The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 29, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 22: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
News of the World
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—Russia’s V. M. Molotov
walked out of the U. N. Assembly yesterday as Nationalist
China’s Foreign Minister George Yeh denounced Moscow’s
peace drive and Red “tyranny” over the Chinese mainland.
Yeh said the Communists in their six years of domination of
the Chinese mainland have “spawned a gigantic system of re
pression and terrorism, the like of which has never been
known in Chinese history.”
★ ★
SAN FRANCISCO —- A childless housewife who
“just had to have a baby’ remoresefully surrendered
Robert Marcus to a priest in Stockton early yesterday
nine days after the newborn boy was kidnaped in San
Francisco. Recovery of the healthy baby, now 11 days
old. ended a nation-wide hunt. Dr. Sanford Marcus, 34,
and his wife, Hanna, 29, sped in a police car the 82 miles
to Stockton from San Francisco in 75 minutes for ,a joy
ful reunion with their son.
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON — Administration leaders yesterday
-praised “business as usual” in running the government in
I the aftermath of President Eisenhower’s heart attack. Pres-
i idential assistant Sherman Adams, Vice President Nixon and
others by word and action laid stress on what appeared to be
_ a policy of operating as normally as possible during Eisen
hower’s absence.
'tc "At
MEXICO CITY—An estimated 200 persons were
killed by Hurricane Janet as it swept across the Yucatan
peninsula Tuesday and Wednesday. The estimate came
from a presidential spokesman who said the toll of in
jured might run to several thousand and described the
blow as a major disaster.
Ike May I leturn To Only
( >n Part-Time Scfie-; 1111 e
Condition Satisfactory
Without Complications
Gala Weekend
Scheduled At
Student Center
Sylvia Williams
To Sing a*t Rue Pinalle Tomorrow
At Town Hall
Fiesta Mexicana To Be Here Tuesday
Fiesta Mexicana, Town Hall’s
first production of the year, will
lie presented in White Coliseum
Tuesday night at 8 p.m. Tickets
may be purchased at the door.
The ingredients of this spectacle
of stars are dance, music, color and
a light heart. When a Mexican
wants a new costume, he looks at
the rainbow, according to legend.
That’s exactly what this show
will be like, the rainbow, according
to C. G. (Spike) White, of the Stu
dent Activities Office.
Nothing anywhere known to man
compares with the originality and
color of Mexican native wardrobes.
They are a part of every ceremony,
celebration and festival.
Dance costumes, drawn from
?,000 years of textile art and thi’ee
tivilizations, are of the most skill
ful needlework.
When the Aztecs went to war or
sacrificed a human captive, they
danced, and some of these rituals
are part of the coming Town Hall
show. More than 300 dances are
Directors To Eat
The Board of Directors of the
Texas A&M College System, meet
ing here Saturday, will be honored
with a dinner Friday night at The
Oaks in Bryan. The dinner, for
which the Board will be guests of
directors of the Bryan Chamber of
Commerce, will begin at 7:30. Ed
Burkhart of the Bryan gaoup is in
charge of arrangements. N
still national institutions, aside
from thousands more that have
given Mexico the worldwide repu
tation of having more dances than
any other nation.
The famed Jarabe Tapatio,
known to most Americans as the
“hat dance,” will be done during
the performance. It is now the
national dance of Mexico. Other
dances to be produced include the
Bamba, where dancers tie and untie
a knot with their feet* without los
ing a step; and the Pluma, where
the men wear circular head dresses
made of feathers From quetzal
Natives of Mexico’s Veracruz
Water Safety
Course Planned
A Red Cross water safety in
structor’s coui'se will be offered to
A&M students this semester.
“For a long time the boys have
been after me to have such a
course,” Adamson stated, “but not
enough show up when we do offer
Those interested and feel they
are qualified are asked to meet in
P. L. Downs Natatorium at 7:30
Monday, Oct 3, for an organiza
tional meeting. Applicants must
be Senior Red Cross lifesavers,
abjle to demonstrate the various
sti'okes and to swim one quarter
mile continuously using the ci-awl
coast boast that when the Bamba
is played, the bed posts and the
souls of the dead have to get up
and dance -to the irresistable at
traction of this music. Visitors,
who have been there at festival
time, affirm that no one could
sleep through the pei'formance.
This is the first national tour
for Fiesta Mexicana with a com-
All Department
lias Newcomers
The Animal Husbandry Depart
ment has one new staff member
and five new graduate assistants
this year.
W. T. Berry Jr., the new staff
member, replaces Dr. W. M. War
ren who resigned to join the staff
at Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
Berry will coach the senior live
stock judging team and serve as
coordinator for the beginning
course in animal husbandry.
A graduate of A&M, class of ’42,
he holds both the MS and BS de
grees in animal husbandry. He is
married and the father of three
New graduate assistants in the
department are Duane Kraemer,
BS in animal husbandry, Univer
sity of Wisconsin; Charles Deyoe,
BS in animal husbandry, Kansas
State College; James S. Williams,
BS in animal husbandry, Washing
ton State College; John Guenther,
BS in animal husbandry, Louis
iana State University; and Bobby
Joe Ragsdale, BS in animal hus
bandry, Texas A&M.
Chess Committee
The first meeting of the Student
Center Chess Committee will be
held at 8 p.m. Thursday in the
game room of the MSC, according
to Charles Skillman, chairman of
the committee. Purpose of the
meeting is to organize a chess club,
to hold tournaments and to give in
Weather Today
pany of 30 artists, selected from
the nation’s best at auditions re
cently held in Mexico City.
The production comes straight
from the hearts of the people and
their everyday lives. Elements of
the company are dance groups
bringing the dances of regions
from which they come, a trio sing
ing romantic popular songs, a tenor
and soprano, a Mariachi band and
a number of musicians playing
Mexican instruments.
Tickets for the production were
included in the student activities
fee or may be purchased at the
door or at the office of Student
Activities in Goodwin Hall. Price
of the tickets is $2 general admis
sion and $2.50 reserve seat admis-
In celebration of the first
home game, the Student Cen
ter has planned a gala time
for this weekend.
Rue Pinalle launches the
celebration Friday night with a
dance in the recreational room of
the Center. Music will be provid
ed by the Capers Combo featuring
Sylvia Williams as vocalist.
Keeping the traditional French
atmosphere complete with French
waiters, Rue Pinalle will feature
a special floor show.
Carolyn Williams will serve as
vocalist for the floor show which
features a “bop” band composed of
Huber Vykukal, Richard Smith,
Larry Johnson, Dick Newland and
Darrell Williams.
The Friday night dance starts
at 8:30 p.m. and lasts until 12 p.m.
Admission is 75 cents per person.
Climax of the weekend will be
reached Saturday night after the
game when the entire second floor
of the Center will be devoted to
Three bands are featured Satur
day night with three different
types of music being offered. The
Capers combo will offer the latin
rhythm and the Prairie View Col
legians will give out with the old
favorite Dixieland Jazz. For those
who like straight fox trot step, the
Aggieland combo will furnish pop
ular music. Sylvia Williams will
serve as vocalist.
Theme for the Saturday night
affair will be “Midnight in New
Orleans.” The theme will be car
ried throughout the second floor.
No definite time has been set
for the closing of the dance but it
starts immediately after the game.
Admission is $1.25, couple or sin
Move To
Dorm 16
Civilian students who plan to
return to Corps status started mov
ing into the first floor of dormi
tory 16 yesterday.
Approximately 45 students had
moved in by 10 p.m. There is ex
pected to be more than 60 men in
the unit, which will be in the 3
Battalion, 2 Regiment. They will
wear “E” Infantry brass insignia.
The unit will drill on the main
drill field today at 4 p.m. All
members should be in uniform.
Uniform regulations will be man
datory Monday. Meal tickets must
be turned in when the new unit
starts marching into Sbisa with
the rest of the Corps.
Men returning to uniform seem
ed happy with their new home and
enthusiastic about taking part in
Corps activities. They will com
pete as any other military unit in
all competitive drills and other
Corps functions including the Gen.
Moore Trophy.
“It would certainly be great if
we won the Moore Trophy, the In
tramural Flag, or something like
that,” said Wayne Davis, one of
the juniors in the new unit. “We
should do pretty good on all the
pass-bys, parades and stuff like
that. Every man in it has had
LI* A TREE—Reveille not only has the Senior Class up in
the air, but she has this University of Houston Tiger up a
tree. Maybe she isn’t a one-man dog but a “cat tamer,”
as ky this joint football sign of Squadron 24 and
“A” Athletics which won first in this weeks’ football sign
Partly cloudy with no rain is the
forecast for today. The tempera
ture at 10:30 a.m. was 88 degrees.
Yesterday’s high was 93 degrees
with a low of 71 degrees.
Fish Yell Leaders
Go Through Paces
More than 50 freshmen were on
hand yesterday to go through the
paces with Head Y'ell Leader Paul
Holladay in the Memorial Student
Center ballroom for tryouts on
Fish yell leaders.
“Five different freshmen will be
chosen to lead the class of ’59 in
yells for each fish game this year,”
Holladay said.
The names of the first five to
lead yells against the TCU Wogs
next week will be announced at
The Grove tonight.
experience marching, and is pretty
Corps happy or he wouldn’t be over
here in the first place. Besides
we won’t have any freshmen,” he
“I certainly wish we hadn’t
missed marching in the pass-by
last night,” commented Eddie Net
tles, another of ‘E’ Infantry’s jun-
ioi*s. “We would have won thumbs
down, and besides I hate to miss
out on any of the parades that
way. I haven’t been out of the
Corps long enough to talk about,
two weeks, but I’m certainly glad
to be back in.”
Louisiana Hayride
Mere Monday
Louisiana moves to Texas A&M
Monday night when the Student
Activities Department presents
“Louisiana Hayride,” well-known
hillbilly music program.
The show will be presented at
7:30 in White Coliseum. This is
not a Town Hall program. Advance
tickets which may be purchased at
the Student Activities Office in
Goodwin Hall are 75 cents for a-
dults, including students, and 35
cents for children under 12. Tick
ets at the door will be $1 for adults
and 50 cents for students.
The Hayride stars Elvis Pres
ley, with his band “Scotty and
Bill.” Also in the show is Johnny
Horton, recording artist; Jimmy
and Johnny, featuring imitations
of the nations’ top artists; J. E.
and Maxine Brown; Betty Amos;
Dalton and Lulu Jo, religious song
singers; and a comedy, Willie
“Bird Brain.”
Master of Ceremonies for the
program is Horace Logan, produc
er of the Louisiana Hayride.
Doof^; for the program wall open
at 6:30 p.m.
DENVER—(A 3 )—Mounting hopes
that President Eisenhower may re
turn to the helm of government
within a month were strengthened
yesterday. The oxygen tent was
removed from his hospital room.
There was no thought of his as
suming the burdens of a full White
House schedule that soon. But,
barring complications, administra
tive associates seem agreed he
will be able to make any necessary
decisions fram the calm of his
farmhouse at Gettysbui’g, Pa. The
President will be 65 on Oct. 14.
Some Outfits
Violate 1 lazing
Rumors of freshmen per
sonal service for upperclass
men are now being investiga
ted, according to Col. Joe E.
Davis, commandant.
Several rumors state that fresh
men have been cleaning upper
classmen’s rooms, shining bi’ass
and boots and doing other miscel
laneous things.
“Some outfits have lost more
freshmen than they should,” Col.
Davis said. “But we have not made
any statements of disbanding any
of them because they have lost
some of their men.”
During the officer orientation
before school. Col. Davis said a
unit, would be dissolved if it lost
too many of their members. We
cannot have such small outfits be
cause such units don’t function
properly, he said.
Dr. Robert B. Kamm, dean of
Student Personnel Services, said
he had received several reports
from freshmen about sophomores,
with two cases where freshmen had
to stand at a brace against the
wall for two hours.
Several company commanders
are now in the process of writing
reports on the cases involved. One
of these reports is on a freshman
who did 40 push-ups and then col
lapsed. Hospital authorities said
they knew “nothing” about such an
An 11:20 a.m. MST medical bul
letin revealed:
1. The President slept this morn
ing outside the oxygen tent for the
first time since he suffered a heart
attack early Saturday.
2. His condition “continues to be
satisfactory without complica
White House press secretary
James C. Hagerty also disclosed
that a tape recoiding machine was
brought into the President’s room
at his request and that he listened
briefly to soft chamber music.
Presidential advisers abandoned
for the-time being any further con
sideration of how Eisenhower could
delegate authority to others as an
other day passed without compli
The optimistic view that the
President soon will be able to start
resuming his duties, apparently
shared by officials in Washington
as well as here, was tempered by
the knowledge that a setback could
change the picture.
As Dr. Paul Dudley White put
it last night, the President “is not
out of the woods yet, but he’s
coming along nicely.”
The eminent Boston heart spe
cialist, who receives twice daily
reports from physicians at the bed
side by lonjg-distance telephone,
said Eisenhower’s progi'ess is fol
lowing the routine pattern. “It’s
neither faster nor slower than nor
mal,” he said.
Union Fee Election
Closes at 5 Today
The election to decide whether a
compulsory union fee for the oper
ation, maintenance and support of
the Memorial Student Union will
close out at 5 p.m. today. Ballot
ing opened yesterday at the voting
booth located by the Post Office
area in the Center.
The fee election was authorized
by the State Legislature at its last
session. The maximum that can
be charged is $2 per regular semes
ter and $1 per summer semester.
The results will be canvassed and
declared by the A&M Board of Di
rectors which is meeting here this
YES OR NO?—Students actively participated in the union
fee election yesterday in the Memorial Student Center by
the Post Office. Although no reports on the outcome of
the election are available, indications are that a heavier
vote than is usual for an A&M election has turned out to
decide on the compulsory fee. The election ends at 5 p.m.