The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 16, 1955, Image 4
Page 4 THE BAtTTALION Thursday, June 16, 1955 SPECIALS THUB.. P.M. — FBI. & SAT. — JUNE 18-17-18 Carnation Instant CHOCOLATE DRINK ^ 39c Carnation INSTANT MILK LT. 29c BE SURE HI REGISTER FOR THE 10 BEAUTIFUL LAMPS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE! AT ORR’S STORES—8 P.M. SAT. - JUNE 18 COFFEE FOLGERS POUND CAN 75 It’s Dad’s week at ORR’s . . . and we are offering this week a wide variety of Merchandise at Budget Prices in order to save Dad money. What finer gift can be offered that would be appreciated more than to show Dad how you saved his money by shopping at ORR’s . . . where you get MINIMUM PRICES and MAXIMUM QUALITY ALWAYS... CREAMERS POTATO CHIPS 25c Size Special— Gifts for Father’s Day Evaporated CARNATION MILKS" 10c EVERSHARP Hudro-maqic M SCHICK INJECTOR J RAZOR Dromedary 4 Oz. Can Supreme Club—16 Oz. 3 Little Kittens PIMIENTOES RITZ CRACKERS CRACKERS CAT FOOD DOG FOOD Friskies BARBECUE FLUFFO CRISCO Shortening Golden Shortening J Igtev-; Patio Brand—303 Can Old Spice—$1.00 Size SHAVE LOTION 89c ★ TWIN STAR OFFER * Both 47c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE 59c DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSH 69 c Beautiful Hand Painted WROUGHT IRON LAMP Genuine Brass Finish Base and Key With Purchase of $5.00 Reg. $3.98 Valuel $ 89 2 25 "Dei Monte - Sate - CREAM STYL^ GOLDEN CORN 303 cans FRUIT COCKTAIL _ EARLY GARDEN PEAS CALIFORNIA SPINACH PINEAPPLE TOMATO SAUCE PINEAPPLE JUICE ‘‘For Barbecue” .... Rath’s Lean Meaty SPARERIBS l. 35c U. S. Baby Beef ROUND STEAK u, 69c HAMBURGER 29c 3 “, 85c, LAMB SHOULDER ST" ll 43c BACON Rath’s Sunvale .. „ _ Lb. 37c CATFISH STEAKS Fresh Pound 79c CANADIAN BACON s A ~! Lb 89c Sliced or Crushed — No. 2 Can. 2 Cans 49C 2c 3 a 0 „ 3 s35c 2 Cans 25C 25c 23c GRIDlii MEDIUM BUDGET ► Buff ) Cans 12 Oz. 3 12 Oz. eyrj Cans 4 ^ SWEET JUICY CALIF. PEACHES 15c POUND Mexican Sugar Loaf Each ★ TWO CONVENIENT"LOCATIONS SUPER i ;(; MARKETS FRESH SQUASH Yellow Baby 3 ii*s 10 I BEST IN BRYAN 200 E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE