The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1955, Image 4
THE BATTALION Wednesday, October 5, 1955 CRAFTS SHOP—Instructor Mary Briggs, center, oversees the work of two students’ wives. Left is Katie Bain, at work on her ceramic piece and right, Kathy Rowin smoothes down a portion of her 12-place setting pottery set. The girls are part of the 60 students and wives en rolled this semester in the Crafts Shop at the Memorial Student Center. Largest Class Ceramics In Craft Shop What's Cooking 7:15 Waco-McLennan County A & M Club will meet in room 301 Good win Hall to elect officers for the year. Newman Club will meet at St. Mary’s Student Center. Letters (Continued from Page 2) can offer no solution to the situa tion, but maybe this letter will arouse enough interest so that someone will find a method ,jby which the problem can and I hope will be solved. Sincei'ely yours, James H. Cook ’56 “C” Field Artillery Dodgers (Continued from Page 1) in the spacious grounds of Yankee Stadium. Podres and Hodges just didn’t mind tempting fate at all, yester day. And the Dodgers are now celebrating their first World Championship. Duke Snider, powerful center- fielder for Brooklyn, hit four homeruns during this year’s Series —the second time he has perform ed that feat. He now has nine homeruns in World Series play, one more than Joltin’ Joe Dimag gio, and stands third behind Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth. Podres’ clutch victory was his second of the Series; his first was in the third game, 8 to 3, which started Brooklyn on the comeback trail. By BARBARA PAIGE Battalion Woman’s Editor The old phrase “I’ve been work ing over a hot stove all day” has rung through many a household but Mary Briggs, director of the • MSC Craft Shop, could probably top them all. Among her many duties, Mary manipulates the complicated kiln which reaches a top temperature of 1,900 degrees over a period of eight hours. The kiln is one of, if not the most important; phase of ceramics. Every ceramic piece has at least two and sometimes three “firings” in the kiln. “But there is tedious work ac quainted with ceramics before the kiln comes into the light,” said Mrs. Briggs, wife of Charles Briggs, senior dairy production ma jor. Mrs. Briggs teaches ceramics to 60 students and wives, along with leather tooling, metal works and sculpturing. “This is the largest early enroll ment the Crafts Shop has ever had,” said Mfs. Briggs, “and we expect about 20 more students in the class.” Most of the 48 students wives in the classes are interested in cer amics, their chief purpose being Christmas gifts. Ceramics pupils have a variety of 40 models to choose from in se lecting their subject, 14 of which were purchased for the shop last year. “These molds run from lamp bases to figurines,” says the exper ienced teacher. “One wife is mak ing her own 12 piece pottery set. The process is fairly simple but great care has to be taken when handling the fragile pieces, she ad ded. The liquid clay sets for about an hour when it is poured into the molds, then after its removal, must dry for approximately 12 hours. It is next sanded or scraped smooth and painted in preparation for the first firing. After the eight hour firing, it remains in the kiln 24 hours while it cools. The ceramic piece is then paint ed with a glazed finish and fired again. Gold or china finish re quires a third firing. “We hope to have another kiln installed in time for the Christmas rush,” said Mrs. Briggs. Although ceramics takes a ma jority in the shop, there are sev eral students interested in leather tooling. One in particular, a pro fessional tooler, is James Miller, freshman, who has tooled saddles, boots and designed patterns for leather shops. Classes are held in the Craft Shop from 1-5 p.m. every day ex cept Wednesday and Sunday and 7-10 p.m. Monday through Thurs day. Students and wives may come any time they want unless classes grow too large. Enrollment in the Craft Shop is $1 per semester for students and wives. The clay or leather goods are sold at the shop. “Sculpturing or free-form, as it is called, may be done here,” says Mrs. Briggs, “but the potter’s wheel takes so much time and prac tice, very few students or wives ever tackle it.” When questioned about the length of time it takes a student to catch on to the knack of ceramics, Mrs. Briggs said it depends entii’ely on the person. Some never have enough confidence’ or patience to tackle the molds and scraping with out constant help. The Crafts Shop has cash awards for first, second and third place in the separate studies of ceramics, metal and leather each spring. “This year we hope to enter the Southwest Ceramic Show in Dallas if we have enough outstanding ar ticles,” the instructor said. “No two molds will ever look exactly alike. Every person changes the finishes in one way or another.” Social Whirl Newcomer’s Club, a branch of the A&M Social club, will hold an informal lawn party at the home of Mrs. M. T. Harrington. It will begin at 3 p.m. to day, and will honor new members. Membership in the Newcomex-’s Club is open to wives of the college staff who have been here for not more than three years. * * * Officers will be elected at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Chemical En gineering Wives Club. Jean Mayes, president, was elected last May. The meeting will take place in the South Solai’ium of the YMCA. * * * Warren Rice, assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering De partment, spoke to the M.E. Wives Club Monday night on the History of Engineering. “Mr. Rice presented a short sum mary of different laws in the Engi neering field in order that it may help the wives to better understand their husbands’ major,” said Estil- line Irwin, president. WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale 1955 Chevrolet 210-4 dr. sedan, V-8, power glide, tutone, radio, heater, 10,000 miles. Call 6-4592 after 5 p.m. 22t4 One double and one single type writer desk, phone 3-4101. 18tf One oak dinette set, 4 chairs— % ton Fedders Air conditioner— boy’s bicycle, new tires — call 6-2537. 16tf. For Rent Room with private bath in pro- fessoi'’s home. Near campus. Ph. 4-8659. 25t2 A room with private bath, en trance & garage. 4-4364. 22tf Work Wanted Will keep child mother in my home. for woi'king 6-5682. 24t3 Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. lOOtf Pets Students: Board your dogs at epecial low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Wanted Good, used, Standard typewriter. Contact H. E. Willinghom, 4-A Px-oject House, ph. 6-3818. 24t5 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECT! 1 RAI. STJPPUES • BLUE LINE PRINTS » BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur SpiinKa Road BRYAN. TEXAS It’s easy to barbecue hamburgers right in the kitchen. Brown the patties as usual, then simmer them in a favorite barbecue sauce. Mid-Week Services Set Hillel Foundation The foundation will meet at 7:15 p.m. today in rooms 2A and 2B of the Memorial Student Center for a report on the Hillel Institute. A&M Presbyterian Church A Hayi’ide and weiner x’oast at C. I. Miller’s farm holds tht lime light at the church this week. The truck will leave the church at 5:45 p.m. Wednesday and will pick up students at Sbisa and Duncan Halls after the pass-by. Worship pro gram is under the direction of Miss Martha Blum and Roy (Connie) Eckard. Miss Faye Sims is in charge of the food. Wesley Foundation A student panel will discuss the organization of Wesley Foundation at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Wesley center. Program chairman for the affair is Curtis Schluze. Vespers will be held at 7 p.m. Friday. Christian Science Society The Christian Science Society will hold mid-week seiwices at the church at 8 p.m. Wednesday. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel The St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Corn syrup and canned whole cranberry sauce make a good glaze for ham. Lost Beagle pup—8 weeks old, black- brown-white. Finder please con tact Barney Welch. 6-1392. 25t3 Special Notice Want to sell .... Big juicy hambui'gers, hot dogs, chili dogs, and all flavors thick malts and sundaes. DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2 across fi’om Aggie “line” by Safe way. 22t6 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE RE PAIR—Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, Deep Friers, Irons, Mixers, (etc.) Lee’s Electric Service, 2219 S. Col lege, 2-8973. 21t7 ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS—leave your children in my cax-e. . . . large fenced-in back yard, two large shade trees. . . . TV set, plenty of relaxation, games and ax-t, two balanced meals daily. Rates; 350 per hour, $2 per day, $10 weekly. . . . open 24 hours, also Sundays. . . Phone 3-2057. 1908 Cavitt Drive. 17tl5 German native tutors German and French. Reasonable rates. Prepares for Ph.D. examination. Contact Trudie Adam, room 309, Biology Department, campus. 16tf ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS We guarantee that your child will be happy in our nursery school. Ages through 4. Music, art, games, meals. 24 hour service. Phone 4-9761. 9tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed. Jr telephoned so as to arrive tn the Office of Student Publications <207 Goodwin, 4-S324, hours 8 - 12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Director. Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degre by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s office NOW and make formal application for a degree. November 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be con ferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Registrar 24t4 NEED GLASSES? g e0 PAYNE OPTICAL Masonic Bldg, in Bryan (Next to Palace Theatre) Social Security in 3 seconds uce ctICK' DEODORANT Quickest, cleanest deodorant you’ve ever usedl Simply glide stick under arms—it melts in instantly. ContainsTHIOBIPHENE^the most effective anti-bacteria agent. It’s the New Kind of Social Security — gives you absolute assurance. 4 to 5 months' supply, |00 ^Trademark plus tax no more • runny liquid • sticky cream • messy fingers At leading department and drug stores. S H U IT O N annual “Tamalada” supper will be held Nov. 1 in the parish hall. A limited number of tickets are on sale now for the Mexican dinner and may be purchased from Mi’s. Walter M. Hermitage or the church office. Holy Communion followed by a breakfast will begin at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday. Canterbury Associa tion will meet at 7:15 p.m. Wed nesday. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Mass is said every day at 6:45 a.m. at the chapel. Wednesday evening seiwices are held at 5:15 p.m. Newman Club will meet Wed nesday evening at 7:15 in the Cath olic Student Center. Bethel Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) Vesper services are held every Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. First Baptist Church Worker’s Supper will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Teacher’s meet ing will follow at 6:30 p.m. and prayer meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Men’s prayer service is held at 7 a.m. Thursday at the church. Coffee and doughnuts will be serv ed. A&M Christian Church Bible study gi’oup will meet at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday at the church Church of Christ Mid-week services will be held at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday. Conference (Continued from Page 1) tions which are specifically geared to their needs. “And yet, recognizing the above facts, a program which aims at re habilitation of offenders and, even in the case of those who cannot be permitted to continue at an insti tution, aims at aiding them in gain ing insight relative to their prob lems and to the appropriateness of the dismissal action is education in its richest sense. Such a conecpt of education is in complete harm ony with the student personnel point of view — a point of view which recognizes that the center of all education attentions is the individual student and that his wel fare and proper development ai’e of paramount concern. It does not ‘buy’ the concept that ‘the punish ment must fit the crime.’ Rather it states that discipline is an edu cational process—that effective dis cipline aims at rehabilitation of an offender.” Moi’e. than 75 attended the con- fei’ence. C. H. Ransdell, acting dean of the Basic Division, was general chairman. Dr. W. W. Ar- mistead, dean of the School of Vet erinary Medicine, gave the welcome address. Freshmen (Continued from Page 3) Cramer, Raymond Doucet, Leo Wo* tipka, J. E. Driskell, Eugene Hays, John Steadman. GUARDS — Don Browing, Carl Luna, Allen Goehring, Bx-ewer Newton, David Smith, Tommy Howard, A. A. Crews, Dick Milam, Laurence Hill. CENTERS—Dick Goff, Stanley Roper. QUARTER BACKS— Luther Hall, Jackie Hathorn, Hal Sandefur, John Car bone. HALFBACKS — Paul Delfeld, Ronald Haines, Johnny Polk, Larry Minaldi, Ronnie Melling, Jack Pow ell, Joe Pascuzzi, Gene Jones. FULLBACKS—John Martin, Bar- ney Smith, Richard Rickman. NIGHT AND SUNDAY RATES APPLY PROM 6 P. M. TO 4:30 A. M. AND ALL DAY SUNDAY, New York Toronto RATES ARE FOR 3 MINUTES txclu&ive of Fedarol fax* LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE RATES FROM COLLEGE STATION To Week Days Dallas 80c CALL BY NUMBER and your out-of- town calls will go through faster — often twice as fast. Ft. Worth . Houston . . Kansas City Los Angeles New Orleans New York . . 80c . 65c $1.40 $1.90 $1.10 $2.05 Washington, D.C. $1.90 Nights & Sundays 65c 65c 50c $1.10 $1.50 85c $1.65 $1.50 Rates to other places are correspondingly low. f*w things gfv9 you so MUCH for so ptllo THE SOUTHWESTERN, STATES TELEPHONE CO- r r