\ I Png’e 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 30, 1955 ME Wives Club Hears Guest Beautician Talk Mrs. Eunice Graham of Acacia Beauty studio, was guest speaker at the last meeting of the Mechanical Engineering Wives club. She gave a demonstration on the use of cosmetics. The meeting was called to order by Joyce Crixwell, president. The club voted to hold a square dance for an April social. A cake-bake will be held some time soon, with members of the club furnishing cookies, candy, pies or cakes. Members of the club who were not present at the meet ing will be contacted about the pastries. The club also voted to hold a lawn supper May 14, for gradua ting seniors’ wives. The supper will be a covered dish affair at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gaddis. Both husbands and wives are invited. Dr. L. P. Thompson of the me chanical engineering department, will speak at the next regular meeting, April 4. Socia l Wh irl Wednesday The Civil Engineering Wives club will meet at 8 p.m. in the so cial room of the Memorial Stu dent Center. This will be a busi ness and social meeting. Hostesses are Mesdames Dorothy Staehs, Joan Miller and Janie Groves. TEXAS GAL—The only U. S. woman bullfighter who places tier own banderillos, Patricia Hayes, who is also one of the few U. S. women bullfighters, shows good form in the ring at Cuidad Acuna, Mexico. Miss Hayes, who is from San Angelo, is in her second year in the bull ring. Chamber of Commerce Year’s Budget Is $2,050 Petroleum Wives Have Speaker J. R. Pedigo of the petroleum engineering department spoke to the Petroleum Engineering Wives club Monday night. The club met in the cabinet room of the YMCA with Mrs. Wanda Wieland as hostess. Mrs. Jessamy Tomlinson has been chosen to represent the club as a duchess for the Cotton Ball, it was announced. Members brought used toys to the meeting for the colored chil drens nursery. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD KATES One day 2^ per word Two days 3^ per word Three days Third day Free Four days 5d per word Five days 6^ per word Ten day 11^ per word Minimum charge—30^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 700 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale 1954 Austin Healey (100) 9000 miles. All extras. Victor Stock- bridge, 1000 E. 28th St. Phone 3-4546. 87t3 Joe Faulk Auto has pumps and Kits for your evaporative cooler. 214 N. Bryan, Bryan 83t7 Air Force Seniors—Lou has a complete Reg. Officers Uniform Summer Serge and Blues. Lou sells it for less than half price. LOUPOTS—North Gate. 83tf (1) 1953 Ford Fordor Sedan, 6 cylinder. Sealed bids wall be re ceived in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 A. M., April 11, 1955. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to w y aive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager A & M College of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. 87t2 1952 Mustang Motorcycle. In very good condition, fully equipped. About 4,000 miles. Phone 4-9753. 87t3 Attention Pre Med and Vet Stu dents — Inspect our Microscopes, German, American and Japanese made. Complete with case. LOU POTS—North Gate. 83tf Two 80 x 145 foot lots, in re stricted area, first street behind A&M Elementary School on Anna. Inquire at 301 Timber, Ph. 6-6188. Found Pair of pink rim glasses. Phone 6-6598. 88t2 A wonderful place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 for prompt courteous serv ice. Work Wanted Experienced baby sitter — avail able either daytime or evenings. Phone 6-5356. 85t4 Pets EE Wives Elect Mrs. Newsome Mrs. Rose Marie Newsome was elected as the new y president of the recently formed Electrical Engi neering Wives club. Other officers of the club are Mrs. Nell Schockley, vice-pi*esident; Mrs. Eleanor Toombs, secretary; Mrs. Bernice Thompson, treasurer; Mis. Maurine Edwards, reporter; and Mrs. Tykie Heimer, social chairman. The club meets each second and fourth Monday during the month in the Memorial Student Center. Mrs. Silvio O. Navarro, San Sal vador, whose husband is a member of the EE department, spoke at the group’s meeting. The meeting- will be held Monday in room 2B of the MSC at 8 p.m. Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Wanted to Buy Set of weights, gett 73. Contact in Leg- 87t3 16 M M Movie Camera. 4-9221. Call 87t4 Special Notice COLLEGE STATION TILE CO. Beautiful and Unusual Domestic and Imported Tile. Satisfaction on wmrk guaranteed. 311 Church St. Phone 6-8068 Will Aggies that picked up the bracelet in Lipscomb’s Drug Store Friday evening please return it to room 322, Dorm 12. 87t3 KOSS DODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. College Station Called meeting Thursday, March 31. 7 p.m. Worlt in M M Degree. Members and visiting brethren cordially invited. L. P. (harry) Cobble, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. 88t2 OFFICIAL NOTICES Help Wanted Want a Summer Job ? Read Compton Encyclopedia ad in “Life” March 14. Call 6-2251 for inter view. 87t3 Male Help Wanted SALES MANAGER Immediate openings for sales managers under 45 to grow with the fastest growing direct sales or ganization of its kind. Car necessary but no ex tensive traveling. Salary and bonus arrangement enables qualified man to write their own pay check. Benefits include profit-sharing, Hospitali zation, group insurance and pension plan. Write me in confidence if you believe you are the man for the job. SID CARNEY, JR., 4 10 0 South 4th St., Brown- wood, Texas. Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, 4-5324, hours 8 - 12, 1-5, daily Monday- through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—.Manager. Graduating seniors are reminded that April 4, 1955 is the deadline for orders for graduation announcements and invitations. Until that date seniors may order these announcements in the Department of Stu dent Accivities, 2nd floor, Goodwin Hall. W. D. Hardesty, Bus. Mgr. Student Activities April 1st is the last day on which sen iors may place their orders for rings to be delivered before the ring dance. Please place your order before April 1st if you expect to have the ring for the ring dance. H. L. Heaton Registrar 84t6 All currently enrolled pre-veterinary med icine students who expect to qualify as ap plicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September, 1955. (hould file their application in the Regis trar’s Office not later than April 1. Forms to be used In making application Tor admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the Information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton Registrar 81t9 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTCRAI. St’PPI.IES • BLUE I.INF, PRINTS » Bl.CE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS ChE Wives Club Hears Dr. Lindsay Dr. J. D. Lindsay, head of the chemical engineering’ department, spoke to the Chemical Engineer ing Wives club, Monday on the “Chemical Engineering Profes sion.” Plans were made during the bus iness meeting for the club’s spring- picnic to be held April 23, Satur day, at Williams park. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Shirley Arnett, Mrs. Virginia Tomme and Mrs. Margaret Camp bell. Coffee and doughnuts wei’e served. The club’s next meeting will be April 25 in the YMCA. The presi dent for the 1955-56 year will be elected at this meeting. HIM,CREST HARDWARE Offers the Following HANDGUNS K-22 Masterpiece FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY K-38 Masterpiece 22-32 Kit-gun 357-S & W Magnum, 4 in. 357-S & W Magnum, 6 in. 38-S & W Military 38-44 Heavy Duty 44-S & W Special, 4 in. Colts Match Target Colt Woodsman Colt Challenger Colt Trooper 22 Colt Trooper 38 Colt Officers Match 38 Colt Officers Match 22 Colts Cobra, 32 & 38 Colts 357 Colts Super 38 Auto. Colts Super 45 Auto. Hi-Standard Sport King Hi-Standard Elite King Hi-Standard Dura-Matic Hi-Standard Field King Hi-Standard Super-Matic H & R 22’s Ruger 22 Autos. SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS Officers Elected For Social Club Mrs. J. J. Woolket was elected president of the College Women’s Social club at their regular meet ing Friday evening in the Memorial Student Center. Other officers elected were Mes dames William Martin, vice-presi dent; C. H. Groneman, general chairman; A. K. Sparks, secre tary; G. D. Hallmark, treasurer; A. C. Magee, parliamentarian; and W. L. Russell, reporter. Miss Penny Laverty was named to represent the club at the Cot ton Ball. E. M. Schiewetz, ’22, gave a demonstration speech on art. He was introduced by Mrs. Ralph L. Terry, MSC art director. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. C. C. Doak, chairman; and Mes dames Martin, Jensen, Spence, Fouraker, J. S. Mogford, John Ash ton, R. E. Callender, J. H. Sor rels, Russell Couch ond W. E. Street. The 1955 budget for the College Station Development Association and Chamber of Commerce is $2,050 announced Carl E. Tishler, president. The budget breaks down as fol lows : Education $250 Recreation $250 Public Health $150 Publicity $100 Civic Improvement $100 Reserved for sidewalks .... $500 Car-negie library $100 Membership $ 50 Office Expense $ 50 Contingencies $200 Manager’s salary $300 This Year’s Officers Officers, besides Tishler, are Walter H. Delaplane, vice-presi dent; Mrs. C. C. Doak, secretary; and Nestor M. McGinnis, manager. The 1955 board of directors is composed of Mrs. Doak, Robert L. McCarty, John H. Pruitt, J. Wayne Stark and Tishler—all of whose terms end after this year; Gibb Gilchrist, Luther G. Jones, Mrs. Thomas W. Leland, Sidney L. Love less, and Delaplane—terms end aft er 1956. Elmer R. Alexander, Mrs. R. Donald Lewis, Walter S. Manning, Eric O. Siecke and Harold Sullivan — terms end after 1957. Ran Bos well, city manager; M. T. Harring ton, chancellor of the A&M sys tem; David H. Morgan, president of the college; and Lester S. Rich ardson, superintendent of Consoli dated schools, are ex-officio mem bers. Committee chairmen and their committees for this year are R. D. Lewis, agriculture; H. E. Burgess and H. A. Miller, business develop ment; Mrs. T. H. Swigert, church; R. P. White, city planning; Gil christ, Stark and Alexander, com munity development and long range planning; F. W. Hensel and H. L. Boyer, conferences; J. B. Baty, education; L. S. Paine, finance; Ei-nest Langford, inter-city; Mc Ginnis with vice-chairmen E. C. Garner, B. F. Liles and McCarty, membership; J. H. Sorrels, public health; D. D. Burchard, publicity; and F. G. Anderson and K. A. Man- Leading Disease Strept throat was the most pre valent disease in the Bryan-Col- lege Station area this past week with 20 cases reported. Other lead ing diseases were influenza with 19 cases and chickenpox with 14 cases reported. ning, recreation. Some of the Association’s activi ties last year were contributing to the College Station Recreation Council budget, contributing to A&M Consolidated high school’s program, and contributing to the Community Center kindergarten on highway 6 South. Also, sponsoring the “Welcoming committee” to newcomers to the city, assisting in the College Sta tion tuberculosis survey, sponsor ing the 1954 city-wide Christmas outside lighting competition, assist ing the Consolidated schools in their medical and dental examina tions. -V Plus, sponsoring the “Woman and Man of the Year” for College Station, contributing to the Blood- mobile fund while collecting blood on the campus, assisting in financ ing the Lincoln high school cham pionship football game, and an swering many letters of Inquiry about the community and the col lege. BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR . . . Best “TUNE-UP” In Town BRUNER BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Bruner ’44 28th & Main PHONE 2-1218 NEW ARRIVAL? Coll "Th« House Doctor" HB BUILDS — New Rooms, Porches, Cabinets. Roofs, Garages, sto. MB CONVERTS—Porches to Bedrooms, Dining Areas, Hobby Rooms, Break fast Nooks, sto. NO DOWN PAYMENT . DP TO Sfl MONTHS TO PAY -The House Doctor" tsJPrompt, Efficient, Available, Courteous, Economical MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. Wellborn Road Phone 4-4236 or 6-5211 For Easter A First Made for earh other Mayfield 4-Star Sport Coats and Slacks You know you’re well-dressed for every casual occasion when you choose Mayfield 4-Star Sportswear. Superbly tailored of rich, exclusive fabrics. There’s a wide assortment of colors and patterns that mix or match. Best of all, they’re moderately priced. Choose an entire season’s wardrobe now while selections are at their best. SPORT COATS — Lightweights — Pastel Colors Charcoal — Light Blues — Pinks — Whites $22.50 — $24.50 — $27.50 CONTRASTING SLACKS — $7.95 to $12.50 SPORT OXFORDS or LOAFERS—From British Walker Massagic — Fortune — $9.95 to $15.95 CLOTHIERS 212 North Main Bryan Why do more college men and women smoke - VICEROYS than any other I filter cigarette? BECAUSE ONLY VICEROY GIVES YOU A PURE, NON-MINERAL, NON-TOXIC FILTER WITH 20,000 FILTER TRAPS ( IN EVERY FILTER TIP! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action in any other cigarette. Besides being non-mineral and non-toxic, this cellu lose-acetate filter never shreds or crumbles. The Viceroy filter wasn’t just whipped up and rushed to market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for filtered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich, satisfying, yet pleasantly mild. Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn’t know, without looking, that it even had a filter tip . . . and Viceroys cost only a penny or two more than ciga rettes without filters! That’s why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette ... that’s why VICEROY is the largest-selling filter cigarette in the world! 20,000 TINY FILTER TRAPS. plus Richer, Smoother Flavor