The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 23, 1955, Image 4
* Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 23, 1955 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day per word Two days 3^ per word Three days Third day Free Four days 5^ per word Five days 6e per word Ten day .. 11^ per word Minimum charge—30^ For Sale New Goodyear Double Eag-le Bi cycle; Man’s size. Lists for $69.95. Bargain for $45.00. Call 3-1779. > 84t3 Two wheel trailer, 4x7 with sideboards. Call 3-1779, or see at 402 Williamson Drive. 84t3 Servel Gas Box. Perfect Condi tion. $25.00. 405 N. Main, Col lege Station. 83t4 Hand made glass top wrought Iron coffee table. $15.00. Mirror top dressing table. $8.00. B-2-D, College View. 83t3 Joe Faulk Auto has pumps and Kits for your evaporative cooler. 214 N. Bryan, Bryan 83t7 Reduced for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Practically new three bedroom home. College Hills Woodlands. Completely Air-Con ditioned bv Servel. Youngstown kitchen. Glass enclosed sun porch. Wooded yard professionally land scaped. You can have your own Azalea trail that is now in full bloom. Phone 6-2538. 83t4 For Rent Two bedrooms adjoining bath for Military Day activities. Phone 2-7913 after 5:30 p.m. 8412 Lost Blue Shaffers’ fountain pen. Reward for return. Cannon — YMCA-19. 84 tl Pets Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Found A wonderful place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 for prompt courteous serv ice. Special Notice «G1. ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A..M. College Station Called meeting Thursday. March 24, 7 p.m., work in the MM degree. Members and visiting brethren cordial ly invited. L. P. (Larry) Cobble W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. 84t2 Baby sitting by hour, day, week. Mrs. G. W. Pollan. C-10-A College View. 75tl0 ’47 Plymouth 4-door — Radio, heater, good tires. $150.00—call 6-3923 after 5 p.m. -83tll Air Force Seniors—Lou has a complete Reg. Officers Uniform Summer Serge and Blues. Lou sells it for less than half price. LOUPOTS—North Gate. 83tf Attention Pre Med and Vet Stu dents — Inspect our Microscopes, German, American and Japanese made. Complete with case. LOU POTS—North Gate. 83tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, 4-5324, hours 8 - 12, 1 - 5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Manager. Senior Boots—8 x 14 Battle Jacket Boot Pants Green Shirt 82t5 Make me an offer—Law 2-C Used Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner. Good condition. See at C - 20 - D. College View. 82t4 Metal bunk beds and clean mat tresses. 1109 Ash burn. 6-1251. 80t3 Two 80 x 145 foot lots, in re- utricted area, first street behind A&M Elementary School on Anna. Inquire at 301 Timber, Ph. 6-6188. April 1st is the last day on which sen iors may place theiy orders for rings to be delivered before the ring dance. Please place your order before April 1st if you expect to have the ring for the ring dance. H. L. Heaton Registrar 84t6 All currently enrolled pre-veterinary med icine students who expect to qualify as ap plicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September, 1955, should file their application in the Regis trar’s Office not later than April 1. Forms to be used in making application for admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton Registrar 81t9 Male Help Wanted Wanted To care for infant in my apart ment. C-20-D. College View. 82t4 TENNIS RACQUETS Tennis Ralls, Tennis Shoes. Restringing Get the Best Quality for the Lowest Price at The STUDENT CO-OP STORE Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Gall 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) • ENOrVEERIVO AND ABCHITECTTf'RAL STTPPLLES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTAT* SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS 1 SAI.ES MANAGER Immediate openings for sales managers under 45 to grow with the fastest growing direct sales or ganization of its kind. Car necessary but no ex tensive traveling. Salary and bonus arrangement enables qualified men to write their own pay check. Benefits include profit-sharing, hospitali zation, group insurance and pension plan. Write me in confidence if you believe you are the man for the job. Sid Carney^ Jr. 4100 South 4th St. Brown wood, Texas ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MAJORS CADETS CONCERT—The Singing Cadets will present their annual spring concert in the Memorial Student Center ballroom at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, with Charles Arnold, Mar tin Burkhead, Edward Burkhead, James Bond, and John McGraw as soloists. No ad mission will be charged for the show, said W. M. (Bill) Turner, director. 6 Mr. Toughy’ A&M Graduate Featured In Saturday Evening Post An A&M graduate who has earn ed the title “the toughest general in the air force” is featured in this week’s Saturday Evening Post. The man is Brig. Gen. William (Jerry) Lee, ’27, now commander of the 13th air force. The avithor of the article, Rob ert Sherrod, paints Lee as a hell- for-leather, rambunctious general in the Patton and Forrest tradi tion. Lee’s career has included such Vandervoort Has 70; Cougars Win Dave Vandervoort shot the best round of the day, a two-under-par 70, but a 3-3 tie was the best the Aggies could do with the Univer sity of Houston in Monday’s golf match at Houston. Houston won 4-2 from the Aggie Fish. Vandeiwoort defeated Wally Bradley, 4 and 2. Jerry Durbin, A&M, downed Tommy Cruse, 2 up and Vandervoort and Durbin team ed to beat Bradley and Cruse, 4 and 2. Rex Baxter ji\, winnei’ of the Border Olympics title, beat Bobby Briggs, A&M, 5 and 4, and Pete Hessemer downed Aggie Marcekmo Moreno, 2 and 1. The Baxter- Hessemer duo beat Moi’eno and Briggs, 2 and 1. In frosh play, Frank Wharton deefated A&M’s Bobby Nichols, 3 and 2. Other scores—Joe McCune, A&M, beat Larry Morrell, 2 and 1; Nichols and McCune beat Whai-ton- Morrell, 2 and 1; Jimmy Hiskey decisioned Stewart Nuckles, A&M, and 3; Les Waserman beat Dick Chapman, A&M, 4 and 3; Hiskey- Waserman beat Nuckles-Chapman, and 3. varied incidents as teaching Presi dent Eisenhower to fly, slapping a United States representative, and waging a one-man war against “domineering women.” As Lee tells it in the article, he was not a very straight-laced lad while in school here either: “I spent the last two years on probation, because I got liquored up at my cousin’s wedding. I was the only one the night sergeant caught. They let me stay in school on the condition I’d sign a letter of I’esigmation they could keep handy. Another time I thought President Bizzell was going- to kick me out for milking a cow.” Milking a cow? “Yeah, a trainload of us had pulled up on a siding near Waco. A cow was tied up near the tracks, and I could see she needed milk ing. So I went over and milked, her. I didn’t see anything wrong in that. Dr. Bizzell said ‘It’s the way yovi did it—out there in front of all those people.” Lee was 24 when he graduated from A&M, and besides the ex ploits he tells about in the maga zine article, he had been a first lieutenant on the artillery staff, a member of the fish football team a distinguished student, president of the Saddle and Sirloin club vice-president of the Masonic club business manager of the rodeo and secretary-treasurer of the jun ior class. His home was Weather ford. He is the only bachelor of sci ence in animal husbandry who is a general in either the army or the air force, and he also has the Looking for A Career With A Fast-Growing Electric Company? Texas Electric Service Company, one of the largest utility companies in Texas, (but not so large that an ambitious young man wouldn’t be noticed) offers numerous opportunities for col lege graduates. Representatives of the com pany will be glad to give you more details about the type of job opportunities in this rapidly growing electric utility firm. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE TEXAS ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY WILL BE AT TEXAS A&M TUESDAY AND WEDNES DAY, MARCH 22 & 23. ARRANGE WITH THE PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR AN AP POINTMENT. ODERN SIZE ight to call himself a “doctor.” A&M awax-ded him the honorary LLD degree in 1946. Lee taught Eisenhower to fly in 1937, when Lee was instructing the Philippine air force, a job which earned him the title “the father of the Philippine air force.” The slapping incident occured in Italy. Lee slapped John Maragon, a representative of President Tru man who was later indicted in the 5 per center” investigations. It was a street incident, and Lee did not know the man was an offi cial representative. I^ee was de moted to colonel as a result of the incident, but was later re named a brigadier general. And the war against women ? As he says, “The domineering American female is a he-wife who wears the britches in the family.” FILTER TIP TAREYTON Gives You The True Tobacco Taste You’ve Been Looking For! PRODUCT OP DYERS-FUR STOR.AOE HATTERS Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR . . . Best “TUNE-UP” In Town BRUNER BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Bruner ’44 28th & Main PHONE 2-1218 Regular $20 Value Single Vision GLASSES $950 COMPLETE WITH EXAMINATION Bifocal glasses $24 value for 15.90 $29 Bifocals 18.75 • Through examination by registered specialist. Appointment not necessary You can pay more but you can’t buy better glasses COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE KENT OPTICAL 506 Varisco Bldg. Bryan Gene Conley of the Milwaukee Braves in his first full season in the major leagues, found the Dod gers his softest touch. He beat Brooklyn five times and lost only once. LOU GETS BEST PRICES OF THREE HOUSES Longs College Book Co. Barnes & Noble Alabama Book Store YOU CAN TOO! Trade Your Books at L O U P O T ’ S Reclaim for Same Price in 30 Days Aggies! Corsages For the Military Ball CALL NAN S BLOSSOM SHOP 1105 South College Ave. Bryan, Texas PHONE 2-1658 HEY AGGIES — DON’T DELAY Now Is The Time To Buy Your New 1955 . . . MERCURY or FORD GOOD DISCOUNTS ON STRAIGHT SALES MORE FOR YOUR TRADE IN For your convenience we have tried to work out some finance plans whereby it will make it easier for you to get your new car. For Example; TWO AND ONE HALF MONTHS GIV EN FROM DELIVERY DATE UNTIL YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. — Or — YOUR FIRST THREE PAYMENTS AT ONLY 7 $25 WITH THE REG ULAR PAYMENTS STARTING FOUR AND ONE HALF MONTHS FROM THE TIME YOU TAKE DELIVERY. — Or — NO DOWN PAYMENT AT ALL IF YOU ARE A GRADUATING SEN IOR IN R.O.T.C. AND HAVE YOUR ORDERS TO GO INTO THE SER VICE. Don’t say I can’t buy a car, come by and see Johnny Abbott (’54) at Bryan Motors, Highway 6 South. You will be surprised at some of the deals I can work out for you. Call me at 2-1605 in the daytime or 6-5944 at night. Call for a demonstration ride at any time. If you don’t want a new car we always have a large selec tion of clean used cars priced right. BRYAN MOTOR CO. Highway 6, South Bryan, Texas