The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 13, 1955, Image 2
1:1 $i m hS ' 1 ^ tv ;.; n Si's .'; | ^ ; u r V ; I ii- n - •>• !• ; Battalion Editorials Page 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 A Wa tchfu l Eye Unfortunately, A&M is not through with this TT mess yet. The Executive committee is going to take a good look at the probation by .which last year’s members are in school, “in the light of the findings of Tuesday’s mili tary panel.” A mighty good idea, and a good reason. In the light of that panel, which decided that McDade had definitely violated his pro bation, there may be more to the whole mess of True Tools. It’s no secret that students who were suspended last year for being members of the group have been seen together. With any other group of students, just getting together would be completely inno cent. But the TT’s have proved that they can not be trusted, and they have also proved that the organization means a lot to them. Means more to them, in some cases, than A&M and its rules do. McDade has already violated his proba tion, and the others on probation share slightly his guilt, because they didn’t stop him from wearing his pin and displaying the TT emblem on his car. A watchful eye or a stricter probation on them can not possibly do any harm. Staff Mast See Probation Cases All probation freshmen must confer with the Basic Division staff before registration, Feb. 5, or they will be prevented from registering', acting- Dean C. H. Ransdell said. He also said every freshman’s schedule must include a Saturday class, and those desiring to change their major should immediately fill out a change in curriculum sheet, obtainable from a Basic Di vision counselor. The reason for including a Saturday class is to provide a more balanced schedule, he said. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors D v The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published twice a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday and Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Faster or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $(>.00 per school year, $7.00 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered aa second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, ■ Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Right? of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Co-Editors ,Jon Kinslow .Managing Editor Jerry Wizig ... . Sports Editor Don Shepard, Bill Fullerton ..News Editors Ralph Cole... City Editor Ronnie Greathouse .......Sports Writer TUE.R.E. \NElA~r AK10TUE.X?. WENM VENR’S RESOLDTlOM’ mit *J£ £009 mmm* fa yw fiod budget, cnecv. SPicia^ V> GROCERIES groceries Nabisco Premium Crackers—1 lb. Pkg. 303 Size Cans—Kimbells Small Green Lima Beans 303 Size Cans—Kimbells Whole Green Beans No. 2 Cans—Van Camps Pork & Beans—-2 Cans 12 Oz. Cans—Niblets Mexi-Corn—2 Cans No. 1 Cans—Nelda Brand Tomatoes — 3 Cans Duncans Maryland Club COFFEE — 1 lb. Can Del-Haven Tomatoe Catsup — 2 Bottles MARKET Armours Star FRYERS — lb. Armours—Pure Pork SAUSAGE — 1 lb. Roll Deckers—Tall Korn Tray Pack Bacon — lb. Hormels Dairy Brand WEINERS — lb. 4 5c Square Cut Shoulder Roast — lb. 39 c Meaty Short Ribs — lb. 25c ROUND STEAK — lb. ..-. 59c VEAL CHOPS — lb. 49c Lean Pork Chops lb. ... 49c 303 Cans—Stokleys PIE CHERRIES — Can Bordo Pitted Dates — 7 Oz. Pkg, 24 Oz.—Tea Garden GRAPE JUICE — Bottle 2‘/ 2 Cans—Libbys Fruit Cocktail — Can 303 Cans—Gebhardts TAMALES — 2 Cans — Star Kist—Green Label Chunk Style Tuna Mrs. Tuckers SHORTENING — 1 lb. Can Armours Star Vienna Sausage — 2 Cans ... 25c 18c >lc O 29c 6</z < )z - Can 33c ...25c 35c -49c PRODUCE 170 Florida ORANGES — dozen 33c Large Florida CALAVOS — 2 for 25c California CARROTS — Cello Bag 8c BANANAS — 2 lbs 25c FROZEN FOODS SWANSON’S Each Chicken Pies, Turkey Pies 28c Pictsweet Whole Okra, Baby Lime Beans 26c Broccoli Spears Ford Hook Lima Beans — Each 26c SPECIALS FOR THURS. P.M. -- FRI. & SAT. CHARLIES — JAN. 13 - 14 - 15 FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL SALES —WE DELIVER— COLLEGE STATION Employment Rises During December Non-farm employment in the College Station-Bryan ai'ea in creased in early December, accord ing to a report from the Texas Employment commission. The number of job hunters reg istered with the Bryan office in creased from 102 on Dec. 1 to 135 on Jan. 1 as shown in the num ber of claimants for unemploy ment benefits. About 187 persons were placed during December by the Bryan of fice. Forty-six others were placed in agricultural jobs during the month. Lip sconib To Head Bank Stockholders S. A. Lipscomb was elected pres ident of the College Station State Bank Stockholders at their meet ing Tuesday. Other officers are Harold Sulli van, executive vice-president; H. S. Burgess, vice-president; T. S. Whitely, cashier; and Miss Lois Bethea, assistant cashier. Directors include R. B. Butler, T. W. Leland, Ralph Steen, George Potter, Coulter Hoppess and L. G. Jones. The stockholders voted to in crease capital to $100,000 and sur plus to $50,000. Eacett Elected Club President David Facett of Del Rio was elected president recently of the Range and Forestry club. Other officers elected were Padgett Montgomery of Uvalde, vice-president; Ronald Gardner of Humble, secretary-treasurer; Bean Bilbs of Burnet, reporter; and Clarence Kerns of Borger, social chai rman. Council To Open Sewer Bond Bkls The College Station City Council will open bids Monday night for the recently approved sewerage improvement bonds. Also at the meeting, which is set for 7:30, the second reading on the telephone franchise will be held. O' What’s Cooking Dillon To Speak Lawrence S. Dillon of the biol ogy department will speak at a zoology seminar Jan. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the YMCA cabinet room. His subject is “The Last Glacial Epoch in North America; Its Life Zones and Effects on Speciation.” THURSDAY 7:00—Yankee hometown club, 112 Bagley, plans for Aggieland . pic ture. 7:15—Houston hometown club, 301 Goodwin, coffee and cookies will be served. Fayette-Colorado counties home town club, 128 Academic, plans se mester party, discuss Aggieland picture. 7:30—Lower Trinity Valley hometown club, 103 Academic, plans for party. Amarillo club, 125 Academic, set tlement of Christmas party. Marshall hometown club, MSC, delegate from Harrison county hometown club Avill introduce two young ladies who will present some specially selected music. Lavaca County hometown club, Academic building. living A&M club, 107 Biologfy Science building, organizational meeting. Johnson Elected President of FFA Jerry Johnson, senior agricultur al education major, was elected president of the collegiate chapter of the Future Farmers of America at their monthly meeting this week. The other officers include Lee Williams, vice-president; Andy Carver, secretary; Ben Branden burg, treasurer; and George Cason, dent advisor. R. L. Jackson of the agricultural education depart ment was elected faculty advisor. RE Week Set Religious Emphasis week has been set for Feb. 20-25, according to an announcement by J. Gordon Gay, executive secretary of the YMCA. MARCH OF DIMfS I JANUARY 3-- bur favorite oram/i *— a / —^ -aaysag VEAL CHOPS lb. 39c CM®ICE MEATS Hormel BACON VEAL CHUCK ROAST vetr Round Steak VEAL CROWN ROAST . lb. 59c lb. 35c DEL MONTE Catsup — Stokely’s — HONOR BRAND GREEN PEAS SPINACH BUTTER BEANS CHOP BROCCOLI 2 Pkgs. 35c 14 oz. bottle 14c "»■ 5 9= lb. 49c PRODUCE • Cello Carton TOMATOES . 10c POTATOES Colorado Red 10 Pounds 39c . Pillsbilry CAKE MIXES Pkg. 29c Chunk Style STARKIST TUNA Can 31c Peter Pan—12 Oz. PEANUT BUTTER 29c Del Monte—No. 303 CREAM CORN 15c Del Monte—46 Oz. TOMATO JUICE 25c JELLO 2 Pkgs. lie WOLF CHILI n.2co„33 Maryland Club COFFEE . . . C R I S C O . . . . SUGAR . . lb. 89c . 3 lbs. 79c . 5 lbs. 39c PET M I L K—Tall Can . TOMATO SOUP .... can Del Monte—No. 2 SLICED PINEAPPLE . . 10c 10c 27c GLEAM = . 49c | DRENE SAMP00 59c THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF OUR ADDITIONAL ITEMS OUTSTANDING FOOD BUYS — SPECIAL TAGGED 89 Right Reserved To Limit Special Prices Thurs. thru Saturady * Fussell’s * SIIO P PIN G C E N T E R CORNER TEXAS AVE. & COULTER DRIVE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK f "u . re —! Meed Yoyr ¥©i«? Imi