The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 23, 1955, Image 2
Job Interviews ★ ★ • Monday, March 28—Tex Tan of Yoakum—business administra tion, economics, and agricultural economics majors for junior sales men in South Texas. • Monday, March 28—Bell Air craft Corp., Fort Worth—electrical, aeronautical, and mechanical engi neers for instrumentation laborato ry, test laboratory positions, and aerodynamics dynamics positions. • Monday, March 28—Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co.—Padu cah, Ky.—mechanical engineers for work either in training for supei'- visory positions on in engineering programs leading to improving maintenance efficiency. Chemical engineering for work in conjunction with operations either in direct su pervision or in pr-ocess testing and investigation work. Chemists and physicists would work in the isoto pic and chemical laboratory. • Monday, March 28 — United Gas corporation and subsidiaries— mathematics, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, me chanical engineers, and petroleum engineering majors for various openings. • Monday, March 28—Chicago Bridge & Iron company—civil engi neers, architecture (structural) and mechanical engineering majors for work with a contracting company primarily interested in the con- struction of welded steel plate structures. CORSAGES ORCHID SPECIALS For the Weekend $4.00 up — Also — ROSES GARDENIAS RANUNCULAS & CARNATIONS J. Coulter Smith - Florist 1800 College Ave. Phone 3727 50 million times a day at home, at work ot* while at play There’s nothing like a BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Cofc#" is a registered trade-mark. Q 1955, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published twice a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday and ! Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination j and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday j immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates i are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $7.00 per full year, or l $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Kntered as aecond-claaa E? alter at Post Office at College Station, Texas coder the Act of Con- r-'ess of March 3. 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally b7 National Advertising Services, Inc., at Ntw Tork City, Chicago, Loa Angeles, and San Tran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in tiie paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Right* cf. republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. LOB BORISKLE, HARRI BAKER Jon Kins low Jerry Wizig ; Lon Shepard, Ralph Cole Bill Fullerton Co-Editor* Managing Editor i I Sports Editor j News Editors ! City Editor { Battalion Editorials Page 2 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1955 Too Many Teeth The Academic Council has now passed an official college regulation prohibiting the wearing of letters from other schools on the A&M campus. The thought behind this is laudable—of course letters from other schools shouldn’t be worn by A&M students, but a college reg ulation is not the way to persuade students not to w'ear them. The group that proposed the regulation said it would “put teeth” in their request not to wear them. Some teeth — although no specific punishment was included in the regulation, it is within the bounds of possi bility that a student could be suspended for wearing a letter too many times. What happened to appealing personally to the slim minority who persist in wearing the letters, on the basis of the Aggie spirit, tradition, or just plain common courtesy? CCTA Endorses Insurance Plan For Teachers The policy committee of the College Classroom Teachers association has unanimously endorsed old age and survi vors’ insurance coverage for teachers in state colleges. At a meeting attended recently by C. H. Bernard and Melvin S. Brooks, president and vice-pres ident of the A&M CCTA chapter, j the committee endorsed the plan I because “it is becoming increas- l ingly apparent that colleges which j are not included in the plan will be 1 at a serious disadvantage, com pared with those which are, in re cruiting good quality personnel.” The policy committee, which is the governing body of the state CCTA organization, also decided “large increases in appropriations for salaries of college employees are necessary in order to narrow the gap between Texas colleges and colleges and universities which are nationally recognized as top flight in quality.” Plans were made to encourage favorable legislative action on these proposals and on the recom mendations of the Texas Commis sion on Higher Education. Cadet Slouch What’s Cooking WEDNESDAY 5:30—Austin hometown club, front of new Administration build ing, chib picture, khakis with ties. THURSDAY 5:15—Coi-pus Christi hometown elub, front steps of MSC, immedi ately after drill, ties will be worn. CIRCLE TODAY thru FRIDAY “REAP THE WILD WIND” John Wayne — A L S O — “ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO” Gary Cooper 5:30—Golden State club, front of MSC, class “A” uniform, everyone from Califomia please be present. 7:15—Abilene hometown club, Academic building, discuss Easter dance, club picture will be taken Tuesday at 5:00 in front of the MSC. WED. - THURS.. - FRI. GLENN FORD GLOKIA GRAHAME BRODERICK CRAWFORD — Plus — “THE PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS” » Joanne Dm — Dan Dailey ? COME EARLY — EAT WITH CS New Radio Series To Begin Soon A three-months series of radio programs oh human relations in industry, based on work by the Texas Engineering Extension serv ice, will begin this month on 19 Texas radio stations. The 15-minute weekly programs cover management problems, through employee evaluation, dis cipline, training of workers, effi cient executive practices, employee- management communications to fields of safety practices and set tlement of grievances. Radio station WTAW will carry the series beginning March 27. The shows were produced, dra matized and recorded by the staff of WTAW. Although the proportion of wid ows to the total population of the United States is declining, the num ber of widows was 7,400,000 in 1953 compared to 5,700,000 in 1940. South Americans Plan Visit Here A gi-oup of 18 recent graduates of the University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, are visiting here until March 31 as part of a tour of five colleges and universities. The group, whose ages range from 22 to 31, was brought to the U. S. by the Foreign Operations administration to study methods of coordinating the three main func tions of the land-grant college sys tem—teaching, research and ex tension. A&M was chosen for the long est single stop the group will make at any of the schools to be visited. Social Whirl The College Women’s Social club will meet at 3 p.m. Friday in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center. Influenza Leads Influenza was the leading - dis ease in the College Station-Bryan area with 33 cases reported to the county health unit. Chickenpox, with 24 cases, and strept throat with 14 cases were the next lead ing causes of sickness reported. CHECK BEFORE YOU BUY Triple Layer STAINLESS STEEL Guaranteed 15 Years FLINTWARE by “EKCO”— America’s Largest Manufacturer No Copper Bottom 10” Chicken Fryer . . . $10.50 8” Chicken Fryer .... 7.5(1 Dutch Oven 8.95 2 Qt. Double Boiler . . 9.95 2 Qt. Stew Pot .... 6.95 1 Vz Qt. Stew Pot 5.95 1 Qt. Stew Pot .... 4.95 JOE FAULKS 214 N. Bryan Ph. 2-1669 "Brubeck's music is, wonderously out of the jazz rut."—Life Magazine. Dave Brubeck and his celebrated quartet 1st TEXAS APPEARANCE FEATURING PAUL DESMOND At 3 and 8:30 P.M. MARCH 26 MUSIC HALL Tickets at Tradewinds Reccrd Shop, 816 Rusk (1 block W. Majestic Theatre) Reserved Seats at 3.60, 3.00, 2.75, 1.80 HOUSTON, TEXAS OSD3 CK . . by AL CAPP BEFORE I -c^oCN-E.r- BACK UP - WHAT'S your last request; FOSDICK ? WELL, JUST IN CASE I DO—HERE'S 2,9 CE.NTS FORTH' 7 DAMAGE."’ HILLCREST HARDWARE is your best bet for Hand Guns: SMITH and WESSEN HI-STANDARD HUGER COLTS We have many hard to find numbers like — 357 Magnums and 44 S&W Specials and the new HI-STANDARD at $37.50 and everything for the Hand Loader. Remington 222’s Marlin-Sako 222’s Sako 222's 2013 College Road