The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 25, 1955, Image 13

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The Battalion
Number 12: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1955 Price Five Cents
Control Of A&M Traffic Duty
Of Campus Security Office
A lot of cars travel every day
on the camptxs streets. Most of
these cars are owned by students.
In a week’s time 2,700 different
cars will be here and to control
them is the duty of the Campus
Security Office, by enforcing the
college traffic rules.
Students are welcome to bring
their cars to the campus, but cer
tain procedures have to be obser
ved and 'certain regulations abided
College regulations provide that
students must register their ve
hicles (including motor scooters,
etc.) at the Campus Securiy Office,
which is on the first floor of Good
win Hall, not later than 48 hours
after arrival. This pertains only
to a car you will keep here with
you. Registration fee is 25 cents,
and one registration is good for
all four years. You will be given
a campus license plate which must
be placed in some spot on your
car visible from the outside. Most
persons put them on their wind
Parking Decal
Starting this year as part of a
new setup in handling A&M traf
fic, you will also be given a color
ed decal which must be put on
pour windshield as low as possible
In the right hand corner. This de-
/al indicates the parking lot area
in which you are to park your ve
A facsimile of the decal is shown
on this page, and the colors which
are used for each particular lot.
Student Senate
Serves as Voice
The Student Senate, A&M’s stu
dent government, serves as a voice
for the students and as an exec
utive group for them.
It is composed of representatives
from each class and dormitory,
both military and civilian, elected
in the spring general elections.
The vice-president of the freshman
class is representative for the
first-year men.
Meeting monthly, the Senate
discusses and votes on matters of
student life, campus improvements
and other facets of the school.
Their action, which is reviewed
by the Student Affairs Depart
ment, takes the form of a recom
mendation to the college author
ity concerned with that particular
Also included are directions for re
moving the transfer from its base.
Once you are registered and
have put up your license and prop
er. parking lot decal you are ready
to learn just what you can and
cannot do on the campus.
Hours Restricted
During business hours campus
streets are adequate only for hand
ling of traffice necessary to college
business. These are hours 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Students’ cars must be
parked in their proper parking
area by 2 a.m. Thus, between 5
p.m. and* 2 a.m. Monday through
Saturday mornings students can
park their cars in areas usually re
served for business After 12 noon
Saturday until 2 a.m. Monday are
also free parking periods.
Students cannot take their cars
to classes. They may use them for
off-campus trips during classroom
hours provided no stops are made
Mail Service
Two Places
During 1 your four years at
A&M, you will get all your
mail through a post office
There are two post offices
on the campus: one at the North
Gate area, and one in the Memorial
Student Center, Get youf\ box
early, and get it at the post office
that will be closest to your dormi
The college has a special delivery
service, and special delivery letters
should have your dormitory and
room number on them.
All incoming long distance calls
come through the Housing Office,
where messengers are on duty at
all hours of the day and night to
get the person being called.
There is a telegraph office in
the MSC which receives telegrams
at any hour. Telegrams can also be
sent from there. The MSC operates
a long distance telephone service
To ship packages or footlockers
to school before you come, address
them to yourself, Texas A&M Col
lege, College Station, and send
them by rail. You can pick them
up at the railroad station when you
DALLAS Io hr ml „.
*Via Connecting Airline
Coll Comtimentol ol 4-5054.
on the campus. <The term “cam
pus” is interpreted to include all
property at College Station under
the jurisidiction of A&M College.)
Texas laws governing traffic are
effective at A&M. Speed limits are
20 and 30 mph, and are so posted.
Pedestrians shall at all times have
the right of way, and at intervals
between classes vehicular traffic
is expected to stop for a sufficient
period of time to permit pedestri
ans to cross drives and streets.
Now What Happens
Now that the majority of the
basic college traffic regulations
have been discussed, the next step
is what happens when a regula
tion is violated. Until this year
violators were given a ticket and
when they had a certain number of
tickets their right to have a car
on the campus was taken away.
Violations coming after having a
car banned resulted in more ser
ious disciplinary action.
Under an authorization granted
by the A&M System Board of Di
rectors last June, Dr. David H.
Morgan, A&M president was em
powered to levy a fee for regain
ing college driving permits taken
from violators of college traffic
The maximum fee authorized was
$1 for parking violations (and
these constitute the majority of
traffic miscues at A&M), $2 for
moving car violations and $5 for
violation of driving car on the
campus after the permit had been
Reinstatement Procedure
College regulations specify that
driving privileges are suspended
48 hours after date of regular no
tice of violation or driving and/
or parking regulations (Saturdays,
Sundays and holiday excluded) un
less the permit is reinstated by the
following procedure:
Persons who received tickets
should within 48 hours either re
port to the College Fiscal Office
Cars Banned
For Frosh
At University
Some folks are not going to
like A&M’s new fee system for
traffic violations. But that’s
A&M for you.
Now at Austin the prob
lem of what to do with the
traffic problem was solved by
a different solution. Fresh
men can’t have cars this school
year and sophomores also will
not be able to have them after
September, 1956.
The reason given for ban
ning the cars was twofold: ac
ademic and traffic. The de
cision was handed down by the
University’s Board of Regents
last spring.
Texas University still has
tis orange tower, but our
freshmen can still have their
Final Review Ends
A&M School Year
The traditional Final Review
marks the close of each school
year at A&M. That is the last
military review for senior mem
bers of A&M’s Corps of Cadets.
The full corps forms on the drill
field and passes in review once
under the command of the senior
officers, returning to the original
positions of the field. A brief
intermission follows, during which
the seniors say farewell to the
men of their organizations—and
the lower classmen put on the uni
form of the class into which they
wnll be advanced.
After this intermission, seniors
form a line and march across the
field to a position in front of the
reviewing stand, and the corps,
under command of the junior offi
cers, passes in review. The band
plays "Auld Lang Syne” as a
march. As each organization pass
es, its seniors step out to give and
receive salute customary for guests
of honor at a review.
where a fee will be accepted for
reinstatement of driving privileges
or report to the Campus Security
Office where notice of appeal may
be prepared, if the driver thinks
that the ticket in unwarranted.
The appeal court is to be open
from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Student
Labor Office with Col. E. F. Sau
er, student labor and loans direc
tor, as appeal authority. Sauer’s
decisions on appeal cases will be
based on the circumstances under
which violations occurred.
Should a student lose his appeal
or if he does not appeal, he must
pay the fee to get his driving
rights restored. If he wins his
case, the ticket will be torn up.
Not a Fine
The fee is technically not a fine,
for a student does not have to pay
it unless he wants his driving priv
ileges on the campus restored.
A larger fee will be assessed if
a student drives his car on the
campus without having first gotten
his permit back, either by paying
the violation fee or by winning his
appeal to the traffic officer. Fur
ther violations may cause the case
to become a matter for disciplinary
The Campus Security patrolmen
will issue some “Courtesy Notices”
for the purpose of notifying and
warning the driver of the vehicle.
This notice will be used in border
line cases where the patrolman be
lieves that the driver will park and
drive properly in the future. A
record of all notices will be main
So there you are.
A&M has a limited amount of
space and a seemingly unlimited
number of cars that want space.
Students want to drive to class or
want to make too much noise. Or
maybe they want to gather too
many people in and/or on one ve
hicle. Some always want to speed
and drive recklessly to show off.
You don’t impress anybody, and
you might end up having to shell
out a wad of money.
The Campus Security Office is
not set up as a ball and chain upon
student inclinations. The college
wants students to have and enjoy
their cars and other vehicles at
A&M. But control of vehicles on
the campus is necessary for the
efficient operation of the college.
Pamphlet of Rules
When you registej’ your car, you
will be given a pamphlet of the
traffic rules. Be sure and read it.
You can help yourself and help
the college at the same time.
And remember. The rules given
are for driving and parking on the ,
campus and are aimed at your’s
and other persons’ safety. And
this safety should extend beyond
the limits of the campus.
A&M had a bad record last year
for traffic fatalities coming and
going to and from school. It’s a
good idea to familiarize yourself
with rules and tips on safe driving
on our highways as well.
Fred Hickman is Chief of Cam
pus Security. Patrolmen are Olan
Armstrong, Clenn E. Bolton, Ru
fus E. Batten, Ellis Folsom, Mor
ris A. Maddox, Thurman Maxwell,
Walter L. Rice, Ray S. Rosier, Al
bert R. Ward and Hugo J. Wiese.
School Year Sees
Many Dances Here
A&M has many dances through
out the year, with the one reserved
especially for the freshmen being
the Fish Ball, held about half-way
through the sprong semester.
On football game weekends at
College Station, an All - College
dance is held in Sbisa Hall, with a
name band playing.
During the spring, the various
campus and corps groups have
dances—the regimental balls, the
class balls, and club dances.
The Fish Ball, according to cam
pus legend, draws the prettiest
girls to A&M, so it is always a w’el-
come attraction from everyone’s
point of view.
The freshman class, through its
class officers, does all the planning
for their dance.
Decals To Denote
You r Pa rking A rea
f 'v
I m
A&M gets something new this year, something that
will be attractive to look at and also will be an efficient way
of keeping students from parking in improper areas.
The Campus Security Office will issue colored decals
that are to be placed on the windshield of all student cars.
These transfers, the color of 1 *-
which will depend upon the
individual student’s dormi
tory parking area, are to be
put as low as possible on the
right hand side of the car wind
Anyone having a favorite color
(or trying to avoid a clash of col
or schemes) had better arrange his
housing to fit the color he de
sires. The color of the decal for
each parking area is a follows:
Blue—Day Student parking lot
Black—Milner and Hart Halls’
parking lots
Green—Lot behind Law Hall
Red—Dormitories 1 through 12
parking lots
Brown—Dormitories 14 through
17 parking lots
So that students who have al
ready registered their cars can get
this decal, a supply will be avail
able at registration. Students reg
istering their cars for the first
time will get their decals at that
time. The transfers can also be
picked up at the Campus Security
Office in Goodwin Hall. Students
will fill out a blank giving all in
formation about the car needed, in
cluding the owner’s living area so
that the properly colored decal can
be issued.
One more thing about these dec
als should be mentioned. No in
structions are printed on them and
they are used in just a little dif
ferent manner from the kind one
ordinarily runs across.
These are to go on the inside of
the windshield. The decal is in
serted in water for about 15 or 20
seconds, then the paper is placed
next to where the transfer is to
go. The decal is slid off if its
base paper onto the windshield and
then smoothed out with a flat sur
face to remove wrinkles and air
holes. (With most decals the
transfer is placed against the sur
face and the base paper then re
TSCW Teams Try
To Predict Score
Each year before the annual Tur
key Day classic between A&M and
the University of Texas, two field
hockey teams at Texas State Col
lege for Women (A&M’s sister
school) try to predict the score.
The two teams, one called A&M
and the other Texas, play their an
nual game the Saturday before
Thanksgiving and have been doing
so for more than 20 years. Last
year, the school paper reported
that once, back before the war,
A&M and UT battled to a stale
mate just a week after the mock
Thanksgiving game at TSCW had
ended with the identical tie.
The score the teams made last
year was 2-2, not quite equal to
the 13-22 score that A&M and Tex
as really made.
(For those of you that don’t
know, Texas •won.)
Several judging contests are held
at A&M each year, and are open
to freshmen students. Some of
them are the Spring Dairy show,
the Freshman- Sophomore Dairy
Cattle Judging contest, the Little
Southwestern Livestock show, and
the Agricultural Judging contest.
White Coliseum
Anniversary Near
A&M’s G. Rollie White Coliseum
will celebrate its first anniversary
Sept. 21. It was dedicated on this
day last year.
The coliseum has a total floor
space of 154,000 square feet on its
three floors. Cost of the original
building was more than $1,500,000.
The use of folding bleachers and
chairs on the* floor provide a total
of 8,500 seats for staged events.
Maximum seating capacity for
sports events is 7,247.
An addition to the coliseum ex
tends the building 80 feet to the
south for its full width.
Three Honors
Open to Fish
For Academies
Three academic honors are
open to A&M freshman, in
cluding 1 an honor society of
their own.
The honor society is Phi
Eta Sigma, national honor society
for freshman men. Its purpose is
to “encourage and reward scholar
ship among freshmen.”
A grade point ratio of 2.5 in
either the first semester or the
first year of college work is re
quired. This means a B plus aver
Although membership in the so
ciety is for life, the active Phi Eta
Sigma chapter is composed o f
sophomore members only.
At the present, total member
ship in school is more than 200 per
To quality as a distinguished
student, a person must have no
grade below C at the end of the
semester, have completed at least
16 semester hours, and have a
grade point ratio of not less than
The distinguished student list is
made up at the end of each se
mester, and a person named on the
list receives a card entitling him
to miss any class in which an an
nounced test has not been sched
The distinguished student list
covers all four classes.
Alpha Zeta, national honorary
agricultural fraternity, recognizes
annually the five highest freshmen
agricultural students with their
Alpha Zeta Freshman Award.
A special award is presented at
the School of Agriculture’s spring
banquet to the student who is con
sidered the outstanding freshman
in the School of Agriculture.
The awards are based on grades
and other activities indicating
leadership ability.
At Least
Per Gallon
On Gasoline At