The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 15, 1955, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 15, 1955 Tigers Meet Madisonville Friday Night A&M’s Consolidated Tigers, after losing a 7-6 heartbreak- er to Hempstead in the sea son opener, meet strong op position in their bid to break into the 1955 win column when they take on the tough Madison- ville Mustangs at Madisonville Fri day night. Consolidated faces no easy task, however, as the Mustangs are well stocked with 13 lettermen. Al though falling before Tomball 24- 19 last week, the Mustangs had two touchdowns called back due to penalties. Paced by two returning all-Dis- trict performers, the Mustangs will be out to revenge last year’s 26-6 drubbing at the hands of CHS. The two Mustang standouts are end Ronald Standley and right half back David Tingley. Billy Brock, triple-threat Mus tang quarterback, turned in a fine performance against Tomball last week. CHS Coach Horace Schaffer, who is being assisted by Larry Hayes, plans to stait the same of fensive eleven he used last Friday. Norman Floeck and Manuel Gar cia will man the end posts; Dick Hickman and Ed Linton, tackles;. Garland Andrews and Jack McNee- ly, guards; and Steadman Davis, center. The backfield foursome includes quarterback Edgar Feldman, Bob by Witcher and Bill Hall, halfbacks and Bill Kavanaugh, fullback. Defensive changes find Donald Vaughn, Wayne Thompson and Bo Linton taking over for Davis, Witcher and Feldman. In losing to Hempstead Consol idated battled its way within the Bobcats’ twenty-yard line on five occasions, while Hempstead could gain only two penetrations. Hempstead ate up 329 yards on the ground and 12 through the air for a total gain of 341 yards. CHS chalked up 197 yards, gaining 154 pushing and 43 passing. Consolidated’s only touchdown came midway in the first quarter as Feldman shook loose for six points on a 29-yard gallop. A de lay of the game penalty cost CHS five yards on the try for the extra point, and Floeck’s attempted kick was partially blocked by the hard charging Bobcat line. Hempstead reached pay-dirt ear ly in the fourth period, as Marvin Dibbens, who gained 230 yards for the winners, rambled 96 yards to a touchdown. Tackle Santiago Ol vera booted the crucial extra point. The Tigers reached Hempstead’s 3-yard line later in the final per iod, but couldn’t crack the stub born Bobcat defense. Lincoln To Open Against Calvert The Lincoln High School Panth ers will open play tomorrow night against the Calvert eleven in Cal vert. The Panthers will draw an open for the following week but will take on Gatesville for their first home game of the season Sept. 29. Rosebud will play host to the Lincoln eleven Oct. 7, the first dis trict game. Other games and their | dates are Cameron, Oct. 12; Rock dale, Oct. 21; Snook, Oct. 26; Cald- | well, Nov. 3; and Taylor, Nov. 9. Health Rep ort Diarrhea was the leading dis ease in the area for the week end ing Sept. 10 with 38 cases report ed, according to the Bryan-Brazos 11 County Health Unit. Strept throat (! was second with 22 cases reported i and gonorrhea was third with five ! j cases reported. Registration (Continued from Page 1) 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.—All whose sur- I names begin with A, B. 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.—All whose sur names begin with T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.—All whose surnames begin with L, M, N, O. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.—All whose sur names begin with P, Q, R, S. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.—All whose sur names begin with C, D, E, F. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.—All whose sur names begin with G, H, I, J, K. Saturday, Sept. 24, is the last day for enrolling in the College for the fall semester or for add ing new oourses. Star-Kist Chunk Style FROZEN FOODS BREADED SHRIMP 55« PERCH FILLETS KST u,. .'J.V CHICKEN MORTON’S 2 49c LEMONADE 25« v TUNA 29 Wonder Rice 3 “ 25 RITZ -CRACKERS S 33c WAVERLY WAFERS 25c OREO CREAM SANDWICH 33c 25c COOKIES Nabisco — Black Walnut Oatmeal — Coconut — 10!/ 2 Oz. Fresh Ground Orr’s Gold Seal HAMBURGER ROUND STEAK 3 lbs. 85c POUND 69C Regular KOTEX Pkg. of 12 29c '0M. m GLADIOLA BISCUITS FRESH BUDGET EGGS ROSEDALE SLICED PINEAPPLE (BEANS) (PEAS) (CORN) Hills Dale No. 2 Can BABY FOOD “ 12 ^ 99c APPLE BUTTER £"o„ Jar 25c SPIC AND SPAN siT , “: 25c m SBiPfi MELLORINE ffL 55c PICKLES cm -eX, - 22 0 z 29c MAYONNAISE XT 37c CHEEZE-WHIZ L° z : 29c CRISCO SHORTENING 3 Can 79c FOLGER S COFFEE 87c HIXSON S COFFEE c L a „ 69c &orSfi'es NORMAL., OILY OR DRY HAIR v - .,. v .. FRESH MICHIGAN FREESTONE 5»Vr.kv\wh HALO SHAMPOO 39c Large Size LB PEACHES 10c FRESH CALIF. BARTLETT PEARS 2 Lbs 29 GREEN BEANS 2 LI » 29< NEW RED POTATOES 6 lbs. 25c 2 Lbs ' JL9 e FRESH JUMBO CALIF. LEMONS ORR’S RIDGECREST STORE OP EN SUNDAY — 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TIDE SUPER MARKETS