winning a seat on the U. N. Security Council
are damaging the spirit of Geneva and putting a stumbling
block in the path of international cooperation.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—Russia is expected to move quickly
in getting arms to Egypt, possibly at cut-rate prices, and
thereby hastening Middle East tensions toward a crisis.
An explosion of the Palestine truce into Arab-Israeli war
was seen as a definite possibility whenever Red Czecho
slovakia starts delivery on its cannon-for-cotton deal
with Egypt.
★ ★ ★
PARIS—Premier Edgar Faure asked the French Na
tional Assembly yesterday to give its approval to his plan
for progressive improvement of the economic, social and po
litical conditions for Algerian Moslems. He said it could
restore order in the area and bind it more closely to France.
* * *
WASHINGTON—Democrats on a House investiga
ting group demanded yesterday that the White House
divulge details of several executive conferences on public
power policy in Georgia, a lively political issue. Rep.
Chudoff {D-Pa.) said the group he heads has evidence
that the Interior Department “has made every attempt
to evade” a Justice Department ruling.
★ ★ » ★
ST. LOUIS—The State of Missouri yesterday invoked
the penalty section of its utility anti-strike law in a strike
against a state-seized bus and streetcar company here. A
civil suit to collect penalties from the AFL Operators Union
which represented the striking employes, and officers of the
union was filed in Circuit Court by State Atty. Gen. John
M. Dalton and his assistants.
midnight yell practiee on the
TSCW campus.
For those students in the Corps
who survive the activities at
TSGW tonight, a parade will be
held in Fort Worth tomorrow
morning, starting at 9 for the
forming of units. They will move
out at 10. Outfits will gather by
the Pittsburg Glass Co., just south
of the Texas and Pacific Railway
terminal. Route of march will be
up Main St. to Fifth, a left turn to
Houston St., a right turn and then
finally another right turn to
Weatherford St., where units will
be dismissed. The march will in
clude about 24 blocks. Reviewing
stand for this graded march will
be located in front of the Texas
You’re on your own until game
time, with the Aggies taking on
the strong TCU Froggies at Amon
Carter Stadium before a sell-out
crowd of about 37,000. The game
starts at 2 p.m., and TCU is at
present a slight favorite.
After the game—that’s strictly
up to you, but college officials and
cadet and civilian student leaders
have expressed the hope that you
will ti-y to help keep activities
peaceful. Back in 1953, the last
time the Aggies swept down on
“Cowtown” for a Corps Trip, their
conduct received praise from prom
inent civic leaders. What they ac
complished in 1953 can be repeated
and even bettered if students will
try. -
Weather Today
Continued clear for this area, no
immediate change in weather
Temperature at 10:30 a.m. was 75
degrees. Yesterday’s high was 80
degrees with a low last night of
49 degrees.
Drill Field Grass,
Seating Taken Up
Joseph L. Blair, veterinary medicine major from Boerne,
was named Civilian Chaplain last night by the Civilian Stu
dent Council.
Blair replaces Stewart Coffman, who had been chosen
for the position by last year’s Council. Coffman resigned to
become commanding officer of the new civilian company, E
Infantry. Blair was assistant chaplain until his new ap
Before debate ensued on the various agenda items taken
up by the CSC, Dr. Robert B. Kamm dean of student personnel
services, spoke to the group, explaining a “few quick points”
concerning his relationship with the civilian program as a
♦■part of his job with overall
rwi A 1 student non-academic affairs.
IN Si 1 o Award
Science Study
The National Science Foun
dation will award approxi
mately 700 graduate and 80
post doctoral fellowships for
scientific study during the
1956-57 academic year.
Fellowships are awarded to citi
zens of the U. S. strictly on the
basis of ability. They are offered
in mathematical, physical, medical,
biological, engineering and other
sciences including anthropology,
psychology, geography and certain
related fields.
Graduate fellowships are avail
able to those who are studying for
either masters of doctoral degrees
at the first year, • intermediate, or
terminal year levels. College sen
iors who expect to receive a bac
calaureate degree during the 1955-
56 academic year are also eligible
to apply.
Awards for graduate Fellows are
$1,400 for the first year, $1,600
for the intermediate year, and
$1,800 for the terminal year. Tui
tion, laboratory fees and limited
travel allowances also will be pi’o-
Appications for graduate fellow
ships must be received in the Fel
lowship Office of the National
Academy of Sciences—National Re
search Council, 2101 Constitution
Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D.C.
Maroon and White
CHS Tiger Band Goes Aggie
When people hear of the maroon
and white band, they naturally
think of it as the famed Texas
Aggie Band, under the direction
of Col. E. V. Adams.
But, thei’e is another maroon and
white band in the College Station
area. It is the A&M Consolidated
Tiger band, under the direction of
Robert L. Boone. The band totals
55 in number and has gained quite
a bit of public interest at recent
football games.
The Tiger Band became a reality
in 1949 when Col. Richard J. Dunn,
then director of the Aggie Band,
began working with school children
and giving private lessons to many
of them. Interested parents,
through the Band Boosters Club
and the Mothers and Dads Club,
supported the band financially and
in any other way they needed help.
“Whatever we do, I want us to
do it well,” Boone said, “Consist
ently good performances, simple or
otherwise, are more important than
difficult extravaganzas.”
Boone majored in voice at the
University of Houston but says he
feels a serious responsibility in di
recting the band, even though his
first love is for vocal music.
Invitations for, the band to per
form are so numerous that many
cannot be accepted. This year, the
band will march in the Houston
Fat Stock Show parade and take
part in the Conroe Band Festival.
They will compete in the regional
band contest at Texas City in
Members of the Tiger Band
practice twice a day. They meet
from 11:15 to 12:10 and 3:45 to 5
p.m. daily on school days. After
END OF LINE—An unidentified Baylor freshman foot
baller pulls down Fish quarterback and left halfback Lu
ther Hall of Dallas. A&M’s Joe Pascuzzi, hard-running
right halfback from Avella, Pa., bounces off the ground
during the play in last night’s game which the Fish won
7 to 6. (For game story, see page 3.)
Given To Station ,
Five grants-in-aid and a gift of
materials have been made to the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station for use in research work.
The grants, as announced by R.
D. Lewis, station director, were
made by the Chemical Division of
the Corn Products Refining Co. of
Argo, Ill., $4,250; The Publicker
Industries Inc, of Philadelphia,
Penn., $3,250; The Silmo Chem
ical Corp. of Vineland, New Jersey,
$300; The Union Stockyards of San
Antonio, $500 and The Hercules
Powder Co. of Wilmington, Del.,
Mrs. Terry Wins
In SA Art Show
A mixed media painting done by
Mrs. Emalita Newton Terry won
first prize and was chosen as the
best painting of the show at the
eleventh annual River Arts Show
in San Antonio last weekend.
Entitled “Ice Storm,” the mixed
media painting was a mixture of
casein, water color and black India
ink. Some 300 paintings were
competition in the Arneson The
atre Competitive division of the
The show is one of two such
events held in the United States
Mrs. Terry received the Coppini
award for her painting, being
judged as the best painting in the
Mrs. Terry, advisor for the Stu
dent Center Art Gallery group, was
accompanied by four of her stu
dents. Those going were Mrs.
Dwight Clark, Mrs. John Naylor,
Mis. Joe Mogford and Dr. C. B.
i Campbell.
football season, the band will hold
its regular morning class as a unit
and after school rehearsals will
feature certain instruments.
Members of the band canvassed
the city last -Saturday to obtain
listings for the band birthday cal
endar, an annual fund raising proj
ect. A Band Carnival will be held
Oct. 29 at the school for an addi
tional money raising project.
“We are tremendously in
terested in the Civilian Coun
cil,” Dr. Kamm said. “Our
interest is in all students, not just
civilian or Coi’ps, and our interest
is in the Council as it is a specific
interest of the overall student pro
Come Of Age
Dr. Kamm told the students that
this year the Council has “come of
age,” that it has the experience
of last year to go by, and that it
can avoid the rifts caused by “lit
tle things” and can think in terms
of “big things.” The Council is well
established on the campus, he said,
and the administration is solidly
behind you and respects your rights
in civilian student affairs.
The Civilian Council must work
with the Student Senate when af
fairs taken up concern all students
in the school, Dr. Kamm said.
Another point brought out was
that the Council needed to develop
its own projects of “tremendous
stature,” and whose names would
be associated with the Civilian
Council. “If the Council can get
behind some project, such as SCO-
NA (Student Council on National
Affairs, or the Religious Emphasis
series, this would really help to
raise the Council’s prestige,” he
The need of some traditions for
new civilian students, ones that
would give these students an im
mediate sense of association with
the college, was briefly touched on
by Dr. Kamm, in bi’inging his talk
to an end. A tradition that was
taught to the students early in
their college careers would give
them a sense of “belonging,” he
Seating Arrangement
The seating arrangement for the
civilian students in Kyle Field was
discussed by the Council. Early
discussion centered around com
plaints, but hope was brought to
the complaintants in the person of
B. A. (Scotty) Parham, Student
Senate president, who “sat in” on
last night’s meeting. Parham ex
plained that the Senate’s Seating
Committee, headed by Gus Mijalis,
had met earlier this week and
worked out a plan which will be
presented at the next Senate meet
ing next Thursday. Under this
new plan, (the desired effects of
which were told, not the plan it-
(See CIVILIANS, Page 2)
HOWDY FOLKS—The Tiger Band, under the direction of R. L. Boone, has received
much recognition during the current football season. The band, which has 55 members,
has so many invitations to perform that some have to be turned away. Boone is located
on the first row, far left..