The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 22, 1954, Image 3
Wednesday, September 22, 1954 THE BATTALION Page 3 Ags Show Improvement In Tuesday Scrimmage .. p^lgsg ■A —^— ■m Injuries Hurt Notre Dame Before Opener With TU Coach Paul Bryant sent the Ag gie football team through a brisk scrinrmage session yesterday and when it was over said the Cadets showed some definite improvement. “I sure think they looked bet ter,” he said. “I think we’ve made some progress.” Winners in six out of the sevens previous games, the Cadets meet Oklahoma A&M in Dallas at 8 p.m. Saturday. Assistant Coach Phil Cutchin scouted the O-Aggie game with Wyoming last week and re turned with some high praise for Coach J. B. Whitworth’s crew. The first and second teams start ed the head-knocking session with a 30 minute drill in which Quarter backs Elwood Kettler and Charlie Scott directed their elevens in fine style. After that, the Blues, led by Scott, scrimmaged some more against the reserves. DYERS - FUR STORAGE HATTERS Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Station At Taylor's Variety Store—North Gate BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SKI.I., RENT OR TRAOE. Hat™ ... 3e a word per Insert ion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must he received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. » FOR SALE CAUVBS for your deepfreeze. Make your otvn selection. Phone 6-5802. MANY reconditioned boys’ bicycles priced from S7.50. May be seen at 207 West 30th Street, Bryan, Texas. Phone 3-2421. MAN’S BICYCI.B.good paint, one new tire, with basket. $15.00. D-4-A College View. 250 c.c. Iowa motorcycle. Good mechani- \ cal condition. Needs one tire and some ^Prewiring. $75.00. Cash as is. Phone 6-5828 after 6 p.m. MAPLE STUDIO couch $30. 9 by 12 blue wool rug and pad $40. Phone 6-1489. OLD FRENCH violin in good condition. Write box 284 F. E. FOR RENT PRIVATE ROOM and bath in guest house. 4-7968. ROOM, PRIVATE bath in professor’s home near campus. Call 4-8659. AVAILABLE Oct. 15. Unusually nice fur nished one bedroom upstairs apartment in College Hills—adults only. $65.00. Phone 4-7666. SPECIAL NOTICE WILL KEEP children for working mother. Sll Fairway, College Station. WILL KEEP child for working mother. B-6-A, C. V. Attention Bowlers: A new ABC League for all interested will be formed at a meeting at the Memorial Student Center, Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, at 7:30 p.m. All persons wishing to participate, as well as persons sponsoring or wishing to sponsor a team, are urged to attend. STUDENT WIFE wishes to keep small child for working mother. B-ll-C College View. EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE—2 yrs. and up. Apt. C-5-D. College View. HAVE OPENING for child, 3-5, in small nursery. Phone 6-1489. SEVVING and alterations—Mrs. Earl Min er, 316 Kyle. Phone 6-2402. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) raiTii ■ ■ ■■ ri'i'i ■ i ■ ■ ■■ i'i ■"ri millin' Remingtons 410 and 28 ga. Automatics HILLCREST HARDWARE ■ TODAY & WEDNESDAY SSS^iiV.Ara)MI!SlL- WORK WANTED TYPING — neat, accurate, rates. Phone 3532. reasonable FOUND . WONDERFUL place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for prompt courteous service. Official Notice Physics 314, descriptive astronomy, will be offered. Anyone interested in taking the course should report to the physics department or talk to me in the math department. J. T. Kent Instructor, Physics 314 The physics department invites applica tions for student laboratory assistantships. Men who have completed sophomore phy sics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction, gradir^r and the handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of compensation is 80 cents per hour for new assistants and 90 cents per hour for experienced assist ants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants should apply at the physics department, room 201, as soon as possible. J. G. Potter Head, physics department The Aggies wound up the day with wind sprints as the coaching staff continued their drive to whip the squad into better condition for the Cotton Bowl contest. Sophomores Jack Pardee and Gene Stallings again were at ends for the Reds and both turned in fine performances. The Ag’gies ap peared to be hitting harder and sharper than in Monday’s 55-min- ute scrimmage. Bill Schroeder, who sat out the Tech opener, returned to rough work. End Paul Kennon and Half back Charles Hall will be out of the Saturday game, however. Jack Powell, a reserve tackle on last year’s team who dropped foot ball in the spring, reported for practice Tuesday. m§ '' ; 5 s , | *# Wm • ■ # SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 22— GP)—Injuries to key men continued to worry Coach Terry Brennan to day as he groomed Notre Dame for its season football opener at home against Texas. Sam Palumbo, left tackle who is regarded an outstanding defensive "lineman, still is nursing a wrench ed leg. The news on Palumbo’s condition followed an announcement that Gene Kapish, junior right end, probably will miss Saturday’s in augural with a twisted knee. In a pass defense drill today, Joe Heap was at left half, Ralph Gug- lielmi at safety and sophomore Jim Morse of Muskegon, Mich., at right half. nn iiiiim.u. ARMY: VM-L git. vour: op "si-oocm vs. a*m; at -rwr EXCHANGE STORE AN’ L-eARN TA UVE IT UP UKR ME Don Ellis Joins A&M Grid Staff Don Ellis, A&M’s 1953 all-South- west conference quarterback, was signed to help coach the 1954 freshman backfield. He is the ninth assistant on Coach Paul Bryant’s grid staff. Last year Ellis was second in the conference in total offense with 1128 yards and third in passing with 950 yards. He started the season with the Hamilton Tiger- Cats of the Canadian pro football league but was hurt in the first game. END GENE STALLINGS Soph May Start Saturday Athletic Officers To Meet Thursday This year’s intramural program will be discussed at a meeting of all athletic officers at 5 p.m. Thursday in room 301, Goodwin hall. Barney Welch, intramural direc tor, urged all athletic officers, ci vilian and military, to attend. Team sports are scheduled to begin Tuesday, Oct. 12. Swim ming, the first sport on the sched ule, will start Tuesday, Oct. 5, and will be held at night Oct. 5-7, with finals Oct. 12. Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the written recommendation of th head of each deparment concerned and with the approval of the dean of the student’s school. A student may not add a course after Saturday, Sept. 25, 1954. Any course dropped after Saturday, Oct. 2, shall normally carry a grade of F. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College In order that proper scholarship awards in Dairy Husbandry for this year may be made to the sophomores, any soptiomore planning to major in dairy husbandry and who has not already made out a course plan with the head of the Dairy Husbandry department will please report to room 213 Agricultural Building prior to Oct. 1 and leave their names with the secretary. A. L. Darnell Dairy Husbandry Department All senior students in the School of Ag riculture who have completed two or more courses in Dairy Husbandry are eligible for considetation for the Borden Award in Dairy Husbandry. A,ny senior student in agriculture who believes he might qualify for this award, and has a grade point ra tio of 1.5 or higher is requested to leave his name with the secretary in the Dairy Husbandry office, room number 213 Agri cultural Building, by Oct. 1. A. L. Darnell Dairy Department • Blue line print* • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 FREE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Drop your name in the container at the BRYAN BUSI NESS MACHINE CO. Drawing will be Nov. 12. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES Use our rental purchase plan. $6.00 per month. Rent applied on purchase of machine. Also late model stand ard typewriters for rent. Buy your portable typewriter from BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. We maintain a service department to place your machine in good operating condition before it is sold, and to give you your guarantee that the manu facturer wants you to h'ave. As long as you are in A&M, bring your portable in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate, and install a new ribbon, and only charge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS! We will install half spacing for writing exponents, sub scripts, and formulas. We also carry a complete line of special type which is installed here in our shop. Come in and drop your name in for the drawing of the free portable of your choice. Bryan Business Machine Co. 429 South Main Street Bryan, Texas — Phone 2-1328 The New York Giants are doing okay at the box office, as well as on the field of play. On Sept. 4 they passed the million mark in home attendance, the first time since 1951. -FRESHMAN- GREEN SLACKS, $23.00 Made Right Here at College Station to Your Individual Measurement - 1 WEEK DELIVERY - “GUARANTEED TO FIT 55 You try them on and see what you are getting before you pay for them — Don’t be misled by high pressure salesmen in the dorms. ZUIMK’S UNIFORM TAILORS 105 N. MAIN — NORTH GATE 1896 — 58 Yrs. of Tailoring — 1954 For most of us, LIFE INSURANCE is the ONLY way of acquiring FiNANClAL /NDEPENDENCE! Ask your GREAT SOUTHERNER* W. Dee Kutach Ph. 2-1235 Res. 6-1281 Great Southern £\k Insurance Company HOME OFFICE • HOUSTON. TEXAS *» GET TUESE. AETICUE’S AT THE EXCHANGE •'SLOUCH VS. •SLOUCH AN' SIMP DECALS •Slouch handsags • SLOUCH T- SMI era 41®° 2<X *4** 4|oe slouch AN’ SIMP • slouch DEXALS 104 • SLjOUCM B»GC^CO*/£.13-$ TME EXCHANGE STTOR-E 15 SLOUCH WEA.DQUfc&XeR’S Advertisement The first dial was put there by an Independent Telephone Company Now 74% of all telephones in the U. S. are dial ■r<t» 9,2 32,590 1 EEELi! tend 1 —-ipps* ■fjf -r's'isac l 1 00 TELEPHONES IN SERVICE in Independent Telephone Companiee In 1889 a Kansas City businessman developed the first successful automatic dial telephone. Shortly afterward, his equipment was installed in an early Independent telephone exchange at LaPorte, Indiana. History records this as the first dial telephone system in America. The development • of dial service was necessary, not just fortunate. For hiring and training enough operators to handle today’s huge volume of local telephone calls would be a near-impossible task. Now as in years past, America’s 5,100 Independent Telephone Companies are adding to the value of your telephone service. At your fingertips, their nine million telephones—backed by an investment of billion dollars—are at your service. /ing Texas.Arkansas.Oklahoma,Louisian<a THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES TELEPHONE CO. f