Wednesday, April 20, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 3 News of the World By The ASSOCIATED PRESS LONlDON—The government yes terday slightly eased the tax load that Britons bear, cutting income tax rates barely a month before the general election. Supporters of Prime Minister Eden’s Conser vative government roared their ap proval when the chancellor of ex chequer, R. A. Butler, presented his budget to the House of Com mons. '*'*'*' WASHINGTON—Secretary of State Dulles was reported yes terday as uncertain whether a big buildup of Chinese Red air- power opposite Formosa is of recent origin. Sen. George (D- Ga) said Dulles told the Senate Foreign Relations committee it may be simply that the United States is getting better informa tion on Communist activity along the China coast. ★ ★ ★ AUSTIN — The house approved 133-3 a proposed constitutional change increasing the amount of benefits a school teacher or college professor may receive under the state retirement program. Already passed by the senate, the measure now goes back to the senate for an amendment putting the plan on the ballot of the general election in November, 1956. ★ ★ ★ BANDUNG, Indonesia — P r e- mier Chou En-lai of Red China told Asian and African leaders yesterday the danger of war is increasing in both East and West. He accused the United States of continuing “to create tension in the Taiwan-Formosa area” and trying to overthrow the Peiping regime. i* i* NEW Y O R K—Soviet Defense Minister Georgi Zhukov has sent his best wishes to President Eisen hower and said he felt sure the President “will do his best to pro mote in practice the cause of peace.” The greetings were con tained in a letter to the Overseas Press Club of America on the occa sion of the club’s annual dinner last night. i< it WASHINGTON — Sen. Hum phrey (D-Minn) quoted Secreta ry of State Dulles yesterday as testifying that the Yalta agree ments were “advantageous” to the United States. Asked wheth er Dulles used that precise word, in an appearance before the Sen ate Foreign Relations committee behind closed doors, Humphrey said he used one of these three words: Beneficial, advantageous or helpful. Social Whirl Wednesday The Newcomers luncheon and style show will be at 1 p.m. at The Oaks in Bryan. The Veterinary Senior Wives club will meet at 8 p.m. in the south solarium of the YMCA. Thursday The Aggie Wives Bridge club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Me morial Student Center. RETIRING ALARM CLOCK CROSSVILLE, Tenn.—(A>)—Dew ey Holman is about to retire from his shoe shop and start sleeping late in the morning. When he does, a lot of folks may be late for work. For 15 years, Holman has been roaring out a big, time-to-get-up warwhoop at 7 o’clock each work ing morning. He doesn’t know just how he started his window-rattling vocal exercise but he’s come to look upon as something of a civic obli gation. When he was sick once, several persons complained they overslept. The Harmonettes To Sing Here Thursday MSC To Present Singers From Odessa High School BUSHY FACES—All those bushy-faced civilian students around here are looking for these two girls, Jane and Joan Ryba. The girls, twin cheerleaders for Rice institute, will be two of the judges for the beard-growing contest during Civilian weekend, May 13. That’s Jane on the left and Joan on the right, or vice versa. It doesn’t make much difference. LOU GETS BEST PRICES OF THREE HOUSES Longs College Book Co. Barnes & Noble Alabama Book Store YOU CAN TOO! Trade Your Books at L O U P O T ’ S Reclaim for Same Price in 30 Days Hightower Elected Donald E. Hightower of Mont Belvieu has been .elected president of the student honor society of the electrical engineering department. Charlie F. Jack of Grand Saline was named vice-president and J. R. Harris of Wichita Falls, treas urer. Pancake Fiesta Ticket Sellers Get Awards Prizes for the best ticket salesmen for the pancake sup per held at the Bryan country club were distributed at the Tuesday luncheon of the Col lege Station Kiwanis club in the Memorial Student Center. The first prize of a Zippo lighter with the Kiwanis emblem was awarded to R. B. Shrode. E. E. Ivy received second prize of a jacknife worth $3.50 donated by Loupot’s trading post. Third prize was a Kiwanis tie clasp awarded to J. B. Longley. Identical fourth and fifth prizes of a copy of the Kiwanis book, “The Widening Path,” were given to W. F. Krueger and Isaac Peters The sixth prize of a free child’s haircut went to C. L. Godfrey. Shrode, who was chairman of the ticket committee, reported that more than 2,500 tickets were sold, but that complete figures would not be ready for several days until all of the tickets are in. The mon ey from the project, which was co sponsored by the College Station and Bryan Kiwanis clubs, will be used for local crippled children’s Work. The Odessa high school aca- pella choir will sing here Thurs day night, sponsored by the Me morial Student Center Music group. The program will be at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC main lounge. Featured with the choir will be the Harmonettes, a gjrld quartet. Members of the quartet are Bever ly Ricknell, Roylene Latch, Vir ginia McCord and Lois Latch. They will sing popular music in barber shop and close-harmony style. A male quartet, the Debonaires, will also present barbership selec tions, ^ popular music and Negro spirituals. The choir is directed by Robert L. Day, director of choral music at the high school. The 65-voice choir is currently on a five-day tour of Central and East Texas. Cities and towns included in the tour are A&M, Colorado City, Abi lene, Brownwood, Baylor univer sity, Hearne, Bryan and San Mar cos. The tour ends Saturday. WHY FAY MORE NEW HUDSONS $1575.00 up Metropolitan Ramblers Wasp and Hornets Taylor Motor Co. 1301 Texas Ave. Ph. 3-3309 Bryan Look for the Spalding “Tennis Twins” Wherever Top Tennis Is Played There are good reasons why Spalding’s tennis twins are used in more major tennis tournaments than all other tennis balls combined. Top players want a tennis ball that can take rough treatment .. . and give uniform performance set after set. They pick the Spalding and the Spalding-made Wright & Ditson over all others for uniform wear and better bounce qualities. Put the best ball in play for your best game. The pick of top tennis men . . . Spalding’s famous tennis twins. Your dealer has them now. Spalding SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS Worcester, Mass, boasts it has 700 manufacturing concerns, 283 oi! them started since World War II. At yesterday’s meeting a film, “The Sinews of Service,” which de picted the objectives of Kiwanis club was shown. The movie pre sented, the Kiwanis aims, and was an urge for all Kiwanis clubs to make greater achievements in 1955, the fortieth anniversary of Kiwanis. NOW IS THE TIME LET US PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER DRIVING —Come in Today or Call 6-9177 For Pick-up and Delivery— • Clean & Repack Front Wheel Bearings • Replace Oil Filter Element ® Drain & Refill Standard Transmission & Rear End • Change Oil & Lubricate • Clean & Refill Air Cleaner • Drain & Flush Cooling System • Replace Worn-out Muffler & Tail Pipes We Do Polishing and Waxing TRY A TANKFUL OF NEW CLEAN BURNING NO-NOX GAS Glenn Chandler’s Gulf Service 300 Jersey St. Southside Phone 6-9177 “Everything for Your Car” THE ORIGINAL BLUE JEANS LEVI’S, the first cowboy jeans are still the best cowboy jeans. After more than a century on one of the world’s toughest jobs, LEVI’S are still the cowboys' first choice. No other overall gives him the slim, trim fit of LEVfS. No other overall gives him the long, rugged wear of LEVI’S. For only LEVI’S are cut from the heaviest denim loomed—reinforced at all strain points with real Copper Rivets—stitched so strongly you get a new pair FREE if they rip! When you buy blue jeans, don’t be fooled by imitations — get the original —the real thing. Get LEVI’S! LOOK FOR the Red Tab on the back pocket. LOOK FOR the Two Horse Brand leather label. LOOK FOR the oilcloth ticket. AMERICA’S FINEST OVERALL since 1850 ® The name LEVI’S (s registered in the U. S. Patent Office and de notes overalls and other garments made only by Levi Strauss & Co., 98 Battery St., San Francisco.