The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 25, 1955, Image 7

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The Battalion
Number 12: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
MSC Is A&M’s ‘Living Room’
CENTER OF ACTIVITIES—Whether indoors for bowling tournaments, bridge club meet
ings and dances, or whether outdoors like the gathering shown (the Aggie Muster held
on April 21 each year), the place where everybody eventually gathers is the spacious
Memorial Student Center. Everything a student could want is found somewhere in the
modern building.
Aggie-Exes 9 Club Aids A&M;
Sponsors Development Fund
The Association of Former Stu
dents is a non-profit corporation
organized fo^- the purpose of aid
ing A&M in every way possible
ftnd providing a means of main
taining friendships made on the
Everyone who has been enrolled
in A&M at one time or another is
automatically a member of the As
sociation, whether he actually re
ceived a degree or not.
As the old says goes, theije is no
such thing as an ex-Aggie—once
an Aggie, always an Aggie.
To give an idea of the scope of
the organization, there are some
30,000 A&M men on its rolls.
About 75 per cent of these reside
in Texas, 20 per cent in other
states, and five per cent in foreign
countries. A&M men are in every
state in the union and in foreign
nations throughout the world. They
live in more than 3,000 cities and
towns in the United States alone.
Supervising the campus office of
the Association, which is located
in the west wing of the Memorial
Student Center, is J. B. (Dick)
Hervey, class of 1942. His job as
the executive secretary of the As
sociation is to coordinate the ac
tivities of the 180 active A&M
clubs throughout the nation. He
is responsible for planning class
reunions, keeping individual bio
graphies of all former students up
(See FSA, Page 3)
The living room of Texas A&M
is the Memorial Student Center, a
spacious, modern building located
just south of the main drill field.
Popularly known as the MSC,
it has been serving the college and
the community since 1950, when it
was built in memory of those A&M
men who died in World Wars I
and II.
The gathering place for all cam
pus groups, the Center contains
under one roof bowling alleys,
game rooms, shops, club meeting
rooms, a post office, a browsing li
brary, record playing rooms, a
piano room and television lounges.
Besides a regular dining room,
the MSC has a coffee shop and a
fountain room for snacks or cafe
teria lunches.
The Student Center is governed
by a council of eight students, five
faculty members and two former
students. A student is always pres
ident of the MSC Council; this
year’s president is Bud Whitney.
The chairmen of the committees
compose the Directorate, which
plans and directs the program of
the MSC.
The MSC invites all incoming
freshmen to sign up for the various
committees and activities. There’s
something to suit the tastes of
everyone, so read on and take your
House Committee
The House Committee, which
this year will be led by Dick Mc-
Glaun, will begin its year with an
Open House for freshmen. The
group will sponsor student-faculty
coffee hours for the various de
partments of the college, and at
Christmas will be responsible for
decorating the entire MSC. Dur
ing the Mother’s Day weekend it
will hold a reception for all Aggies
and their mothers.
Dance Committee
This group is responsible for the
MSC dance classes, which meet eve
ry week and include instruction in
all types of ballroom dancing. The
Dance Committee also sponsors
A&M’s version of a French night
club—the bimonthly Rue Pinalle—
and many other dances throughout
the year. This year’s chairman is
Ed Saad.
Music Committee
The Music Committee under Art
Henderson selects the music to be
played over the loud-speaker sys
tem in the MSC and chooses rec
ords for the record playing rooms.
It is in charge of the entire music
program at the Center and each
year sponsors an intercollegiate
talent show.
Recital Series
This sub-committee of the Music
Committee sponsors recitals which
will appeal to students interested
in classical music. Admission to
the recitals, which will be given by
regional and national artists, is
covered by the student activity fee.
Chairman of the committee is Bob
Art Gallery Committee
Under the direction of Paul Ross,
the Art Gallery Corrtmittee gives
free instruction in all types of art
and also organizes all the art ex
hibits and displays that are held in
the Center during the year.
Crafts Committee
Novices and experienced crafts
men are invited to join the Crafts
Committee and use the facilities of
the crafts shop. The many medias
in which members can work include
leather, ceramics, metals, plastics
and woodwork. Roy Wallace is
Chairman of the group.
Junto Committee
Bill Willis is chairman of this
small group of students and fac
ulty, which meets regularly to dis
cuss a wide range of topics. All
members are given an opportunity
to express their opinions and atti
Radio Committee
This group is made up of Ham
operators and others interested in
amateur radio. Members can use
the facilities of the radio club
house, which is equipped with
shortwave sets. Buddy Lyon is
chairman of the committee.
Camera Club
Members of the Camera Club
have the privilege of using the
Center’s fully equipped darkrooms
for developing their pictures. The
group, under the leadership of Bob
Stansberry, sponsors exhibits, con
tests and instruction.
Great Issues Committee
This group, led by Bob Bacher,
Corps Trips
Take Aggies
To Big Cities
Everybody in Texas’ big
cities knows about the Aggies’
corps trips.
Twice during the football
season the whole corps of
cadets, and most of the rest
of the student body, packs up
and follows the team to an
out-of-town game.
Saturday classes are dis
missed for those weekends, and
everyone arranges for his own
transportation and housing.
The corps trips this year will
be to Fort Worth and Houston,
for the TCU and Rice games.
On the morning before the
game the corps of cadets, in
dress uniform, with the bands
and the flags, parades down
the main street of the city.
The students sit in a special
student section at the game.
will present a series of prominent
speakers, who will discuss subjects
of wide interest. Admission is
charged for the programs, except
to those students who pay their ac
tivity fee.
Audio Committee
This committee is for students
who are interested in high fidelity
sound and the reproduction of fine
music. Gene Grossholz is in charge
of the group, which presents inter
esting programs during the year
on all phases of hi-fi audio.
Film Soicety
This committee is in charge of
selecting fine movies of the past
to be presented as part of the MSC
film series. The group handles all
the operations, including planning,
selling tickets and selecting the
times for the showings.
Student Forum
This committee, under the direc
tion of Les Robinson, brings noted
speakers to the campus and ar
ranges public panels and debates.
Browsing Library
This group is in charge of the
library and selects all books and
periodicals for the library. It is
also responsible for the book re
views held during the year. Rudy
Hernandez is chairman of the
Browsing Library Committee.
Bowling Committee
Led by A1 McClellan, this group
promotes bowling toumaments be
tween A&M students and other col
leges. Beginners as well as expe
rienced bowlers are eligible for
membership in the committee.
Public Relation Committee
The success of the Center’s many
activities depend on the Public Re
lation committee, which uses radio,
newspaper and advertising to bring
to the attention of the community
the facilities of the MSC. Bryan
Dedeker is in charge of this group.
Electrical Supplies
★ ★ ★
For Rent
'Fish Cuz" Welcomes you to A&M,
Come in and let's get acquainted
Hardware 6t Gift Store
Emerson & westinghouse