Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, August 25, 1955 Russian Croup To View A&M Herds Three members of the Ptus- sian group which has been touring north and middle western U.S. farming areas will visit A&M soon. According to information from D. A. (Andy) Adam, administra tive assistant for foreign pro grams, Texas Agricultural Exten sion Service, the group will be in San Antonio Thursday to buy 40 or more head of Santa Gertrudis cattle. After they buy the cattle they will come to A&M to see the col lege hei'ds and to talk with staff members. While here they will plan the next phase of their tour, to see hereford and shorthorn cat tle. This visit is a result of the re cent flying trip which Vladimir W. Matskevich, first deputy minister of agriculture for the U.S.S.R., made to Texas recently. He was particularly impressed with the Santa Gertrudis breed, which was developed by King Ranch and is the only breed of beef cattle to be developed completely in America. In the party which will visit the campus ai'e: Youri Golubash, live stock specialist with the group; Dimitri Kostuchin, commercial counselor to the Russian embassy in Washington, and Georgi Bolsh akov of TASS news agency. The group was met in San An tonio by a delegation headed by Bob Briggs, San Antonio contrac tor and vice-president of the San ta Gertrudis Breeders’ Internation al, and R. P. Marshall of Kings ville, t-xeeutive secretary for the same organization. Twenty-Nine Start Workouts At Consolidated Twenty-nine boys began football workouts Monday at A&M Consolidated High School under new coach Hor ace Shaffer. Their first rough workout was Wednesday. Two-hour workouts are being held twice each day to prepare the team for their first game here Sept. 9 with Hempstead. Nine of last year’s lettermen, five of whom were starters, are re turning. They rj+e Garland An- drews, Norman Floeck, Manuel Gai’cia, Dick Hickman, feobby Johnson, Ed Linton, Alfred Lin ton, Jack McNeely and Bobby Witcher. Newcomers who are looking good in practice, according to Shaffer, are quai'terback Edgar Feldman, fullback Billy Kavan- augh, center Steadman David and right halfback Bill Hall. The record of the team last year was five won and five lost during the season. In district play they won two and lost three. Knebel Replaces Abrams in Ag Ed Dr. Earl H. Knebel will join the Department of Agricultural Edu cation at A&M Sept. 1. He re places Dr. Morris N. Abrams, who recently resigned to accept a po sition in Louisiana. Knebel received his Doctor of Education degree in August from Oklahoma A&M with a major in educational administration and ag ricultural education. For six years he taught at Ham ilton, where he compiled an ex cellent record as a teacher of voca tional agriculture. It was during this period in 1951, that he receiv ed the MS degree from Texas A&M. During the past year Knebel has served on the staff of the Agricul tural Education Department at Ok lahoma A&M. His doctoral dissertation dealt with “An Annalysis of Factors Contributing to Effective Programs of Vocational Agriculture.” Wives of Officers To Hold Luncheon The regular monthly luncheon of the Oifficers’ Wives Club will be held at The Oaks at 12:30, on Thursday, Sept. 1. Reservations may be made by calling one of the hostesses not later than Tuesday noon, Aug. 30. The hostesses are Mrs. M. D. Wel- ty, 4-4154; Mrs. H. Pate, 4-7947; and Mrs. J. L. Minear, 6-4854. SPECIALS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY — AUGUST 25TH - 26TH - 27TH TOILET TISSUE WALDORF HUNT’S HALVES PEACHES Roll No. 2i/ 2 Can TOOTH PASTE—Giant Size COLLATES 29c Bama Peach—20 Oz. PRESERVES njn? Adolphus IllLiEj Long Grain POTATOES Shoestring BARBECUE Sliced—300 Can STARKIST TUNA “ 8I ” Can 39< 2 ct„. 29c 2 Cans 19C 39c 28c BIRDSEYE BROCCOLI Spears ^ Pkgs. •49c FROZEN SHRIMP Gulf Stream Jumbo Breaded—10 Oz. .TV ORBS RIDGECREST STORE OPEN SUNDAYS 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. U.S. NO. 1—CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE Lbs. (Bulk) 29c FRESH MICHIGAN STRICTL' GRAPE A MED. POZEN California Fresh—Pound RED PLUMS LILLY MELLORINE 19c AH Flavors — Vv Gallon FREE! Sample of Sea and Ski Suntan Lotion when you buy .STOPETTE DEODORANT -4- $1.25 size for * 98« HAMBURGER IC, 3 if. «<> VEAL BRISKET SSTEU lb. 23« CATFISH STEAKS l„ 79c BACON Sunvale LB. 43c CHEESE lb. 49c BOLOGNA sHced°— LB. 39c TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER MARKETS BEANS PEAS “ CORN Rosedale Cut Green 303 Earlv Rosedale Golden Cream 25c 2 Cans 25C 2 c 3 r s 25c 200 E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE