The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1955, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 16: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
YfVater Conference
Attracts Experts
i Fresh water falling on Texas
leach year averages 362,100,064
^ acre-feet, J. R. Johnston, area su
pervisor, United States Department
bf Agriculture, told more than 100
• >vater specialists gathered here for
• the Texas Water Conference.
I “It is .estimated that 85,548,420
hcre-feet of mean yearly precipita
tion never reaches the ground,” he
jsaid, “it is intercepted by plants
and evapoi'ated.”
I The meeting has attracted me
teorologists, hydrologists, engi
neers, municipal and state officials
from all over the state. Gibb Gil
christ, chancellor of the A&M Sys
tem, is chairman of the meeting.
' Johnston said that during the
^ 50-year interval from 1900 to 1950,
the non-farm population in Texas
increased from 520,759 to 4,834,000.
V The rural population actually de-
• creased from 3,503,435 in 1940 to
>,877,000 in 1950.
State Senator Dorsey Hardeman
>f San Angelo also spoke to the
froup of water experts meeting
here in their first state-wide con-
Yells Ring Out
I At All-College
I Night Program
Freshmen got their first
I taste of Aggie Spirit last
* night as the entire student
;■ body gathered in The Grove
| for the all-college night pro-
gram and yell practice. The Me-
* morial Student Center sold Sever
s’: al extra gross of cigars for the oc-
casion, it was rumored.
After a few yells, P. L. (Pinky)
Downs Jr., official college greeter,
spoke to the throng. As usual, the
I Deck tie went into the crowd for
I; some Aggie to carry home with
P him as a remembrance of one of
| the oldest Aggie supporters living
|| today.
“Old Army, I still have the Ag-
|| gie Spirit,” he said. “And this
football team has the greatest de
ll termination of any team in A&M’s
J history.”
Downs said there were sopho-
| mores on the Aggie team that
If. could run the 100-yard dash in 9.8
Sf seconds and he couldn’t see how
experience was going to catch that
„ record.
David H. Morgan, president of
> the college, made his annual state-
| ment of not trying to pick trouble
* in “foreign lands”, but, he told
M the group to protect themselves
P “if necessary.”
Paul (Bear) Bryant, head foot
ball coach, complimented the band
;? on their job at UCLA,/ saying,
3 “they were terrific.”
Bryant said there had been talk
; ground here since 1940 about what
A&M would do next year. In in
f troducing the football team and
ference on all phases of the water
problem, except legal.
Economic stagnation or rigid
federal controls will be the result
of failure to begin a state-wide
water management program • for
geenral benefit, the senator declar
“We need some action, and we
need it now,” he declared. “Time
is running out.”
“And citizens and groups inter
ested in the welfare of all the
state, rather than on a sectional
basis, must plan a management
program and must resist the self
ishness that has retarded our de
velopment,” he added.
The key to the problem. Sen.
Hardeman stated, is state-wide
management, adequately financed
and enforced.
Texas is going to have to pro
vide storage facilities for the lean
years, increased reservoirs for in
dustrial and urban centers, and
adequate drouth alleviation meas
ures for farm areas—with all plan
ning done for the general economic
welfare, he said.
Such a program will be expen
sive, he added, but the alternative
is economic stagnation or federal
Sen. Hardeman, chaii-man of the
Texas Water Resources Committee,
made the keynote address at the
opening session of the conference.
The meeting ends tomorrow.
A &M Housing
Is Problem
This Year
Housing at A&M isn’t as
bad as it looks, unless you
happen to be one of the 200
or so students who are living
three to a room.
By the end of this week the
crowded situation should be
gin to clear up. With all late
registrants in and the clearing
of rooms reserved and- not
taken this year the three to a
room students will be moved
as quickly as possible said
Harry Boyer, chief of housing.
The College View waiting
list is still gi’owing with about
214 veterans wanting apart
ments and around 800 non
veterans on the list. The av
erage waiting time for veter
ans is about six months for an
apartment, he said.
CAMERA SHY—Not really avoiding having his picture taken Dr. David H. Morgan, pres
ident of the college, looks toward senior yell leaders Paul Holladay and Gus Mijalis.
The other yell leaders who will lead A&M’s 12th Man this year are, left to right, Bill
Dorsey, junior; John Cozad, civilian; and Randolph Newcomer. Dr. Morgan had just
finished telling students gathered for all-college night not to invite trouble but to be
ready to protect themselves, if necessary.
All Departments
Schedule for MSC Listed
Heal lit Report *
Diai-rhea was the leading disease
in the College Station-Bryan area
last week with 33 cases reported
to the Bryan-Bxazos County Health
Unit. Strept thi'oat was second
with 16 cases repoi'ted and gon-
coaches, he said “We will see what I orrhea was third with eight cases
we do this year”. reported.
The regular schedule for the var
ious depai’tments of the Memorial
Student Center will be as follows:
Fountain room: Monday through
Satux-day—7 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sun
day—8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Coffee shop: Monday—7 a.m. to
11 a.m.; Tuesday through Saturday
—7 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Sunday—closed.
Dining Room: Monday through
Thursday—11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.;
6 to 8 p.m.; Friday and Satux-day—
11:30 a.m. to 2 pm.; Sxxnday—11:30
a.m. to 2 p.m.
Browsing Library: Monday
through Friday—8 a.m. to 12, 1 to
5:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.;
Satux-day—8 a.m. to 12, 1 to 5 p.m.
and 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday—
9 a.m. to 12, 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to
10 p.m.
Gift Shop: Monday through Sat-
Harrington Named
To Atomic Group
Dr. M. T. Harrington, chancellor
of the A&M College System, has
been named a member of the Texas
Advisory Committee on Atomic
Energy. Gov. Allan Shivers, in
naming the 17-man committee, said
it should help Texas citizens to x-e-
alize benefits from the controlled
release of atomic energy.
Committee members were selec
ted fx-om major fields of actual
and potential activity in atomic en
ergy x-eseax-ch, development and
application, according to Associa
ted Px-ess reports. This includes
the fields of education, industry,
agx-iculture, medicine, law, fin
ance, science and state government.
urday—7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Sun
day—6 to 8 p.m.
Barber Shop: Monday through
Saturday—8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun
Metzger Gun Room: Sunday
through Satux-day—8 a.m. to 11
Bowling Alley, Monday through
Satux-day—9 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sun
day—1 to 10 p.m.
Hobby Supply: Monday, Tues
day and Thursday—1 to 5 p.m.
and 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.; Wednes
day—7:30 to 10:30 p.m.; Fx-iday
and Saturday—1 to 5 p.m.; Sun
Craft Shop: Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday—1 to 5 p.m. and 7:30
to 10:30 p.m.; Wednesday—7:30 to
10:30 p.m.; Fx-iday and Satux-day—
1 to 5 p.m.; Sunday—closed.
Art Gallex-y: Monday—2 to 5
p.m.; Tuesday—2 to 5 p.m. and 7
to 10 p.m.; Wednesday—3:30 to 6
p.m.; Thursday—9 a.m. to 12; Fi'i-
day, Satux-day and Sunday—closed.
Some of the depai’tments may
vary their schedule because of
lax-ge crowds attracted to the cam
pus by football games or other
Per on \s Argentina
Government Falls
To Military Revolt
Season Tickets
For Town Hall
Go On Sale
Non-student Town Hall sea
son tickets will go on sale at
8 tomorrow morning at the
Student Activities Office, ac
cording to C. G. (Spike)
White, of the Student Activities
Non-student season tickets ax-e
$6 genex-al admission and $8 re
served seat. Mail ordei's will be
filled starting at 12 noon tomor
In the past, it has been quite
a social event to see who would
get the left-over seats. White said,
but this year, there are about 900
extra seats for non-students.
A student is anyone attending
any school, high school, junior
high school, elementary grades,
Allen Military Academy, etc.
Single admission tickets will be
sold at each concei t. General ad
mission is $2 for non-students and
reserved seats will be $2.50. Col
lege students, student wives and
other students will pay $1 general
admission and $1.50 for reserved
The first Town Hall production,
Fiesta Mexicanh, will be Oct. 4.
Other shows are Robert Shaw
Choral and Orchestx-a, Oct. 19.
Stan Kenton and His Orchestra,
Oct. 24; The Four Freshmen, Nov.
18; Philharmonic Piano Quartet,
Dec. 16; San Antonio Symphony
Orchestra, Jan 16; Don Juan In
Hell, Feb. 9; and the Air Force
Band and Singing Sergeants,
March 22.
Band Thrills Spectators
Battalion Staff Writer
California football fans were
shown an entirely new half-time
show Friday night at the A&M-
UCLA game in Los Angeles.
In its .first drill of the season,
the 240-piece Aggie band put on a
px-ecision march which both awed
and confused the spectators. Hav
ing never seen this kind of pex*-
formance before, most of the fans
seemingly couldn’t imagine how
such maneuvers were executed
without ending in mass confusion.
However, luck wasn’t the decid
ing factor in the success of the
drill. Px-actice for the band began
Sept. 5 and lasted until last Wed
nesday when they left for the
1,500 mile trip to Los Angeles.
The 65,334 fans at the game saw
a seven-minute drill which consist
ed of continuous counter marches.
USMC Recruitei*s
To Be Here Soon
A Marine Recruiting Team will
visit A&M Sept. 27 to enlist any
interested person in the Marine
Corps Platoon Leadex-s Class and
Officer Candidate Course.
The Platoon Leaders Class is an
officer training program for col
lege freshmen, sophomores and
juniors. It consists of two train
ing sessions of six-weeks each at
the Marine Corps Schools in Quan-
t»co. Va., during the summer.
During school months, the stu
dent continues his regular college
courses without interference and
double delayed counter marches | every phase of imagination con-
from the outside and center, right I sisting of tx-ips to the moon, or
and left nox-thwestern turns, right
and left minstrel turns, a split
during which time the band divided
into halves and marched thx-ough
each othex-, another countei’-march
as the band folded together and
foi'med the wox-d “BRUINS” x-ead-
ing both ways, the lettex-s “AG
GIES” and then the giant “T”
which was max-ched down the field
and countei--mai-ched.
While still in the “T,” the band
halted, performed a mass command
and execution about face and hand
salute and then broke fi*om the
field. Dux-ing the di’ill, the band
was playing with not moi*e than
thi’ee seconds between numbers.
After celebrating all night, all
members wex-e px-esent the next
morning at 9 for a trip to Disney
land, 22 miles away at Anaheim,
Ax-riving at the famed wondex--
land, the boys were given passes
to all rides and shows and then
taken on conducted tours through
the 160-acre land of dx-eams.
Once mox-e the band pei-formed
as they max-ched thx-ough the wind
ing streets playing the Aggie War I
Hymn. Stopping in the village
square, they played a 15-minute
concex-t. After the concert, they
were treated to a free meal and a
standing invitation from the Fx-itos
Co. to drop by at any time for free
Although seniors drew many
curious stares from people in Los
Angeles because of the boots, they
played second fiddle while at Dis- j
upon graduation, is commissioned | neyland. The boots were no match |
a second lieutenant and begins a ! for the gigantic displays there of
thr**e-year tour of active duty.
The team will be in the lobby
of the YMCA.
jungle land, which featux-ed me
chanical animals and savages.
Also, an oldtime western show
featux-ing “Sluefoot Sue” and a
ehoi-us line of four gix-ls was held
for the Aggies at the Golden
Hox-seshoe Saloon in Frontierland.
The band is under the dix-ection
of Lt. Col. E. V. Adams. Drum
majors ax-e Tommy Shoi*t, head
dx-um major; Dwight Brown, Ma-
x-oon Band Di-um Major; and Bud
dy Patterson, White Band Drum
Buenos Aires’
Croivds Cheer,
Cry ‘L i berty ’
The strong-arm regime of
Juan Domingo Peron, dictator
for 10 years, toppled last
night. There was joy in Ar
Pex-on’s government fell apart in
the face of a successful rebellion
of army and navy forces who re
volted last Fxiday.
The 59-year-old dictator in a
swan song read by his army chief,
said “my patriotism and my love
of the people” led him to offer
his resignation.
Under the constitution, the res
ignation had to be submitted to
Parliament, and there was no word
of any action on it—but no doubt
remained that events had moved
faster than constitutional proces
All Peron’s Cabinet was report
ed to have resigned with him. One
who definitely announced his res
ignation was the army chief, Maj.
Gen. Franklin Lucero, war minis
ter. He had brought Peron
through the June 16 revolution.
A rebel broadcast heard in Mon
tevideo said the rebel command had
ordered a cease-fire pending peace
The cry of “Liberty, Liberty”
sounded in the streets of Buenos
Aires. Thousands of persons pa
raded, leaving no doubt of their
Motorized infantry with tanks
and gun carriers took up positions
outside Government House. This
apparently was a precautionary
move. Peron had his office, in this
building, bombed heavily in June.
For the first time in months, a
statement fx-om the Roman Cath
olic primate of Argentina was
bi*oadcast on the state radio. San
tiago Cardinal Copello called on
the people to work for peace.
Room Applications
For Meetings Due
Applications for m e e t i n g
rooms for student organizations
and clubs will be accepted in the f
Social and Educational Depart
ment of the Memorial Student
Center beginning at 8 a.m.
All club presidents or their
representatives should contact
Mrs. Ann Keel, Social Director
of the Center, for their meeting
room reservations as soon as pos
LONG, LO^NG TRAIL AWTNDING—Very few students at A&M can forget scenes such
as this. It’s registration and as a matter of course a long line in which to take one’s
place, at the end. It’s all over now, except for a few late registrants. Figures on this
year’s registration should be complete by the end of the week or early next week.
Fan Beta Pi Meet
Weather Today 0
No change is expected in todays
Tau Beta Pi will hold its first I weather. Partly cloudy with late
meeting of the school year tonight j widely scattered thunder showers,
at 7:15 in the Civil Engineering | Temperature today at 10:30 a.m.
Lecture Room. AM members are was 86; Yesterday’s high was 96;
urged to attend this meeting. ( Low, 71.
OUR BOY AGAIN—The Battalion’s adopted freshman,
Marvin Ballard, architectural engineering major from Su
dan, demonstrates along with several °^^ ier j[ 1 re ®,
how the Aggie “wildcat” should be done. That s Ballard,
behind the raised arms. The yelling was at all-college night
held yesterday evening at the Grove.