The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 28, 1955, Image 1
The Battalion Number 21: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1955 Price Five Cents Union Fee Up For Vote; To Continue Thursday Students Can Cast Ballots At Booth in Student Center Voting began at 8 this morning on the Student Union fee of $2 a semester during the regular term and $1 per semester for the summer term. If passed by a majority of the students voting in the election today and tomorrow, the fee will be compulsory beginning with this semester. The $2 fee, as all students realize after having paid their fees, was collected at registration. The Fiscal Office decided it would be easier to refund the money to students than it would be to try and collect it after the election. The booth for the balloting is by the Post Office in the Center. It will close today at 5 p.m., will open tomorrow nt 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. The Election Commission is haild- ^■Jing the election. This fee, which was auth orized for the A&M System Board of Directors by the last session of the State Legisla ture, will be used for the operation, maintenance and repair of the MSC. Results of the election will be canvassed by the Board, which is meeting- this weekend on the campus. Throughout last week and this, members of the various MSC pro grams have been working to ex plain the purposes of the Center, what it has to offer to students, and why it has to carry on certain programs which students sometime dislike. This last mentioned effort was about criticism leveled at the Student Center for the short courses held there—most students not knowing that this was a part of the Center’s reason for being built. The persons directly concerned with the Center have not been the only ones helping with the cam paign to get students to vote in favor of the union fee. Other stu dent organizations, the main ones being the Student Senate and Sen ior Class, have voted unanimously in favor of resolutions endorsing the compulsory fee. J. Wayne Stark, MSC director, has expressed the hope that all students would vote in the election today and tomorow Civilians May File For CSC Until Friday Filings for this year's Civ ilian Student Council will re main open until 1 p.m. Friday. Elections will be held Oct. 4. Requirements for the posts include a 1.0 grade point ratio, status of civilian student for at least one previous semester, and no scholastic or disciplinary probation. A representative is elected from each two ramps or each floor of the civilian dormitories, and each row in College View. The Council representative is then elected at a meeting of the ramp, floor, or row representatives and each respective student senator. Those students interested in fil ing for the eelctions may do so with their house masters, the stu dent manager in College View, or the civilian advisors, W. G. Brea- zeale and Robert O. Murray. Ballots may be obtained from civilian house masters or senators, and they will be distributed in College View. No provisions for day student voting have been made at present. A&M Selected To Compete For Fellowship A&M has been selected to participate in the Rockefeller Foundation Theological Fel lowship Program this year ac cording to J. Gordon Gay, gen eral secretary of the YMCA. Gay will travel to Houston Oct. 11 to take part in a regional meet ing of the Foundation. During the meeting scheduled to take place at Rice Institute, qualifications and possibilities for interested students will be discussed. “It is an honor for A&M to be selected to take part in the fellow ship,” Gay said. The purpose of the Fellowship is to enable a student to decide for himself whether or not he would be interested in the ministry or other full-time Christian^ work. “It is not the purpose of the Foundation to steal men away from industi'y,” Gay pointed out. “But just to give the interested persons an incentive and a period that they might find out if they would be suited for this type work.” The Fellowship will pay for only one year of study in an approved School of Theology. At the end of this year, if the student feels that he wants to go on with his studies in this field, there are other scholarships that can be arranged. On the other hand, if the student sees that the Ministry or Christian Service is not for hirrt he can step out with no hard feelings or mis givings. Interested students can obtain details concerning this program by contacting Gay at the YMCA. By Necessity \\ TAW Pays Its Own Way As Commercial Station By DON SHEPARD Battalion News Editor WTAW is not a commercial sta tion by choice, but because of ne cessity—dt would not pay any other way, said Henderson Shuffler, Sys tem Director of Information and Publicity. “I would like to see an educa tional station here,” he said. “But the college couldn’t justifiably af ford it.” When radio was new WTAW was purely an educational set up. It was moi’e or less a ham station op erated by the Electrical Engineer ing Department to train technicians and announcers in a new field. As radio advanced into big business it became more and more expensive to operate the station. Shuffler said. By 1940 the board of directors had allocated a total of $90,000. The station was taking too much from educational funds so it had to be revamped into a self-sustain ing business. For a while WTAW was run on a semi-commercial basis. Shuffler said. But there isn’t any such thing as semi-commercial. You have to go all the way to make it pay for itself. At this stage it was costing the college anywhere from $000 to $1,000 a month, and it had to stop, What's Cooking 7:15 p.m. Knights of Columbus will meet tonight at St. Mary’s Student Cen ter, for installation of officers. 5 p.m. Wrestling club will meet at 5 p.m. in the stands of White Col iseum. Officers will be elected. he explained. Now the station is being run strictly on a profit-making basis, and we have to slate the programs that our advertisers want. It can’t be run for a minority, but has to please the majority of listeners. We do, in a sense, still offer ed ucational services to the state, Shuffler pointed out. Occasionally WTAW does a series of programs on agriculture, education and col lege life, such as the program they are planning to do soon on the wa ter program in Texas. These pro grams are offered to other net works. Another education service is al- loting time for the Radio News Writing class, which is taught by the Journalism Department. Dur ing the spring semester members of the class put on news casts. “Sponsors don’t always buy this time,” Shuffler said, “but wa are glad to help the students.” “If there is any way we could find out what kind of programs the students like, and when they could be reached, WTAW would be hap py to sponsor a program of that type,” he concluded. News of the World By The ASSOCIATED PRESS MOSCOW — The Soviet government and the British Embassy announced yesterday warships of the two countries will exchange visits Oct. 12 through Oct. 17. A British squadron of six ships headed by the aircraft carrier Triumph will call at Leningrad, and six Russian warships led by the heavy cruiser Alexander Suvorov will visit the British naval base at Portsmouth. ★ ★ ★ WASHINGTON—Secretary of Agriculture Benson conceded yesterday he was wrong in tagging Wolf Lad- ejinsky a security risk. He said the experience gave him some new ideas on security matters which he passed along to President Eisenhower. But Benson declined to tell Senate investigators what he had told Eisenhower. That, he said, would be violating a confidence. ★ ★ ★ CAIRO, Egypt—Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser told a crowded meeting last night that Egypt has agreed to supply Czechoslovakia with cotton in exchange for arms. Nasser said the Western Powers had refused to supply Egypt arms unless the Egyptians agreed to conditions this nation could not accept. "At "At 'A’ NEW YORK—The United States and Britain called on Russia and other countries yesterday not to contribute to an arms race in the Middle East. They issued a joint statement within hours after Egypt notified Britain she has accepted a Russian offer to supply her with arms, reportedly in return for cotton. ★ ★ ★ MIAMI, Fla.^—Hurricane Janet, a tremendous storm with the killer instinct, ripped across Swan Island with 125-to- 135 m.p.h. winds yesterday, then headed toward British Hon duras and Yucatan. ★ ★ ★ DALLAS—Ray Hope Clem, 72, Dallas lumber dealer and real estate developer, was convicted by a federal jury yesterday of offering a $1,000 bribe to a tax agent last March in an income tax investigation. A A A LAREDO, Tex.—Dist. Judge R. D. Wright, yesterday, issued a temporary injunction that will keep the state from trying suits in Lasalle and Jim Wells counties of $834,000 against Duval County Political Boss George B. Parr. Policy Statement Outsiders Moved From Dorm itories A statement of policy on the housing of outsiders in college dor mitories has been released by the Office of the Dean of Student Per sonnel Services. The points of this policy, which has been endorsed by the Executive Committee of the Academic Council, are as follows: There will be a curtailment of the housing of outsiders in student dormitories during the regular school year. Students are not ex pected to share their rooms with outsiders, unless the visitor is a friend. Outside groups will not be housed in A&M dormitories, ex cept as individual members of such World Series On MSC TV Sets Brooklyn and New York will perform baseball tricks for fans at A&M on the television sets of the Memorial Student Center between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Starting today in the Assem bly Room, the World Series, telecasts will be in the assem bly, social and ballroom Thurs day, the ballroom and social room Friday, and the ballroom, social room and assembly Sat urday. Seating Plan Pi. A *• kvie field sta SttrawsAft. groups may be accommodated on a “friend” basis. Where such ex ceptions are contemplated, how ever, specific approval must be granted by the Commandant, where military dormitories are concern ed, or by the head of the Student Affairs Department, where the visitors are to be in a civilian dor mitory. Departments of the college con ducting short courses during the regular school year are to plan to limit the size of them, in order that the conferees may be housed in the Memorial Student Center, local hotels and motels. Because the summer enrollment at A&M is such as to permit the housing of numerous and rather sizeable groups in student dormi tories, the various college depart ments should make efforts to bring here, during the summer months, short courses and conferences. Some of the conferences which have been here during the regular terms are, if possible, to be desig nated for summer. No commitments for housing of any groups in college dormitories are to be made by the short course director, or by any other person, without first having cleared the matter with the chief of housing. Mothers & Dads Pass On Budget A&M Consolidated Mother and Dad’s club passed a proposed bud get of $2,275 towards buying need ed supplies for Consolidated schools announced Mrs. R. V. Hite president. The money will come from club dues, Christmas cards the club is selling, magazine subscriptions, community supper, pet show, and junior and senior card parties. “We hope to purchase first aid equipment, film strips, film rentals and a film screen for the high school,” Mrs. Hite said. Playground equipment, maps and charts, blinds and fans for the senior high school will also be purchased. Other officers of the club are: Mrs. J. G. McGuire, senior high vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Varvel, junior high vice-president; Mrs. George Huebner, elementary vice- president; Major David Philips, treasurer; Mrs. John Sperry, sec retary; and Mrs. William G. Brea- zeale, publicity chairman. Don’t Forget 1 ClCUX PG200D OP MY'be.up ! voxi kt "ve-s" POQl Xi4l*S M.t>. C. OMIOK4 PEE XU - PIK'bX XI ME- rvE voxeo " xB-b,- pora AMV XUIMG £VT A.^ mf M'c- New Senior Court Chosen; Meet Soon The 1955-56 Senior Court has been chosen, and approved by Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant. Mem bers of the Court were chosen by the two presidents of the courts, the Corps commander and the Corps law officer. William H. Sellers is president of Court A and Joe B. Foster is vice-president. Other members are Cecil M. Crawford, Robei’t W. Young, Sam C. Laden, William L. AAUP Will Meet In MSC Tonight The local chapter of American Association of University Profess ors will hold its first meeting in the MSC Ballroom tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. “Dr. David H. Morgan, president of the college, will make a brief talk that should be of great inter est to members and prospective members of AAUP,” said Jack T. Kent, club president. An invitation is extended to all members of the faculty and those engaged in research. Refreshments will be served at the meeting. Joint Effort Wins Squadron 24 and A Athletics won the best sign contest for this week on a joint project. The sign is hanging on the southwest cor ner of Hart Hall. Squadron 8 and D Infantry won honorable men tion. Huskey, Walter K. Kuykendall, John D. Cunningham, Harold S. Bassett, Walter H. Parsons III and Harold Jacobson. Donald L. Burton is president of Court B and Sam D. Lackland is vice-president. Other members are George L. Uitre, Richard A. Barras, Cyrus M. Johnston, Wel don W. Walker, Homer A. Martin Jr., Darrell L. Steakley, Troy Sum merlin, Robert W. Sears and Glenn D. Buell. There is equal representatation between the air force and army on both of the courts, with 11 of each. An organizational meeting will probably be held before the first regular session of the court, ac cording to William D. Von Gonten, Corps intelligence officer. New Directory On Sale Next Month “We hope to have the new direc tories on sale by Oct. 30” announ ced Ross Strader, director of Stu dent Publications yesterday. The work is' being carried on as quickly as possible and as soon as it is completed it will be turned over to the printers, he added. YMCA Cabinet The YMCA Cabinet voted to sup port the student union fee at their first meeting of the year held Monday night in the LaSalle Hotel in Bryan. First meeting for the entire association will be held Mon day. Poll Tax Sales Start Saturday In Bryan The drive to sell poll taxes for next year and to secure 1955 ex emptions for persons becoming 21 or over 60 will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday in the Tax Assessor-Col lector office in Bryan. All persons over 60, living in the city limits of Bryan, must secure an anual exemption. This also in cludes all persons living in the newly annexed territory of Bryan. To vote in the 1956 presidential election, each person must have a 1955 exemption or a poll tax re ceipt. Nine state constitutional amendments will also be voted on in November of next year. In addition to the voting privi lege attached to the payment of a poll tax, a person may also attend and vote in political party precinct conventions, serve as a delegate to county, state and national poli tical conventions; serve on grand juries; sign certain petitions; and hold certain offices. Persons who are not qualified to vote are those under 21, idiots and lunatics, all paupers supported by the county, all persons convicted of a felony and all servicemen who did not go into the draft from Brazos County. Weather Today RAIN Forecast today is widely scat tered showers this afternoon. Tem perature at 10:30 a.m. was 85 de grees. Yesterdays high was 82 de grees and a low of 71 degrees.