The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 15, 1955, Image 14
Page 8 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 15, 1955 Not End of Names (Continued from Page 7) Squadron 6 Commanding officer with the rank of captain is George W. Parr of Houston. Lieutenants are Rob- | ert M. Zama, Houston; Peter J. Scrivano and Tom B. Butler, both of San Antonio. James L. Hud son of Houston is first sergeant. Other sergeants are Elton R. Wil- kerson, Felix A. Lewis, Leonard D. Lewis, Edward C. Priest, Will C. Hendrix Jr., Robert W. Opitz, Carrol P. Killough and Harry A. Standley. Headquarters Third Group First Wing Commanding officer is cadet Lt. Col. Robert W. Young of Dallas. Assisting him as executive officer is Maj. Frank D. Waddell of Roby. Cadet Maj. Dennis M. J. Heitkamp of New Braunfels is adjutant, and operations and safety officer is Maj. Robert C. Barlow of Pull man, Wash. John R. Sandhop of Palestine is sergeant major, and Jack C. Cook III is operations ser geant. Squadron 7 Elbert B. Gray of San Benito is commanding officer with the rank of cadet captain. Executive is 1st Lt. Richard M. Tachibana of San Benito. Other lieutenants ai’e James M. Denard Jr., Edna; Edgar C. Walton, Beaumont; and Alan R. Taylor, Lamesa. First Sergeant is Jack W. Thomas of Fort Worth. Other sergeants are Jack C. Da vis, Thomas R. Thedford, John II. Voss, John L. Dye and Alberto T. Fernandez. Squadron 8 Cadet Capt. Kenneth W. Mays of Edna is commanding officer. Glenn E. Crismon of Shreveport, La., is executive and a first lieu tenant. Billy Ray Percival of Kaufman is another lieutenant. First sergeant is James T. Grahm of New Boston. Other sergeants are Albert Max Koehler, Robert M. Koegl and George C. Pyle. Squadron 9 Joseph C. Hlavinka of Bernard, a cadet captain, is commanding of ficer. His executive is Sidney J. Pillow of Baytown, a first lieuten ant. Other lieutenants are Charles T. Welch cf Telephone, and Huch E. Scott of Los Angeles, Calif. First sergeant is Tom M. Connor of Wade. Other sergeants are William E. Schier, Stanley C. Schwartz, James L. Pruitt, John P. Weatherford Jr., Larry J. Bon in and Grantly W. Bodine. Headquarters Fourth Group First Wing Cadet Lt. Col. Harold G. Jacob son of Melvin is commanding of ficer. Others are Frank E. Patter- Herman L. Hassell Jr. of East- Herman L. Haswell Jr. of East- land, operations and supply offi cer. Both have ranking of cadet major. Sergeant major is Byron W. King of Palacious, and supply sergeant is Richard B. Thornton. Squadron 10 Commanding officer is Allen S. Greer of Dallas. His executive of ficer is Richard E. Gentry of Dal las. Greer is a captain and Gentry, a first lieutenant. Other lieuten ants are Henry C. Hill of Camer on; Alberto H. Magnon Jr., Lare do; Charles L. Willis, Dallas; Hen ry E. Goff, Dallas; Ronald A. Mil ler, Chandler, Ariz.; Guy H. An drews, Richardson; and Olin H. Bradley, Granbury. First ser geant is Randolph Newcomer of Lafayette, La. Other sergeants aer Jon F. Cobb, Lester L. Mays, George Alexander, James A. Crews, George N. Manitzas, Royce F. Kappelei-, Henry F. Grupe Jr., John S. Ocone, Robert A. Foster, Royce A. English and Lavon N. Anderson. Squadron 11 Cadet Capt. Stephen G. Scott of Colorado City is commanding offi cer. Executive officer is Anthony J. Bolner of San Antonio, with a rank of first lieutenant. Other lieutenants are Willis H. Merritt of Weatherford and Jerald D. Mor an, San Antonio. Leroy C. Foer- stor of San Antonio is first ser geant. Other sergeants are Har old Sattler, William R. Ratcliff, James D. Offield, Melvin M. Dris- ke!l, Kenneth B. Nolen, Robert G. Foster, Herbert H. Acheson and Ernest R. Rickel. Squadron 12 Commanding officer of this squadron is Glenn D. Buell of Am arillo, who holds the rank of cap tain. His lieutenants are Frank lin D. Clark of Corpus Christi; Charles M. Harrison, Taylor; Wil lie R. Wall, Wichita Falls; and Samuel W. Johnson, Beaumont. The following are sergeants: Joe W. Joeris Jr., Charles R. Haines, Charles K. Orr, Thomas Q. Brown, Jack M. Dreyfus, Donald G. Arne- son, William H. Dorsey, John L. Fulghum, Howard L. Martin, James R. Derry Vandemeer, James W. Wilson, I awrence N. Bourn and Charles W. Jenkins. Second Wing Staff Cadet Col. William Harold Sell ers is commanding officer; he is from Houston. His executive of ficer is Howard L. Robinson of College Station, who holds the rank of Lt. Col. Other officers are Lawrence R. Dausin of San Antonio, Lt. Col., and John R. Nelms of Dallas, Cyrus M. John ston of Corsicana, Ben H. Allen of Hoo, Condon H. Terry of Dallas, and William C. Gilbert of Dallas, all majors. Bryan William Dedek- er, John Foster Heard, Lee Mit chell Hilgartner and Stanley Brad Crockett Jr. are sergeants. Headquarters Fifth Group Second Wing Commanding officer is cadet Lt. Col. Richard Allen Barras, Port Arthur. Cadet Maj. Arthur Wil- .liam Newlin of Douglassville is executive officer, and other offi cers are Jack F. Pearson of San Antonio, Capt., and Ray E. Strat ton and Tom W. Brumfield Jr., both Majors and both of Houston. Sergeants are Marcus J. Crow, Selman D. Griffith and James Sad ler Tinsley. Squadron 13 Harold S. Bassett of Bellaire is commanding oficer; he holds the rank of captain. Cadet Lt. Roy Glenn Wallace of Houston is exec utive officer, and other officers are Michael Louis Fi*ey, Waco; Philip Cortez Wright, Dallas; and Colin Andrew Smith, LaMarque. First sergeant is Richard M. Wall of Houston ,and other sergeants are Lewis D. Hollis, James C. Sharp, Donald Earl Williams, George N. Winn, Aubrey G. Owen, Edmond M. Saad, Glenn L. Baxter and John W. Hampton. Squadron 14 Commanding officer and execu tive officer are cadet Capt. Rob ert A. Hanson of Marshall and David A. McCane of Columbus, a cadet It. Sergeants are Donald L. Moore, Roy R. Lackey, Robert L. (See CADETS NAMES) (Page 2, Section III) Aggieland Barber Shop Serving Aggies Since 16tk of April 1926 MOUTH GATE Opposite Post Office It's Shaffer’s for Better Grades Largest and Most Complete Stock New and Used Books Finest Top Quality Engineering Instruments Everything You’ll Need in School Supplies and Books Are College Approved ) Typewriter Sales and Rentals — Royal and Smith-Corona IT’S SHAFFER’S FOR GIFTS College Emblem Jewelry College Pets Sea! 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