The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1955, Image 2
I Battalion Editorials Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1955 Wrong Track The budding - “over-enthusiasm*’ of form er students has invaded the stately halls of the capitol at Austin. The Texas senator, an Aggie-ex, yester day told the Senate that the other Southwest conference schools were jealous because A&M He probably is right, but it would be quite wrong for the Senate to investigate the conference officials’ ruling. These officials made the action, and they’re the ones to correct their mistakes— appeared to be getting a good football team, not the Texas Senate. Opportunity Lost The outgoing Student Senate set a poor example for next year’s senators at their final meeting last night. Personal remarks, no doubt hastily in jected and duly apoligized for later, smirch ed a good chance for the newcomers to get a good look at how they will be expected to carry on. With all of the fine work the Senate had done this year, it was a shame that a senator had to say at this last meeting, “This is the first meeting I’ve attended that really dis gusted me.” Cadet Slouch ... by James Earle mev! vo' i-o TUiCcr v &ip I WAe pigutim' iu Adstim' TUEG-DAV/ I AIN’T NO TEA-SIP! 1 T1400GI4T VOU WASf j- AS ALWAYS Something NEW at Lou’s Crepe Soled SHOES $3.98 If you can wear them out this summer, LOU will GIVE you a new pari this fall. LOUPOT’S Trading Post Trading Post Notice To Bidders SALE OF CAMPUS COTTAGE Sealed proposals for the pur chase and removal of one six- room cottage and out-house lo cated on the Campus of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, will be re ceived at the Office of the Man ager of Physical Plant, Room 11, System Administration Building, College Station, Tex as, until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 24, 1955, and then public ly opened and read. Informa tion and proposal forms may be obtained from the Office of Physical Plant. The College re serves the right to waive any technicalities and to reject any or all bids. No Definite Plans Made On Press Move Exactly when the A & M Press will move has not yet been decided, according to J. Frank Tucker, manager of the Press. The new location is across the street from the col lege power plant. “All we know is that we are go ing to move. Just when it will be, we cannot yet say,” Tucker said. Easily handled equipment will be moved by press employees, he said. The heavy machinery will be moved by a moving agency, and the equipment will be moved over a period of time, rather than all at once. With this spread out moving, the press will not have to suspend all operations, and will be able to keep right on printing most of the time. No definite plans as to what will be done with the present quar ters of the press, in the basement of Goodwin hall, have been made, Tucker said. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday dur ing the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $7.00 per full year, or $1 00 per month Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas nnder the Act of Con- greas of March 8, 1870. Bember of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New Tork City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi- eation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all othei matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Publication Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Don Shepard - News Editor Welton Jones City Editor John Warner, Jim Neighbors, Dick Rabe.. Reporters Barry Hart Intramural Writer Mrs. Jo Ann Cocanougher Women’s Editor Maurice Olian A&M Consolidated Sports Correspondent Harri Baker, Jon Kinslow, Jerry Wizig Has-Beens Robert Bonne, Stanley Holcomb, Charles Ritchey, Romeo Chapa, Joe Zamanek : Advertising Salesmen Tom Syler Circulation Manager Russell Reed, Kenneth Livihgstdn, Kenneth George, Tony Goodwin, Giro Lampassas Circulation Staff S. L. Harris BSU To Sponsor Witnessing Clinic The Baptist Student union will sponsor a clinic on Christian wit nessing this weekend. Rev. S. L. Harris, BSU director at Sam Houston State Teachers college, will be the principal speak er. Clinic sessions are scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, and from 7 a.m. un til 1 p.m. Saturday. NEW MARLIN 322 High Velocity 222 Super - Accuracy of Micro - Groove Rifling Acclaimed by America’s foremost Gun Editors as the most accurate 222 ever made. SEE THIS FAMOUS 222 AT HILLCREST HARDWARE ‘Night of Music’ At CHS Friday The fourth annual “Night of Music” will be held tonight at the A&M Consolidated high school auditorium, featuring the high school band and chorus. No admission will be charged foi- the program, which starts at 8 p.m. The program will be directed by Robert L. Boone, music director at Consolidated. The chorus will sing “Begin the Beguine,” “Bali Ha’i,” “Summer time,” “O, What a Beautiful Morn ing,” “Mother Goose Suite,” and “Herman the Violinist.” The band will play “Mambo Band,” “Slaughter on Tenth Ave nue,” “Porgy and Bess,” “In the Mood,” “Onward Christian Sold iers,” and selections from Jerome Kern. I* orive-in v7**%™ EATRt UNDER 12 Yt ARS" NOW SHOWING “MANY RIVERS TO CROSS’’ Robert Taylor — Eleanor Parker “VALLEY OF THE KINGS” Robert Taylor — Eleanor Parker — SATURDAY ONLY — “THE NEBRASKAN” Phil Carey “DESTINATION GOBI” Richard Widmark MSC To Sponsor Spanish Dancers Inesita and her company of Span ish dancers will appear June 14 as a part of the Memorial Student Center film society’s summer pro gram. i Inesita has gained international recognition on a level with the greatest of Spain’s dancers. She has appeared in such capitals as Mexico City, Paris and Madrid. She will appear in the Paramount production of “Here Come the Girls” starring Bob Hope, in which she is featured in a flamenco dance. At The New . . . AGGIELAND MINIATURE GOLF COURSE ACCURACY COUNTS MORE THAN DISTANCE A Prize for the Lowest Score—Every Week Fun for the Kids . . . and Fun for YOU! Located on EHLINGER STREET Two streets south of Texan Drive-Inn OPEN MON. thru SAT. From 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. THRU SATURDAY 91iP»iRl8 Xi i""- AGGIES NEED IT NOW — LOU HAS IT NOW Regulation Government Issued Clothing SALE Loupot’s Trading Post SALE North Gate PALACE Bryan Z'SS79 FRIDAY PREVUE 11 P.M. CIRCLE TODAY “FIRE OYER AFRICA” Maureen O’Hara — ALSO — “STRANGER WORE A GUN” Randolph Scott SATURDAY ONLY •U32A Treasure of the Golden Condor CORNEL WILDE • CONSTANCE SMITH — Also— JOHN SMITH I v* POCAHONTAS] 1 -MmcoiOfl In the wonder of Hith fidelity SURCOPHONIC SOUND TODAY thru MONDAY ★ SENIORSASENIORS ★ Contracted R.O.T.C. seniors gradua ting in May are eligible to buy New 1955 Chevrolet cars with no down payment and 30 months to pay. DELIVERY BEFORE GRADUATION — See — CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. For Full Details CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. Bryan LAST DAY WARNER BROS . ror'-ruf JACK WEBB as SGT. JOE FRIDAY in the first feature-length production of wmm { WarnerGolor BEN ALEXANDER as Officer Frank Sir fliCHARD BOONE ANN ROBINSON A VII LIU.PROOUCIION RICHARD L.BREEN J VII LUraraoN^p^ sjanih I.™—-JACK WEBB WARNER UROS SATURDAY Color by DE LUXE • In the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND SAT. PREVUE 11 P.M. Abbott & Costello “Meet the Keystone Kops” QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE PANORAMIC PRODUCTIONS presents VAN JOHNSON-JOANNE DRU | Released by I 20th Century-Fox | AT RED RIVER TECHNICOLOR PREVUE SAT. — 10:30 P.M. Sunday and Monday High Society” and African Adventure DIXIE SATURDAY & SUNDAY “Rome, 11 O’clock” GINGER ROGERS VAN HEFLIN GENE TIERNEY GEORGE RAFT IBliACIfl WIDOW m More For Your Books at Shaffer’s NORTH GATE ABNER By A1 Capp /I THEM LADIES SASHAVED INTO TH' POWDER ROOM, AN'LEFT ME. WIFTH' CHECK. NO GENNULMAN WOULl OF DONE THET"'-ALL > AH GOT LEFT IS TEN DOLLAHS.V-AH GOTTA PLAN WISELY"'- AH WON’T EAT NO MORE.’?’ > THASS A PUFFICK PLAN -'CEPT AH'M HONGRY.'r—??- a P£AN OT/7'" STEALING PEANUTS FROM HELPLESS SQUIRRELS.’?' THERE'S A TEkl-DOLLAR FINE, FOR THAT"' Copr. 1955 by United Feature Syndicate. Inc- P O G O By Walt Kelly LOOKM£ /N THE HY£ AN'S/C/ ^ 77/AT. r I LOOK YSU g&fPMPl: in •the <QiRB 'vU MO 1 REPEAT'. FA€TGT IJPSE DJXITf FfttEWPS.' HENOLP MY EES TEAM. ] YOU HE-AJEt? MIM ' J/JPPO EATSO" T/PSy EJ/XJE f ‘ A INSULT TO THE COMMONWEALTH,! A PeeP PE. YEONAL WCX/NPf OH, HOW I lONGrTOTEAK INTO- mir peieNPs? eie,yai pile / BLASPHEMY UPON BUNCOMBE! BBPOPg MY APHgJ?ENTS , /if5€ , y pyES, you FRIENDS? FRIENDS? A THEY TOOK THEIR 1 YEW EYES ffFF+H0ME![ orr^WniSmm I WA6 J U£T A GOATS <yV*Am WAPMlN’UPr ^ WTE£~YEE. r PRAMA Hl&ToeV LAY AHEAP, coot %25< THEY V£ LEFT TO EYE A GIVEAWAY ruL of mum ^ Aaa^TON^ ^ WZTWASH ( OEATE/PTO .V BOISE'*! ~y