The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1955, Image 5
* Thursday, March 24, 1955 THE BATTALION' Page 3 Injury Hex Strikes Tracksters Again--Connally Breaks Foot Track Coach Frank Anderson has never lost a dual meet to Rice, but the Owls have one of their best chances in years in Houston Saturday after the injury jinx hit another top Aggie trackman. Sophomore high jumper Fritzie Connally is out for the season af ter breaking a bone in his foot Tuesday in practice. Anderson said Connally was practicing, twisted*his foot and felt something pop. ! The break is at the back of Con- nally’s .deft foot, not his takeoff foot. Since his right foot takes most of the load, there is an out side chance he can compete in the conference meet May 13-14. In his 22 previous seasons as Ag gie track coach, Col. Andy’s track teams have never been beaten by Rice in a two-team meet. Last week, the Owls won eight first places at Kyle field to A&M’s six, though losing to the Cadets 84% to 60% in a triangular. LSU, which won two first places —in the low hurdles and javelin— won’t be at Houston. Connally won first in the high jump Saturday with a 6-3 leap, umi ODERN SIZE Enjoy the Best in Filtered Smoking! FILTER TIP TAREYTON with the Activated Charcoal Filter PRODUCT OF Regular $20 Value Single Vision GLASSES $950 COMPLETE WITH EXAMINATION Bifocal glasses $24 value for ........ 15.90 $2^ Bifocals 18.75 Through examination by registered specialist. Appointment not necessary * You can pay more but you can’t buy better glasses COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE KENT OPTICAL 506 Varisco Bldg. Bryan Thrifty families ,. M are 1 the Evaporative Cooler because it • costs less to buy costs less to f operate i • filters out ^ dust and pollen • keeps homes highland cool A quality product by the makers of the fa mous Dearborn Cool Safety Cabinet gas heater. FAN-TYPE 2,200 CFM Pay less to keep cool . . come in and see Dearborn Evaporative Coolers today! Only $59.95 PARKER ASTIN HARWARE CO. 108 N. Bryan St. Bryan after taking first at the Border Olympics and the Austin triangu lar meet with 6-3 % and 6-4. He also had a 6-4 at the Pan-Amer ican games warmpp in Houston. Anderson now has four men out who figured to be first place win ners. Bobby Gross was defending SWC champ in the shot and dis cus, but a knee injury sidelined him for the year. Bobby Robison, broadjumper, is still suffering from, a pulled leg muscle and will miss the Rice meet. Shotputter Harry Cox is recovering from a broken ankle suffered about two months ago. Connally had a good chance for the conference title in his event. Rice had three of its top men — Roy Thompson, James Pet ers and Dick Bowen—missing last week because of injuries. Harold Griffin, winner in the 100 and 220, was held out of the 440, his spe cialty. The hurdles duel between Aggie James Hollingsworth and Rice’s Wesley Hight promises to be one of the high spots of the meet. Hight turned in a 14.4 in the highs last week, fastest collegiate time in the nation until then, to edge Hollingsworth, who was timed in 14.5% yesterday in practice. Hight won the event at the Border Olym pics in 14.6. Winning time in the lows Sat urday was 24.3, set by LSU’s Harry Carpenter. Hollingsworth beat Hight for second Saturday and turned in a 24.2 yesterday. Another event due to draw at tention in Houston is the pole vault. Rice’s Stephen James and Aggie sophomore Winton Thomas both bettered their career highs here, James leaping 13-11, over the conference record, and Thomas going out at 13-8. James had an 11-10 at the Border meet. In AAU Gymnastics Meet Two Champs To Compete Fritzie Connally High Jumper Out for Season Weick Swims At TMCAA Meet Dick Weick and Coach Art Adamson are in Oxford, Ohio, today for the NCAA swim ming meet. Weick will com pete in the 200-yard indivi dual medley. W'eick, Norman Ufer and Dick Hunkier were to swim the medley relay, but Ufer sprained an ankle last week, so the team will not enter. « Weick is due to swim in his event tomorrow and Saturday, Adamson said. He set a re cord of 2:15.8 in the event dur ing the conference meet held here two weeks ago. Frank (Home Run) Baker led the American League in homers three times. In 1914 he hit eight to tie Sam Crawford for a fourth title. Bowlers To Meet Trinity in Houston The Aggie bowling team will meet Trinty university Sunday in the state American Bowling con gress tournament in Houston. A&M defeated Rice Sunday to boost the Cadet season record to four wins, one loss and one tie. Other matches scheduled are: April 2, Baylor in Waco; April 16, Rice in Houston; April 30, In tercollegiate tourney here with Trinity, San Antonio college, Rice, Baylor, Arkansas, University of Houston and Oklahoma A&M. Doug Krueger is high man for the Aggies this season with a 1T5 average. • Maurice Richard of the Mon treal Canadians scored both his 325th and 400th National Hockey League goals against A1 Rollins of Chicago. ENGINEERING SENIORS... North American Aviation Los Angeles will interview here March 25. 1955 Two national champions and more than 16 girls add lustre to seven teams competing in the Gulf AAU gymnastics championship meet in DeWare field house Sat urday. The meet is divided into two sessions, with the junior division events beginning at 1:30 p.m. and the senior at 7. Admission is 50 cents per session. Featured in the meet are Rob ert Elliott of the Maverick Boys club, senior men’s national AAU trampoline champion and Joe Tim Way of Nard’s Trampoline club, who ranked fifth in the nation last year. Tops in the women’s division is Barbara Galleher, an SMU coed who has been national AAU tumbl ing champion for the past three years. Her teammate on the Dal las Athletic club, Avis Tieber, holds second place national hon ors. Teams competing include Baton Rouge YMCA, Northwestern State College of Louisiana, University of Texas, Nard’s Trampoline club, Maverick Boys club of Amarillo, Crenshaw Athletic club and the Dallas Athletic club. “Northwestern is defending champion of the Gulf AAU meet COLLEGE STATION SATURDAY < MARCH 26 Lions Club Presents HAGEN BROS. CIRCUS — TWO BIG SHOWS — 3:30 — 7:30 P.M. DOORS OPEN 1 & 7 See the Feeding of the Animals at 10 A.M. in the Show Grounds«. North Gate Traffic Circle In College Station and looks strongest again this 1 A&M lost 10 men off last yegr’s year,” said Nick Ponthieux. one ! team, and has only two returning of two A&M gym team coaches. ’ lettermen. By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George VI, Yardley & Co., Ud., London Yardley brings you months and months of shaving luxury London style From London, the world’s center of fashions for men, come? the Yardley Shaving Bowl. This distinguished soap — iim ported from England and packaged in America — should give you up to six months of shaving luxury. The rich lather wilts the beard, soothes the face and softens the skin in wondrous fashion. At your campus store, $1.25. Makers and ^ distributors for U. S. A., Yardley of London, Inc., New York* - GROCERIES - m - GROCERIES - Libbys Golden Cream CORN . . . 2 303 cans 2 303 cans 46-oz can 2 303 cans 2 303 cans pound can 1 lb. pkge. - FROZEN FOOD ^ ' Armours Star 29c CHILI WITH BEANS Libbys—1 & 2 Sieve—Small GREEN PEAS . . Libbys TOMATO JUICE Musselmans APPLE SAUCE Kimbells—Red Sour PIE CHERRIES . . Folgers—Mountain Grown COFFEE Bordo PITTED DATES . . can 25c 2 no- 2 cans 35c A; Van Camps 49c PORK & BEANS P Tea Garden 25c ■ APPLE JUICE . . . qt. Lottie 29c Star Kist—Blue Label 35c SOLID PACK TUNA 7 cz. can 39c Gold Standard 45c i CHUM SALMON . . Tall can 41c U fell Palm Brand 89cJ AMERICAN SARDINES 3 cans 25c ip 33c [CRISCO 3 lb. can 79c - MARKET - Pictsweet Deckers—Tall Kcm Butter Beans — Broccoli Cuts SLICED BACON • • . . lb. 44c Green Peas — Peas & Carrots Cut Corn — Chopped Spinach I! TTr , _ 2 Pkges. 35c PORK SAUSAGE . . 1 lb. roll 33c Pictsweet |[ Armours Orange Juice — Lemonade Sfl ALL-MEAT FRANKS , • • 2 cans 35c lb. 45c Large - PRODUCE - BOLOGNA . . . (sliced) lb. 33c — PEN FED BABY BEEF — LETTUCE 2 heads 17c'^OIN STEAK lb. rtc , , c Jl PORTER HOUSE STEAK . tb. 49c ORANGES dozen 35cio Cal Meaty CARROTS ... 2 cello baas 15c*L SHORT 11183 lb. 33c Firm Ripe Square Cut BANANAS ...... 2 lbs. 25c [ SHOULDER ROAST lb. 43c CHARLIE'S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE SPECIALS FOR THURS. P. M. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT .ALL SALES — WE DELIVER— COLLEGE STATION FRI. & SAT.—MARCH 24 - 25 - 26