The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1955, Image 3

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    May 30 - 31, June 1
Friday, May 20, 1955
Page 3
Aggies To Meet Arizona
In Bryan for District Title
Battalion Sports Editor
A&M’s baseball team will be on familiar ground when it
meets the University of Arizona in Bryan May 30-31 and
June 1 for the District 6 NCAA ♦championship.
“I like it. It’s definitely to our advantage,” said Coach
Beau Bell. “We experienced some difficulty with the high
altitude at Tucson in 1951, and I think they should have some
trouble here.”
The best-of-three series will 4-
be played at night at Bryan’s
Travis park. Kyle field is not
equipped with lights.
vious meetings with Southwest
conference representatives.
A&M clipped Arizona 5-4 and
14-2 in 1951 to take the three game
“I understand Arizona has
some good hitters on its teams,”
sa^d Bell, “but I don’t think that
ball will go as far down here, and
I think our pitchers can slow them
down too.”
^he power-laden Arizona nine
has an impressive 37-5 season rec
ord, but hasn’t won in three pre
set with the Wildcats. The Cadets
ranked fifth nationally that year.
The Associated Press said Jeri
Morgan, daughter of Dell Morgan,
Rice baseball coach and chairman
of the committee to name the Dis
trict 6 representative, called the
coin flip correctly yesterday by
Dr. Emil L. Larson, commission
er of the Border conference, made
the flip in Tucson. Morgan’s
daughter called heads, and heads it
The Aggies received another lift
today when Joe Hardgrove, ace
lefthander and leading SWC hurl-
er, announced that his arm would
be in good shape for the Arizona
“My arm feels all right, and
I’ll be ready to go against Arizo
na,” he said.
Arizona has three top-flight
pitchers with fine records over sea
son play in Don Lee, Carl Thomas
and Benny Rincon. Lee sports a
9-2 won-lost record, Thomas 7-0,
and Rincon 8-2. All are juniors,
and righthanders.
- Battalion Classifieds -
One day per word
Two days 3^ per word
Three days Third day Free
Four days per word
Five days 6^ per word
Ten day...... .11^ per word
Minimum charge—30f
5 p.m. day before publication
Classified Display
79£ per column inch
each insertion
PHONE 4-5324
For Sale
Thor wringer type washing ma
chine. Metal ironing board. Both
for $30.00. T. R. Fassig, C-16-Y
College View. 116t5
(2) Burroughs electric bookkeep
ing machines with stands; (1) Bui’-
roughs electric bank posting ma
chine; (1) Burroughs electric 11-
column adding machine with stand;
(1) Burroughs 11-column hand op
erated adding machine; (1) Bur
roughs 9-column hand operated ad
ding machine with stand; (1) Bur
roughs calculating machine; (1)
Monroe calculator; (2) Line-A-
Time copy holders; (2) Error-No
copy holders. Sealed bids will be
received in the Office of the Busi
ness Manager, College Adminis
tration Building until 10:30 a.m.,
June 6, 1955. The right is re
served to reject any and all bids
and to waive any and all techni
calities. Address Business Manag
er, A. and M. College of Texas,
College Station, Texas, for further
information. 116t2
One J. C. Higgins Bicycle, good
condition. H. T. Pritchard, Jr.
D-7-Y College View. 115t2
Walnut finish desk, glass top—
32” x 46”. Drawers lock. Phone
6-5462. 115t4
1 Simmons couch (hide-a-bed),
4 floor lamps, 1 bookcase, 1 cedar
chest, 3 gas heaters, 1 platform
rocker, easy chair, 1 rug, 2 mir
rors, 2 night tables. 409 B. Taub-
er%t. (same street as College Sta
tion State Bank). 115t3
1954 Studebaker Land Cruiser
(V-8) RH and OD. Many extras.
Will take low down payment or old
model car or pick up in trade and
arrange long term financing at
i%% interest. Phone 4-4959 after
i p.m. 115t4
1949-Encyclopedia set, 30 vol
ume, 2 annuals, 2 dictionaries.
Americana Publication. See Loupot
One sofa, two over - stuffed
chairs, two end tables. A-12-A,
College View. .Phone 6-8401.
,3. How Christian Science Heals
WTAW (1150 kc.)
Tuesday 9:45 a.m.
Dr. Carlton R. Lee
SOSA East 26th
Call 2-1662 for Appointment
(Across from Court House)
•03 Old Sulphur Springs Road
Need Sportswear?
Sports shirts are a new line
with Lou. The price is right
for you.
Only $2.98
Trading Post
North Gate
For Sale
Will keep children for working
mothers. Call 4-7314, College
View. 116t5
Will do typing. Experienced typ
ist. Barbara Robertson. Phone
4-7314. 116tl0
Typing wanted to do in my home.
Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone
3532. lOOtf
Female Help Wanted
Medical Laboratory Technician
for Clinic work. Call Dr. D. W.
Andres. 4-9011. llOtf
Wanted to Buy
One pair senior boots 8-B or C.
Call 6-6204, 8 to 5, 4-8593 after 5.
In Chemistry Building, Wrist
Watch. Owner may claim by iden
tifying and paying for ad. Room
115, Chemistry Bldg. 116t3
Come by and see our
line of —
North Gate
TO US FOR . . .
Best “TUNE-UP”
In Town
Bruner ’44
28th & Main Phone 2-1218
Wardrobe trunk excellent condi
tion very reasonable. Call 4-7782.
Fat calves, half or whole. Pro
cessed for your deep-freeze. Phone
S-5802. Illt8
Juniors: Senior Uniform com
plete, excellent condition, cheap.
Law 2-C. 109t8
One Schaeffer, life time foun
tain pen, brown plastic bottom, sil
ver metal top on May 11 around
the chemistry Building or the Col
lege Administration Building. Re
ward. Call A. F. Isbell, 4-5514.
Qualified housekeeper and baby
sitter with reference. Call 4-9652
before 5 p.m. or see at D-9-X Col
lege View after 5 p.m.
Young lady desires ride to base
by 6 a.m. with someone in College
vicinity. Call 6-4788. Will pay.
Would like to contact someone
who will be vacating house or
apartment about Sept. 1. Please
see or write John Montgomery, 501
Thompson, College. 113t4
Help Wanted
Engineer, Contact Station WT
AW. 114tf
Students: Board your dogs at
(Special low monthly rates. The Ba
yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south
of College. 6-4121. 75tf
Work Wanted
For Rent
Newly redecorated, furnished or
unfurnished apartment, North Gate
Area. Phone 4-4804. 116t3
Nicely furnished two bedroom
apartment at 201 A Church. Phone
4-8709. 115t3
One-way trailers for rent for
any place in U.S.—Get it here,
leave it at destination. Also local
trailers. Complete line of Fire
stone tires. Tire recapping and
repairing. Baker Tire Co. Phone
2-8159. 112t8
Two bedroom furnished house.
College Hills. Phone 6-1349.
Large Coo} bedroom. Phone
4-8031. 106tf
Cool one bedroom redecorated
apartment in College Hills. Nicely
furnished—summer rate — Call at
707 Enfield or phone 4-7666 be
tween 12 and 2 p.m. 102tf
A wonderful place to buy or sell
Battalion classified ads. Cal]
i-5324 for prompt courteous serv
Special Notice
Quick repair service on all small
household electrical appliances.
Lee’s Electric Service, 2219 South
College. 114t8
$100.00 REWARD
No questions asked for return of
Leica & Bolsey Cameras and Bin
oculars taken from the Blue Chry
sler on Mother’s Day. Call collect
Lisle Wayne, Hillcrest 34584 or
Hillcrest 34375, Victoria, Texas.
167 lb. Comp, shingles $4.95 sq.
90 lb. Roll Siding .95 Sq.
14 ” Celotex Plankboard-.—OS 1 /^ ft.
3%”. F. M. Butt Hinges .60 pr.
Assorted used lumber $4.50 Hd.
Used doors and windows.—$1.00 up
Used sheet Iron $5.00 sq.
Bargain Paint and Builders Hard
ware Rental equipment and hand
917 South Washington
Phone 3-3883 96tf
Official notices must be brought, mailed,
or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office
of Student Publications <207 Goodwin,
4-5324, hours S - 12, 1-5, daily Monday
through Friday) at or before the deadline
of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica
All graduating seniors who are making
plans to continue with a graduate pro
gram of training, beginning with the 1955
Summer Session or the Fall Semester of
1955, should contact Mrs. C. C. Stevends
or me in the Registrar’s offibe without de
lay. Authorization to continue as a grad
uate student should the cleared in advance
of registration for the convenience of all
H. Li. Heaton
Registrar 116t5
All Range and Forestry students with a
grade point average 1.5 or better are el
igible for the Texas section American So
ciety of Range Management Student
awards for 1955. For further information
on this award contact Dr. G. W. Thomas.
R & F Dept, prior to leaving school this
Dr. G. W. Thomas 115t4
(3 J^I° r
<3 looking* at
automatic washer
3800 Texas Ave. pft. 4-8333
State Senate M ay Look
Into SWC Recruiting
Sen. William Moore of Bryan,
who introduced a resolution to
make A&M coeducational two years
ago, dropped another possible
bomb-shell into the State Senate
yesterday, calling for further in
vestigation into Southwest confer
ence recruiting.
“We didn’t inspire the action,”
said Chris Groneman, chairman of
Aggie, Arizona
the Athletic council. “All I know
is what I’ve read about it.”
President David H. Morgan and
Athletic Director Paul Bryant had
no statement to make when con
tacted last night.
According to Associated Press
reports, the resolution asking for
the investigation was introduced
in the Senate yesterday, but was
shoved into committee, where its
fate appeared uncertain.
Sen. Moore, an A&M ex-student,
introduced the measure, and de
clared A&M should not have been
placed on 2-year probation by con
ference officials for recruiting
Aggie coaching staff as well as
ex-students. Bryant earlier had
placed the blame on “over-enthu
siastic” alumni.
Sen. Crawford Martin of Hills-
boro } opponent of Moore’s resolu
tion, asked what authority the
Texas Senate would have over in
vestigating out-of-state Arkansas,
one of the conference members.
“Well, I think we ought to kick
Arkansas out of the conference
anyway,” responded Moore.
The Senate first voted 15-14, to
take up consideration of the meas
ure immediately but reversed it
self later by an 18-13 vote and sent
Wedding Ring 75.00
For Season
9 Arizona Frosh 3
12. . . . Daro-Aero Tech 3
T... . Sul Ross 4
23.. . . Sul Ross 1
11.. ..Camp Pendleton 5
7. . . .Camp Pendleton 6
15. . . .Pepperdine college 12
14.. . . Utah 2
3. . . .Utah . * 2
13. . . .Utah 6
13. . . .Utah 4
5. . . .Utah . . 4
8 . . . . Wyoming 4
5.. .. Wyoming 15
9.. ..Wyoming 0
29. . . .New Mexico A&M 3
11.. . . New Mexico A&M .... 0
6 . . . . Iowa 5
27 ... . Iowa 7
3 . . . . Iowa . 2
1.. . . Iowa 6
17 ... . Iowa 18
4 . . . . Iowa 1
7. . . . Pepperdine college .... 5
2. . . .UCLA 9
2.. . .Fresno State 4
6 .... Fresno State 2
7.. . .College of Pacific 4
13.. .. College of Pacific 4
25. . . .Davis Monthan AFB ... 3
8. . . .Arizona State 3
4. . . . Arizona State 0
2 . . . . Davis Monthan AFB ... 1
18.. .. San Diego NTC 0
5. . . . San Diego NTC 6
8. . . .San Diego NTC 2
5. . . .San Diego N. Air Sta. . . 4
7. . . .San Diego NAS 0
12.. ..5.n Diego NAS 4
4. . . .Arizona State 1
5. . . .Arizona State 0
9 . . . . Davis Monthan AFB ... 2
Season record, 37-5; Collegiate record 25-4.
3 . . . . Sam Houston State .... 9
T ... . University of Houston . . O
3 . . . . Sam Houston State .... 1
6. . . . Texas Lutheran 3
5. . . .New Orleans Pelicans . . 3
3. . . .University of Houston . . 2
0. . . .New Orleans Pelicans. . . 4
T ... . Rice 5
10. . . .T C U 9
4 . . . . Baylor 2
6. . . . Sul Ross 7
4 . . . . Sul Ross 1
13 ....Texas 1
5. . . .Texas ... (13 innings. . . 7
2 . . . . Baylor 13
12 ... . Baylor 4
4.. .. S M U 1
3 . . . .S M U . . (11 innings) . . 2
9 .... T C U 6
7.. .. T C U 6’
11.. . . Rice 4
5.. . .Rice ....(7 innings)... 2
4 .... S M U ..(11 innings).. 3
7. . . . Texas 4
(Season record, 19-5; SWC record, 13-2)
practices he claimed have been used
by all conference schools for 15
The action, severest in confer
ence history, was taken for alleged
violation of rules regarding re
cruiting of high school football
A&M was made ineligible to par
ticipate in any postseason football
games and the school’s letters of
intent were cancelled. The letters
are commitments by high school
players to attend a certain school.
Moore told the Senate the action
was a result of “jealousy” because
it appeared A&M was about to get
a winning football team.
Opponents claimed such an in
vestigation was not the business of
the Senate but of the Southwest
conference. They said such action
would bring disrepute throughout
the nation on the conference and
on all Southwest conference
Conference officials said yester
day the violations were by the
A&M Softballers
Play Bryan Stars
A&M’s softball team plays its
final game of the season against
the Bryan All Stars Monday
night at 7:30 on the Aggie dia
Although the Cadets didn’t
fare too well in the recent South
west conference tournament, they
thumped defending champion
Trinity University in the opening
game, 3-2.
it to the State Affairs committee
for study.
Morgan said yesterday, “I have
checked thoroughly into the actions
taken by our Athletic council and
athletic director.” Morgan said the
check was to prevent “any possi
ble violations on our part of South
west conference regulations.” He
said he was convinced no such vio
lations could occur in the future.
diamond is yours In every
Keepsake engagement ring
. . . The most wanted gift
of all.
111 N. Main Bryan
Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations
At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate
We want your used books — whether reused here
or not — and are prepared to pay the best price
“Serving Texas Aggies” \
Punch-line to the years hottest power story-
Chevrolet "Turbo-Fire V8”!
This is the engine that’s writing a
whole new chapter in the book of
automobile performance records. This
is the engine that has stock car timers
doing a “double take” at their stop
watches wherever experts gather to
compare the abilities of the 1955 cars.
For example, in the recent NASCAR *
stock car competition at Daytona
Beach, Florida, Chevrolet literally ran
away from every other car in its class
—and a raft of others besides. In the
one-mile straightaway run for low-
priced cars, the first two places—and
six of the first ten—went to Chev-
rolets. And in acceleration runs from a
standing start against all comers,
the Motoramic Chevrolet beat all other
low-priced cars—and every high-priced
car except one!
What’s behind this blazing perform
ance? A compact honey of a V8 that
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valve-in-head engines can build. Chev
rolet’s new “Turbo-Fire V8”.
It puts a new kind of fun in your
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high-spirited horsepower—or if you're
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“Super Turbo-Fire V8” {optional at
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Pick the one you’d rather have fun
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