The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 21, 1955, Image 1

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Number 17: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
PARIS—Premier Edgar Faure
yesterday won a free hand from
his own Cabinet to replace the
Sultan of Morocco with a three-
man regency and start a French-
Moroccan reform aimed at peace
in the strife-torn protectorate. The
ministers, in effect, wrote the Sul
tan’s walking papers. All eyes
turned to Rabat to see if and
when aging Mohammed Ben Mou-
lay Arafa will walk.
* * *
rain, Juan D. Peron took refuge
yesterday aboard a Paraguayan
gunboat in Buenos Aires Harbor.
The rebels whose revolt shatter
ed his 10-year dictatorship de
manded that the fallen dictator-
president be intercepted and
arrested. Political asylum is
highly regarded in La'tin Ameri
ca, however, and this increased
Peron’s chances for escape to
neighboring Paraguay.
★ ★ ★
MEXICO CITY—Tampico offi
cials opened government food
stores yesterday to care for 20,000
persons homeless and hungry as a
result of the devastation of Hur
ricane Hilda. The once mighty
storm, now dying in the mountains
of central Mexico, took three more
lives in San Luis Potosi today,
flinging the total dead through
Vlexico to 25.
"Ar "Ar 'Ik
HONG KONG —The Chinese
Reds have released two Ameri
can women missionaries they
tried but failed to pressure into
admitting spy charges. Miss
Dorothy Middleton, 42, of Cicero,
Ill., and Miss Sarah Perkins, 63,
of Charleston, S. C., walked
across the border into Hong
Kong and a tender reunion with
missionary friends.
★ ★ ★
MOSCOW — The Soviet Union
and Communist East Germany to
day signed agreements which they
announced restore soverignty to
East Germany, but provide that
Russian troops must remain sta
tioned there for defense purposes.
Planned For
Local Kid Day
The College Station Kiwan-
is Club and Bryan Air Force
Base will help local citizens
celebrate National Kid Day
this Saturday with a guided
tour of the air base. |
Two hundred children from Con
solidated Elementary School and
50 from Lincoln Elementary
School will meet in front of Con
solidated High School at 7:30 Sat
urday, to board buses for the base,
where they will be joined by a
slightly larger group from Bryan.
The groups will be conducted
on a guided tour of the base’s
training facilities, including sta
tionary pilot training, movies and
inspection of T-33 jet training air
The College Station club has
sponsored the celebration since the
first Kid Day, 7 years ago. When
the Bryan Kiwanis Club was or
ganized they joined the College
Station club and BAFB in spon
soring it.
Weather Today
Forecast for today is partly
cloudy with widely scattered thun
der showers.
Temperature at 10:30 a.m. was
86°. Yesterday’s high was 95°
with a low of 73°.
P 7*:
OFFICIAL LOT—Due to be completed soon, the new parking lot east of the coliseum
wall be used primarily for visiting dignataries who might be attending some of the var
ious events held here. At other times, the lot will be used mainly for cars of the coli
seum personnel. Plans are for the lot to be surfaced with asphalt and rock and complete
with curbs and gutters. It will be used for some of the football games even if it isn’t
completely finished.
Memorial Student Center, I
Visitors Can Stay In MSC
Ed. Note: This is the first of
a series of articles on the Me
morial Student Center’s depart
ments, activities, policies and
problems. A vote will be held
Sept. 28 and 29 to decide if
students want to pay the $2
union fee. These articles are
designed to give readers the
basic knowledge they will need
to decide how they will cast
their vote.
The “Living Room of Texas
A&M,” the Memorial Student Cen
ter, is also the bedroom for many
visitors to the campus. These vis
itors include Aggies’ girl friends
and parents, short course and other
conference registrants, and other
persons here on the campus for one
reason or another.
The policy followed for allocat
ing guest rooms is as follows:
Applications for guest rooms in
the Center for football games are
accepted during May only for the
following football season. Appli
cants should apply for one room
only. Only students and exes can
get rooms for this period, with a
specific number of rooms assigned
to both groups. All rooms are used
during one football game weekend
Employees Club
Social Thursday
Approximately 400 new mem
bers of the faculty and staff of the
college will be guests of President
and Mrs. David H. Morgan at the
first social of the year at the A&M
Employees Dinner Club, Thurs
day evening.
Dinner will be served at 7:30
p.m. in the Memorial Student Cen
ter ballroom followed by dancing
to the music of Ernie Martilleno
and his Caper’s Combo.
David Fitch is general chairman
and G. W. Schlesselman is in
charge of tickets.
Tickets may be purchased at the
main desk of the MSC until 7 p.m.
Wednesday, department heads are
requested to pick reservations for
their new staff members as soon
as possible. Tickets for old staff
and faculty members will be $1.5t
The September dinner is tradi
tionally a major social event of the
year and a large attendance of new
and old members is anticipated.
Formal or informal dress may
be worn. *
Audio Committee
To Meet Sept. 17
The Audio Committee of the Me
morial Student Center will hold its
first meeting 'of the year in room
2-B of the MSC, September 27 at
7:30 p.m. said James S. Hancock,
The meeting is open for all re
turning students who were mem
bers last year and for all new stu
dents interested in high-fidelity
for Exes’ reunions.
For social events weekends ap
plications are received only from
students and must be made in May
for the following school year, Sep
tember through May. Only grad
uating seniors should apply for
rooms for graduation exercises.
Class reunions are handled by
the Former Students Association,
the office reserving rooms in the
MSC on a first-come, first-served
Applications for'guest rooms for
short courses of College and Sys
tem depai’tments are determined
by the committee handling hous
ing for the particular course. The
Center follows instructions of the
Housing Committee of the Short
Course Steering Committe in hous
ing those attending.
Students Enroll
On Scholarships
Eleven students are enrolled in
the School of Agi-iculture this year
on scholarships granted by the
Sears-Roebuck Foundation.
They are Jon L. Hagler, William
Jackson Bowner, Allan Jerome
Butschek, J. U. Dedear, Delmar
Albert Deterling, Frank James El
lis jr., Alvin Joel French, Vernon
Faeon Hargrove, Tommy Lynn
Keith, Dwane Gary Pepper, Buck
Oliver Rountree and Kenneth F.
Each year, the Sears-Roebuck
Foundation provides 10 scholar
ships of $200 each and ones for $250
for students attending A&M’s
School of Agriculture.
Selections are made and scholar
ships awarded on the basis of
need, record in high school and
sincerity of desire to study agri
To determine who gets rooms,
a drawing is held in June for foot
ball weekends and social events
weekends. Those whose names are
drawn are notified during the sum
mer. There is a separate drawing
for student applicants, and another
drawing for former student appli
For the football games students
and former students whose names
are not drawn make up an auto
matic waiting list for each of the
football weekends. Students not
receiving rooms for social events
weekends form the automatic wait
ing list for the particular week
The list for rooms on football
and social events weekends form
the priority waiting list these
weekends. Should a cancellation
occur, the next numbered applicant
is notified and offered the room.
The waiting list policy for short
courses is determined by the Hous
ing Committee of the group con
ducting the program.
(The second of this series will
continue tomorrow).
Room Applications
For Meeting^ Due
Applications for meeting
rooms for student organizations
and clubs will be accepted in the
Social and Educational Depart
ment of the Memorial Student
Center beginning at 8 a.m.
All club presidents or their
representatives should contact
Mrs. Ann/ Keel, Social Director
of the Center, for their meeting
room reservations as soon as pos
Straw Yote
On Student
Union Fee
Parking Lot,
Street Work
To Finish Soon
Along with the street east
of White Coliseum, a new “of
ficial” parking lot is due to be
completed soon.
The new lot, accomodating
147 cars will be used primarily to
care for cars of visiting dignitaries
for the different events here, and
to take care of all physical educa
tion personnel housed in the col
Most of the base material has
been finished on both the street
and the parking lot and the storm
sewers have been laid for the
The street will be concrete al
most to Anchor Hall complete with
curb and gutters. The parking lot
also will have curbs and gutters
but will have an asphalt rock sur
Even though it won’t be finished,
the lot will be used for parking ac
comodations for some of the fall
events unless rainy weather makes
this impossible.
Student Chaplains
Plan New Program
A&M’s seven student chaplains
will travel to Ft. Parker State
Park this weekend and meet with
J. Gordon Gay, secretary of the
YMCA, to plan a spiritual life pro
gram for this year.
The chaplains, largest group in
A&M’s history, are Steward Coff
man, civilian; Joe Blair and Char
les Payne, civilians; Harry Scott,
Corps Chaplain; Bill Thomas, first
regiment; Sam Layden, second reg
iment; and Bill Gilbert, air force.
These students will, with help fi'om
denominational leaders, lead the
spiritual activities on the A&M
Maj. Owen C. Martin, chaplain
from Fort Hood, will be a special
guest at the meeting. He is at
tached to the Fourth Armored Di
vision in Combat Command A at
the army base.
Ticket Sales Low
For LSU Game
Only 500 student tickets had
been sold up to noon Tuesday for
the A&M-LSU game to be played
in Dallas, Satui'day, said Pat Dial,
athletic business manager, yester
Wednesday, 5:00 p.m., is the
deadline for buying these tickets.
Prices for tickets are $3.25 for
date and general admission tickets
and $1.00 for student tickets. To
buy a student ticket you must pre
sent an ID card and Student Ac
tivity card along with the neces
sary buck.
In Hensel Park
Civil Defense At Work
Hensal Park will be the scene of
a realistic drama in disaster relief
tomorrow evening, when evacuees
from a nearby town, victims of a
make-believe tornado, will be
brought into the evacuation center
there for medical care, shelter and
The event will be a highlight of
the Civil Defense Conference being
held at the Memorial Student Cen
ter. Every service of Civil Defense
will be demonstrated, according to
Mrs. Grace Martin, State Coordi-
Senate To Meet
The Student Senate will hold its
first meeting of the year tomor
row night. Introduction of guests,
appointment of committees and
other new business will make up
the agenda. A seating plan for
football games is now being work
ed out, according to Byron (Scotty)
Parham, Senate president.
nator of Women’s Activities in
Civil Defense and Disaster Relief.
Representatives from 40 or more
women’s organizations in the state
will participate.
Miss Jennie Wilmot, from the
University of Texas, will be master
of ceremonies for the progi'am. Lo
cal irsen and women w r ill direct var
ious demonstrations.
John Hill will be coordinator of
activities from all the safety offi
ces, Rip Collins will direct traffic
and identification of persons, Bar
ney Welcha will be in charge of in
formation during the demonstra
tion, Capt. Stanley Cable will op
erate the communication center,
Mrs. C. C. Doak and Mrs. W. H.
Ritchey will be in charge of the
first-aid stations, Mrs. G. G. Gib
son is chairman of the Red Cross
mass feeding demonstration and
Virgil Phipps will direct rescue
teams and equipment.
Boy and Girl Scout troops and
scout leaders will work in several
areas. They will also demonstrate
different types of mass feeding ar-
xangements. The National Guard
field kitchen, Biyan Air Force and
A&M College mess halls will co
operate in demonstrating open
trench and other methods of cook
ery. Demonstrations in water pur
ification and sanitation also have
been arranged.
Due to limitations in facilities
arid equipment, attendance at the
evacuation demonstration is re
stricted to delegates of the confer
ence, participants in the demonstra
tions and a few special guests.
Enrollment in A&M Consolidated
schools according to Les Richard
son, superintendent of schools, is
1,458 as of Tuesday. There are
1,142 students in A&M Consoli
dated and 316 in Lincoln school.
Booth by MSC P. O.
Thursday, Friday
A straw vote, to feel out student reaction toward the
$2 per semester Student Center fee, will be held tomorrow
and Friday by the post office in the MSC. Official balloting
will be Sept. 28 and 29.
Bud Whitney, MSC Council president, pointed out that
the council would obtain information as to the main areas of
discontent in the Center’s operation from a student view
point. The results will not be released, he said
Approval of the fee will enable the MSC to continue its
services unimpaired, said J. Wayne Stark, director. He said
the alternative in the absence of the fee would be a cutting
of personnel which would in turn lead to lessening of services
'♦’to students. Air-conditioning,
Vie Against
‘12th Man’
For some football teams the
usual workout against an
eleven man squad isn’t enough.
They have to get into shape
to withstand the awe inspiring
vocal strength of the A&M
“12th Man.”
Earsplitting, stadium-filling
yells of the khaki clad cadets
have been known to blot out
signals of their opponents and
shake them to a low ebb grid
iron manueverability.
But University of Houston
Coach Bill Meek isn‘t taking
any chances, at least as far
as the “12th Man” is concern
ed. The Cougar eleven star
ted workouts this week to a
Hit Parade of Aggie yells.
To get the Cougars ready
for the game to be played here
Oct. 1 Meek is playing a tape
recording of the Corp’s contin
ual yells over a public address
amplifier every day for the
rest of this week and next in
the University of Houston
practice field.
Korean Vets Must
Register for Bill
Only 700 of the 1,000 Korean
veterans who were here last fall
and spring have registered for this
year’s GI Bill, Bennie A. Zinn, Vet
erans’ Advisor, said yesterday.
All veterans who have not reg
istered must do so immediately at
Room 102 Goodwin hall, Zinn ad
The September checks for those
students under the GI Bill will not
arrive until Oct. 31 rather than
Oct. 20 as scheduled. All future
payments will be received the 20
0 f each month.
Wh a t's Cooki ng
Newman Club will meet at 7:15
tonight at the St. Mary’s Student
Center. Tommy Toudoze will pre
side at this first meeting.
check-cashing, furniture
maintenance, housekeeping of
meeting rooms and corridors,
and floral decorations are oth
er activities which would have to
be curtailed, he said.
If a majority approve the as
sessing of the fee, it will be com
pulsory from this semester on.
The union fee vote was authorized
by the state Legislature during its
last session, the law providing that
the Board of Directors call such an
election, canvass the returns and
declare the results.
The original purposes of the
MSC, as stated in its Constitution
included the providing of facilities
for meetings, short courses, and
conferences of the citizens of Tex
as, so as to make the Center a
functional unit in the cultural and
educational life of Texas. Other
purposes were providing extra
curricular educational program for
the students and staff; the provid
ing of more adequate opportunity
for friendly association among the
students and staff; and foster so
cial and cultural phases of student
If approved the fee will be bud
geted partly for expenses in the
free areas, such as meeting rooms,
lobby and hallways, and partly for
other student activities centering
in the MSC.
A&M Professor
Named Secretary
O. M. Holt, assistant professcjr
of agricultural education has been
named seci’etary-treasurer of thie
Southexm Regional Conference fqr
The Southern Regional Confer
ence, which is composed of leaders
in the field of agricultural educa
tion from 12 southern states, will
hold its 1956 annual meetin in
Houston in March.
Holt’s term of office will exterid
through this conference. His du
ties will relate primarily to con
ducting correspondence for the or
ganization, assisting in planning
the program for the 1956 confer
ence and compiling minutes of
meetings held during the confer-
ANNUAL PREDICTION—You can always tell that foot
ball season has come ’round again just by taking a stroll
through the two corps’ areas. Freshmen have been busy
painting and nailing and the traditional football signs are
up. Shown is the sign for the coming game with Louisiana
State University in Dallas this weekend which was made at
Texas A&M by Texas Aggie freshmen of A Cavalry. All
military units have completed signs similar to this one for
the coming game. According to the signs A&M is the
winner, needless to say.