The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 15, 1955, Image 16
Pa IS rai is Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 15, 1955 ■■ p Cadets’ Names (Continued from Page 8, Sec. II) Hoover Jr. and Alexander L. Ma- gruder. Squadron 15 Cadet Capt. Jack H. Mcllroy of Gladewater is commanding officer, and Robert C. Yates, a Lit., of Mc- Grecor, is executive officer. Roy B. Miller Jr. of Brady and Rob ert D. Gibson of Snyder are also lieutenants. Richard N. June of San Antonio is first sergeant. Oth er sei*geants are Eugene M. Smith and Jefferson D. Gray. Headquarters Sixth Group Second Wing Commanding officer is Cadet Lt. Col. Charles R. Crews of Grape vine; executive officer is Jerry D. Cobb of Ft. Worth, major. Other officers are Charles H. Ritchey of Lafayette, La., and Nelson Pold- rack of Taylor, both majors. Sex 1 - geant major is John L. Loggins of Blytheville, Ark., and other ser geants are Harless R. Benthul and Bernard Alfred Spath. Squadron 16 The commanding officer, cadet Capt. George W. Hillyer of Tyler, will have as his executive officer David D. Cooper of Panama, a first lieutenant. Everett L. Mc Laughlin is also a lieutenant, and first sergeant is Adrian C. Helms of Floydada. Other sergeants are John A. Cassidy, Louis G. Mc- Knight, John D. Selensky, Jack E. Herzik, Robert S. Stewart, John H. Hopkins and James P. Smith. Squadron'17 Cadet Capt. Marion L. Williams of Abilene is commanding officer, and cadet Lt. Donald D. Swofford is executive officer. Other lieu tenants are John D. Bell of San Antonio; Richard J. Cappel, La Lima, Honduras; Hinton D. Hoese, San Antonio; and Claude J. Her- pin, Port Arthur. John D. Janek of Dallas is first sergeant, and Sgts. James P. Hutchison, William R. Setzler, William E. Duplantis, Phillip E. Johnson, William S. Da vis, Dick Morton, John E. Nordeen, Johnson R. Clegg Jr. and Edward C. Hanson Ill are also on the staff. Squadron 18 The commanding office!*, Clar ence W. Lee, a cadet Capt., is from Cotulla. Lieutenants are Gerold D. Griffin of Ft. Worth, Richard L. Griffin of Ft. Worth, Dale R. Flournoy of Breckenridge, and Kenneth M. Snipes of Lockhart. Allan W. Newberry, Dallas, is first sergeant, and athletic ser geant is Alton L. Warren. Headquarters Seventh Group Second Wing Cadet Lt. Col. James W. Arnold of Magnolia, Ark., is commanding officer; his executive officer is Jackie W. Thurman of Huntsville, Maj. Other officers are Maj. Don R. Burrow of Ft. Worth and James E. Mayben of Corsicana. Warren B. Johnson, Bobby E. May and Donald W. Green are sergeants. Squadron 19 The commanding officer is Billy J. Moore of Ft. Woxfh, with a rank of captain. His executive of ficer is 1st Lt. Gerald U. Brown of Bi*enham. First Sergeant is Ed ward W. Wyatt of Houston. Other sergeants are William O. Fuller, Harold Warnick, James L. Calhoun, Martin L. Hoke, Paul Marell, and Nils G. Shaw. Squadron 20 Cadet Captain Wade T. Ingram of Corsicana is commanding offi cer; his executive officer is cadet 1st Lt. Joe A. Dotson of Wichita Falls, first Sergeant is Patrick G. Marshall of Tyler. Other ser geants are Alfred M. Chappell, Al exander Marello and Edward F. Dusebout. Squadron 21 The commanding officer is cadet Captain Robert W. Sears of Hous ton; his executive officer is Larry C. Washburn of Houston with the rank of 1st. Lt. First Sergeant is Ronald L. Patton of Dallas. Other sergeants ai*e Charles L. Novy, William A. Carlton, Charles D. McMullen, Peter A. Neisig III, Ed ward A. Furgueron and Cecil Rinn McComas. Headquarters Eighth Group Second Wing Cadet Lt. Col. Kirby M. Keahey of Bluff Dale is commanding offi cer. His executive officer is ca det Maj. Weldon W. Walker of Waco. Adjutant is Charlie F. Jack of Grand Saline with a rank of captain. Another captain is Joel E. Paseman of College Sta tion, PI & scholastic officer. Ca det Maj. Jack H. Lippman of El Campo is operations & safety of ficer; William B. Bedford of Ok lahoma City, Okla. is cadet cap tain in charge of supply. Lamar Ford is operations sergeant and William B. Alsup III is supply ser geant. Squadron 22 Commanding officer and execu tive officer axe Cadet Capt. Day- ton Moses of College Station and 1st Lt. Don A. Lee, also of College Station. Other liexxtenants are William E. Lyles of Ponder, Wil liam R. Acres of Bx*yan, W. R. Reid of Bryan, and Jerry B. Keith PLEASE don’t forget to drive with care! Accidents can be avoided ! Telephone men and women know that safety is no accident. It is the result of eternal vigilance, courtesy and thoughtfulness. Now that schools are open again, all of us must take even greater care in driving to protect our children. Safety pays its dividends in the saving of human life and the prevention of suffering. Let's all remember that taking a few seconds for safety may save a lifetime of regret. of Borger. First sergeant is John A. Webb of West. Other sergeants ax-e Thomas W. Bradley, Edwin N. Moffatt, Bill Burns, Willie C. El- sik, Cornelius M. Farmer, Leroy D. Matthys, James G. Newman, Chaides Williams and Johnny R. Tomlin. > Squadron 23 Cadet Capt. James A. Carey of Freer is commanding officer. As sisting him as executive officex* is Kenneth W. Richmond of Ray- mondville, 1st Lt. Other lieuten ants are Harold L. Jones of Cle burne, James A. Brown of Dallas, Thomas K. Tomlinson of Bryan, Warren J. Tomme of Little Rock, Ark., Fied Cox of Temple and Firman L. Lucas of Marlin. First sergeant is Joe R. Zemanek of Bryan. Other sei’geants are Larry E. Lee, Billy R. Buffington, Adolph J. Kxxcera Jr., Jimmy D. Harris and Joe M. Lebo. Squadron 24 Commanding officer is cadet Capt. John D. Cain of Beaumont. Flight commanders are 1st Lts. John H. Stockton of College Sta tion and James S. Hollingsworth of Pt. Arthur. Other lieutenants are George H. Hartung of Houston; Robert A. Boles, Waco; T. Gayle Klipple, College Station; James M. Howell, College Station; and Da vid H. Vandervooxt of Ft. Worth. Other sergeants are Robert G. Gat- tis, Robert B. Martin, John B. Whitwell and Don P. Dixon. Headquarters Consolidated Bands Cadet Maj. Firixxan G. Lepori is executive officer. Captains axe Howard Wendell Mounce, adjxx- tant; Janies A. Cowan, PI and Student Directory The official college Student Directory should be available fox- sale sometime in October, accord ing to Ross Strader, director of Student Publications. scholastic; John W. Kincaid, day student liaison; and Bobby F. Wat kins, supply. A major is William Lyman Huskey, supply officer. Sex-geant major is Cyrus H. Hol ley, and other sergeants are Frank A. Johnson, Gary W. December and Fritz E. Landers. Maroon Band Commanding* officer with the rank of captain is Alfred H. Cor- des; drum major is cadet Capt. Dwight Brown Jr. Executive is James J. Koeian, with a first lieu tenant’s rank. Other lieutenants are Joseph P. Teas, William R. Evans, Gene R. Anderson, Joe R. Tucker, William A. Swann, and Lewis W. McMains. Murray B. Denton is first sergeant. Other sei’geants are Gay G. Cloud, Jay G. Cloud, Cleveland D. Scarbor ough Jr., Dean E. Duncan, John E. West, Edgar L. James, William H. Cockerham, Avalon L. Dun- gan, Charles E. Voelter, Milton Davis Taylor, Alvaro E. Guevara and William Bomar Shives. White Band Weldon C. Steward is captain and commanding officer. Drum major is cadet Capt. Buddy D. Patterson. Robert H. Rea is ex ecutive officer, with a x*anking of first lieutenant. Other lieuten ants ax*e Roger M. Reed, Jack W. Jernigan, John R. Scarborough, Lester D. Cochran, James E. Ram- bo, Paul E. Prasek, Clay McFar land II and Warren P. Kirksey. Charles W. Rasco is first ser geant. Other sex-geants are Frank E. Larkin, John M. Cornwall, Har ry L. Brown, Archie E. Reed, Clements C. Koehler and Frank G. Bryan. ^ A M P T F SERVICE STATION MAGNOLIA PRODUCTS 401 N. College Ave. Ph. 3-3385 Bryan, Texas Welcome Aggies ‘’ Kelley’s Sea Food Platter” — $100 “ Aggie Special’ — $1.00 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK SPAGHETTI — ITALIAN SAUCE ROMANO CHEESE SPECIAL SALAD o=~n=]E3=c> 'Good. Food That's A IT Kelley's Coffee Shop and Corral 201 S. Main ■■ A. J- :>A >-■ Whenever you travel, go ■■ ■ Santa fb all the way to, from and In the great State of Texas Santa Fe Lines link Texas with the Great Lakes, the Pacific Ocean and the busy midwest and southwest empires of our nation. But that’s not all! Look at this map and see how Santa Fe links east, west, north and south Texas. When you need rail service to Texas, from Texas or in Texas you can depend on Santa Fe all the (r. />. Ford, Agent Santa Fe Station Caldwell FRADE