The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 22, 1954, Image 1

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Number 273: Volume 53
Price 5 Cents
Vote Planned
To Name Council
For Non-Regs
The election of civilian dormi
tory floor and ramp representa
tives has tentatively been set for
Sept. 30, Bennie Zinn, head of the
student affairs department, an
nounced Tuesday.
“We are wafting \intil the civil
ian students get settled and have
a chance to get acquainted,” he
Thirty-six students will be elect
ed from the civilian dormitories,
aid these students along with the
house master and dormitory sena
tor* will elect representatives to
the proposed civilian student coun-
cfl. All the members of the 14-man
council will be elected from the
floor and ramp representatives.
Functions Explained
Zinn explained the functions of
the dormitory repi’esentatives and
the council like this:
The council will handle problems
arising among the civilian students.
At least two days before each
council meeting, the floor and ramp
representatives will meet to dis
cuss any problems that have aris
en. If the problem concerns all
the non-military students, it will
be taken to the council.
Howevw, if the cadet corps is
also concerned, the matter will also
be>-discussed with the cadet colonel.
If the problem is still unsettled,
then it will be taken to the student
}The election planned for Sept. 30
will be conducted by the house
master in each dormitory and the
ramp and floor representatives will
be elected only by the men they
will represent.
Area Representation
The number of representatives
to be elected from each civilian
Directors Accept
Awards for System
A total of $111,405 in grants-in-
aid, scholarships, fellowships and
gifts was accepted Saturday by the
A&M System board of directors.
A&M received gifts, scholarships
and fellowships in the amount of
$66,900; the Agricultural Exten
sion service got a $15,000 gift from
the Farmer-Stockman magazine;
the Agricultural Experiment sta
tion received a total of $29,705.00
in grants, scholarships and fellow
ships; gifts and scholarships worth
$3,680.00 were accepted for Prairie
View A&M college.
Of the $66,000 accepted for A&M
approximately $52,000 was for
scholarships, the remainder being
gifts and fellowships.
A&M Film Society
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the A&M film society
are now on sale at the main desk
of the Memorial Student Center.
The tickets are $1.25 for stu
dents and $1.50 for non-students.
The first film has been set for
Oct. 1 and is titled "Sentimental
housing area are BizzeU, 3; Mitch
ell, 4; Milner, 4; Leggett, 4; Wal
ton, 3; Law, 4; Puryear, 4; College
View, 8; Project Houses, 1, and
day students, 1.
From these students, represen
tation on the council will be one
from each dormitory, two from
College View, one from the project
houses, one from the, day students
and the three civilian representa
tives of the student life committee.
Zinn said the dormitory senators
will not be members of the coun
cil, but they may be called to meet
with the council if they are needed
to discuss a particular problem.
“I hope we can elect some good
men to the council,” Zinn said.
Distribution Set
For Calendars
Distribution dates have been set
for the issuing of the All-College
calendars, it was announced by
Pete Hardesty, business manager
of student activities.
All regular military science and
air science students will receive
their calendars vei-y soon while day
students will receive theirs at. drill
Non-military students will be is
sued their calendars by their house
masters, while day students will
get theirs through their counselor,
Mr. Breazeale, in 1-H Puryear
starting today.
College View and Project House
Apartments will receive calendars
through their student managers.
Department heads have taken
care of distribution among 1 their
These calendars will be distribut
ed thixmgh the courtesy of the de
partment of student activities,.
Russell Serving
In Haiti for Year
Dr. Dan Russell of the agricul
tural economics and sociology de
partment, is in Haiti as community
activities specialist.
Russell left July 15 on a yedrs
leave of absence. He is accom
panied by his wife, and will return
next summer.
Russell received his BA degree
from Baylor university, and a
masters degree in sociology from
the University of Chicago. He
has held honorary positions as
president of several welfare and
social organizations, and has di
rected and organized a clinic for
crippled children in College Sta
Ticket Sale Closes
About 2,000 tickets have been
sold locally for the Oklahoma
A&M game Saturday accoi’ding to
Pat Dial, business manager of ath
Tickets will be on sale until 5
p.m. today.
CHS Classrooms
To Be Ready Soon
The classroom section of the
A&M Consolidated high school
should be completed by Sept. 27,
said Dr. L. S. Richardson, superin
This part of the new building,
which will house the ninth through
the twelfth grades, will contain 14
classrooms and the principal’s of
fice. All of the classrooms are
complete but the chalkboards. Rest
roorhs and the prinicpal’s office are
yet to be finished.
The assembly music center is
expected to be completed some
time in December or January, Rich
ardson said. This section of the
building is designed to seat 600
people during programs, with as
many as 250 performers. It can
be expanded by using the band
room to seat nearly 900 during spe
cial occasions. The furtherest per
son from the stage will be only
57 feet away.
The contract for the building,
which is located east of the present
high school building, was awarded
to Andrew-Parker Construction
company and will cost approxi
mately $300,000.
The assembly music center was
built in an oval shape to provide
maximum space with low walls,
all eight feet tall, and a simple
structural system having all arches
the same size. The dome shape
offers more economical space with
its minimum outside walls.
Swinging doors were eliminated
from the classrooms and the walls
are removable. The entire ceiling
surface is covered with acoustical
tile to cut down the sound level
throughout the building.
Students will meet classes In the
new building starting September
TALKING POINT — Mimi Garibay demonstrates why
Padre Beach, Texas, is becoming one of America’s most
popular year-around resort areas. It is located in the
lower Rio Grande Valley 20 miles from Old Mexico. She
is holding two maracas—dried, pebble-filled gourds used
in Mexican dances.
A&M Lags Reiiind
System Increases
Reports from each of the college
presidents of the A&M System
show that A.&M has probably fal
len behind in enrollment increase.
The repprts, given at the A&M
System board of directors meeting
hel-e Saturday indicate increases
for the other three colleges and for
Here is the list of the oral re
Texas A&M
President David H. Morgan said
that A&M was starting off the
year with enthusiasm, and that “we
now have a student life program
that everone will support.”
He said the enrollment would in
crease only slightly this year (The
increase was later reported at 3.14
per cent.), but that he expected it
would go up next year “because of
the program started this year.”
He said there were a few more
organizational improvements need
ed at A&M.
Arlington State College
President E. R. Hereford esti
mates a 30 per cent enrollment in
crease, from 1,500 to 2,000 students.
About 500 of Arlington’s students
are Korean veterans.
Arlington was given a $30,000
budget increase to cover the addi
tional expenses.
Hereford also said Arlington had
started a program of remedial
courses and courses for above aver
age students.
Weather Today
Clear all day. High yesterday
was 90 degrees; low last night was
56 degrees.
Arlington students this year also
had optional military training, as
decreed by the board last July.
At the time of the board meet
ing, when the enrollment was in
complete, 485 boys had signed up
for military and 447 had chosen
civilian status.
Tarleton State College
The big plans for the year at
Tarleton, according to President
Joe Howell, center around Stephen-
ville’s centennial celebration this
year. Tarleton Will take part in
all the festivities, with a history
pageant and Tarleton’s homecom
ing game scheduled for the last day
of the celebration.
Howell said Tarleton’s enroll
ment would be up, “in spite of the
drought,” but he did not know ex
actly how much.
Prarie View A&M
President E. B. Evans said Pra
irie View anticipated an enrollment
increase, and that new dormitory
areas were being prepared to take
care of the new students.
He said Frame View had just
completed its freshman and faculty
orientation period, and was prepar
ing to register returning students.
Extension Staff
Changes Given
Two new staff changes in the
Texas agricultural extension ser
vice were announced by G. G. Gib
son, service director.
E. C. Martin was appointed as
administrative assistant and John
E. Hutchison, horticulturist, will
succeed Martin as state leader.
As administrative assistant, Mar
tin’s main wo»k will be with oi--
ganized rural community impi-ove-
m^nt. He joined the staff in 1928
and has risen from a county agri
cultural agent to state leader.
Hutchison taught vocational ag
riculture in Missouri City and Bay
City before joining the extension
staff in 1945 as a county agricul
tural agent.
Applications Open
Applications for meeting rooms
for student organizations and clubs
will be accepted in the social and
educational department of the Me
morial Student Center beginning at
8 a.m, Friday, September 24.
Morgan Says No One Is
Trying to Destroy Corps
of the
NEW YORK—(A>)_Averell Har-
riman won the Democratic nomi
nation for governor early today
after a heated state convention bat
tle with Rep. Franklin D. Roose
velt jr.
Wildly cheering demonstrations
for each candidate preceded the
balloting, which did not begin un
til after midnight.
Harriman got sufficient votes
for the nomination at 1:07 a.m.
MIAMI, Fla. —Brooks Ken
dall filed a voluntary petition
in bankruptcy today in Fed
eral District Court, listing as
sets of $20,790 and debts of
$29,291. He is professor of
economics at the University of
—Four women in the public gallery
threw anti-Soviet leaflets onto the
floor of the U.N. General Assem
bly today just as Soviet delegate
Andrei Y. Vishinsky was about to
speak. U. N. security guards ex
pelled them.
The leaflets bore the name of
“The American Friends of the Anti-
Bolshevik Block of Nations, Inc.—
Ukrainian Division,” which had
been picketing across the street.
“Deprive the U.S.S.R. and her sat
ellites of U. N. membership,” they
N aval Reserve Unit
May Re Organized
A naval security group division
may be located in Bryan or College
Cmdr. R. E. Veverka, district of
ficer for reserve naval security
group, eighth naval district, has
asked Lt. Thomas E. Comfort of
600 Thompson South, to make a
survey of the possibilities of estab
lishing a division here.
The division will be a 48 drill-
pay unit and will be engaged in
training radiomen and yeomen for
the naval reserve.
Any naval reservist, officer or
enlistee, who is interested may
contact Comfort.
Election To Name
Senior Yell Leader
The election to fill the senior
yell leader vacancy is being held
fz'om 1 to 6 p.m. today in the Me
morial Student Center.
Candidates for the position must
be a- classified senior, a member
of the cadet corps and have a grade
point ratio of 1.25.
Corps seniors are the only quali
fied voters.
President Speaks
At Oath Ceremony
President David H. Morgan yesterday told the corps of
cadets that “no one is trying to destroy the corps” at A&M.
Then he listed five things that would be a detriment to
the corps if allowed to happen here. Morgan was speaking
at the oath-taking ceremony for cadet officers, attended by
the entire cadet corps.
After saying that neither the board of directors, the
faculty, nor the administration was trying to destroy the
corps, Morgan then said that it Was up to the individual
members of the corps to strengthen it.
These were the instances he gave of things that he con
sidered would be detriments to the corps:
• “If irresponsible persons
usurp authority, as happened
once last year.” He was re-
fering to a group of students
packing the bags of stpdent
John Clark.
“We cannot afford another Ql^rk
case here,” he said.
He also referred to the student
who was dismissed for mental
hazing last week as an exam ple
of a student who usurped author
• “The establishment of groups
or cliques within the corps,” spe
cifically including secret fraterni
Eighteen students werq suspend
ed last spring for being members
of the Tonkawa Tribe, a secret
fraternity. They were later re
Morgan said the board of direc
tors had instructed him that, the
penalty for membership in a secret
fraternity from now on would be
Wanta Teach
German Kids
Our Lingo?
Opportunities to teach
American history and English
in Germany are being offered
to teachers and graduate stu
dents by the Institute of In
ternational Education.
Grants will cover travel,
tuition, maintenance and books
for one year. Applicants.
should be a United States citi
zen, speak German, own a
batchelors degree or its equiv
alent and be in good health.
Applicants can apply by
writing the Institute at one
East 67th street, New York,
Drop Deadline Set
For Early October
The last day for dropping
courses with no grade will be
Oct. 2.
Courses dropped after that date
will carry the grade of F.
Courses may be added until Sat
urday, Sept. 25. Changes in
courses registered for may be made
on the written recommendation of
the head of each department con
cerned and with the approval of the
student’s dean.
Foreign Students
To Hold Meeting
There will be a meeting of all
foreign students in the Y.M.C.A.
chapel tonight at 7 p.m., according
to Bennie A. Zinn, head of the de
partment of student affairs.
There will be discussion on immi
gration regulations, college pro
gram and policy, social customs in
the United States, economic prob
lems and customs in the United
States, geography and political
philosophy of the United States,
and religious customs in College
Station and the United States.
All foreign students, other Ag
gies and staff members are invited
to attend. A short social program
will follow the discussion.
• “M a k i n g raids on other
“Whenever one man in an A&M
uniform commits an act of de
predation on another campus, to
the public, the corps of cadets is
doing it,” he said.
• “Spreading rumors.”
“Check your facts carefully be
fore you spread a detrimental ru
mor,” he said.
• “Failure to follow the will of
the majority.”
After something is decided by
the majority, everyone should fol
low along with it, and all work to
gether, he said.
He warned against letting emo
tions replace judgement in mak
ing decisions.
Morgan also made a plea for
cooperation between military and
civilian students.
Morgan said actions of the
board, the faculty, and the admin
istration had “proven their faith
in the corps.”
He said the board had approved
consolidation of the corps, the fac
ulty had rejected the idea of mak
ing A&M a civilian college, and
the administration was trying to
get special privileges for A&M as-
a military college.
Morgan said the defense depart
ment could, if it wished “destroy
the corps,” but that he did not
believe it would.
In closing Morgan said that in
his opinion one of the most dis
tinguishing traits of A&M stu~
(See MORGAN on page 2)
FROM WALL TO WALL—Guion hall manager Tom Buddy (lower left) looks up at
Guion’s new CinemaScope screen. Installed during the summer, the screen is 39 by 16
feet, compared to the old screen’s 14 by 19 feet. It is part of a $2,500 installation that
includes Cinemascope’s anamorphTc lens. Buddy hopes to install setreophonic sound
before the end of this school year. Guion will open Saturday night after the football