The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1954, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, October 14, 1954 LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp SET ON MAH LAP, LI'L BROTHER O' MINE, AN' 4 'LLTELLVO' TH'SAD, OLD STORV Sadiet-iAWWNS ivas TH'DOTTER O' TH'FOUNDER O' DOGFATCH —OLE NEKZEB/AN HAWN/NS — She was th'homeliest GAL /N ALL TH'HILLS — . AH IS BOYARS ! OLE, TODAY.r- EV'RY OTHER GAL IN DOG PATCH IS MARRIED UP.'/ HOW COME ! AH 1 HAIN'T? PATIENCE, DOT TER. r /- YO'LL ^ PROB'D/ GIT A OFFER, ANY DAY, NOW.'/ &SbJ££± Fifteen years later - tmetET^ NO OFFERS YET.'/ YO'RE GONNA HAVE ME ON YORE HANDS FO'TH' REST O' A YORE NATCH- ERAL LIFE.'' BE AWFUL!.' AH'LLGITYO' A HUSBIN, <; TWlORRY- AH GOTTA PLAN// , TOMORROW-HIS GHASTLY PLAN// P 0 G 0 WSGWlPfZGl&Kfir TRAPS MAT THAT RORS/GN AGITATOR WAS SAY/NG " I MUST REPEAT IT ‘TIL I CAN GET HOME AN) maks ^ ( v:-- mmw motes ' gosh- TWERE’S OV MOtg.y By Walt Kelly /MUSTN’T PEfiSlTllfe \T"MPSGXITA0n ZGL0KRS >^HEY MOARf 10- '4 Post HAU. ^/MPICAremai. — MPS0RVLP ! ZOl&K&f 1 ZGL&KRf Mpssevup/ ZSU0KR/ PAG WAS SAGS CMR CU2 HEAPS MAKES IT HARP TO HEAR— 1 amp OP SWORE HS SAIP: “MPSGRVLPfZGLBKR!” SUT WHV WOUI-P HE 0E 1AUKIN’ „ , ^ .. MESOPOTAMIAN? ^ (XPZ. 1954- waut THIS BAIT PAG GO LOUD INGlDe.CHARue CAN’T H6AR HlMS OWN GEUF. AGGIES .... An Invitation to Try YOUNGBLOOD’S GOOD FOOD AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD The Best Fried Chicken In Town CHOICE STEAKS — BARBECUE — SEA FOOD Bring The Family or Girl Friend New Fixtures — Fast Service — Air Cooled YOUNGBLOOD’S Rock Building Phone 2-8038 South College—Midway The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 pei month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Bights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. BOB BORISKIE, HAEEI BAKER ~ Co-Editors Jon Kinslow ...Managing Editor Jerry Wizig .. Sports Editor Don Shepard, Bill Fullerton ....News Editors Ralph Cole .. City Editor Jim Neighbors, Welton Jones, Paul Savage Reporters Jo Ann Cocanougher Women’s Editor Kerstin Ekfelt Assistant Women’s Editor Betsy Burchard A&M Consolidated Correspondent Maurice Olian ...A&M Consolidated Sports Correspondent Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Tom Syler, Russell Reed, Ken Livingston, Gus Baker, A1 Eisenberg, Tony Goodwin Circulation Staff JOHN HUBER ....Advertising Manager Charles Ritchie, George Allen ...Advertising Salesmen What's Cooking THURSDAY 7:30—Houston A&M club, room 301, Goodwin, Houston freshmen come. Tarpon club, Academic. Marshall hometown club, MSC, first business meeting. Amarillo club, room 125, Aca demic. Port Arthur club, room 105, Biology building, election of offi cers. Central West Texas A&M club, Academic building, election of of ficers. San Angelo hometown club, Ag riculture building. Corpus Christi hometown club, room 30, MSC. Henderson county hometown club, room 212, Bagley hall, elec tion of officers. Austin hometown club, base ment YMCA, refreshments. A&M Foods Group To Hold Luncheon The Foods Group of the A&M Social club will have its first luncheon at 1:15 p.m. Friday. The theme for this year is “Famous Inns.” Any newcomer interested in joining this group may call Mrs. H. T. Blackhurst, membership chairman, at 4-4273. ★ PORTRAIT ★ COMMERCIAL ★ WEDDING IJan Studio 205 S. Main Street Bryan, Texas PH. 2-2715 SUCCESS STORY... AND HOW IT STARTED... Admiral Brockman says: “I prepped at Baltimore Polytech, found I liked math and electrical engineering — required subjects for a Navy career. But it was getting licked in lacrosse by the Navy plebes that got me interested in Annapolis. My break on an appointment came when two ahead of me failed on exams. I worked hard to graduate, got into sub class, did some teaching, eventually earned my * ' own sub command.” R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. Start smoking Camels ^ yourself. Make the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days — see for yourself why Camels’ cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! SUCCESS STORY Camels — America’s most popular cigarette ... by I ar '- U. vRmmm % AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! FOR A BIG WEEK-END ^j^rozen ^£oods Choice of 6 Kinds—Fruits or Meats Morton’s Pies . 4 for 89 c woceru Specials Borden’s WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE FOOTBALL GAME SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 1:30 Re-Open Immediately Afterward ddxtra or dinar it Hljea ts , d /. J n. at VJrclinarij jnceS Heart o’ Texas - Fryers 4 n>S c Fresh Dressed Local Hens lb. 35c Decker’s Tall Korn Sliced m Bacon »> A 19' Choice Grade Shoulder Round Roast-from Baby Beef . lb. 49c First Cuts—Fresh Pork Chops lb. 49c Lean Meaty Baby Beef Short Ribs .... lb. 25c Freshly Ground Ground Meat 3 LBS. — $1.00 lb. 35c THIS WEEK We are buying in for cash at their redemption value when applied to pre miums (2%) all or any part of the Black- Gold Trading Stamps we issued. This is especially for those who were not already saving the stamps and do not care to start. The rate is 2 cents for each 10 stamps. We hope you will use this offer. 6 Oz. Cans Snowcrop Orange Juice 2 cans 35c Birdseye Green Peas 2 pkgs. 35c Birdseye—Leaf or Chopped Spinach . . 2 cans 35c 3tuih ^Uec^etable an cl Thompson Seedless Grapes .... lb. 15c Biscuits . . . 3 cans 28 c One Can 1-Pound Free With Each 3 Pound Can Mrs. Tucker’s 3 LB. CAN Shortening . . . o9 c Two Box Tops Get You A Sleeping Doll FAB - Giant Size. ea. 58 c 5 Lb. Bag Pure—(Limit 1 Please) Cane Sugar . . ea. 35 c 5 Lb. Bag KimbelFs Best Flour .... each 39 c (Limit one please.)—CDM Vacuum Can Coffee . . . . llh. 89 c 2 1 / 2 CAN’S HUNT’S FRUITS Flame Tokay Grapes ... 2 lbs. 25c Marsh Seedless—Mesh Bag—Texas Grapefruit 5 lbs. 35c 4 CANS $1.00 Extra-Fancy—Red — Delicious Apples . . . . Colorado Green Cabbage . Central American—Golden Bananas . . Extra Pretty East Texas i Y ams . . . . . 2 lbs. 35c . . lb. 5c . lb. 10c 3 lbs. 25 c Our Best Wishes to The Business and Professional Women’s Club Southside Food Market We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities SPECIALS STARTING 4 P.M. THUKS. THRU SAT.- OCTOBER 14 - 16 (Assorted to Suit) PURPLE PLUMS SLICED PEACHES HALVES PEACHES \'i Gal. Bottles Grade A Sanitary—Pasteurized Milk 2 for 79c (Plus deposit on bottles.) Hormel Oleo 2 lbs 35e Extra Rich—Extra Good—Sanitary Pure Ice Cream . . . pint 27c Sherbert pint 23c &00 Cans Hunt’s Cream or Whole Kernel Corn .... 2 cans 35e 1 Lb. Boxes Sunshine Krispy Crackers each 25c 20 Oz. Tube—3 3Iinute Raisin Oats each 17c 8 Oz. Box—Nabisco Ritz Crackers each 21c Boys and Girls: Saturday is the last day to turn in your Color Books