Battalion Editorials Page 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 z < t ' -.y.V "• ^ . t K • v * • v. Looks Good To Us We don’t know how you voted. We do care, for the MSG needs your help. We hope you voted “YES.” But something that looked very good at A&M was that students were taking an interest iri the election. Too often in the past have elections on this campus been decided by a minority of the student body. Indications are that, this time, more students than usual were exercising their voting priv ilege. A favorable vote is going toward maintaining the high standards now maintained at the Student Center. A nega tive vote can. mean'curtailed services and run-down facilities. Everyone at A&M comes into some sort of contact with the MSG, even if it is only enjoying its appearance as a beauty spot on the campus. To preserve the “Living Room of the Campus” is the need for an affirmative vote for the fee. To those who. haven’t voted, there’s still a few hours left. The voting booth will be open until 5 p.m. So preserve your Center, and, while doing yourself and the school a needed favor, you can also put yourself into the habit of using your privilege of the vote. For it is through the vote that we in America can pre vent such things as “mississippi justice” from spreading across our nation. Complicated Drill Promised By Band By JIM BOWER Battalion Staff Writer With the applause of 65,000 Cali fornia fans still ringing in their ears, the Aggie Band has planned aji even more complicated drill for Saturday night. “Part of the California drill will be shown Saturday night,” said Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, band director. “People have expressed a desire to see the California drill, so two of the more intricate movements will be included in this one.” Lasting almost eight minutes, the Saturday night drill will con sist of 13 precision maneuvers. During the time that the band is on the field, they are playing con tinuously. The drill will start in a split double minstrel turn and counter march as the band enters the field. A double delayed counter march from the center combined with right and left northwestern turns and right and left minstrel turns leaving the band in two sections on opposite sides of the field. At this time, the two sides do a half turn and criss-cross in the center of the field. After complet ing the criss-cross, the band then folds back, together and goes into It takes TWO to fill the bill . . . or fashion a Christian home TWO by TWO The class for Aggie Couples First Baptist Church College Station a continuous counter march. Coming out of the counter march, a four-way minstrel turn is executed which divides the band into two parts in preparation for the simultaneous forming of “U of H” reading both ways and then “AMC” reading both ways. After forming the letters, the band goes back into formation, forms the giant “T” and counter marches while in this' formation. After a delayed counter march while still in the “T,” the band does a northwestern to the right in leaving the field. Beginning the season with the drill in Los Angeles, the band showed the Californians a new style of half-time performance. The California fans gave the band a standing ovation with such remarks as “I don’t see how they do it” and “this is the greatest band we have ever seen.” The director of the band at the University of Califomia said that proof of the ability of the Aggie band was illustrated when they re ceived the numerous complimen tary stories from the Los Angeles papers, which, he said, “never be fore gave any space to bands ex cept those from the Big Ten con ference.” Tommy Short is head Drum Ma jor of the band. He is assisted by Dwight Brown, maroon band Drum Major and Buddy Patterson, white band Drum Major. Dehydrators Meet In MSC Oct. 5 An estimated 30 to 40 persons will be here Oct. 5 for the Texas Dehydrators Association Confer ence. Meetings will be held in rooms 3B and 3C of the Memorial Student Center. Sponsoring this conference are the departments of Animal Hus bandry, Biochemistry and Nutri tion, Dairy Husbandry and Poultry Husbandry. Registration will be held on the second floor of the Center from 8 a.m. to 12 noon of the opening day. A luncheon will be held that day in rooms 2C and 2D of the MSC. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, oi $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at ColleKC Station. Texas, under the Act of Con- grees of March 3. 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services. Inc., a t New York City. Chicago. Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reservea. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-1601) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Publication Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Don Shepard - - Editor Barbara Paisre 1 Woman s Editor Mauriro Olian CHS Sports Correspondent Barry Hart ... Soprts Writer Jim Neighbors, David Me Reynolds, Jim Bower — Staff Writers Tom Syler Circulation Manager WhaUs Cooking The schedule for tonight is: 7 :30 p.m. Anderson-Houston County Home town Club will meet in room 2B of the MSC for an organizational meeting. Everyone from this area is ui'ged to attend. Cooke County Hometown Club will meet in the YMCA. Amarillo Hometovvn Club will meet in the Academic Building to elect officers. Angelina County A&M Club will meet in room 103 of the Academic Building. Freshmen are urged to attend. Texas .Collegiate Academy of Science will meet in the Physics Lecture: room for officer election. Dr. Potter will discuss Physics. Galveston County ' Hometown Club will meet in room 106 of the Academic Building in a special meeting to decide on a dance. Permian Basin Hometown Club will meet in the MSC. Flax County Hometown Club will meet in room 104 of the Aca demic Building. A&M Debate Club will meet in room 323 of the Academic Build ing. All who are interested should attend. Gonzales County Hometown Club will meet on the second floor of the Academic Building. The Panhandle Club will meet in the Academic Building. Del Rio Hometown Club will meet in room 203 of the Academic Building to elect officers. Williamson County Club wall meet in room 108 of the Academic Building. Land of the Lakes Club will meet in room 223 of the Academic Build ing. Abilene Hometown Club will meet in room 206 of the Academic Building for election of officers. Pasadena Hometown Club will meet in the MSC Lounge to organ ize and elect officers. Seabrook-LaPorte H.T.C. will meet in room 226 of the Academic elect officers, i Tarpon Club will meet on the second floor of the Academic Build ing. All men from Aransas Pass, Rockport and Ingleside are invited. Texarkana-Four States Area Club will meet in room 126 of the Academic Building for an organi zational meeting. Corpus GHristi Hometown- Club will meet in room 3C of the MSC. El Paso Hometown Club will meet on the third floor of the Aca demic Building to elect officers. Bell Cpunt'y Club will hieet in room 123 of the Academic Building. Fayette & Colorado County Club will meet in room 105 of the Aca demic Building for an organiza tional meeting. San Antonio Hometown Club will meet in room 207 of the Aca demic Building. Caldwell County Club will meet on the second floor of the Aca demic Building. Waco-McLennan County A&M Club will meet in room 301 of Goodwin Hall for election of offi cers. Brush County Club will meet in the Academic Building for an or ganizational meeting. Port Arthur Club will meet in room 105 of the Biological Science Building for election of officers. Wichita Falls Hometown Club will meet in room 125 of the Aca demic Building. Freshmen are urg ed to attend. Lubbock Hometown Club will meet in room 225 of the Academic Building for election of officers. FRITZ and JOE’S (Old Hrdlika Place) COMPLETELY REMODELED BETTER BAR-B-Q and COLD DRINKS 14 Mile South of Kyle Field THE SLAXATORIUM offers TAILOR MADE GREENS Made to Your Measure $23-00 Guaranteed All Wool on business or pleasure SAVE , A DAY/ travel the Continental way n JLWJVXJS HOUSTON FT. WORTH 42 mins. 2 hrs. 1 1 mins. \ 1 NEW YORK 8 hrs. 29 mins. * Via Connecting Airline Call Continantal at 4-5054. c lYf£_\ oniinental Phone 4- For Classified Ads ower SL op 1903 South College Road Bryan, Texas CALL US FOR SPECIAL PRICES ■ w V 'V''- ' 3-1003 — Shop 6-6694 — Home THESE VALUES GOOD TODAY THRU SATURDAY AT OUR BRYAN STORE 1010 South College at Pease MARYLAND CLUB DOLE JUICE Coffee 1 lb. Pineapple 46 oz. 92 23 Bakerite Shortening Creamy Rich, Snowy White 3 lb. can 65 FRYERS S Dressed | b 3^ Farmer Brown Fryers Feel 0,1 lb. 43 c SLAB BACON By The Piece lb. 45' ^ tin e< a/ ten s Bonded Beef, Tenderized Bonded Be^f Bonel< STEAK lb. 89 PEACHES LETTUCE U. S. No. 1 Idaho Elberta Large Size 2 Heads Bonded Be