The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1955, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials I Band Gets Trip
Page 2
Hello, California
What’s left to say now?
The Band has gotten its trip to California assured,
thanks to a lot of long and hard work by the president of the
college and others who helped him.
The fight’s not quite over. Some money still has to be
given so those who haven’t and can, could.
This is not an editorial directed to ask for money to
fill out the unpledged part of the band fund. But many per
sons may think that $21,000 is a lot of money to blow all on
one trip—and on just 250 students.
It is.
But it’s worth it.
A&M has a good band, even a great band*. And few per
sons are not stirred by the sight and sound of a precision
marching band. Many persons are going to see our band
who have never known much about our school. It’s very
possible that after seeing them, some of these persons might
take more interest in just what we have to offer.
From an advertising standpoint, the band trip is a good
bargain. They will be spreading the name and fame of Texas
And the band boys, themselves—they deserve the trip.
It’s not easy to go through all of the practice they must put in
to become the precision outfit they have always been each
school year.
Our appreciation for their efforts is shown \yhen we give
hem this chance to go out and show the outside world just
what they can do. We know already that they are good. Let
the other folks know about it now.
Congratulations, Band, for a trip well deserved.
Officers’ Wives
To Hold Meeting
The Officers’ Wives Club will
hold their next regular monthly
meeting at 12:30 p.m., Thursday,
Aug. 4, at The Oaks, 200 S. Con
gress, in Bryan.
Luncheon will be served at 1
p. m.
Reservations may be made by
calling by noon Aug. 2 one of the
following hostesses:
Mrs. John S. McCannon, 6-4542;
Mrs. Frederick J. Wittlinger,
6-6416; Mrs. David D. Joy, 6-4618;
and Mrs. Charles C. Waddell,
Ty Cobb made five or more hits
in a game 14 times during his ma
jor league career. This is an all-
time high.
MTS Training
Ends Tomorrow
A 40-hour training course which
began Monday for motor transpor
tation ifeupervisors will end here to
Sponsored by the Texas Engi
neering Extension Service, the
course^ is designtd to provide a
training 1 program which will assist
the transportation supervisor in
carrying out the indirect form of
supervision his duties require, and
to give|;him farther development in
employee and public relations.
L. K. Jonas, chief of supervisor
training for the T.E.E.S., is in
charge of the course.
Larry Parker, University of
North Carolina’s top golfer, also
is the star halfback on the football-
Trudie’s Kiddie Kollege
Kindergarten and First Grade
4 and 5 years
Registration Dates
July 15 - Aug. 1 Aug: 15 - Sept. 1
Owner, Teacher
B. S. Degree"
605 Highland St. — Ph. 4-8173 — College Station
(Continued from Page 1)
sary. Cadet Major Tommy Short
of Big Lake is head drum major,
and Cadet Captains Buddy Pat
terson and Dwight Brown, both of
Dallas, are the other two drum ma
Cost of Trip
The estimated cost of the trip
is $21,339.50 according to Dr. Mor
“When I started investigating
the possibility of the band travel
ing to UCLA, the task of collecting
the money needed for the trip
seemed almost too much,” he said.
“However, as I have stated on
several occasions, ‘Nothing is too
big to be done and done well by
the Aggies,’ ” Dr. Morgan said.
Twenty - one thousand dollars
seemed like quite a lot of money
to send the band, he said, but the
amount needed for one band mem
ber to go ($80 in round figures)
seems like a relatively small
“Therefore, we have concentra
ted on obtaining the $80 necessary
to send each of the 250 men to the
game,” Dr. Morgan said. “The
response of A&M men throughout
the country has been typical; their
immediate support and generous
contributions have clearly demon
strated their loyalty to this col
lege and their pride in the Aggie
Total Not Filled
Although the total amount has
not been subscribed at this date,
Dr. Morgan said the fact that over
three-fourths of the necessary
amount has been obtained in one
month shows that the project will
be successful since there are about
six weeks remaining before the
trip is made.
“I know that the faculty, staff
and students join me in expressing
their appreciation for the generous
contributions and support given by
the former students and friends of
A&M,” the president said.
The total amount collected
through this morning was $14,855.
(A rundown of who the contribu
tors so far have been will be found
in another story in this issue of The
Any money collected over the
amount needed to send the band
will go into a pot for the next band
trip, possibly to College Park, Md.,
in 1958 for the game with Mary-
alnd University.
COMMAND PERFORMANCE—The sextet shown, the College Station All-Stars, will be
the featured act of the floor show at Monday night’s Hideaway dance in the Memorial Stu
dent Center. They arp, left to right, back row: Arthur J. Lotts, first tenor; Andrew
Waldon, baritone; Willie Lee Williams, sec md leader; front row, Natlianiel Sterling,
baritone; Jeremiah Waldon, first leader; and Wesley Sterlng, bass.
Ceremonies Today
1894 Band
(Continued from Page 1)
Post,” “Stars and Stripes For
ever,” “Under the Double Eagle,”
“Hot Shot March and Zacatecas
Holick, who retired many years
ago and turned his boot and shoe
business over to his sons, was not
only one of the two organizers but
was the first bandmaster of the
A&M band. This first group orig
inated the two-stripe trousers and
received $5 per month as music
ians but they added priceless value
to the appearance and dignity of
the early cadet companies in gray
Woods is now retired after more
than 50 years as federal and state
bank examiner, while Amthor, re
tired consulting engineer, is the
fourth surviving member.
The thirteen members of the
1894 A&M band, with Holick as
bandmaster, were Morse, drum
majoi” Woods, then of Del Rio;
T. B. Duggan, San Sabe; A. W.
Amthor, Pleasant Hill; P. B. Bit-
tie, College Station; Jenkins, Bry
an; H. D’Echaux, New Orleans; W.
Bretchneider, Cat Springs; W. C.
Carothers, Sulphur Springs; S.
Kohn, Waco; W. N. Mathis, Rock-
poi’t; H. L. Williams, Austin and
O. Gersteman, Houston.
Health Report
Eighteen cases of strept throat,
of which 16 were in College Sta
tion, were reported to the Bryan-
Brazos County Health Unit during
the week ending July 23. Also re
ported in the city were six cases
of diarrhea, two of influenza and
one of whooping cough.
Congratulations to the A&M BAND on their coming trip
to California this September.
3706 Texas Ave.
Phone 6-8133
New Virus Lab Opens
The official opening of A&M’s
new Virus Research Laboratory
will be held this afternoon follow
ing an open house for members of
the Texas Turkey Federation in
the Memorial Student Center. The
open house will be held from 3 to
3:40 and TTF members here will
then tour the $40,000 laboratory,
which is located at the rear of the
Veterinary Medicine area just west
of the main campus.
The number one problem facing
the lab is ornithosis in turkeys.
It is constructed, however, so that
viruses may be examined in differ
ent rooms with no chance of
spreading or of mixing. Maximum
security measures are provided to
eliminate all chances of contami
The new lab will cooperate with
scientists • and industry throughout
the entire southwestern area. Al
ready, tissues and negative blood
samples are being provided for se
rological studies. Dr. John P. Dela-
plane, head of the Veterinary Bac
teriology and Hygiene Department,
will direct the lab’s work.
Woi-k now underway is the in-
noculation, at weekly intervals, of
a group of turkeys, which is ex
pected to reveal the most suscep
tible age of the birds to disease,
and will yield gross and miscro-
scopic pathology data on its effects.
Work to be taken up this fall
includes artificial infection of 150
CS Reserve Unit
Outstanding Unit
Headquarters company of Col
lege Station has been named the
outstanding unit of the First Bat
talion, 143rd Infantry, during a
two week training period which
ends Sunday.
Lt. Col. W. T. Wilkins, Battal
ion commander, announced the se
lection prior to a Battalion parade
last week. He said headquarters
company, which draws men from
College Station, Bryan, and near
by cities, as well as several stu
dents fiom A&M, scored highest
on its examinations and inspec
tions by Fourth Army inspectors.
Capt. Fowler B. Welch is com
mander of headquarters company.
birds from a breeding flock for ob
servation of clinical behavior, sero
logical response (for antibodies)
and for incubation of eggs to check
fm- possible egg transmission of the
disease. At least 500 poults from
these eggs will be raised in isola
tion as a further check on the egg
transmission theory.
For the open house program, Dr.
M. jjf 1 . Harrington, chancellor of the
A&M System, will welcome the
TTF group to the school. Dr. Del-
aplane will briefly outline the need
for ornithosis research.
A. B. Griffin, president of the
TTF, will speak on the industry’s
Ags Lead Scorers
In Marksmanship
A&M students wei’e among the
top scorers in rifle marksmanship
at the ROTC summer camp at Fort
Lee, Va.
The “Aggies’ Best Shot” title
went to Floyd Trim, who fired a
score of 190 out of a possible 210.
Second place went to Norman H.
Jacobson, who fired 181. Thomas
A. Collins and Tom Theriot tied
for third place with scores of 179.
Missing the top spots but quali
fying as experts were Webb L.
Conally, with a scoVe of 177; Hulen
W. Howell, with 177; George T.
Stevens, 175 ^ Dan Cleyeland, 174;
and Rankin N. McBryde, 171.
Five cadets from A&M will be
commissioned second lieutenants in
the Army Reserves at the closing
ceremonies Aug. 5. They are Eu
gene C. Faltin, John R. Kubitz,
Theriot, Cleveland and Trim.
interest in this research, and Dr.
R. D. Lewis, director of the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station,
will respond, outlining the part
played by industry in helping make
the research facilities available.
Various phases of the turkey in
dustry in the state contributed
$10,000 toward the lab’s develop
ment; the rest came from state
Dr. W. W. Armistead, dean of
the Veterinary Medicine School,
will serve as chairman for the
Special guests expected for the
open house ceermony include Dr.
Morris Pollard of the Department
of Preventive Medicine, Univei’sity
of Texas Medical Branch, Galves
ton; Dr. J. V. Irons and Dr. A. B.
Rich of the State Department of
Health, Division of Veterinary
Public Health, Austin; and Dr.
John Scruggs, U. S. Public Health
Service, Montgomery, Ala.
Rookie infielder Hector Lopez of
the Kansas City Athletics is a na
tive of Colon, Panama. Last sea
son he played for Ottawa in the
International League.
Iii a Sweat??
There’s no need to be
if you bring your
clothes to . . .
• Fast Service
• Expert Workmanship
• Use our Sub-station
If you are earning less than $400.00. per month
and want to earn that much or more, answer
this advertisement placed by an old well es
tablished firm in Bryan. Offer is made to men
who are willing to accept teaching, direction
and follow instruction. All replies held sthet-
ly confidential. Give name, age, etc. and mail
to Box No. 100, care of this paper.
that will be boosting the Texas A&M football team in
their game with UCLA. Best Wishes, Texas Aggie Band.
PHONE 2-1252
423 S. Main — Bryan
ongrcrluiotion Band
The store that serves l exas Aggies sends Best Wishes to the Band
that will serve to spread the fame of the Aggie Spirit in California next
Fall! Let’s all get on the bandwagon in the interests of a greater Texas
A&M College.
Exchange Store