The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1955, Image 5
THE BATTALION BA, Geology Wives Win Howling Games The Business Administration Wives and the Geology Wives won By Mrs. Art Adamson Mrs. Art Adamson, one of the women who originally started the Foods Group of the Social Club, is guest editor of the week. Wife of the swimming instructor and coach in the Physical Education Department, the Adamsions have been here since 1934. Their son. Van, finished at A&M in the class of ’51. ASPARAGUS CASSEROLE 1 large can green asparagus 1 cup white sauce 1 can mushrooms 1 p kg. Old English or 1 can water chestnuts (chopped) sharp cheddar cheese) To the white sauce, add grated cheese reserving enough to top the dish. Grease the casserole with butter or margarine and place in layers of asparagus, mushrooms, and chestnuts until all are used. Add the sauce and top with the remaining cheese. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in moderate oven. MOLDED CUCUMBER JELLO I usually double this recipe since it keeps very well when covered and would be made up for several days. 1 pkg. lime jello % t. salt 1 cup hot water % cup mayonnaise 2 T. vinegar 3 large chopped cucumbers 1 T. chopped onion pimentos . Dissolve jello in hot water and add vinegar, onions and salt. Al low to thicken, and then beat until frothy. Add mayonnaise and fold in cucumbers then put in refrigerator to set. Decorate with pimentos for color. FRESH PEACH PIE This peach pie is slightly different as I add tapioca to give it body as well as added flavor. 3 T quick cooking Tapioca % cup of water. (If peaches are very juicy, no water is the first games in the Council Bowling League which began Tues day night at the Memorial Student Center. The B. A. Wives defeated the Mechanical Engineering Wives while the Geology Wives scored over the Bridge Club. Aggie Players Cast Caine Mutiny Play Casting has been completed for the next production of the Aggie Players, “The Caine Mutiny Court Martial.” The play is an adaptation of “The Caine Mutiny”, the Pulitzer Prize winning novel written by Herman Wouk. Under the direc tion of C. K. Esten, the play will be presented in the Student Center Ballroom Nov. 14-16. Charles Ware and Don Powell play the parts of the two attor neys, Greenwald and Challee. Bill Swann has been cast as Maryk and Toby Hughes as President of the Court. The role of Captain Queeg will be played by Harry Gooding. Others in the cast are Hugh Langtree, Connie Eckard, Don Fisher, James Liessner, Lester Cochran, Ted Castle, Roger Alex ander, Roy Cline, Roger Clark and Ward Boyce. Backstage work is headed by Pete Justice as stage manager. Crew heads are Ernest Kennedy, Joe Dannenbaum, Gene Logan and Sharon Bradford. Bill Campbell is business manager. B. A. and Geology tied for high series. Individual high series went to Erma Ingram of the B. A. Wives and Evelyn Brady of the M. E. Wives. Any club that wants to enter the series can do so by contacting Joy Jones, tournament secretary. The only requirement is that each club have at least five members on the team. The Aggie Wives Council, newly formed organization of all the wives clubs combined, is sponsor of the tournament. Bowling will cost $1 a night which includes regulation shoes and the alley. Student Loan Places Limit On All Loans The Student Loan Office has placed a limit of $20 on all student loans due to the limit of money available. “Too many students are drawing $50 at a time and in a little while, all of our mon ey is gone,” said Col. E. F. Sauer, loan director. Col. Sauei 1 said the money was there for students to use for Corps trips or other week end occasions when he needed some extra cash to make ends meet—not for making a car payment or paying the month ly rent. used) Vz cup brown sugar Combine the ingredients and Bake until crusts are brown. M t. salt 4 cups sliced fresh peaches 1 to 2 t. lemon juice butter (to suit taste) put in pastry shell, add latticed top. FRITZ and JOE’S (Old Hrdlika Place) COMPLETELY REMODELED BETTER BAR-B-Q and COED DRINKS i/ 2 Mile South of Kyle Field *>.7 UMIVl I <11,1 cllltMUt With Halloween just around the corner, these extra-special cookies are tops with the trieje-or-treaters. These recipes were sent in by Mrs Luke Patranella, better known as “Miss Polly” to her co-workers ir the Student Publications office, when she was guest editor* this sum mer. GUM DROP COOKIES 9 orange slices, diced 2 cups flour 1 cup pecans pinch of soda 4 eggs y 2 t. salt 1 lb. box brown sugar 3 T. melted butter Mix the orange slices, pecans rolled in flour and the beaten egg; and add the sugar, flour, soda, salt, butter. Mix thoroughly and bak( for 30 minutes at 350°. PECAN BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES 2 cups brown sugar 2 cups flour Vz lb. butter l cup chopped pecans 2 eggs well beaten Cream butter and one cup of sugar, add one well beaten egg, anc mix well. Add flour, work in gradually. Spread this mixture t( thickness of pie dough on buttered baking sheets. Brush thoroughlj with % of remaining cup of sugar and egg well beaten, then with th( cup of pecans. Now sprinkle rest of sugar over all. Bake until brown cut in bars and leave them in pan until cooled. BRANDS TAMOU&i*^ % Li famous foods at Thrifty Bices! -k GROCERIES ^ Folger’s—6 Oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE . . . . $1.35 Libby’s—303 Cans SLICED PEACHES . . 2 cans 47c Nabistcqj—11% Oz. Pkg. OREO CREME SANDWICH . 35c Lucky Leaf—303 Cans APPLESAUCE . . . .2 cans 35c Nu-Zest—No. 2 Cans ORANGE JIJICE ... 2 cans 29c Tex-Sun—46 Oz. Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... 23c CRISCO 3 lb. can 85c ^ FROZEN FOODS * Apple, Blueberry, Cherry or Peach PET RITZ FRUIT PIES Each 12 Oz 35c Pictsweet BEEF, CHICKEN or Each TURKEY PIES 27c Pictsweet—6 Oz. Can ORANGE JUICE 15c PRODUCE Home Grown TURNIP GREENS TEXAS ORANGES California CARROTS . . California LETTUCE . , . bunch 15c . . doz. 35c . 2 cello bags 25c . . head 10c + GROCERIES ^ Van Camps—No. 2 Cans PORK & BEANS ... 2 cans 35c Armour’s—16 Oz. Can CHILI—without beans . . . 29c Armour’s TAMALES . . . . 16 oz. can 18c Kim bell’s—Whole GREEN BEANS . . . 303 can 20c Niblets WHOLE KERNEL CORN . can 15c Green Giant—Big Tender GREEN PEAS . . .303 can 20c Nelda Brand—303 Cans TOMATOES .... 2 cans 23c MARKET ★ — BABY BEEF CUTS — LOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK . . . . T-BONE STEAK . . . . Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . . PORTER HOUSE STEAK . Armour’si—Sliced or Piece LARGE BOLOGNA . . . Ib. 75c lb. 75c lb. 75c lb. 49c lb. 55c lb. 39c Armour’s Star FRYERS lb. 47c Armour’s Star FRANKS . . Armour’s Star SLICED BACON . 1 lb. pkg. 49c . 1 Ib. pkg. 55c SPECIALS FOR Till R. AFTERNOON, FRL, & SAT. — OCT. 13 - 14 - 15 CHARLIE’S NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — FOOD MARKET COLLEGE STATION What s Cooking The schedule for tonight is: 7:30 Lubbock Hometown Club will meet in room 223 of the Acadamic building. An organizational meeting is planned for the Jasper Hometown Club in room 104 of the Academic building. Pasadena Hometown Club will meet in room 306 of the Academic building. Panola Hometown Club has sche duled an organizational' meeting in the lounge of the Student Center. Kilgore Hometown Club will meet in the lounge of the YMCA. The Marshall Hometown Club will meet in room 227 of the Aca demic building. Red River Valley Hometown Club will meet on the second floor of the Academic building. Galveston County Hometown Club will meet in room 3D of the Student Center. Austin Hometown Club will meet in room 104 of the Academic build ing. Corpus Christi Hometown Club will meet in room 208 of the Aca demic building. San Angelo Hometown Club will hold an organizational meeting in the Agricultural building. An organizational meeting in room 205 of the Academic building has been scheduled for the Orange Hometown Club. That “new suit” I “bought” for Dad is really an old one I had rejuvenated at . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS Thursday, October 13, 1955 Page 5 Wives Clubs Hold Meetings The Business Wives Club will hold its annual tea from 8 to 10 p.m .Monday in the YMCA. Husbands, new members, faculty and their wives will be entertained at the tea. All business majors and their wives are urged to at tend. ★ Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Memor ial Student Center. Hostesses for the evening will be Kathy Rowin and Barbara Sty- ner for the regulars; Nell Shockley and Elaine Hester for the inter mediates and Darleen Armstrong and Janet Spears for the begin ners. Prizes were won last week by Janette Williford, high score and Pat Merrill, second high in the regulars. Intermediate winners were Ann Kinney, high, and Dell Sheckley, second high. Barbara Johnson received the prize for traveling slam. The A&M Garden Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the social room of the Student Center. Mr. M. K. Thornton, who is with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service will speak on “New Tech niques of soil preparation for the home garden.” ★ . Dorothy Brown was elected coun cil ^representative for the Dames Club at their meeting Tuesday. Committees were appointed to work on the Council Dance, Nov. 19 and the annual Dames Club Christmas party, Dec. 16. After the business meeting the group played pinochle, bridge and canasta. Hostesses were Jackie Short Course Set To Start Friday A short course, the Institute on Curriculum Research, sponsored by the Department of Education and Psychology, will be held in the Memorial Student Center Friday and Saturday. Registration will be held, at 8:30 a.m. Friday; registration fee is $3 per person. A banquet will be held at 5:30 Saturday evening. Hawkins and Norma Lumpkin. Mrs. C. B. -Campbell will speak on “Flower Arrangements for the Home” at the uct. meedng. A Band Wives will meet Tuesday in the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. A film will be shown of the UCLA Band performance at the game and also the members at Disneyland. ★ A representative from the Merle Norman Cosmetic Company will put on a demonstration for the Electrical Engineering Wives Club at 8 p.m. Monday in the social room of the Memorial Student Cen ter. All E. E. wives are welcome and members are asked to bring a visi tor with them. The club is planning a picnic for October 29. ★ The Mechanical Engineering Wives Club will meet at the Bryan Sewing Machine Co. at Ridgecrest Shopping Center at 7:30 p.m. Mon day for their meeting. Mrs. Gandy of the company will give a demonstration of sewing- tips. G. V. Carroll, assistant profes sor in the Geology Department, will speak to the Geology Wives at 8 p.m. Monday in the Geology Building. ★ Robert L. Whiting, professor and head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, will speak at the Wives Club of that field, at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Petroleum- Geology Library. A sponsor will be elected at this meeting. ★ The American Veterinary Medi cal Association Student Wives Auxiliary will meet tonight at 8 in the social room of the Memorial Student Center. This will be a meeting of all the separate groups. It takes TWO to fill the bill . ... or fashion a Christian home TWO by TWO The class for Aggie Couples First Baptist Church College Station COMPLETE MATERNITY DEPT- JOYCE’S 608 So. College ph. 2-2864 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION of the COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK College Station, Texas * at the close of business Oct. 5, 1955, a State banking institution organ ized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member ot the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Cash, Balances with other banks including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 905,815.85 United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed 925.076.25 Obligations of States and political subdivisions _ _ 51 250 00 Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 4 500.OO Loans and discounts (including $13,360.57 overdrafts) 1,003,755.35 Bank premises owned $28,500.00, furniture and fixtures $16,515.00 45 0^5 qq Real estate owned other than bank premises- . ’ loo Other Assets : _ZZ 1,500.00 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) ^ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc) TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,740,019.99 " Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $2,048,462.39 61,036.65 121,557.05 497,197.15 11,766.75 2,483.35 $2,742,503.34 CAPITAL Capital* ... Surplus Undivided profits ACCOUNTS .... $ 100,000.00 50,000.00 44,410.11 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 194,410.11 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... $2,936,913.45 *This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00 M E M ORAN D.A Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 956,493.75 I, T. E. Whitley, Cashiei- of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. E. WHITLEY' CORRECT—ATTEST: S. A. LIPSCOMB HAROLD SULLIVAN T. W. LELAND, Directors STATE OF TEXAS COLNTY OF BRAZOS Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of October, 1955 LOIS BETHEA Notary Public