The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1955, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials
Page 2 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1955
Man to Animal
Reed Exhibit
I )pens Season
For Art Croup
Just thought we’d quote a few lines from a text book
used here at Texas A&M College.
“It is to be observed . . . that the crowd heightens the
suggestibility of the individual because of the volume of
stimulation involved. The individual in the crowd is bom
barded by suggestions from every side, and the cumulative
effect is very great. . . . Such mounting contagion is seen
frequently in religious revivals, where individuals are pro
gressively stimulated until they give way to the most extra
ordinary behavior, such as barking, or bouncing, or jerking
in every joint.
“The group factor also influences crowd behavior
through the security which the individual feels when he is
part of the mass. Individuals who would not think of com
mitting murder are not reluctant to join a lynching party.”
A swarming mass of students were told last night not to
pick trouble but to “protect” themselves if necessary. But
this united front of mob hysteria should be told what they
need protection from—themselves.
Can any man retain his individuality in the clutches of
group unbalance ? Have our yell practices- degenerated into
frenzied mass meetings,, or did they start that way?
Take a look some time at the strained, sweating faces of
this mob. Go dowm among them with your eyes open. See
the bulging eyes of this mass, hypnotized by the swinging,
swaying, milling of the herd. Open your nostrils to the
sweaty stink of shuffling, shoving human sardines.
Is this the Aggie Spirit? Is this what we represent
to the outside world as the intangible expression of the
greatness of our school? Do the same students who claim
they’ve got the Spirit when at this frenzied “revival” say
that the Spirit they’ve got when away from yell practice is
the same feeling?
If so, someone had better rewrite quite a few books
on psychology and sociology.
City Council Hears
New Sewer Report
The College Station City Council
met last night to hear progress
reports on the new sewer system.
City Manager Ran Boswell re
ported that the Texala Construc
tion Co. of Houston has laid about
4,000 feet of sewerage pipe and
expect to be through in two
months. R. B. Butler Construction
Co. of Bryan, who is building the
disposal and processing plant, is
waiting for steel shipments to be
gin its work. Both companies have
200 calendar days in which to com
plete their work, which started
September 5.
In other business, the council
voted to extend- the d&adline for
payment of school taxes from July
1 to Sept. 1 to allow the school
board to hire and train its own
tax collection board. The council
also voted to hire the proposecT tax
collector for July and August, when
extra help is needed.
T. R. Holleman was appointed by
Mayor Ernest Langford to head
the zoning commission in place of
E. E. Vezey, who recently left for
Pakistan. E. O. Siecke was ap
pointed to take Holleman’s posi-
Here’s the answer
to your problem
• Fast Service
• Expert Workmanship
• Use Our Sub-Station
For Convenience
The Council received a letter
from the Bi’azos County Youth
Development Counseling Service
requesting that the City include in
its next budget $600 for the serv
ice, which is supported jointly by
state, county and local govern
Councilman On- moved that the
city bear all the expenses of send
ing City Manager Ran Boswell to
the International City Managers’
Association meeting in Bretton
Woods, N. H., Oct. 5-9.
The Council appi-ovcd $1,673.53
for the cost of easements for the
new sewer line.
Langford and Boswell were in
structed by the council to appoint a
chairman for this year’s community
chest di’ive and submit his name
to the college.
In informal discussion, it w r as
brought up that many North Gate
merchants are complaining about
students parking their cars in the
spaces reserved for employees of
the businesses. No action w r as tak
en, but Boswell told the council
that the rules were now being en
forced, and no moi-e “courtesy
tickets” were being issued.
It takes TWO to fill the bill
. ... or fashion a Christian home
The class for Aggie Couples
First Baptist Church
College Station
The art gallery group of the
Memorial Student Center op
ened its season, Friday, Sept.
16, with an exhibition by Rob
ert K. Reed, San Antonio ar
tist. The show closes Oct. 10.
Reed is presently administrative
assistant and organist at the Post
Chapel of Fort Sam Houston.
He studied oil and watercolor
painting with Eleanore Roth of
Hax-lingen, Tex., and Harry An
thony Young, San Antonio, Tex.;
lithography, with Alice Naylor of
San Antonio Art Institute and also
studied with Frederich Taubes,
Xavier Gonzales, Jacob Getlar
Smith and Minna Citron.
He is a member of Texas Fine
Arts Association, San Antonio Art
League, Sunken Garden Colony,
River Art Group, treasurer of
Craft Guild of San Antonio and
a member of Founding Group of
Texas Watercolor Society.
Reed has participated in about
14 different exhibitions including
one at A&M in 1951. The exhibit
in the MSC is his 12 one man show.
He also has been represented
in traveling circuits of Texas Fine
Arts Association for the past sev
en years; was represented in a
traveling show in New Zealand in
1947 and represented in “Aqua-
chomatic” Watercolor Techniques
Exhibition sponsored by M. Grum-
bacher, Inc., with opening at Grand
Central Art Galleries New York
City, March 15, 1955, followed by
a two-year tour.
Reed was a judge of the MSC
art gallery group exhibition in the
fall of 1954.
Aggie Players Plan
Caine Mutiny Cast
The first meeting of the Aggie
Players, A&M’s drama group, will
be held at 7:30 tonight in the Mu
sic Hall. A short business meeting
will be followed by the initial cast
ing of “The Caine Mutiny Court-
Martial,” said C. K. Esten, director
of the Players.
The Court-Martial Trial is the
first production for the Aggie
Players this fall and will be pre
sented Nov. 14, 15 and 16. Cast
ing of the two-act di-ama will con
tinue tomorrow night.
Other Player productions coming
are “The Importance of Being Ear
nest” in January and “The Family
Portrait,” the story of the family
of Christ to be pnesented for five
days before the Easter holidays.
Bowling League
Invites Members
All male bowlers interested in
joining the ABC League at the
Memorial Student Center’s bowl
ing alleys this year are invited to
attend the first meeting at 7 p.m.
John Geiger, alley manager, said
election of officers for the coming
year would be held at the meeting,
which will be in the bowling alley
area. Students of A&M are also
invited to join, Geiger said.
Last year, the league had 40
participants, with eight teams com
The bowling night will probably
be Wednesday, said Geiger, unless
those attending decide differently
and it works into the alley’s sched
Add celery leaves, a couple of
parsley sprigs, diced green pepper
and grated carrot to tomato juice.
Refrigerate overnight. Strain and
serve as a good cocktail.
Th e Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanii
College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by si
uents four times a week during the regular school year. During t
summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and duri
examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publicati
are I uesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursd
<nt; ,ng 1 • s , umr U? 1 r t ® rms * ar >d Thursday during examination and x
r n * P i er,ods ' J T he £ attall on not published on the Wednesday i
E^ter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates £
e Ta ter Y^* 00 per sch ° o1 y ear ’ $ 6 - 50 per full year, or $1.
Pei month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
Entered as second-class
watter at Post Office at
College Station. Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 3. 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally
j National Advertis
i Services. Inc., at f
York City. Chicago.
Angeles, and San Fr
cation h of 1df wf .'l Vcly . to t . he usc for republi-
the paper and" h'cll'no F wi C «f‘ S c,c t ,ited to il . 0 T not otherwise credited in
of republicatkm^of ^
Ralph Cole
Ronnie Greathouse ...
Don Shepard
Welton Jones
Barbara Paige
Managing Editor |
Sports Editor :
News Editor
City Editor i
-Woman’s Editor I
Rely On Us for
Superior Service
When you put clothes In
our hands, you know
they'll be returned clean,
well pressed and in top
form. Our reputation
rests on your satisfaction.
Laundry Schedule
The laundry will begin this year
with basically the same schedule as
last year.
Dormitory students whose last
names begin with the letters indi
cated are supposed to turn in their
laundry before 8 a.m. on the fol
lowing days:
A, B, C, D, turn in laundry Fri
E, F, G, II, I turn in laundry
J, K, L, M, Me, N turn in
laundry Tuesday.
O, P, Q, R, S turn in laundry
T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z turn in
laundry Thursday.
Following the same pattern as
last year, each student will be al
lowed a 23-piece bundle each week.
Students will be charged for extra
Students living in Dorms 1
through 12 will turn in laundry at
station 2 located in the north end
of Dorm 12 and will use pink laun
dry slips.
Jackson Presents
FFA Program
J. R. Jackson, of the Agricultural
Education Department, presented
a program, “Training Future
Farmers of America Leadership
Teams,” Sept. 14 at Alvin during
a district meeting of teachers of
vocational agriculture.
In High Fidelity-
Stereophonic Sound
Those living in Hart, Law, Pur-
year, Mitchell, Leggett, Milner and
Bizzell turn in laundry at station
3 located in the northeast corner
of Leggett Hall, using yellew tick
Station 4, located in the west end
of P. G. hall, will take care of stu
dents living in Dorms 14, 15, 16, 17
and Walton Hall. Gold tickets will
be used.
The south gate project area will
turn in their laundry at station
two in Dorm 12 according to the
following schedule: A through L on
Friday and M through Z on Tues
day. The tickets will be white
printed in red.
Students living in College View
apartments and day students other
than those living at South Gate
will turn in laundry at the main
office. The schedule is A through
L on Friday and M through Z on
Tuesday before 9 a.m.
All claims on lost or damaged
articles must be made within 48
hours and the laundry list must be
available before the adjustment is
Read Battalion Classifieds Daily
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